34 research outputs found

    Upper Permian (Changxingian) Radiolarian Cherts within the Clastic Successions of the "Karakaya Complex" in NW Anatolia

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    The arkosic sandstones with olistostromes within the "Karakaya Complex" in NW Anatolia to the south of Geyve include a thin layer of green chert with radiolaria. Based on the composition of Albaillellids, the radiolarian assemblage corresponds to the Neoalbaillella ornithoformisassemblage, and its age is assigned to the Changxingian (Late Permian). This is the first finding of synsedimentary radiolarian cherts within the Karakaya units and the indication of latest Permian rifting of the Karakaya basin within the Midian carbonate platform and its pre-Permian basement in the Sakarya Composite Terrane

    Early Paleozoic evolution of the NW Gondwanaland: data from southern Turkey and surrounding regions

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    The Lower Paleozoic assemblages in the E. Meditterranean comprise a Southern (Tauride-Anatolide,SE Anatolia and Central Iranian terranes) and a Northern (Carpathian-Balkan, Istanbul, Zonguldak and the Main Range terranes) Zone. A detailed stratigrapic account is given for these terranes for the Early Paleozoic and their paleogeographical settings are discussed to evaluate the Early Paleozoic geodynamic interpretation of this critical area between Gondwana-Perigondwana and Laurussia..Published315-323JCR Journalope


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    Goncuoglu, M. Cemal/0000-0002-4216-6995WOS: 000378471700010Natrolite-group minerals were found in amygdules in Middle Eocene basaltic lavas in northern central Anatolia and have been evaluated in detail by petrographical, mineralogical, and chemical studies. A sequential formation of zeolites, which occurred in response to the interaction of the host rock with heated water, was determined by examination of the mineral assemblage. the compounds necessary for the formation of secondary minerals might have been derived from alteration of volcanic glass and Ca-rich pyroxenes in the host rock as well as from the associated marine sediments. Formation of fibrous zeolites on the walls of the amygdules began with a Na-rich zeolite, followed by a progressive increase in Ca content, and ended with a Ca-rich zeolite. the growth of natrolite as the earliest phase starts around an unidentified nucleus. It is followed by mesolite, which forms epitaxial overgrowths with natrolite. Scolecite is the last zeolite in the crystallization sequence. A continuous increase of the Si/Al ratio is observed from the earlier phase towards the later ones. the latest phase occupying the cavities within the amygdules is calcite

    Probiotic white cheese with Lactobacillus acidophilus

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    Goncuoglu, Muammer/0000-0001-7245-1941WOS: 000224317100006The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus on the sensory attributes, ripening time, and composition of Turkish white cheese and to investigate the survival of L. acidophilus during ripening of the cheese stored in vacuum or in brine. Two types of white cheeses, traditional cheese (control, made with Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis and Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris) and probiotic cheese (made with Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris and L. acidophilus 593 N), were produced and ripened in vacuum pack or in brine at 4degreesC for 90 days. Cheese samples were assessed for microbiological and compositional properties, proteolysis, and sensory evaluation at different ripening stages. On ripening in vacuum pack, L. acidophilus survived to numbers > 10(7) cfu g(-1), Which is necessary for positive effects on health. Protein, dry matter, salt content, and percentage of lactic acid in the vacuum-packed and brine-salted probiotic cheeses were significantly different. Also, the lactic acid content of probiotic cheeses was slightly higher than that of the controls for both vacuum- and brine-packed cheeses. Vacuumpacked probiotic cheese had the highest levels of proteolysis and the highest sensory scores of all cheeses. Consequently, L. acidophihis could be used for the manufacturing of probiotic white cheese to shorten ripening time and vacuum packaging is the preferred storage format. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A Better Understanding of Fishery Cooperatives in the Aegean, Turkey

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    This study assesses the current status of fishery cooperatives located on the Turkish Aegean Sea coasts and focuses on their characteristics, activities and problems. For this, 93.4% (n = 57) fishery cooperatives’ managers were interviewed. These fishery cooperatives were categorised into two groups according to their locations-Izmir metropolis where the Central Fish Market is located and the rest of the cities and non parametric statistical tools were employed to analyze the data collected. The results indicated that there are significant differences between the two groups when considering providing inputs, number of cooperative members, number of vessel owners, number of fishery depended members, attendance to general assembly, fulfilment of cooperative’s objectives, membership fee payment and lack of interest. These results may be of any help to the decision makers and managers to be more aware of the cooperatives problems and to design region-based strategies for better management of fishery cooperatives for the area under investigation and similar places elsewhere

    From magmatic arc to post-collisional back-arc setting in the Tauride-Anatolide Platform (TAP): Overview of the Cadomian basement rocks in Turkey

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    A new geodynamic model is proposed to clarify the genesis of the Late Neoproterozoic - Early Cambrian meta-magmatic rocks cropped out in S Turkey. Cadomian basement rocks observed in peri-Gondwanan Turkey crop out in different Alpine tectonic terranes: Strandja, Istanbul Zonguldak Terrane (IZT), Tauride-Anatolide Platform (TAP) and South Anatolian Autochthone Belt (SAAB). Ediacaran magmatic arc and late to post-collisional igneous rocks in Turkey are mainly composed of meta-igneous rocks with a wide range of compositions. The oldest meta-magmatic rocks in the northern and western part of the country (Devrakani-Daday Massif-IZT, Bolu Massif-IZT and Menderes Massif-TAP, Derik-Mardin-SAAB) have ages of about 590-570 Ma that were predominantly obtained from the magmatic arc related granitic rocks (meta-tonalites/meta-granodiorites) and their volcanic equivalents (meta-andesitic/meta-rhyolites with rarely meta-basaltic lavas). From 560 to 545 Ma, igneous activity formed abundant I-type calc-alkaline late to post collisional granitic rocks and their felsic and mafic volcanic equivalents in the Strandja Massif, Menderes Massif-IZT, Taurides-TAP (Sandikli-İhsaniye-Afyon), SAAB-Bitlis Massif (Mutki-Genc). This was followed by 560-530 Ma continental back-arc mafic intrusions in the TAP and Menderes Massif. The Andean type arc-related igneous activity was followed by late to post-collisional magmatism during the initial stage of the extension in the marginal basin of peri-Gondwana that resulted in the lithospheric thinning associated with cataclastic deformation of the basement rocks at 545-530 Ma. As a result of early rifting between 560 and 530 Ma, lithospheric thinning in the continental crustal part of peri-Gondwana has resulted in opening a back-arc basin, where mafic magmatic products were generated along the northern edge of Gondwana just above the subducting Prototethys Ocean. The early Cambrian rifting may have resulted in separation of the arc-related intrusive and extrusive rocks from the post-collisional magmatic products of the peri-Gondwanan part of Turkey and hence the initial opening of an oceanic basin between the N and S of peri-Gondwanan part of Turkey. Similar tectonic scenarios have been suggested for other peri-Gondwanan terranes in Europe, Middle East, and eastern Asia