428 research outputs found

    Recursion Operators of Some Equations of Hydrodynamic Type

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    We give a general method for constructing recursion operators for some equations of hydrodynamic type, admitting a nonstandard Lax representation. We give several examples for N=2 and N=3 containing the equations of shallow water waves and its generalizations with their first two higher symmetries and their recursion operators. We also discuss a reduction of N+1N+1 systems to NN systems of some new equations of hydrodynamic type.Comment: Latex File (amssymb), 22 page

    Godel-Type Metrics in Various Dimensions

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    Godel-type metrics are introduced and used in producing charged dust solutions in various dimensions. The key ingredient is a (D-1)-dimensional Riemannian geometry which is then employed in constructing solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell field equations with a dust distribution in D dimensions. The only essential field equation in the procedure turns out to be the source-free Maxwell's equation in the relevant background. Similarly the geodesics of this type of metric are described by the Lorentz force equation for a charged particle in the lower dimensional geometry. It is explicitly shown with several examples that Godel-type metrics can be used in obtaining exact solutions to various supergravity theories and in constructing spacetimes that contain both closed timelike and closed null curves and that contain neither of these. Among the solutions that can be established using non-flat backgrounds, such as the Tangherlini metrics in (D-1)-dimensions, there exists a class which can be interpreted as describing black-hole-type objects in a Godel-like universe.Comment: REVTeX4, 19 pp., no figures, improved and shortened version, note the slight change in the title [accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity

    Travelling Wave Solution of Degenerate Coupled KdV Equations

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We give a detailed study of the traveling wave solutions of (l = 2) Kaup-Boussinesq type of coupled KdV equations. Depending upon the zeros of a fourth degree polynomial, we have cases where there exist no nontrivial real solutions, cases where asymptotically decaying to a constant solitary wave solutions, and cases where there are periodic solutions. All such possible solutions are given explicitly in the form of Jacobi elliptic functions. Graphs of some exact solutions in solitary wave and periodic shapes are exhibited. Extension of our study to the cases l = 3 and l = 4 are also mentioned. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    Exact static solutions in four dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton gravity

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    Classes of exact static solutions in four-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton gravity are found. Besides of the well-known solutions previously found in the literature, new solutions are presented.It's shown that spherically symmetric solutions, except the case of charged dilaton black hole, represent globally naked strong curvature singularities.Comment: 8 pages, late

    On a particular type of product manifolds and shear-free cosmological models

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Shear-free flows or observer fields are important objects of study in general relativity; stationary or rigid observers are important examples of shear-free reference frames. In this paper, we introduce a geometric structure based on a local coordinate expression of metrics admitting a shear-free reference frame. Furthermore, we investigate a large sub-class of these models ('tilted' warped products) that includes the Robertson-Walker spacetime, the Gödel spacetime and other models of Gödel type. We present a novel example of a rotating and expanding cosmological model that is contained in this class. Finally, we describe the geodesic barotropic perfect fluid solutions. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Degenerate Svinolupov KdV systems

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    We find infinitely many coupled systems of KdV type equations which are integrable. We give also their recursion operators

    The effect of different packaging materials on proteolysis, sensory scores and gross composition of tulum cheese

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    In this study, tulum cheese was manufactured using raw ewe’s milk and was ripened in goat’s skin and plastic bags. The effect of ripening materials (skin bag or plastic) on proteolysis was investigated during 120 days of ripening. In addition, sensory scores of the cheeses were assessed at the 90th and 120th days. The gross composition was also determined at the initial stage of ripening. The results showed that, some significant differences were noted between cheeses ripened in goat’s skin and plastic bags in terms of gross composition due to the porous structure of skin bag, which causes moisture loses during ripening. Significant differences were observed in proteolysis indices including water, 12% tricholoroacetic acid and 5% phosphotungstic acid-soluble nitrogen fractions among the cheese samples during ripening. Proteolysis levels were higher in tulum cheeses ripened in goat’s skin.Key words: Tulum cheese, packaging material, sensory analysis, ripening, proteolysis

    Deformations of surfaces associated with integrable Gauss–Mainardi–Codazzi equations

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Using the formulation of the immersion of a two-dimensional surface into the three-dimensional Euclidean space proposed recently, a mapping from each symmetry of integrable equations to surfaces in ℝ3 can be established. We show that among these surfaces the sphere plays a unique role. Indeed, under the rigid SU(2) rotations all integrable equations are mapped to a sphere. Furthermore we prove that all compact surfaces generated by the infinitely many generalized symmetries of the sine-Gordon equation are homeomorphic to a sphere. We also find some new Weingarten surfaces arising from the deformations of the modified Kurteweg-de Vries and of the nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Surfaces can also be associated with the motion of curves. We study curve motions on a sphere and we identify a new integrable equation characterizing such a motion for a particular choice of the curve velocity. © 2000 American Institute of Physics

    Closed timelike curves and geodesics of Godel-type metrics

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    it is shown explicitly that when the characteristic vector field that defines a Godel-type metric is also a Killing vector, there always exist closed timelike or null curves in spacetimes described by such a metric. For these geometries, the geodesic curves are also shown to be characterized by a lower-dimensional Lorentz force equation for a charged point particle in the relevant Riemannian background. Moreover, two explicit examples are given for which timelike and null geodesics can never be closed