116 research outputs found

    The recent floods in the Asso Torrent basin (Apulia, Italy): An investigation to improve the stormwater management

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    Stormwater management is of concern to public institutions and academies. In the Asso Torrent endorheic basin (Salento peninsula, Southern Italy), a network of natural and artificial channels crossing urban and rural areas and flowing towards six swallow karst holes, several floods occurred in the last six years, after the end of extensive hydraulic works. In this paper, the results of an observational study on the meteorological and hydrological factors concurring to these floods are reported. It was inferred that soil saturation, cumulative precipitation anticipating the events, and clogging of the swallow holes are of relevance and must be considered in the definition of new criteria in decision-making procedure. The adoption of both innovative modeling techniques and real-time control should be an efficient solution to properly regulate the flow control devices before and during the precipitation events. With a view to providing solutions for a sustainable management of the water resources, easy-to-implement measures are suggested, such as the selection of flood-tolerant crops and construction of harvesting systems for alternative water uses

    Application of abscisic acid rapidly upregulated UFGT gene expression and improved color of grape berries

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    The effect of abscisic acid (ABA) on the color of 'Crimson Seedless' grapes was linked to expression of the key anthocyanin pathway gene UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT). In the skins of ABA treated fruits, the level of mRNA UFGT increased markedly within one week and then returned to levels that were similar to those of non-treated fruits after three weeks. The mRNA UFGT levels from untreated fruits were similar from veraison to nine weeks later. The color of ABA treated fruit also changed quickly. One week after application, the skins of trated fruits had lower lightness (L*) and hue (h°), and they remained darker and more red-colored throughout the experiment.

    The experience of southern Apulia (Italy) coastal karst aquifer: Indications for the management

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    Prediction of the salt water intrusion in coastal karst aquifers is a key issue in several regions of the world. Southern Apulia (Italy) hosts a huge aquifer of karstified lime-stones, that provides 90% of the water demand of this sub-region. The exploitation of the aquifer currently exceeds its natural recharge capacity. The groundwater in wide coastal areas of the sub-region underwent an increase of the salt content. Salinization of the groundwater in such an aquifer cannot be predicted by means of conventional models. An effective model for a quantitative prediction of the fluid flow and transport of solute in the aquifer, aimed at a better understanding of the phenomenon, is therefore needed. This model should account for the discrete nature of the aquifer. In this paper, several situations are reported in order to describe the importance of the inhomogeneities (fracture systems, fault zones, karst conduit, preferential flow levels) in the salinization process of the southern Apulia karst aquifer

    Hydrogeological Features and Sustainable Use of Geothermal Resources: Selected Case Studies in Italy

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    Within the framework of the activities aimed at studying current and future exploitation and the related sustainability of geothermal resources, and considering the key role hydrogeology plays in the study of geothermal systems and design of installations, in October 2012 the Working Group IDROGEOTER was set-up within the IAH (International Association of Hydrogeologists) Italian Chapter. The first activity of IDROGEOTER‘s workplan is the analysis of state of the art in current use of low-to high enthalpy geothermal resources in Italy and of the hydrogeological settings resulting from features (e.g.: hydrostratigraphy, hydraulic and hydrodynamic conditions, hydrogeochemistry, …) influencing the availability of the resource and the potential of the systems. Detailed studies supporting the possible optimization of the use of geothermal resources, carried out in different areas (see figure) and under different hydrogeological conditions in Italy, are described in the paper. In the Piedmont Region (NW Italy) several experimental sites have been investigated in order to assess the potential subsurface effects of open-loop Groundwater Heat Pumps (GW-HPs) plants for the cooling and heating of buildings. A comparison between field measures and numerical modelling results reveals that the most important aquifer parameters affecting the developing of the Thermal Affected Zone (TAZ) around the injection wells are those related to advective heat transfer. The Lombardy Region (N Italy) is currently the most populated and industrialized region in Italy and therefore the area where the highest number of GWHP plants (open and closed loop) are installed, from which a representative sample will be selected with the objective of identifying the critical hydrogeological factors contributing both to the geothermal potential and to a sustainable use of the resource. In the Veneto Region (NE Italy), the Euganean Geothermal Field is the most important thermal field in northern Italy (about 250 active wells) and the thermal waters (65-86 °C) are mainly used for spas; recently, a new conceptual model of the Euganean Geothermal System has been proposed and tested in a numerical model; with regard to low enthalpy, studies on sites potentially suitable for closed-loop and open-loop systems, together with data from automated monitoring of several wells, could be used for advanced analysis of different hydrogeothermal systems. Research activities in the Lazio Region (Central Italy) focus also on low enthalpy and are specifically aimed at the mapping of the geothermal potential of aquifers, and at pilot studies of sites characterized by gravel aquifers, alluvial Holocene deposits of the Tevere River and alluvial pre-volcanic Pleistocene deposits. In the Campania Region (S Italy - Mondragone plain), in the framework of the geothermal exploration programme “VIGOR” (Evaluation of Geothermal Potential in Convergence Region), a groundwater balance, verifying the recharge area of thermal springs (temperature 33-54 °C) connected to a large carbonate aquifer, has permitted the identification of the most suitable area in which to drill a geothermal well. In the Apulia Region (SE Italy) the thermal field trends consequent to groundwater advection and the influence of seawater intrusion have been reconstructed for two karstic coastal aquifers (Murgia and Salento) at various elevation between -5 and -100 m amsl. These reconstructions are intended to provide required base knowledge for correctly implementing low enthalpy HP plants in the saturated zones. Further studies and inventory of data and applications will be part of the activities of IDROGEOTER, which will also include the preparation of a proposal of guidelines for hydro-geothermal studies

    Analysis of Fracture Mechanics Tests on Opalinus Clay

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    Many studies have recently been conducted to evaluate various mechanical characteristics of the Opalinus Clay (OPA) formation in view of its potential use as the hosting rock for the Swiss nuclear waste repositories. Its sedimentary bedding makes OPA a transversely isotropic rock and its directional mechanical properties need to be measured. This paper reports on an experimental and computational approach that was adopted to define the parallel-to-bedding fracture mechanics (FM) parameters of OPA in Mode-I. OPA cores from Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (URL) were submitted to laboratory tests on notched semi-circular specimens under three-point bending (SCB). In these tests, crack propagation is forced along the notch direction. However, the 45° bedding inclination of the specimen axis frequently deviated the crack from the expected direction. An analysis of the SCB tests was performed by means of non-linear FM techniques and the pertinent Mode-I parameters along the bedding were estimate

    Colour assessment outcomes – a new approach to grading the severity of color vision loss

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    INTRODUCTION: Recent studies have shown that a significant percentage of subjects with anomalous, congenital trichromacy can perform the suprathreshold, colour-related tasks encountered in many occupations with the same accuracy as normal trichromats. In the absence of detailed, occupation-specific studies, an alternative approach is to make use of new findings and the statistical outcomes of past practices that have been considered safe to produce graded, justifiable categories of colour vision that can be enforced. METHODS: We analyzed traditional color assessment outcomes and measured severity of colour vision loss using the CAD test in 1363 subjects (336 normals, 705 deutan, 319 protan and 3 tritan). The severity of colour vision loss was measured in each subject and statistical, pass / fail outcomes established for each of the most commonly used, conventional colour assessment tests and protocols. RESULTS: The correlation between the number of Ishihara (IH) test plates subjects fail and the severity of RG colour vision loss was very poor. The 38 plates IH test has high sensitivity when no errors are allowed (i.e., only 0.71% deutans and 0.63% protans pass). Protocols based on zero errors are uncommon since 18.15% of normal trichromats fail. The most common protocols employ either the 24 or the 14 plates editions with two or less errors. These protocols pass almost all normal trichromats, but the deutans and some protans that also pass (when two or less errors are allowed) can be severely deficient. This is simply because the most challenging plates have not been included in the 24 and 14 plates editions. As a result, normals no longer fail, but the deutans and protans that pass have more severe loss of colour vision since they fail less challenging plates. The severity of colour vision loss was measured in each subject and statistical, pass / fail outcomes established for each of the most commonly used, conventional colour assessment tests and protocols. DISCUSSION: Historical evidence and new findings that relate severity of loss to the effective use of colour signals in a number of tasks provide the basis for a new colour grading system based on six categories. A single colour assessment test is needed to establish the applicant’s Colour Vision category which can range from ‘supernormal’ (CV0), for the most stringent, colour-demanding tasks, to ‘severe colour deficiency’, when red / green colour vision is either absent or extremely weak (CV5)

    Comportamento vegetativo e produtivo da videira e composição da uva em São Joaquim, Santa Catarina

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento vegetativo e produtivo das variedades de videira Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot e Sauvignon Blanc, e a composição da uva em São Joaquim, Santa Catarina. Foram avaliadas plantas de um vinhedo comercial, cultivado em espaldeira, a 1.293 m de altitude, durante os ciclos fenológicos 2005/2006 e 2006/2007. As variáveis meteorológicas, a fenologia, o desenvolvimento do dossel e a composição da uva na colheita foram comparados entre os ciclos. As temperaturas mais amenas influenciaram o ciclo fenológico das variedades Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot e Sauvignon Blanc, que é mais longo e tardio que nas outras regiões vitícolas do Brasil. Houve influência significativa da precipitação pluvial sobre a maturação da uva, no ciclo 2006/2007. Os índices de desenvolvimento indicam a necessidade de ajuste no manejo do dossel para um maior equilíbrio entre o crescimento vegetativo e a produção. As variedades Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot e Sauvignon Blanc apresentam elevada qualidade da uva no momento da colheita, sendo adequadas ao cultivo em São Joaquim, SC

    Traccianti ambientali: il campo termico, questo sconosciuto

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    Geochimica dell’idrosfera: come, quando e perché

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