5,796 research outputs found

    Parallel 3-D marine controlled-source electromagnetic modelling using high-order tetrahedral Nédélec elements

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    We present a parallel and high-order Nédélec finite element solution for the marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) forward problem in 3-D media with isotropic conductivity. Our parallel Python code is implemented on unstructured tetrahedral meshes, which support multiple-scale structures and bathymetry for general marine 3-D CSEM modelling applications. Based on a primary/secondary field approach, we solve the diffusive form of Maxwell’s equations in the low-frequency domain. We investigate the accuracy and performance advantages of our new high-order algorithm against a low-order implementation proposed in our previous work. The numerical precision of our high-order method has been successfully verified by comparisons against previously published results that are relevant in terms of scale and geological properties. A convergence study confirms that high-order polynomials offer a better trade-off between accuracy and computation time. However, the optimum choice of the polynomial order depends on both the input model and the required accuracy as revealed by our tests. Also, we extend our adaptive-meshing strategy to high-order tetrahedral elements. Using adapted meshes to both physical parameters and high-order schemes, we are able to achieve a significant reduction in computational cost without sacrificing accuracy in the modelling. Furthermore, we demonstrate the excellent performance and quasi-linear scaling of our implementation in a state-of-the-art high-performance computing architecture.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 777778. Furthermore, the research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme under the ChEESE Project (https://cheese-coe.eu/ ), grant agreement No. 823844. In addition, the authors would also like to thank the support of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain) under Projects TEC2016-80386-P and TIN2016-80957-P. The authors would like to thank the Editors-in-Chief and to both reviewers, Dr. Martin Cuma and Dr. Raphael Rochlitz, for their valuable comments and suggestions which helped to improve the quality of the manuscript. This work benefited from the valuable suggestions, comments, and proofreading of Dr. Otilio Rojas (BSC). Last but not least, Octavio Castillo-Reyes thanks Natalia Gutierrez (BSC) for her support in CSEM modeling with BSIT.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A bibliometric study of the research area of videogames using Dimensions.ai database

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    Videogames are a very interesting area of research for fields as diverse as computer science, health, psychology or even social sciences. Every year a growing number of articles are published in different topics inside this field, so it is very convenient to study the different bibliometric data in order to consolidate the research efforts. Thus, the aim of this work is to conduct a study on the distribution of articles related to videogames in the different fields of research, as well as to measure their interest over time, to identify the sources, countries and authors with the highest scientific production. In order to carry out this analysis, the information system Dimensions.ai has been considered, since it covers a large number of documents and allows for easy downloading and analysis of datasets. According to the study, three countries are the most prolific in this area: USA, Canada and UK. The obtained results also indicate that the fields with the highest number of publications are Information and Computer Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, and Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, in this order. With regard to the impact of the publications, differences between the number of citations, and the number of Altmetric Attention Score, have been found

    Predicting grower choices in a regulated environment

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    The analysis of farmers’ decision making process in the framework of agricultural policy is particularly complex as they take action within a structure of interacting opportunities, preferences, benefits and social factors which ultimately account for their behavior. This paper will study viticulturists’ behaviour vis-à-vis this scenario. Their decisions in the face of different possible alternatives are analysed using a multinomial logit model and a sample of 74,502 plots in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). The conclusion is that viticulturists from this region are more prone to maintaining the status quo in their plots due to the current public support security issues, uncertain scenarios and their natural risk aversion

    Microbiota composition of the dorsal patch of reproductive male Leptonycteris yerbabuenae.

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    Bacteria and other types of microbes interact with their hosts in several ways, including metabolic pathways, development, and complex behavioral processes such as mate recognition. During the mating season, adult males of the lesser long-nosed agave pollinator bat Leptonycteris yerbabuenae (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae) develop a structure called the dorsal patch, which is located in the interscapular region and may play a role in kin recognition and mate selection. Using high-throughput sequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene, we identified a total of 2,847 microbial phylotypes in the dorsal patches of eleven specimens. Twenty-six phylotypes were shared among all the patches, accounting for 30 to 75% of their relative abundance. These shared bacteria are distributed among 13 families, 10 orders, 6 classes and 3 phyla. Two of these common bacterial components of the dorsal patch are Lactococcus and Streptococcus. Some of them-Helcococcus, Aggregatibacter, Enterococcus, and Corynebacteriaceae-include bacteria with pathogenic potential. Half of the shared phylotypes belong to Gallicola, Anaerococcus, Peptoniphilus, Proteus, Staphylococcus, Clostridium, and Peptostreptococcus and specialize in fatty acid production through fermentative processes. This work lays the basis for future symbiotic microbe studies focused on communication and reproduction strategies in wildlife

    Structure and genetic diversity in wild and cultivated populations of Zapote mamey (Pouteria sapota, Sapotaceae) from southeastern Mexico: its putative domestication center

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    Tropical fruit trees are an important component of the human diet; however, little is known about their genetic diversity levels. Zapote mamey (Pouteria sapota) is a tree native to southeastern Mexico and Central America, and Mexico is the leading producer in the world. Studies of the genetic diversity of Zapote mamey have been based on cultivated materials using morphological and biochemical characterization or dominant molecular markers. To gain a deeper understanding about the conservation status of Zapote mamey in its center of origin and domestication, we collected 188 individuals from eight wild and five cultivated populations in southeastern Mexico and characterized them using eight microsatellite loci. STRUCTURE, 3D-PCoA, and neighbor-joining analyses showed three groups in the wild gene pool and one group in the cultivated gene pool. FST values were significant between wild and cultivated gene pools, among the four groups observed and among the 13 populations collected (0.13, 0.25, and 0.36, respectively). Overall, we found low levels of genetic diversity (A = 2.77, HO = 0.29, HE = 0.39), permutation tests did not show significant differences between wild and cultivated gene pools. The Garza–Williamson index showed low values in both gene pools (wild = 0.16, cultivated = 0.11) and the Bottleneck program indicated a decrease in genetic diversity in both gene pools (wild, P = 0.027; cultivated, P = 0.054); both analyses suggest a potential genetic bottleneck within this species. This study can help to generate adequate sampling techniques and to develop effective management strategies for Zapote mamey of southeastern Mexico

    La reputación regional como el diferencial de precio : estimación de un modelo hedónico de precios para los vinos de Castilla-La Mancha

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    Wine is a multi-attribute product and one of great differentiation. Consumers do not know wines’ intrinsic properties before its purchase; consumers need and look for extrinsic signals that allow them to infer those intrinsic properties. To evaluate those intrinsic wine properties, the article uses price as an extrinsic signal to express their value. The price used is a comparison between the prices suggested by the specialized guides and the ones proposed directly to the consumer at the on-line stores. With the hedonic price methodology, which relates price and attributes, the article shows the convergence between the value referenced (price) by the Spanish experts and the one paid (price) in the Spanish market, the former being independent of the interests of the economic agents and the latter not. Regional reputation is the only attribute that positively impacts the price of Castilian wine and is prioritized in the ranking of attributes.El vino es un producto de atributos múltiples y de gran diferenciación. Los consumidores no conocen las propiedades intrínsecas de los vinos antes de su compra; los consumidores necesitan y buscan señales extrínsecas que les permitan inferir esas propiedades intrínsecas. Para evaluar esas propiedades intrínsecas del vino, este artículo usa el precio como una señal extrínseca para expresar su valor. El precio utilizado es una comparación entre los precios sugeridos por las guías especializadas y los que se proponen directamente al consumidor en las tiendas en línea. Con la metodología de precios hedónicos, que relaciona precios y atributos, este artículo muestra la convergencia entre el valor referenciado (precio) por los expertos españoles y el valor pagado (precio) en el mercado español, siendo el primero independiente de los intereses de los agentes económicos y el último no. La reputación regional es el único atributo que impacta positivamente en el precio del vino castellano y se prioriza en el ranking de atributos al momento de compra.Fil: Castillo-Valero, Sebastián. Universidad de Castilla-La ManchaFil: Villanueva, Emiliano C.. Eastern Connecticut State UniversityFil: García-Cortijo, M. Carmen. Universidad de Castilla-La Manch