24 research outputs found

    Non-Gaussianity from Instant and Tachyonic Preheating

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    We study non-Gaussianity in two distinct models of preheating: instant and tachyonic. In instant preheating non-Gaussianity is sourced by the local terms generated through the coupled perturbations of the two scalar fields. We find that the non-Gaussianity parameter is given by fNLϕ∼2g<O(1)f_{NL}^{\phi}\sim 2g < O(1), where gg is a coupling constant, so that instant preheating is unlikely to be constrained by WMAP or Planck. In the case of tachyonic preheating non-Gaussianity arises solely from the instability of the tachyon matter and is found to be large. We find that for single field inflation the present WMAP data implies a bound V01/4/MP≤10−4V_{0}^{1/4}/M_{P}\leq 10^{-4} on the scale of tachyonic instability. We argue that the tachyonic preheating limits are useful also for string-motivated inflationary models.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, additional discussion, improved constraint on the scale of tachyonic preheatin

    Association of Carotid Plaque Lp-PLA2 with Macrophages and Chlamydia pneumoniae Infection among Patients at Risk for Stroke

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    BACKGROUND: We previously showed that the burden of Chlamydia pneumoniae in carotid plaques was significantly associated with plaque interleukin (IL)-6, and serum IL-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP), suggesting that infected plaques contribute to systemic inflammatory markers in patients with stroke risk. Since lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA(2)) mediates inflammation in atherosclerosis, we hypothesized that serum Lp-PLA(2) mass and activity levels and plaque Lp-PLA(2) may be influenced by plaque C. pneumoniae infection. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Forty-two patients underwent elective carotid endarterectomy. Tissue obtained at surgery was stained by immunohistochemistry for Lp-PLA(2) grade, macrophages, IL-6, C. pneumoniae and CD4+ and CD8+ cells. Serum Lp-PLA(2) activity and mass were measured using the colorimetric activity method (CAM) and ELISA, respectively. Serum homocysteine levels were measured by HPLC. Eleven (26.2%) patients were symptomatic with transient ischemic attacks. There was no correlation between patient risk factors (smoking, coronary artery disease, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, hypertension and family history of genetic disorders) for atherosclerosis and serum levels or plaque grade for Lp-PLA(2). Plaque Lp-PLA(2) correlated with serum homocysteine levels (p = 0.013), plaque macrophages (p<0.01), and plaque C. pneumoniae (p<0.001), which predominantly infected macrophages, co-localizing with Lp-PLA(2). CONCLUSIONS: The significant association of plaque Lp-PLA(2) with plaque macrophages and C. pneumoniae suggests an interactive role in accelerating inflammation in atherosclerosis. A possible mechanism for C. pneumoniae in the atherogenic process may involve infection of macrophages that induce Lp-PLA(2) production leading to upregulation of inflammatory mediators in plaque tissue. Additional in vitro and in vivo research will be needed to advance our understanding of specific C. pneumoniae and Lp-PLA(2) interactions in atherosclerosis

    Timing of Palaeoproterozoic intra-orogenic sedimentation in the central Fennoscandian Shield; evidence from detrital zircon in metasandstone

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    Detrital zircon U-Pb SIMS data on quartz-rich metasandstone units presumed to belong to the upper part of the Svecofennian stratigraphy in southeastern Finland and east-central Sweden suggest the existence of clastic sedimentary basins between the two main orogenic phases at 1.89-1.86 Ga and 1.83-1.79 Ga, during a period referred to as the intra-orogenic phase (1.86-1.83 Ga). Stratigraphically below the metasandstone at Hamrange, east-central Sweden, is a metadacite with an U-Pb zircon TIMS age of 1888 +/- 6 Ma, which indicates the maximum age of sedimentation. It also indicates that an earlier proposed correlation of Hamrange metavolcanic rocks and 1.86Ga equivalents at Los to the northwest must be rejected. Instead, there is a temporal affinity to the metavolcanic rocks in the Bergslagen Province to the south or Southern Finland to the east. Quartz-rich metasandstone samples from four localities, Luukkola, Pyhantaka and Tiirismaa in Finland and Hamrange in Sweden, yield multimodal detrital zircon age distributions with main populations at 2.95-2.60 Ga, 2.10-1.95 Ga and 1.92-1.85 Ga. The groups are similar in all four samples, and they are comparable to previously reported detrital ages in this part of the Fennoscandian Shield. The oldest zircon analysed gave an age of 3.32 Ga (Tiirismaa). The maximum ages of sedimentation (and of subsequent deformation and metamorphism), indicated by the youngest detrital zircon, from the four localities are 1842 10 Ma (Luukkola), 1865 +/- 11 Ma (Pyhantaka), 1848 +/- 13 Ma (Tiirismaa), and 1855 10 Ma (Hamrange), respectively. Possible source rocks for these zircon grains are found within and around the vast Ljusdal Batholith in Sweden, and in the Arc Complexes of Western and Southern Finland. It is concluded that several intra-orogenic sedimentary basins existed during the time interval 1.86-1.83 Ga ago, between two major orogenic events in the Fermoscandian Shield

    Interaction between high-temperature magmatic fluids and limestone explains 'Bastnäs-type' REE deposits in central Sweden

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    The presently increasing demand for rare earth elements (REE), particularly in high-tech and "green energy" applications, has led to global interest in the distribution, origins and formation conditions of REE deposits. The World's first hard-rock REE sources, the polymetallic deposits of Bastnasfaltet in Bergslagen, central Sweden, were also the place of the original discovery of several REE and many of their host minerals. Similar deposits with high concentrations of REE occur along a &gt;100 km corridor in the region and they share a number of geological and mineralogical features; all comprising Palaeoproterozoic, skarn-hosted magnetite-REE mineralisation of ambiguous origin. Here we report oxygen isotope data for magnetite and quartz, and oxygen and carbon isotope data for carbonates from ten of these classic deposits, to model and assess their mode of origin. Combined with existing geological observations, the isotope results support an origin in a c. 1.9 Ga shallow-marine back-arc, sub-seafloor setting, where felsic magmatic-sourced, high-temperature fluids reacted with pre-existing limestone interlayers, leading to localised skarn formation and magnetite-REE-mineral precipitation. These findings help us to better understand the geological processes that have produced economic REE mineralisation and may assist future exploration for these critical commodities

    Long-lived Paleoproterozoic eclogitic lower crust

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    The nature of the lower crust and the crust-mantle transition is fundamental to Earth sciences. Transformation of lower crustal rocks into eclogite facies is usually expected to result in lower crustal delamination. Here we provide compelling evidence for long-lasting presence of lower crustal eclogite below the seismic Moho. Our new wide-angle seismic data from the Paleoproterozoic Fennoscandian Shield identify a 6–8 km thick body with extremely high velocity (Vp ~ 8.5–8.6 km/s) and high density (&gt;3.4 g/cm3) immediately beneath equally thinned high-velocity (Vp ~ 7.3–7.4 km/s) lowermost crust, which extends over &gt;350 km distance. We relate this observed structure to partial (50–70%) transformation of part of the mafic lowermost crustal layer into eclogite facies during Paleoproterozoic orogeny without later delamination. Our findings challenge conventional models for the role of lower crustal eclogitization and delamination in lithosphere evolution and for the long-term stability of cratonic crust

    Proterozoic crustal evolution in southcentral Fennoscandia

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    The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) and the Eastern Segment of the Southwest Scandinavian Domain reflect advanced stages of continental growth within the Fennoscandian Shield. The relationship between the two units is not clear, mainly because N-S trending shear zones of the Protogine Zone transect the border zone. The main goal of this thesis has been to investigate rocks in the border zone and to conclude how these rocks differ from each other. In this work two volcanic sequences and 24 granitoids in the border area, near Jönköping, were examined. The thesis reports geochemical and Sm-Nd isotope data as well as U-Pb ion microprobe zircon dates for extrusive and intrusive rocks in the southwestern part of the TIB and intrusive rocks in the eastern part of the southern Eastern Segment. The TIB rocks are subdivided into TIB-0, TIB-1 and TIB-2 groups based on their ages. In this work, the Habo Volcanic Suite and the Malmbäck Formation are dated at 1795±13 Ma and 1796±7 Ma respectively, which establishes that they are part of the TIB-1 volcanic rocks. The Malmbäck Formation is situated in the southwestern part of TIB, east of the Protogine Zone, whereas the Habo Volcanic Suite is located c. 50 km northwest of the Malmbäck Formation, between shear zones of the Protogine Zone. Both suites comprise mafic to felsic components and the Malmbäck Formation includes one of the largest mafic volcanic rock units of the TIB-1. The Malmbäck Formation comprises fairly well preserved volcanic rocks, with primary textures, although mineral parageneses in some rocks suggest metamorphism at up to epidote-amphibolite facies conditions. Amphibolites facies metamorphism and deformation has largely obscured primary textures of the Habo Volcanic Suite. Dating of a Barnarp granite which intrudes the Habo Volcanic Suite gave an age of 1660±9 Ma, corresponding to TIB-2. The occurrences of Malmbäck Formation megaxenoliths within TIB-1 granitoids are explained by stoping. Geochemical signatures of the two metavolcanic rock suites suggest emplacement in an active continental margin setting. It is further suggested that the TIB regime was complex, similar to what is seen in the Andes today, with different regions characterised by subduction-related magmatism, Andinotype extension as well as local compression. Twenty-one granitoids (including the granite intruding the Habo Volcanic Suite), across and in the border zone between the TIB and the Eastern Segment, were dated by U-Pb zircon ion probe analysis. Eighteen of the granitoids yielded TIB-2 magmatic ages, ranging between 1710 and 1660 Ma. Eighteen granitoids were analyzed for geochemistry and Sm-Nd isotopes. The geochemical and isotopic signatures of the granitoids proved to be similar, supporting the theory that the TIB and the Eastern Segment originated from the same type of source and experienced the same type of emplacement mechanisms. Further, it is concluded that the TIB-2 granitoids, from both the TIB and the Eastern Segment, were derived by reworking of juvenile, pre-existing crust, in an essentially east- to northeast-directed subduction environment. The U-Pb zircon ion microprobe analyses also dated zircon rims which formed by metamorphism during the 1460-1400 Ma Hallandian-Danopolonian orogeny, in granitoids of both the southern Eastern Segment and the western TIB. Leucosome formation, for two samples was dated at 1443±9 Ma and 1437±6 Ma. An aplitic dyke, cross-cutting NW-SE to E-W folding and leucosome formation in the Eastern Segment was dated at 1383±4 Ma, which sets a minimum age for the NW-SE to E-W folding in the area. Hence, it is concluded that the leucosome formation and the NW-SE to E-W folding in the investigated part of the Eastern Segment as well as NW-SE to E-W penetrative foliation and lineation in the western TIB took place during the 1470-1400 Ma Hallandian-Danopolonian orogeny. No c. 970 Ma Sveconorwegian ages were recorded in any of the areas investigated. Nevertheless, Sveconorwegian (in addition to earlier) block movements caused uplift of the Eastern Segment relative to the TIB, revealing from west to east: (1) the highly exhumed metamorphosed southern Eastern Segment, in which the effects of both the Hallandian-Danopolonian and the Sveconorwegian orogenies can be seen, (2) the partly exhumed westernmost TIB-2 showing the effects of the Hallandian-Danopolonian orogeny only, and (3) the easternmost TIB-2 granitoids, as well as the supracrustal and shallow emplaced TIB-1 granitoid rocks in the east. The main part of TIB was apparently unaffected by the Hallandian-Danopolonian orogeny, apart from the intrusion of subordinate felsic bodies and mafic dykes. Tilting and other block movements within the Eastern Segment also occurred during the uplift, revealing lower crustal sections in the south compared to the northern part