277 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with an engineering method for the prediction of vehicle pass-by noise based on a FEM/ BEM exterior acoustic calculation in the frequency domain. The researchers simulate, in a virtual environment, the experimental outdoor pass-by noise measurement. The simulated pass-by noise campaign is synthesized from multiple acoustic transfer functions between a line of virtual microphones located 7.5m on the side of the vehicle and each noise source. A numerical FEM/BEM train bogie acoustic model has been created within the MSC ACTRAN commercial softwares. Wheel-rail rolling noise, engine and powertrain noise acoustic source have been implemented and posi-tioned inside the FEM and BEM model to demonstrate the validity of the proposed methods. The contribu-tion from noise sources, expressed both in terms of sound pressure level and overall value, to the pass-by noise were evaluated up to 5 kHz. The virtual pass-by-noise assessment has been then validated by experi-mental measurement of the complete four coach’s train with respect to different speed regimes

    Biotechnological Transformation of Hydrocortisone into 16α-Hydroxyprednisolone by Coupling Arthrobacter simplex and Streptomyces roseochromogenes

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    16α-Hydroxyprednisolone, an anti-inflammatory drug, could be potentially obtained from hydrocortisone bioconversion by combining a 1,2-dehydrogenation reaction performed by Arthrobacter simplexATCC31652 with a 16α-hydroxylation reaction by Streptomyces roseochromogenes ATCC13400. In this study we tested, for the first time, potential approaches to couple the two reactions using similar pH and temperature conditions for hydrocortisone bioconversion by the two strains. The A. simplex capability to 1,2-dehydrogenate the 16α-hydroxyhydrocortisone, the product of S. roseochromogenes transformation of hydrocortisone, and vice versa the capability of S. roseochromogenes to 16α-hydroxylate the prednisolone were assessed. Bioconversions were studied in shake flasks and strain morphology changes were observed by SEM. Whole cell experiments were set up to perform the two reactions in a sequential mode in alternate order or contemporarily at diverse temperature conditions. A. simplex catalyzed either the dehydrogenation of hydrocortisone into prednisolone efficiently or of 16α-hydroxyhydrocortisone into 16α-hydroxyprednisolone in 24 h (up to 93.9%). Surprisingly S. roseochromogenes partially converted prednisolone back to hydrocortisone. A 68.8% maximum of 16α-hydroxyprednisolone was obtained in 120-h bioconversion by coupling whole cells of the two strains at pH 6.0 and 26 °C. High bioconversion of hydrocortisone into 16α-hydroxyprednisolone was obtained for the first time by coupling A. simplex and S. roseochromogenes

    Deficits in mitochondrial spare respiratory capacity contribute to the neuropsychological changes of alzheimer’s disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is diagnosed using neuropsychological testing, supported by amyloid and tau biomarkers and neuroimaging abnormalities. The cause of neuropsychological changes is not clear since they do not correlate with biomarkers. This study investigated if changes in cellular metabolism in AD correlate with neuropsychological changes. Fibroblasts were taken from 10 AD patients and 10 controls. Metabolic assessment included measuring total cellular ATP, extracellular lactate, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), mitochondrial respiration and glycolytic function. All participants were assessed with neuropsychological testing and brain structural MRI. AD patients had significantly lower scores in delayed and immediate recall, semantic memory, phonemic fluency and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). AD patients also had significantly smaller left hippocampal, left parietal, right parietal and anterior medial prefrontal cortical grey matter volumes. Fibroblast MMP, mitochondrial spare respiratory capacity (MSRC), glycolytic reserve, and extracellular lactate were found to be lower in AD patients. MSRC/MMP correlated significantly with semantic memory, immediate and delayed episodic recall. Correlations between MSRC and delayed episodic recall remained significant after controlling for age, education and brain reserve. Grey matter volumes did not correlate with MRSC/MMP. AD fibroblast metabolic assessment may represent an emergent disease biomarker of AD

    SRSF1-dependent nuclear export of C9ORF72 repeat-transcripts: targeting toxic gain-of-functions induced by protein sequestration as a selective therapeutic strategy for neuroprotection

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    Microsatellite repeat expansions cause several incurable and lethal neurodegenerative disorders including ataxias, myotonic dystrophy, Huntington's disease and C9ORF72-linked amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Abnormal repeat transcripts generated from the expanded loci are substrates of repeat-associated non-AUG (RAN) translation, an unconventional form of translation leading to the production of polymeric repeat proteins with cytotoxic and aggregating properties. The mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of microsatellite repeat expansion disorders remain a hotly debated topic. They are shared between toxic loss/gain of functions due to intranuclear RNA foci that sequesters RNA-binding proteins and RAN translation of repeat proteins in the cytoplasm. We recently elucidated the molecular mechanism driving the nuclear export of C9ORF72 repeat transcripts and showed for the first time that this pathway can be manipulated to confer neuroprotection. Strikingly, we discovered that intron-retaining C9ORF72 repeat transcripts hijack the physiological NXF1-dependent export pathway by selective RNA-repeat sequestration of SRSF1. Antagonizing SRSF1 and the nuclear export of C9ORF72 repeat transcripts promoted in turn the survival of patient-derived motor neurons and suppressed neurodegeneration-associated motor deficits in Drosophila (Hautbergue et al. Nature Communications 2017; 8:16063). In this invited Research Highlight review, we aim to place this work in the context of our previous studies on the nuclear export of mRNAs, provide a summary of the published research and highlight the significance of these findings as a novel therapeutic strategy for neuroprotection in C9ORF72-ALS/FTD. In addition, we emphasize that protein sequestration, often thought as of inducing loss-of-function mechanisms, can also trigger unwanted protein interactions and toxic gain-of-functions

    Mitochondrial dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease : a biomarker of the future?

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia worldwide and is characterised pathologically by the accumulation of amyloid beta and tau protein aggregates. Currently, there are no approved disease modifying therapies for clearance of either of these proteins from the brain of people with AD. As well as abnormalities in protein aggregation, other pathological changes are seen in this condition. The function of mitochondria in both the nervous system and rest of the body is altered early in this disease, and both amyloid and tau have detrimental effects on mitochondrial function. In this review article, we describe how the function and structure of mitochondria change in AD. This review summarises current imaging techniques that use surrogate markers of mitochondrial function in both research and clinical practice, but also how mitochondrial functions such as ATP production, calcium homeostasis, mitophagy and reactive oxygen species production are affected in AD mitochondria. The evidence reviewed suggests that the measurement of mitochondrial function may be developed into a future biomarker for early AD. Further work with larger cohorts of patients is needed before mitochondrial functional biomarkers are ready for clinical use

    Lysosomal and phagocytic activity is increased in astrocytes during disease progression in the SOD1 G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Astrocytes are key players in the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Previously, gene expression profiling of astrocytes from the pre-symptomatic stage of the SOD1G93A model of ALS has revealed reduced lactate metabolism and altered trophic support. Here, we have performed microarray analysis of symptomatic and late-stage disease astrocytes isolated by laser capture microdissection (LCM) from the lumbar spinal cord of the SOD1G93A mouse to complete the picture of astrocyte behavior throughout the disease course. Astrocytes at symptomatic and late-stage disease show a distinct up-regulation of transcripts defining a reactive phenotype, such as those involved in the lysosome and phagocytic pathways. Functional analysis of hexosaminidase B enzyme activity in the spinal cord and of astrocyte phagocytic ability has demonstrated a significant increase in lysosomal enzyme activity and phagocytic activity in SOD1G93A vs. littermate controls, validating the findings of the microarray study. In addition to the increased reactivity seen at both stages, astrocytes from late-stage disease showed decreased expression of many transcripts involved in cholesterol homeostasis. Staining for the master regulator of cholesterol synthesis, SREBP2, has revealed an increased localization to the cytoplasm of astrocytes and motor neurons in late-stage SOD1G93A spinal cord, indicating that down-regulation of transcripts may be due to an excess of cholesterol in the CNS during late-stage disease possibly due to phagocytosis of neuronal debris. Our data reveal that SOD1G93A astrocytes are characterized more by a loss of supportive function than a toxic phenotype during ALS disease progression and future studies should focus upon restorative therapies

    Towards 3D bioprinted spinal cord organoids

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    Three-dimensional (3D) cultures, so-called organoids, have emerged as an attractive tool for disease modeling and therapeutic innovations. Here, we aim to determine if boundary cap neural crest stem cells (BC) can survive and differentiate in gelatin-based 3D bioprinted bioink scaffolds in order to establish an enabling technology for the fabrication of spinal cord organoids on a chip. BC previously demonstrated the ability to support survival and differentiation of co-implanted or co-cultured cells and supported motor neuron survival in excitotoxically challenged spinal cord slice cultures. We tested different combinations of bioink and cross-linked material, analyzed the survival of BC on the surface and inside the scaffolds, and then tested if human iPSC-derived neural cells (motor neuron precursors and astrocytes) can be printed with the same protocol, which was developed for BC. We showed that this protocol is applicable for human cells. Neural differentiation was more prominent in the peripheral compared to central parts of the printed construct, presumably because of easier access to differentiation-promoting factors in the medium. These findings show that the gelatin-based and enzymatically cross-linked hydrogel is a suitable bioink for building a multicellular, bioprinted spinal cord organoid, but that further measures are still required to achieve uniform neural differentiation

    SRSF1-dependent inhibition of C9ORF72-repeat RNA nuclear export: genome-wide mechanisms for neuroprotection in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Loss of motor neurons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) leads to progressive paralysis and death. Dysregulation of thousands of RNA molecules with roles in multiple cellular pathways hinders the identification of ALS-causing alterations over downstream changes secondary to the neurodegenerative process. How many and which of these pathological gene expression changes require therapeutic normalisation remains a fundamental question. METHODS: Here, we investigated genome-wide RNA changes in C9ORF72-ALS patient-derived neurons and Drosophila, as well as upon neuroprotection taking advantage of our gene therapy approach which specifically inhibits the SRSF1-dependent nuclear export of pathological C9ORF72-repeat transcripts. This is a critical study to evaluate (i) the overall safety and efficacy of the partial depletion of SRSF1, a member of a protein family involved itself in gene expression, and (ii) a unique opportunity to identify neuroprotective RNA changes. RESULTS: Our study shows that manipulation of 362 transcripts out of 2257 pathological changes, in addition to inhibiting the nuclear export of repeat transcripts, is sufficient to confer neuroprotection in C9ORF72-ALS patient-derived neurons. In particular, expression of 90 disease-altered transcripts is fully reverted upon neuroprotection leading to the characterisation of a human C9ORF72-ALS disease-modifying gene expression signature. These findings were further investigated in vivo in diseased and neuroprotected Drosophila transcriptomes, highlighting a list of 21 neuroprotective changes conserved with 16 human orthologues in patient-derived neurons. We also functionally validated the high neuroprotective potential of one of these disease-modifying transcripts, demonstrating that inhibition of ALS-upregulated human KCNN1-3 (Drosophila SK) voltage-gated potassium channel orthologs mitigates degeneration of human motor neurons and Drosophila motor deficits. CONCLUSIONS: Strikingly, the partial depletion of SRSF1 leads to expression changes in only a small proportion of disease-altered transcripts, indicating that not all RNA alterations need normalization and that the gene therapeutic approach is safe in the above preclinical models as it does not disrupt globally gene expression. The efficacy of this intervention is also validated at genome-wide level with transcripts modulated in the vast majority of biological processes affected in C9ORF72-ALS. Finally, the identification of a characteristic signature with key RNA changes modified in both the disease state and upon neuroprotection also provides potential new therapeutic targets and biomarkers.This work was initiated with the Medical Research Council (MRC) grant MR/M010864/1 (KN, GMH, PJS) and the MND Association grant Hautbergue/Apr16/846–791 (GMH, LF, AJW, PJS, LMC). This research was further supported by the MRC New Investigator research grant MR/R024162/1 (GMH) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) grant BB/S005277/1 (GMH). LC was supported by H2020-EU EU Marie Curie fellowship CONTESSA (ID: 660388). CDSS is funded by an AstraZeneca Post-Doctoral award. LF was funded by the Thierry Latran Foundation (FTLAAP2016/ Astrocyte secretome) and is currently supported by the MND Association grant Apr16/848–791 and the Academy of Medical Sciences Springboard Award. AJW was supported by MRC core funding (MC_UU_00015/6) and ERC Starting grant (DYNAMITO; 309742). GMH also reports grants Apr17/854–791 from the MND Association, Thierry Latran FTLAAP2016/ Astrocyte secretome and Royal Society International Exchanges grant IEC\R3\17010 during the course of this study. MA acknowledge grants from Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK-PG2018B-005), European Research Council (ERC Advanced Award 294745) and MRC DPFS (129016). PJS is supported as an NIHR Senior Investigator Investigator (NF-SI-0617–10077) and by the MND Association (AMBRoSIA 972–797) and MRC grant MR/S004920/1

    Differential expression of glucose transporters and hexokinases in prostate cancer with a neuroendocrine gene signature: A mechanistic perspective for 18 F-FDG imaging of PSMA-suppressed tumors

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    Although the incidence of de novo neuroendocrine prostate cancer (PC) is rare, recent data suggest that low expression of prostatespecific membrane antigen (PSMA) is associated with a spectrum of neuroendocrine hallmarks and androgen receptor (AR) suppression in PC. Previous clinical reports indicate that PCs with a phenotype similar to neuroendocrine tumors can be more amenable to imaging by 18F-FDG than by PSMA-targeting radioligands. In this study, we evaluated the association between neuroendocrine gene signature and 18F-FDG uptake-associated genes including glucose transporters (GLUTs) and hexokinases, with the goal of providing a genomic signature to explain the reported 18F-FDG avidity of PSMA suppressed tumors. Methods: Data-mining approaches, cell lines, and patient-derived xenograft models were used to study the levels of 14 members of the SLC2A family (encoding GLUT proteins), 4 members of the hexokinase family (genes HK1-HK3 and GCK), and PSMA (FOLH1 gene) after AR inhibition and in correlation with neuroendocrine hallmarks. Also, we characterize a neuroendocrine-like PC (NELPC) subset among a cohort of primary and metastatic PC samples with no neuroendocrine histopathology. We measured glucose uptake in a neuroendocrine-induced in vitro model and a zebrafish model by nonradioactive imaging of glucose uptake using a fluorescent glucose bioprobe, GB2-Cy3. Results: This work demonstrated that a neuroendocrine gene signature associates with differential expression of genes encoding GLUT and hexokinase proteins. In NELPC, elevated expression of GCK (encoding glucokinase protein) and decreased expression of SLC2A12 correlated with earlier biochemical recurrence. In tumors treated with AR inhibitors, high expression of GCK and low expression of SLC2A12 correlated with neuroendocrine histopathology and PSMA gene suppression. GLUT12 suppression and upregulation of glucokinase were observed in neuroendocrine- induced PC cell lines and patient-derived xenograft models. A higher glucose uptake was confirmed in low-PSMA tumors using a GB2-Cy3 probe in a zebrafish model. Conclusion: A neuroendocrine gene signature in neuroendocrine PC and NELPC associates with a distinct transcriptional profile of GLUTs and hexokinases. PSMA suppression correlates with GLUT12 suppression and glucokinase upregulation. Alteration of 18F-FDG uptake-associated genes correlated positively with higher glucose uptake in AR- and PSMA-suppressed tumors. Zebrafish xenograft tumor models are an accurate and efficient preclinical method for monitoring nonradioactive glucose uptake
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