436 research outputs found

    Demonstration of the Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology using the Titan 2 Space Launch Vehicle Digital Flight Control System

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    Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology (DFM) is a new approach developed to integrate the modeling and analysis of the hardware and software components of an embedded system. The objective is to complement the traditional approaches which generally follow the philosophy of separating out the hardware and software portions of the assurance analysis. In this paper, the DFM approach is demonstrated using the Titan 2 Space Launch Vehicle Digital Flight Control System. The hardware and software portions of this embedded system are modeled in an integrated framework. In addition, the time dependent behavior and the switching logic can be captured by this DFM model. In the modeling process, it is found that constructing decision tables for software subroutines is very time consuming. A possible solution is suggested. This approach makes use of a well-known numerical method, the Newton-Raphson method, to solve the equations implemented in the subroutines in reverse. Convergence can be achieved in a few steps

    Estudio de la micoflora de las aguas superficiales del río Anoia

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    Se ha llevado a cabo la determinación de los hongos presentes en las aguas superficiales del río Anoia, desde el mes de diciembre de 1979 hasta el mes de junio de 1980. Los contajes obtenidos oscilan entre 25 y 820 esporas viables por mi de agua muestreada. Los meses en los que se presentó una mayor población fúngica fueron los de abril y mayo. Los resultados obtenidos permiten establecer una relación entre los contajes hallados y los factores climáticos considerados. Se identificaron con notable incidencia cepas de los géneros: Penicillium, Aspergillus, Trichoderma, Cladosporium, Phoma y Stephanosporium

    In Vitro Antifungal Susceptibility of Clinically Relevant Species Belonging to Aspergillus Section Flavi

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    The in vitro antifungal susceptibility of 77 isolates belonging to different clinically relevant species of Aspergillus section Flavi, including those of different phylogenetic clades of A. flavus, was tested for nine antifungal agents using a microdilution reference method (CLSI, M38-A2). Terbinafine and the echinocandins demonstrated lower MICs/MECs for all species evaluated, followed by posaconazole. Amphotericin B showed MICs >= 2 mu g/ml for 38 (49.4%) of the 77 isolates tested.Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y CienciaCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, Special Mycol Lab LEMI, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Rovira & Virgili, Sch Med, IISPV, Mycol Unit, E-43201 Reus, SpainUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, Special Mycol Lab LEMI, São Paulo, BrazilSpanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia: CGL 2009-08698/BOSCAPES: SWE 4150-08-2CAPES: 2312/2011CNPq: GM/GD 142051/2007-1FAPESP: 2012/01134-8Web of Scienc

    Estudio sobre la micoflora atmosférica de Barcelona. II. Género Penicillium

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    An investigation about the genus Penicilliumin the atmosphere of Barcelona in the period from november 1976 until february 1978. 8.029 Petri plates were exposed, and 32.965 propagules pertaining the said genus, the obtained results are compared with the results secured other investigators in several cities of the world and related to the climatic conditions.Se estudia la incidencia del género Penicillium en la atmósfera de Barcelona, en el periodo comprendido desde noviembre de 1976 hasta febrero de 1978. Se expusieron 8.029 placas de Petri identificándose 32.965 propágulos pertenecientes a dicho género. Se comparan los resultados obtenidos con los aportados por otros autores en diversas ciudades del mundo, relacionándolos con las condiciones climatológicas

    Skin and subcutaneous mycoses in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) caused by fusarium oxyspoum in coinfection with Aeromonas hydrophila

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    Subcutaneous mycoses in freshwater fish are rare infections usually caused by oomycetes of the genus Saprolegnia and some filamentous fungi. To date, Fusarium infections in farmed fish have only been described in marine fish. Here, we report the presence of Fusarium oxysporum in subcutaneous lesions of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Histopathologic evaluation revealed granuloma formation with fungal structures, and the identity of the etiological agent was demonstrated by morphological and molecular analyses. Some of the animals died as a result of systemic coinfection with Aeromonashydrophila

    Voriconazole MICs are predictive for the outcome of experimental disseminated scedosporiosis

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    Scedosporiosis is associated with a mortality rate of up to 90% in patients suffering from disseminated infections. Recommended first-line treatment is voriconazole, but epidemiological cut-off values and clinical breakpoints have not been determined. Objectives: To correlate voriconazole treatment response in mice suffering from disseminated scedosporiosis with MIC values determined using CLSI broth microdilution, Etest (bioMe´rieux) and disc diffusio

    Diversity of xerotolerant and xerophilic fungi in honey

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    Fungi can colonize most of the substrata on Earth. Honey, a sugary food produced by bees (and other insects) has been studied little in terms of its fungal diversity. We have surveyed and evaluated the presence of xerotolerant and xerophilic fungi in a set of honey bee samples collected from across Spain. From 84 samples, a total of 104 fungal strains were isolated, and morphologically and phylogenetically characterized. We identified 32 species distributed across 16 genera, most of them belonging to the ascomycetous genera Aspergillus, Bettsia, Candida, Eremascus, Monascus, Oidiodendron, Penicillium, Skoua, Talaromyces and Zygosaccharomyces. As a result of this survey, eight new taxa are proposed: i.e. the new family Helicoarthrosporaceae, two new genera, Helicoarthrosporum and Strongyloarthrosporum in Onygenales; three new species of Eurotiales, Talaromyces affinitatimellis, T. basipetosporus, and T. brunneosporus; and two new species of Myxotrichaceae, Oidiodendron mellicola, and Skoua asexualis.Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación. (México)Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad español CGL2017–88094-

    Cutaneous Fusarium infection in a renal transplant recipient: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Fungal infections in the immunocompromised host are fairly common. Of the mycoses, <it>Fusarium </it>species are an emerging threat. <it>Fusarium </it>infections have been reported in solid organ transplants, with three reports of the infection in patients who had received renal transplants. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of an isolated cutaneous lesion as the only form of infection.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 45-year-old South Indian man who presented with localized cutaneous <it>Fusarium </it>infection following a renal transplant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In an immunocompromised patient, even an innocuous lesion needs to be addressed with the initiation of prompt treatment.</p

    Interacción genotipo x tipo de dosis de inseminación artificial para la fertilidad del macho de conejo

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar los parámetros genéticos de la fertilidad tras la IA con 3 tipos de dosis obtenidas de eyaculados de machos de la línea Caldes: 1) tipo 10: con 10 x 106 espermatozoides/ml y 24h de conservación en un diluyente comercial tipo A. 2) tipo 40: con 40 x 106 espermatozoides/ml y las mismas condiciones de conservación que las del tipo 10. 3) tipo X: dosis preparadas tras diluir los eyaculados con un diluyente comercial tipo B (1:5) siendo desconocida la concentración y sin periodo de conservación. Se realizaron 3,628 IA con dosis del tipo 10 sobre hembras cruzadas, 3,027 con dosis del tipo 40 y la misma población de hembras, y 5,779 con dosis del tipo X sobre hembras puras de la línea Caldes. La fertilidad tras la IA con dosis del tipo 10 (F10), 40 (F40) y X (FX) fue considerada un carácter distinto en cada caso, de tipo binario. Los datos se analizaron utilizando un modelo umbral tri-carácter. La estima de la media de la distribución marginal posterior (DMP) de F10 menos F40 fue de -0.13. Este resultado indica un claro efecto de la concentración sobre la fertilidad, que podría no ser lineal. Las medias de la DMP de F10 menos FX y F40 menos FX fueron -0.37 y -0.23, respectivamente, lo que indica que el efecto de las condiciones de conservación sobre la fertilidad podría ser más importante que el de la concentración ya que FX fue muy próxima a la fertilidad tras la MN y la concentración del tipo de dosis X sería en promedio de unos 50 x 106 espermatozoides/ml. Las heredabilidades parecen ser similares para F10 y F40 y ambas mayores que las correspondientes a la fertilidad tras la MN y a FX. La interacción del genotipo x concentración de la dosis de IA es prácticamente despreciable debido a que las varianzas genéticas fueron similares para F10 y F40 y a que su correlación genética fue próxima a 1. Sin embargo, la interacción podría ser de mayor importancia entre el genotipo y las condiciones de conservación

    Acremonium phylogenetic overview and revision of Gliomastix, Sarocladium, and Trichothecium

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    AbstractOver 200 new sequences are generated for members of the genus Acremonium and related taxa including ribosomal small subunit sequences (SSU) for phylogenetic analysis and large subunit (LSU) sequences for phylogeny and DNA-based identification. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that within the Hypocreales, there are two major clusters containing multiple Acremonium species. One clade contains Acremonium sclerotigenum, the genus Emericellopsis, and the genus Geosmithia as prominent elements. The second clade contains the genera Gliomastix sensu stricto and Bionectria. In addition, there are numerous smaller clades plus two multi-species clades, one containing Acremonium strictum and the type species of the genus Sarocladium, and, as seen in the combined SSU/LSU analysis, one associated subclade containing Acremonium breve and related species plus Acremonium curvulum and related species. This sequence information allows the revision of three genera. Gliomastix is revived for five species, G. murorum, G. polychroma, G. tumulicola, G. roseogrisea, and G. masseei. Sarocladium is extended to include all members of the phylogenetically distinct A. strictum clade including the medically important A. kiliense and the protective maize endophyte A. zeae. Also included in Sarocladium are members of the phylogenetically delimited Acremonium bacillisporum clade, closely linked to the A. strictum clade. The genus Trichothecium is revised following the principles of unitary nomenclature based on the oldest valid anamorph or teleomorph name, and new combinations are made in Trichothecium for the tightly interrelated Acremonium crotocinigenum, Spicellum roseum, and teleomorph Leucosphaerina indica. Outside the Hypocreales, numerous Acremonium-like species fall into the Plectosphaerellaceae, and A. atrogriseum falls into the Cephalothecaceae