1,404 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry algebra cohomology I: Definition and general structure

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    The paper concerns standard supersymmetry algebras in diverse dimensions, involving bosonic translational generators and fermionic supersymmetry generators. A cohomology related to these supersymmetry algebras, termed supersymmetry algebra cohomology, and corresponding "primitive elements" are defined by means of a BRST-type coboundary operator. A method to systematically compute this cohomology is outlined and illustrated by simple examples.Comment: v5: matches published version; 3 refs., section 5.5 and remarks/comments in sections 1, 2.8, 3 and 7 added; minor editorial improvements and change of titl

    Biología y ecología del calamar Dosidicus gigas (Cephalopoda) en aguas chilenas: una revisión

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.ABSTRACT. The jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas is the most abundant cephalopod species in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, which supports the biggest cephalopod fishery in the world. Due to its growing economic importance, the population growth and distributional expansion of this squid is being increasingly studied. Nevertheless, some basic features of the biology of D. gigas are still unknown or have been poorly investigated. In this review we summarize the known information regarding the biology and ecology of this species in the southeastern Pacific Ocean; we focus on the Chilean region in order to propose hypotheses and research lines for a better understanding the life history of this organism. Available data on the size structure, reproduction and genetics of D. gigas allows us to propose hypotheses related to the squid's life history traits. Based on the current literature and publications of colleagues, we propose two hypotheses regarding the effect of spatial variation on the life history of D. gigas. Hypothesis 1: Squids mature at large sizes and spawn in oceanic waters with warm temperatures where paralarvae and juveniles develop. Immature squids migrate near shore to feed, grow and mature, and then return to the offshore sites to spawn. Hypothesis 2: Alternatively, juvenile D. gigas in the oceanic zone do not migrate to coastal waters and mature at small sizes compared to individuals living near the coast that mature at larger size and migrate to oceanic waters to spawn. We provide background information about the feeding behavior and parasitism of this species, suggesting that D. gigas is an important trophic link in the southeastern Pacific marine ecosystem. However, more studies on the feeding habits, reproduction and parasite load are needed not only to test hypotheses proposed in this study, but also to advance the overall knowledge of this species.RESUMEN. Dosidicus gigas, es el calamar más abundante en el Pacífico suroriental, manteniendo la mayor pesquería mundial de cefalópodos. Su creciente importancia económica, ha motivado el aumento de estudios asociados al crecimiento de sus poblaciones y su expansión geográfica. Sin embargo, algunas características biológicas básicas de esta especie son desconocidas o escasamente estudiadas. En esta revisión, se resume la información sobre la biología y ecología de esta especie para el Pacífico suroriental y se proponen hipótesis y líneas de investigación para el mejor entendimiento de su historia de vida. Los datos sobre estructura de tamaños, reproducción y aspectos genéticos de la especie, permiten avanzar en las hipótesis relacionadas con la historia de vida de estos rasgos. Hipótesis 1: Los calamares maduran a gran tamaño y desovan en aguas oceánicas con temperaturas cálidas, donde paralarvas y juveniles se desarrollan. Los calamares inmaduros migran hacia la costa para alimentarse, crecer y madurar, y luego vuelven a los sitios en alta mar para desovar. Hipótesis 2: Alternativamente, los juveniles de D. gigas en la zona oceánica no migran a las aguas costeras y maduran pequeños en comparación a los individuos que viven cerca de la costa que maduran a un tamaño más grande y migran a las aguas oceánicas para desovar. Se proponen dos hipótesis acerca de la variación espacial de la historia de vida. Además, se proporciona el marco relativo a la alimentación y parasitismo del calamar, que coloca a D. gigas como un importante nexo trófico en los ecosistemas marinos del Pacífico suroriental. No obstante, se necesitan más estudios relacionados con alimentación, reproducción y carga parasitaria del calamar para poner a prueba las hipótesis propuestas en este trabajo.http://ref.scielo.org/hpft7

    Anisotropic Zeeman Splitting in YbNi4P2

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    The electronic structure of heavy-fermion materials is highly renormalised at low temperatures with localised moments contributing to the electronic excitation spectrum via the Kondo effect. Thus, heavy-fermion materials are very susceptible to Lifshitz transitions due to the small effective Fermi energy arising on parts of the renormalised Fermi surface. Here, we study Lifshitz transitions that have been discovered in YbNi4P2 in high magnetic fields. We measure the angular dependence of the critical fields necessary to induce a number of Lifshitz transitions and find it to follow a simple Zeeman-shift model with anisotropic g-factor. This highlights the coherent nature of the heavy quasiparticles forming a renormalised Fermi surface. We extract information on the orientation of the Fermi surface parts giving rise to the Lifshitz transitions and we determine the anisotropy of the effective g-factor to be η3.8\eta \approx 3.8 in good agreement with the crystal field scheme of YbNi4P2.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, prepared for resubmission to SciPos

    Activation of PKR by Bunyamwera virus is independent of the viral interferon antagonist NSs

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    Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is a by-product of viral RNA polymerase activity, and its recognition is one mechanism by which the innate immune system is activated. Cellular responses to dsRNA include induction of alpha/beta interferon (IFN) synthesis and activation of the enzyme PKR, which exerts its antiviral effect by phosphorylating the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF-2 alpha, thereby inhibiting translation. We have recently identified the nonstructural protein NSs of Bunyamwera virus (BUNV), the prototype of the family Bunyaviridae, as a virulence factor that blocks the induction of IFN by dsRNA. Here, we investigated the potential of NSs to inhibit PKR. We show that wild-type (wt) BUNV that expresses NSs triggered PKR-dependent phosphorylation of eIF-2 alpha to levels similar to those of a recombinant virus that does not express NSs (BUNdelNSs virus). Furthermore, the sensitivity of viruses in cell culture to IFN was independent of PKR and was not determined by NSs. PKR knockout mice, however, succumbed to infection approximately 1 day earlier than wt mice or mice deficient in expression of RNase L, another dsRNA-activated antiviral enzyme. Our data indicate that (i) bunyaviruses activate PKR, but are only marginally sensitive to its antiviral effect, and (ii) NSs is different from other IFN antagonists, since it inhibits dsRNA-dependent IFN induction but has no effect on the dsRNA-activated PKR and RNase L systems

    Electrical Conductivity of Rocks and Dominant Charge Carriers

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    The prevailing view in the geophysics community is that the electrical conductivity structure of the Earth's continental crust over the 5-35 km depth range can best be understood by assuming the presence of intergranular fluids and/or of intragranular carbon films. Based on single crystal studies of melt-grown MgO, magma-derived sanidine and anorthosite feldspars and upper mantle olivine, we present evidence for the presence of electronic charge carriers, which derive from peroxy defects that are introduced during cooling, under non-equilibrium conditions, through a redox conversion of pairs of solute hydroxyl arising from dissolution of H2O.The peroxy defects become thermally activated in a 2-step process, leading to the release of defect electrons in the oxygen anion sublattice. Known as positive holes and symbolized by h(dot), these electronic charge carriers are highly mobile. Chemically equivalent to O(-) in a matrix of O(2-) they are highly oxidizing. Being metastable they can exist in the matrix of minerals, which crystallized in highly reduced environments. The h(dot) are highly mobile. They appear to control the electrical conductivity of crustal rocks in much of the 5-35 km depth range

    H - T phase diagram of YbCo2Si2 with H // [100]

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    We report on the first high-resolution dc-magnetisation (MM) measurements on a single crystal of \ycs. MM was measured down to 0.05 K and in fields up to 12 T, with the magnetic field HH parallel to the crystallographic direction [100]. Two antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase transitions have been detected in a field μ0H=0.1\mu_{0}H = 0.1 T at TN=1.75T_{N} = 1.75 K and TL=0.9T_{L} = 0.9 K, in form of a sharp cusp and a sudden drop in χ=M/H\chi = M/H, respectively. These signatures suggest that the phase transitions are 2nd2^{nd} order at TNT_{N} and 1st1^{st} order at TLT_{L}. The upper transition is suppressed by a critical field μ0HN=1.9\mu_{0}H_{N} = 1.9 T. The field-dependent magnetisation shows two hysteretic metamagnetic-like steps at the lowest temperature, followed by a sharp kink, which separates the AFM region from the paramagnetic one. The magnetic HTH - T phase diagram of \ycs has been deduced from the isothermal and isofield curves. Four AFM regions were identified which are separated by 1st1^{st} and 2nd2^{nd} order phase-transition lines.Comment: 5 Pages, 3 figure

    Losses Associated with Secondary Effects in Earthquakes

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    The number of earthquakes with high damage and high losses has been limited to around 100 events since 1900. Looking at historical losses from 1900 onward, we see that around 100 key earthquakes (or around 1% of damaging earthquakes) have caused around 93% of fatalities globally. What is indeed interesting about this statistic is that within these events, secondary effects have played a major role, causing around 40% of economic losses and fatalities as compared to shaking effects. Disaggregation of secondary effect economic losses and fatalities demonstrating the relative influence of historical losses from direct earthquake shaking in comparison to tsunami, fire, landslides, liquefaction, fault rupture, and other type losses is important if we are to understand the key causes post-earthquake. The trends and major event impacts of secondary effects are explored in terms of their historic impact as well as looking to improved ways to disaggregate them through two case studies of the Tohoku 2011 event for earthquake, tsunami, liquefaction, fire, and the nuclear impact; as well as the Chilean 1960 earthquake and tsunami event

    Electronic Structure of LuRh2Si2: "Small" Fermi Surface Reference to YbRh2Si2

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    We present band structure calculations and quantum oscillation measurements on LuRh2Si2, which is an ideal reference to the intensively studied quantum critical heavy-fermion system YbRh2Si2. Our band structure calculations show a strong sensitivity of the Fermi surface on the position of the silicon atoms zSi within the unit cell. Single crystal structure refinement and comparison of predicted and observed quantum oscillation frequencies and masses yield zSi = 0.379c in good agreement with numerical lattice relaxation. This value of zSi is suggested for future band structure calculations on LuRh2Si2 and YbRh2Si2. LuRh2Si2 with a full f electron shell represents the "small" Fermi surface configuration of YbRh2Si2. Our experimentally and ab initio derived quantum oscillation frequencies of LuRh2Si2 show strong differences with earlier measurements on YbRh2Si2. Consequently, our results confirm the contribution of the f electrons to the Fermi surface of YbRh2Si2 at high magnetic fields. Yet the limited agreement with refined fully itinerant local density approximation calculations highlights the need for more elaborated models to describe the Fermi surface of YbRh2Si2.Comment: 12 pages 10 figure