194 research outputs found
Evaluating social and gender differences in excess weight in the Iberian Peninsula: A multilevel analysis in urban settings
Obesity is a major contributor to the burden of non-communicable diseases and related disabilities (Haththotuwa et al., 2020). Many countries have experienced alarming increases in the prevalence of excess weight in the last four decades (Hruby & Hu, 2015). Globally, obesity has almost tripled from 1975 to 2016 (Haththotuwa et al., 2020), reaching epidemic proportions (Hruby & Hu, 2015). In 2016, approximately 13% of adults (11% of men and 15% of women) were obese worldwide (WHO, 2018). Several factors (social, environmental, behavioral and biological), and levels (including individual and contextual) interact to determine the burden of overweight and obesity. Given the high velocity in the increment of excess weight, studies suggested that behavioral and environmental factors have contributed much more to the epidemic than the biological factors (Stein and Colditz, 2004; Haththotuwa et al., 2020). From a macro-level perspective, economic growth, industrialization, globalization, increases in income, rapid urbanization, and the nutritional transition are among the main drivers of the rising trends in excess weight (Hruby & Hu, 2015; Malik et al., 2013). Previous studies showed a positive association between obesity and urbanization (Mendez and Popkin, 2004; Subramanian et al., 2011), and some mechanisms were proposed to explain this association. On the one hand, living in urban settings may lead to a less energy expenditure (because of less physically demanding occupations, less opportunities to exercise, and more sedentary leisure activities). On the other hand, living in cities might lead to a faster transition to the “Western” diets high in calories, fat and sugar, and low in vegetables and fruits (Popkin et al., 2012). Several factors may underly the former, such as the increased affordability of processed and high in calories foods due to rising incomes and advances in food technologies (Goryakin & Suhrcke, 2014). The nutrition transition –i.e. the process of shifts in the diet and in the physical activity patterns that result in changes in nutritional status (Popkin., 1994)- is faster in urban settings (Hawkes et al., 2017). Urban food environments with supermarkets, high density of food stores, restaurants and street sellers, facilitate the access to unhealthy and high dense calorie diets. However, the urban environment also offers considerable opportunities to access healthy food for those who can afford it (Hawkes et al., 2017). Since healthy and low dense calorie food is often more expensive than unhealthy and high dense food, the urban poor are more likely to have access to the latter (Ruel et al., 2008; Hawkes et al., 2017). Thus, living 2 in urban areas might have different impact in overweight and obesity, depending on the social position of individuals. In Europe, 53% of adults are overweight or obese (De Schutter et al., 2020; Marques et al., 2014). In line with that, in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), excess weight affects more than half of the adult population (Busutil et al., 2017; Carreira et al., 2012). Janssen et al. (2020) estimated an age standardized prevalence of obesity in adult population of 22.7% in men and 24.9% in women of Portugal, and 27.5% in men and 27.2% in women of Spain in 2016. They also projected for 2060 a decrease in the obesity prevalence and in the existing gender gap in Portugal (18% and 17.7% in men and women, respectively), but an increase in the prevalence of obesity among men in Spain as well as in the gender gap (30% for men and 27% for women). Numerousstudiessuggested thatsocial position and gender are related to the excess weight in the Iberian Peninsula (Ortíz-Moncada et al., 2011; Merino Ventosa & Urbano-Garridos, 2016; Gaio et al., 2018; Hernández-Yumar et al., 2018; García-Goñi & Hernández-Quevedo, 2012; Oliveira et al., 2018; RodríguezCaro et al., 2016; Costa-Font & Gil, 2008). In Portugal, higher prevalence of overweight and obesity were found among individuals with lower educational background and women (Gaio et al., 2018; Oliveira et al., 2018). Moreover, in Spain Rodríguez-Caro et al. (2016) showed a large and rising social gradient in obesity (especially with respect to educational attainment), more noticeable among women. However, scarce evidence exists on the effect of urban social determinants beyond individual social position on excess weight, and even less about the interplay between individual- and city-level social factors in these associations in Spanish and Portuguese cities. Thus, the aims of this study are to evaluate the association between urban social indicators and excess weight by gender in cities of the Iberian Peninsula, and to analyze to what extent these associations vary by individual education.Fil: Tumas, Natalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentina. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; EspañaFil: Pericàs, Juan M.. Vall Dhebron University Hospital; EspañaFil: Martínez Herrera, Eliana. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; EspañaFil: Belvis Costes, Francesc. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; EspañaFil: Gutiérrez-Zamora Navarro, Mariana. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; EspañaFil: Benach, Joan. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; EspañaEuropean Population ConferenceGroningenPaíses BajosNetherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic InstituteUniversity of Groninge
Evaluación de Líneas de Sorgo por su Resistencia a la Mosquita, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coq.) en Nicaragua
Con el objetivo de evaluar líneas de sorgo por su resistencia a la mosquita, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coq.), se introdujo procedente de la Universidad de Texas A amp; M, en el año 2004 un vivero de 64 líneas de sorgo con resistencia a mosquita. Se seleccionaron las mejores 35 por aspecto de planta para sembrarlas nuevamente en 2005. Además en 2005 se introdujo otro vivero de 50 líneas. Los tres viveros se sembraron en surcos de 5 m de largo distribuidos en bloques completos al azar con 3 repeticiones en la época de postrera (Agosto – Diciembre) de 2004 en Santa Rosa y 2005 en CNIA, ambas estaciones experimentales del Instituto Nicaragüense de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). El daño de mosquita se evaluó usando la escala visual para daño elaborada por Frederiksen et al (1981). También las líneas se evaluaron para rendimiento de grano y se tomó datos de días a floración y altura de planta. Los resultados indican que en 2004 Las líneas de mayor rendimiento de grano fueron 02CM1137-BK/LM, 03CM15085-BK, 03CM15038-BK y 03CM15033-BK con 6002, 5194, 5144 y 5066 kg/ha respectivamente y que el daño de mosquita fue muy bajo. En 2005, en la evaluación de 35 líneas seleccionadas en 2004, las de mayor rendimiento fueron 03CM15038-BK, 03CM15033-BK, 03CM15131 y 01LI9278 con 6406, 6396, 6255 y 6215 kg/ha y daño de mosquita de 1.3, 1.0, 1.3 y 1.0 respectivamente. El daño de mosquita fue severo y algunas líneas no produjeron grano. El menor rendimiento se encontró en la línea 01LI9275 con 280 kg/ha y daño de 8.3. En el vivero nuevo introducido en 2005 las líneas de mayor rendimiento fueron 05:03CM15087-BK, 05:04LI4366, 05:00LI1324 y 05LI4042,43 con 7915, 7238, 6625 y 5088 kg/ha respectivamente y daño de mosquita de 1.0 en las primeras tres líneas y 2.0 en la cuarta. En este vivero, la línea 05:04LI4015,16 no produjo grano y el daño fue de 9.0
Overweight and obesity prevention in Mexico: An intersectionality-based policy analysis
Excess weight (i.e., overweight and obesity) is higher among less educated groups, women, ethnic minorities, and in urban areas. Consistent with the intersectionality perspective, excess weight is more frequent in those who experience disadvantages in more than one area of inequity, e.g., women from a low social position. However, greater attention is paid to individual lifestyle factors, recommending behavioural lifestyle shifts rather than addressing social structural and intermediary determinants. Most public policies and interventions have focused on individual lifestyle components, despite evidence revealed that these interventions have a minimal impact and that it is necessary to move the field forward interventions on the contextual social determinants. Mexico is a unique scenario to analyze public policies and interventions to prevent excess weight from an intersectional perspective, given its concomitants features of high prevalence of excess weight (the second highest country in the world, with more than 75% of the adult population with overweight, including 36.1% of obesity), and high degree of social and gender inequality. Previous evidence in Mexico showed that interventions at the individual-level had little impact to prevent excess weight in lower social position groups. On the other hand, population-based strategies, such as the tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, appeared to be beneficial for all population groups, but especially for those at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Intersectionality has emerged as a highly regarded equity-informed tool for analyzing public policy. The Intersectionality-based Policy Analysis (IBPA) framework developed by Hankivsky (2014, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25492385/) could contribute to identify and address multidimensional inequities and could lead to more effective and responsive policy decisions. The objective of this study is to analyze current nationally adult excess weight prevention public policies and interventions in Mexico, from an intersectionality perspective. Governmental websites, academic papers in English or Spanish, international and non-governmental organizations were searched for current strategies at the national level to prevent excess weight. Particular attention was paid to the current policies, interventions and actions to prevent adult obesity considered by the Global Obesity Observatory (https://data.worldobesity.org/). A total of 7 public policies and interventions were selected to develop a documental analysis (content analysis). First, the PROGRESS Plus framework was used to systematize the social axis of inequality mentioned in the public policy and intervention documents. PROGRESS is an acronym that aims to represent 8 dimensions of inequalities: place of residence, race/ethnicity, occupation, gender/sex, religion, education, socioeconomic status and social capital. Second, the selected documents were e analyzed through the IBPA framework. The questions of the IBPA framework have been adapted to the aims of this study, based on Kakar et al. (2021, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0967070X20309276) research applying the IBPA framework for documental analysis. The selected documents were analyzed in order to disentangle to what extent they mention axes of social inequality, whether intersectionality is considered in framing the problem and or the potential solutions.Fil: Tumas, Natalia. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Benach, Joan. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; EspañaFil: Carreño, Paula. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Nutrición; ArgentinaFil: de la Vega Avila Tulian, Candela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Getova, Simona. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; EspañaFil: Gutiérrez-Zamora Navarro, Mariana. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; EspañaFil: Pericàs, Juan M.. Vall Dhebron University Hospital; EspañaEuropean Consortium for Political Research General ConferenceInnsbruckAustriaUniversity of Innsbruc
Una de la problemática de la producción de sorgo en Nicaragua es el ideficiente manejo postcosecha del grano, como consecuencia es afectado por diferentes plagas que dañan su calidad por insectos, hongos y bacterias. Algunos hongos que afectan el grano en campo y almacén son productores de diferentes micotoxinas, que ocasionan micotoxicosis (intoxicaciones), dañinas para la salud humana y animal. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la calidad fitosanitaria y presencia de niveles de aflatoxinas en granos almacenados. Se colectaron muestras en empresas e industrias almacenadoras y de campo. A cada una se le realizó análisis organoléptico (olor, temperatura, apariencia); físico (impurezas), entomológico, patológico (hongos y bacterias) y análisis de aflatoxinas. Las plagas primarias insectiles encontradas en los granos en almacén son: el pequeño barrenador del grano (Rhizopertha dominica (F.) y el gorgojo del arroz (Sitophillus oryzae (L.)). El gorgojo plano de los granos (Cryptolestes sp.), predominó en todas las muestras de granos de almacén, considerado plaga secundaria. En granos de campo el insecto que se encontró en mayor numero fue el telarañero del sorgo (Celama sorghiella (Riley)). Los géneros de hongos Fusarium spp, Helminthosporium sp y las bacterias Pseudomonas syringae van Hall y Bacillus megaterium (De Bary) ocasionaron los mas altos porcentajes de infección en granos de almacén y campo. Se identificaron siete especies de Aspergillus de las cuales A. flavus Link y A. parasiticus Speare se asocian a la producción de aflatoxinas, sin embargo este análisis resultó por debajo de 20 partes por billón (ppb
Culto y culturas en la cueva de Gorham (Gibraltar): La historia del santuario y sus materiales inscritos
This paper presents an updated overview of the ongoing archaeological research carried out in the Protohistoric sanctuary of Gorham’s Cave (Gibraltar). It is based on the results of recent excavations, focusing on incised pottery with inscriptions or other marks. The catalogue of inscriptions includes both Phoenician and Graeco-Iberian examples, which could be related with the deposition of votive offerings from Archaic to Hellenistic periods.El artículo presenta un nuevo estado de la cuestión arqueológico sobre el santuario protohistórico de la Cueva de Gorham (Gibraltar) a la luz de los resultados de las recientes campañas de excavación y estudia los materiales cerámicos con inscripciones u otro tipo de marcas hallados en la cueva. El catálogo incluye un nuevo grafito fenicio y una inscripción greco-ibérica que se relacionan con las ofrendas depositadas en el lugar desde época arcaica hasta el periodo helenístico
Development and validation of a simple high-performance liquid chromatography analytical method for simultaneous determination of phytosterols, cholesterol, and squalene in parenteral lipid emulsions.
A simple analytical method for simultaneous determination of phytosterols, cholesterol and squalene in lipid emulsions was developed owing to increased interest in their clinical effects. Method development was based on commonly used stationary (C18 , C8 and phenyl) and mobile phases (mixtures of acetonitrile, methanol and water) under isocratic conditions. Differences in stationary phases resulted in peak overlapping or coelution of different peaks. The best separation of all analyzed compounds was achieved on Zorbax Eclipse XDB C8 (150 × 4.6 mm, 5 μm; Agilent) and ACN-H2 O-MeOH, 80:19.5:0.5 (v/v/v). In order to achieve a shorter time of analysis, the method was further optimized and gradient separation was established. The optimized analytical method was validated and tested for routine use in lipid emulsion analyses
Caracterización energética de vinazas de caña de azúcar como posible biocombustible para calderas de vapor bagaceras
La vinaza es un líquido derivado de la destilación del vino resultante de la fermentación de jugos o mieles de caña de azúcar; posee un pH ácido con alto contenido de materia orgánica que si no se trata adecuadamente puede ser contaminante.
El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar nuevos resultados de las características energéticas de vinazas de nuestra región para diferentes grados de concentración: 30, 40, 50 y 60 ºBrix, con el objetivo de aprovechar este efluente como posible biocombustible para calderas de vapor de la industria azucarera.
Los resultados promedio obtenidos fueron: 36,80 % de cenizas (b.s.); 1,02 a 1,26 g/cm3 de densidad; 0,91 a 224,84 cp de viscosidad; punto de fusión de 850 a 900ºC y poder calorífico superior (PCS) entre 1.008 a 3.356 kcal/kg. Este estudio sirve de base para el diseño de nuevos sistemas de transporte y de combustión de este posible fluido combustible.The vinasse is a liquid derived from the distillation of wine resulting from the fermentation of juice or sugar cane molasses. It has an acid pH, with high in organic matter, which if it is not well treated it could be contaminant.
The aim of this paper is to show new results of the energy characteristics of vinasse in our region, for different degrees of concentration: 30, 40, 50, and 60ºBrix, with the object of making this effluent as possible biofuel for steam boilers of the sugar industry. The average results were: 36.80% ash (d.b.); 1.02 to 1.26 g/cm3 density; viscosity 0.932 to 224.84 cp; melting point 850 to 900°C and higher calorific value (PCS) between 1008 to 3356 kcal/kg. This study results can be used as a base for the design of new transport systems and combustion for this possible combustible fluid.Tema 6: Energía eólica, geotermia, biomasa y otras energías no convencionales.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism
Caracterización energética de vinazas de caña de azúcar como posible biocombustible para calderas de vapor bagaceras
La vinaza es un líquido derivado de la destilación del vino resultante de la fermentación de jugos o mieles de caña de azúcar; posee un pH ácido con alto contenido de materia orgánica que si no se trata adecuadamente puede ser contaminante.
El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar nuevos resultados de las características energéticas de vinazas de nuestra región para diferentes grados de concentración: 30, 40, 50 y 60 ºBrix, con el objetivo de aprovechar este efluente como posible biocombustible para calderas de vapor de la industria azucarera.
Los resultados promedio obtenidos fueron: 36,80 % de cenizas (b.s.); 1,02 a 1,26 g/cm3 de densidad; 0,91 a 224,84 cp de viscosidad; punto de fusión de 850 a 900ºC y poder calorífico superior (PCS) entre 1.008 a 3.356 kcal/kg. Este estudio sirve de base para el diseño de nuevos sistemas de transporte y de combustión de este posible fluido combustible.The vinasse is a liquid derived from the distillation of wine resulting from the fermentation of juice or sugar cane molasses. It has an acid pH, with high in organic matter, which if it is not well treated it could be contaminant.
The aim of this paper is to show new results of the energy characteristics of vinasse in our region, for different degrees of concentration: 30, 40, 50, and 60ºBrix, with the object of making this effluent as possible biofuel for steam boilers of the sugar industry. The average results were: 36.80% ash (d.b.); 1.02 to 1.26 g/cm3 density; viscosity 0.932 to 224.84 cp; melting point 850 to 900°C and higher calorific value (PCS) between 1008 to 3356 kcal/kg. This study results can be used as a base for the design of new transport systems and combustion for this possible combustible fluid.Tema 6: Energía eólica, geotermia, biomasa y otras energías no convencionales.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism
Key epidemiological indicators and spatial autocorrelation patterns across five waves of COVID-19 in Catalonia
This research studies the evolution of COVID-19 crude incident rates, effective reproduction number R(t) and their relationship with incidence spatial autocorrelation patterns in the 19 months following the disease outbreak in Catalonia (Spain). A cross-sectional ecological panel design based on n = 371 health-care geographical units is used. Five general outbreaks are described, systematically preceded by generalized values of R(t) > 1 in the two previous weeks. No clear regularities concerning possible initial focus appear when comparing waves. As for autocorrelation, we identify a wave’s baseline pattern in which global Moran’s I increases rapidly in the first weeks of the outbreak to descend later. However, some waves significantly depart from the baseline. In the simulations, both baseline pattern and departures can be reproduced when measures aimed at reducing mobility and virus transmissibility are introduced. Spatial autocorrelation is inherently contingent on the outbreak phase and is also substantially modified by external interventions affecting human behavior
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