235 research outputs found

    The high burden of hospitalizations for primary EBV infection: a 6-year prospective survey in a French hospital

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    AbstractPrimary Epstein-Barr virus infection (PEI) is acquired increasingly later in life in developed countries, involving a growing number of adults. No studies have examined the effect of age on PEI. We conducted a prospective, single-centre, noninterventional survey to assess the clinical and economic effects of PEI care according to age. We included all serology-confirmed cases observed in all departments of a large regional hospital. Clinical and biologic data, therapeutics and costs of care were examined. Over a 6-year period, we included 292 subjects (148 children and 144 adults) with a median age of 15.4 years (range 9 months to 79 years). Adults were hospitalized more often (83% vs. 60%) and for longer periods of time (median 4 days vs. 2 days) than children (p ≤ 0.0001 for both). Two adults required a secondary transfer into the intensive care unit, although no children did. Typically, adults showed higher levels of activated lymphocytes and liver abnormalities. They also required the use of systemic corticosteroids more often (45% vs. 23%, p < 0.0001) and for longer periods of time (median 7 days vs. 3 days, p 0.02) than children. Overall, the costs were significantly higher for adults than for children (median, €1940 vs. €1130, p < 0.0001), mainly because of the frequency and duration of hospitalizations. Age increases the immune response and clinical severity of PEI, resulting in substantial additional costs for the community. Better recognition of the disease in adults could shorten the average length of hospital stay

    MHD in von Kármán swirling flows, development and first run of the sodium experiment

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    URL: http://www-spht.cea.fr/articles/s01/004 MHD dans les écoulements de von Kármán | Collaboration VKSNATO Science Series II 26, 35-50 (2001). NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Dynamo and Dynamics, A Mathematical ChallengeWe describe the motivations, development and first run of the Von Kármán Sodium (VKS) experiment built to study high Reynolds number magnetohydrodynamics and applications to the dynamo effect. The flow is optimized using water experiments at scale 1/2 and kinematic dynamo simulations. In VKS run1, induction measurements are made in the presence of an externally applied field. Results are reported concerning the geometry of the induced field and its fluctuations in time

    Androgen receptor signaling regulates follicular growth and steroidogenesis in interaction with gonadotropins in the ovary during mini-puberty in mice

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    In females, androgens contribute to ovarian diseases such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), but their action is also crucial for ovarian physiology, i.e., follicular growth and estradiol (E2) synthesis during reproductive life, in interaction with the gonadotropins LH and FSH. However, it is unclear whether androgens already play a role in the ovary at mini-puberty, a phase of postnatal development with active follicular growth and high E2 levels. Therefore, we analyzed the potential actions of androgens on the ovary and their possible interaction with gonadotropins during this period in mice. We used molecular-based studies and pharmacological approaches in vivo and on cultured ovaries. We found that mini-pubertal ovaries produce significant amounts of testosterone and display androgen receptor (AR) expression in growing follicles, both under the control of LH. By blocking AR signaling either in vivo or in ovarian cultures, we found that this pathway may participate in the regulation of prepubertal E2 synthesis and follicular growth, possibly by regulating the expression of a number of key intra-ovarian regulators, including FSH receptor (Fshr), the aromatase enzyme converting androgens into estrogens (Cyp19a1) and the cell cycle inhibitor p27KIP1 (Cdkn1b). We further showed that AR may stimulate FSH-mediated regulation of Cyp19a1 through its action on Fshr mRNA abundance. Overall, this work supports the idea that AR signaling is already activated in mini-pubertal ovaries to regulate E2 synthesis and follicular growth, at the interplay with LH and FSH signaling. Its early action may, thus, contribute to the implementation of early ovarian function with possible impacts on reproductive function

    A homozygous FANCM mutation underlies a familial case of non-syndromic primary ovarian insufficiency

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    Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (P01) affects 1% of women under forty. Exome sequencing of two Finnish sisters with non-syndromic P01 revealed a homozygous mutation in FANCM, leading to a truncated protein (p.GIn1701*). FANCM is a DNA-damage response gene whose heterozygous mutations predispose to breast cancer. Compared to the mother's cells, the patients' lymphocytes displayed higher levels of basal and mitomycin C (MMC)-induced chromosomal abnormalities. Their lymphoblasts were hypersensitive to MMC and MMC-induced monoubiquitination of FANCD2 was impaired. Genetic complementation of patient's cells with wild-type FANCM improved their resistance to MMC re-establishing FANCD2 monoubiquitination. FANCM was more strongly expressed in human fetal germ cells than in somatic cells. FANCM protein was preferentially expressed along the chromosomes in pachytene cells, which undergo meiotic recombination. This mutation may provoke meiotic defects leading to a depleted follicular stock, as in Fancrril- mice. Our findings document the first Mendelian phenotype due to a biallelic FANCM mutation

    Recovery in Stroke Rehabilitation through the Rotation of Preferred Directions Induced by Bimanual Movements: A Computational Study

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    Stroke patients recover more effectively when they are rehabilitated with bimanual movement rather than with unimanual movement; however, it remains unclear why bimanual movement is more effective for stroke recovery. Using a computational model of stroke recovery, this study suggests that bimanual movement facilitates the reorganization of a damaged motor cortex because this movement induces rotations in the preferred directions (PDs) of motor cortex neurons. Although the tuning curves of these neurons differ during unimanual and bimanual movement, changes in PD, but not changes in modulation depth, facilitate such reorganization. In addition, this reorganization was facilitated only when encoding PDs are rotated, but decoding PDs are not rotated. Bimanual movement facilitates reorganization because this movement changes neural activities through inter-hemispheric inhibition without changing cortical-spinal-muscle connections. Furthermore, stronger inter-hemispheric inhibition between motor cortices results in more effective reorganization. Thus, this study suggests that bimanual movement is effective for stroke rehabilitation because this movement rotates the encoding PDs of motor cortex neurons

    Correlation between phenotypic antibiotic susceptibility and the resistome in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Genetic determinants of antibiotic resistance (AR) have been extensively investigated. High-throughput sequencing allows for the assessment of the relationship between genotype and phenotype. A panel of 672 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains was analysed, including representatives of globally disseminated multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant clones; genomes and multiple antibiograms were available. This panel was annotated for AR gene presence and polymorphism, defining a resistome in which integrons were included. Integrons were present in >70 distinct cassettes, with In5 being the most prevalent. Some cassettes closely associated with clonal complexes, whereas others spread across the phylogenetic diversity, highlighting the importance of horizontal transfer. A resistome-wide association study (RWAS) was performed for clinically relevant antibiotics by correlating the variability in minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values with resistome data. Resistome annotation identified 147 loci associated with AR. These loci consisted mainly of acquired genomic elements and intrinsic genes. The RWAS allowed for correct identification of resistance mechanisms for meropenem, amikacin, levofloxacin and cefepime, and added 46 novel mutations. Among these, 29 were variants of the oprD gene associated with variation in meropenem MIC. Using genomic and MIC data, phenotypic AR was successfully correlated with molecular determinants at the whole-genome sequence level

    Multi-Level Interactions between the Nuclear Receptor TRα1 and the WNT Effectors β-Catenin/Tcf4 in the Intestinal Epithelium

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    Intestinal homeostasis results from complex cross-regulation of signaling pathways; their alteration induces intestinal tumorigenesis. Previously, we found that the thyroid hormone nuclear receptor TRα1 activates and synergizes with the WNT pathway, inducing crypt cell proliferation and promoting tumorigenesis. Here, we investigated the mechanisms and implications of the cross-regulation between these two pathways in gut tumorigenesis in vivo and in vitro. We analyzed TRα1 and WNT target gene expression in healthy mucosae and tumors from mice overexpressing TRα1 in the intestinal epithelium in a WNT-activated genetic background (vil-TRα1/Apc mice). Interestingly, increased levels of β-catenin/Tcf4 complex in tumors from vil-TRα1/Apc mice blocked TRα1 transcriptional activity. This observation was confirmed in Caco2 cells, in which TRα1 functionality on a luciferase reporter-assay was reduced by the overexpression of β-catenin/Tcf4. Moreover, TRα1 physically interacted with β-catenin/Tcf4 in the nuclei of these cells. Using molecular approaches, we demonstrated that the binding of TRα1 to its DNA target sequences within the tumors was impaired, while it was newly recruited to WNT target genes. In conclusion, our observations strongly suggest that increased β-catenin/Tcf4 levels i) correlated with reduced TRα1 transcriptional activity on its target genes and, ii) were likely responsible for the shift of TRα1 binding on WNT targets. Together, these data suggest a novel mechanism for the tumor-promoting activity of the TRα1 nuclear receptor

    The Inactivation Principle: Mathematical Solutions Minimizing the Absolute Work and Biological Implications for the Planning of Arm Movements

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    An important question in the literature focusing on motor control is to determine which laws drive biological limb movements. This question has prompted numerous investigations analyzing arm movements in both humans and monkeys. Many theories assume that among all possible movements the one actually performed satisfies an optimality criterion. In the framework of optimal control theory, a first approach is to choose a cost function and test whether the proposed model fits with experimental data. A second approach (generally considered as the more difficult) is to infer the cost function from behavioral data. The cost proposed here includes a term called the absolute work of forces, reflecting the mechanical energy expenditure. Contrary to most investigations studying optimality principles of arm movements, this model has the particularity of using a cost function that is not smooth. First, a mathematical theory related to both direct and inverse optimal control approaches is presented. The first theoretical result is the Inactivation Principle, according to which minimizing a term similar to the absolute work implies simultaneous inactivation of agonistic and antagonistic muscles acting on a single joint, near the time of peak velocity. The second theoretical result is that, conversely, the presence of non-smoothness in the cost function is a necessary condition for the existence of such inactivation. Second, during an experimental study, participants were asked to perform fast vertical arm movements with one, two, and three degrees of freedom. Observed trajectories, velocity profiles, and final postures were accurately simulated by the model. In accordance, electromyographic signals showed brief simultaneous inactivation of opposing muscles during movements. Thus, assuming that human movements are optimal with respect to a certain integral cost, the minimization of an absolute-work-like cost is supported by experimental observations. Such types of optimality criteria may be applied to a large range of biological movements

    Bayesian Action–Perception Computational Model: Interaction of Production and Recognition of Cursive Letters

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    In this paper, we study the collaboration of perception and action representations involved in cursive letter recognition and production. We propose a mathematical formulation for the whole perception–action loop, based on probabilistic modeling and Bayesian inference, which we call the Bayesian Action–Perception (BAP) model. Being a model of both perception and action processes, the purpose of this model is to study the interaction of these processes. More precisely, the model includes a feedback loop from motor production, which implements an internal simulation of movement. Motor knowledge can therefore be involved during perception tasks. In this paper, we formally define the BAP model and show how it solves the following six varied cognitive tasks using Bayesian inference: i) letter recognition (purely sensory), ii) writer recognition, iii) letter production (with different effectors), iv) copying of trajectories, v) copying of letters, and vi) letter recognition (with internal simulation of movements). We present computer simulations of each of these cognitive tasks, and discuss experimental predictions and theoretical developments
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