1,073 research outputs found

    The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in western Scotland and its European context

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    The transition is considered in terms of four related questions: (i) HOW did the shift from foraging to farming happen? (ii) WHY did it happen? (iii) WHEN did it happen? (iv) WHY did it happen WHEN it did? The adoption of farming coincided with a shift to a more continental-type climate with lower winter precipitation, which improved the prospects for cereal cultivation. It is sug- gested that this was a key factor in the transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic across north-west Eu- rope as a whole.Mezolitsko-neolitski prehod obravnavamo glede na štiri povezana vprašanja: (i) KAKO se je zgodil prehod iz lovstva-nabiralništva v kmetovanje? (ii) ZAKAJ se je zgodil? (iii) KDAJ se je zgodil? (iv) ZAKAJ se je zgodil, KO se je zgodil? Do prevzema kmetovanja je prišlo v času, ko so klimatske razmere postale bolj kontinentalne in zimske padavine manj obilne. To je izboljšalo pogoje za gojenje žit. Menimo, da je bil to ključni dejavnik za prehod iz mezolitika v neolitik v celotni severozahodni Evropi

    The Form and Abandonment of the City of Kuik-Mardan, Otrar Oasis, Kazakhstan in the Early Islamic Period

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    A joint Kazakh-British archaeological initiative undertook a survey and excavation of the city of Kuik-Mardan, one of the largest of the seventy or so known settlements in the Otrar oasis on the Syr-Darya river, Kazakhstan. Several complimentary field techniques were employed including unmanned aerial vehicle photomapping and an extensive programme of radiometric dating. The radiocarbon dates obtained are the first for any city in the oasis and allow more confident interpretations of the experience of the city to be ventured. Also undertaken was a geoarchaeological investigation of the surrounding irrigation and water supply canal system. Key results include its wholesale destruction during the 6th to 7th century and the form of the later occupation of the city

    Assessment of Metal Mining-Contaminated River Sediments in England and Wales

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    This report reviews how sediments and floodplain soils have been contaminated by abandoned metal mines and recommends what the Environment Agency should do about this issue

    Quantum dot-based multiphoton fluorescent pipettes for targeted neuronal electrophysiology

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    Targeting visually identified neurons for electrophysiological recording is a fundamental neuroscience technique; however, its potential is hampered by poor visualization of pipette tips in deep brain tissue. We describe quantum dot-coated glass pipettes that provide strong two-photon contrast at deeper penetration depths than those achievable with current methods. We demonstrated the pipettes' utility in targeted patch-clamp recording experiments and single-cell electroporation of identified rat and mouse neurons in vitro and in vivo

    Non-linearity and spatial resolution in a cellular automaton model of a small upland basin

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    International audienceThe continuing development of computational fluid dynamics is allowing the high resolution study of hydraulic and sediment transport processes but, due to computational complexities, these are rarely applied to areas larger than a reach. Existing approaches, based upon linked cross sections, can give a quasi two-dimensional view, effectively simulating sediment transport for a single river reach. However, a basin represents a whole discrete dynamic system within which channel, floodplain and slope processes operate over a wide range of space and time scales. Here, a cellular automaton (CA) approach has been used to overcome some of these difficulties, in which the landscape is represented as a series of fixed size cells. For every model iteration, each cell acts only in relation to the influence of its immediate neighbours in accordance with appropriate rules. The model presented here takes approximations of existing flow and sediment transport equations, and integrates them, together with slope and floodplain approximations, within a cellular automaton framework. This method has been applied to the basin of Cam Gill Beck (4.2 km2 ) above Starbotton, upper Wharfedale, a tributary of the River Wharfe, North Yorkshire, UK. This approach provides, for the first time, a workable model of the whole basin at a 1 m resolution. Preliminary results show the evolution of bars, braids, terraces and alluvial fans which are similar to those observed in the field, and examples of large and small scale non-linear behaviour which may have considerable implications for future models

    Pioneers of World Wide Web Fascism: The British Extreme Right and Web 1.0

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    This chapter explores the ways that, around the turn of the millennium, British fascist organisations, such as the British National Party, and leading ideologues, such as David Irving, developed websites as part of their activism. It uses the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to engage in a ‘web history’ of this early online activism by British fascists. It argues that websites could sometimes be used to help present British fascist politics as more respectable, as in the case of the BNP, or alternatively as a way to allow activists access to the fringe cultic milieu of British fascism, steeped in conspiracy theories, overt neo-Nazism and other ideas deeply oppositional to mainstream perspectives. It concludes that, although often amateurish and poorly resourced, British fascist groups were often eager early adopters of Web 1.0, and argues that a deeper understating of this early ‘web history’ offers important context for those studying contemporary forms of extreme right online activism