84 research outputs found

    Collaborative research:: A paradigm shift in architectural education?

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    The 2009 ARCC Spring Research Conference question, ". . . how can we foster a more integrated research culture between academia and the profession?” is an opportunity to examine the curriculum development at one School and stimulate discussion for expanded application. Since 1993 our School has endeavored to develop mutually valued connections with international professional leaders to meaningfully engage practicing professionals as teachers in a professional degree program. The concept of ‘leaders teaching leaders' with practitioners as teachers and research as a major component of the learning collaboration is one unique program focus. The strategic location of the School coupled with technological advances in the built environment process offer opportunities for students to experience global cultural influences, a second distinct program focus. The innovative approaches undertaken for over a decade were in part necessitated by the School's overarching goal to institute a new accredited doctoral first professional degree program which was accomplished in 2002. The effort to sustain credibility as a Doctor of Architecture (D. Arch.) program continues today. Innovations bring successes and risks. This paper examines the curriculum evolution to date and plans for future development from the viewpoint of the current Professional Practice Coordinator [Introduction, Professional Practice Curriculum, Program Evolution, Assessment, Conclusion] and the Doctorate Project Coordinator [Introduction, Program Evolution, Other D. Arch. Projects]. Reflections of the impact of our curriculum on one student's professional advancement relative to opportunities and challenges encountered while engaging in research collaboration with practicing architects is discussed by a graduate of the program, who is now a practicing intern. In addition, the paper offers an overview of other elucidating D. Arch. projects exemplifying the diversity of research topics and foci of the program on collaborative research, global culture, mentoring, and technology

    Evolutionary History of the Vertebrate Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases Family

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    Background: The mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) family pathway is implicated in diverse cellular processes and pathways essential to most organisms. Its evolution is conserved throughout the eukaryotic kingdoms. However, the detailed evolutionary history of the vertebrate MAPK family is largely unclear. Methodology/Principal Findings: The MAPK family members were collected from literatures or by searching the genomes of several vertebrates and invertebrates with the known MAPK sequences as queries. We found that vertebrates had significantly more MAPK family members than invertebrates, and the vertebrate MAPK family originated from 3 progenitors, suggesting that a burst of gene duplication events had occurred after the divergence of vertebrates from invertebrates. Conservation of evolutionary synteny was observed in the vertebrate MAPK subfamilies 4, 6, 7, and 11 to 14. Based on synteny and phylogenetic relationships, MAPK12 appeared to have arisen from a tandem duplication of MAPK11 and the MAPK13-MAPK14 gene unit was from a segmental duplication of the MAPK11-MAPK12 gene unit. Adaptive evolution analyses reveal that purifying selection drove the evolution of MAPK family, implying strong functional constraints of MAPK genes. Intriguingly, however, intron losses were specifically observed in the MAPK4 and MAPK7 genes, but not in their flanking genes, during the evolution from teleosts to amphibians and mammals. The specific occurrence of intron losses in the MAPK4 and MAPK7 subfamilies might be associated with adaptive evolution of the vertebrates by enhancing the gen

    Dual-specificity MAP kinase phosphatases in health and disease

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    Source at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbamcr.2018.09.002.It is well established that a family of dual-specificity MAP kinase phosphatases (MKPs) play key roles in the regulated dephosphorylation and inactivation of MAP kinase isoforms in mammalian cells and tissues. MKPs provide a mechanism of spatiotemporal feedback control of these key signalling pathways, but can also mediate crosstalk between distinct MAP kinase cascades and facilitate interactions between MAP kinase pathways and other key signalling modules. As our knowledge of the regulation, substrate specificity and catalytic mechanisms of MKPs has matured, more recent work using genetic models has revealed key physiological functions for MKPs and also uncovered potentially important roles in regulating the pathophysiological outcome of signalling with relevance to human diseases. These include cancer, diabetes, inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders. It is hoped that this understanding will reveal novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers for disease, thus contributing to more effective diagnosis and treatment for these debilitating and often fatal conditions

    Diagnosis of suspected hypovitaminosis A using magnetic resonance imaging in African lions (Panthera leo)

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    Vitamin A deficiency is described in captive lions. Ante mortem diagnosis can either be made by serum analysis or liver biopsy, both of which may be problematic. This study utilised magnetic resonance imaging to identify vitamin A deficiency in lions with relatively mild clinical signs, which could otherwise be attributed to numerous other neurological conditions. Magnetic resonance imaging is a non-invasive, reliable diagnostic tool to demonstrate pathology typically associated with this condition. To accommodate varying lion ages and sizes, a number of cranium and brain measurements were compared with that of the maximum diameter of the occular vitreous humor. Occular ratios of the tentorium cerebelli osseum and occipital bone were most reliable in diagnosing the thickened osseous structures characteristic of hypovitaminosis A. The ratio of maximum : minimum dorsoventral diameter of the C1 spinal cord was also of value

    Cambio en azĂșcares fermentables en la remolacha azucarera almacenada en atmĂłsferas aerobia y anaerobia para la producciĂłn de etanol

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    Los mĂ©todos de almacenamiento de largo plazo son necesarios para preservar los azĂșcares fermentables en la remolacha y permitir el funcionamiento exitoso a lo largo del año en las plantas procesadoras para la obtenciĂłn de etanol. Se estudiĂł el almacenamiento anaerĂłbico de la remolacha azucarera como una alternativa al almacenamiento convencional en pilas a la intemperie utilizado actualmente en fĂĄbricas de azĂșcar de remolacha. Los resultados experimentales indican una pĂ©rdida de <15% en el total de los azĂșcares fermentables en la remolacha azucarera almacenada anaerĂłbicamente durante 14 semanas a 4 °C. DespuĂ©s de 14 semanas de almacenamiento, 99 ± 4% de los azĂșcares fermentables iniciales fueron preservados en la remolacha almacenada en condiciones aerĂłbicas a 4 °C. El almacenamiento aerĂłbico y anaerĂłbico de remolacha azucarera a 25 ° C conserva 82 ± 9 y 48 ± 11% del contenido de azĂșcar fermentable, respectivamente. Los azĂșcares fermentables y etanol en exudados contribuyeron insignificantemente (<3%) para el rendimiento del etanol global de remolacha azucarera despuĂ©s del almacenamiento
