121 research outputs found

    Molinos y molienda en el mundo tartésico: el Guadiana y Tajo Medios

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar, dentro del contexto del Suroeste ibérico, el registro más definido disponible sobre los molinos y la molienda en las cuencas del Tajo y Guadiana (Extremadura, España), entre los siglos vii-v a. C. Se trata de una aportación basada en la valoración interrelacionada de los aspectos materiales y contextuales de los molinos. Los casos de estudio seleccionados son el complejo rural de La Ayuela (siglos vii–vi/v a. C.) y el posible espacio ritual de Las Cortinas de Aliseda (siglos vi-v a. C.), en el Tajo Medio; la granja de Cerro Manzanillo (siglos vii-vi a. C.) y el “edificio señorial” de La Mata (siglos vi-v a. C.), en la Cuenca Media del Guadiana. En su conjunto dichos yacimientos nos remiten a contextos socioeconómicos y funcionales diversos en los que la molienda tiene su elemento más visible en el molino de vaivén. Como complemento, se realiza una aproximación general a los castros prerromanos (siglos iv-ii a. C.), donde se constatan ya los molinos rotatorios

    Efectos de cantaxantina dietaria sobre el estres por radiacion ultravioleta en el camarón Artemesia longinaris

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    The aims of this research were to investigate the effects of diets with added synthetic canthaxanthin (10% parafarm) and to evaluate its possible protective role under ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in prawn Artemesia longinaris. Three isoproteic and isolipidic diets (41% protein and 12% lipid) containing 0 (C0), 100 (C100), and 300 (C300) mg of canthaxanthin kg-1 of diet were prepared. Before initiating the radiation experiment, prawns were fed with the different diets for a period of 21 d in order to determine a possible accumulation of carotenoids. Afterwards, animals were exposed to two radiation treatments for 7 d: a) photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm), and b) total radiation (PAR+UVR, 280-700 nm), under controlled conditions (19 ± 2 °C, salinity = 33, pH = 7). In animals exposed to PAR+UVR treatment, survival varied between 50 and 83.33% with the highest value in animals fed diet C300. At the end of the experiment, significant statistical differences were registered in integument carotenoid concentration. Under UVR stress, the highest decrease in non-polar carotenoid and esterified astaxanthin were recorded in prawns fed diets containing canthaxanthin. Scavenging properties were evaluated by electron resonance spectroscopy (EPR) using the stable 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. Prawns fed with C300 showed the greatest activity to quench DPPH. Results suggested that dietary canthaxanthin could be acting as an antioxidant against reactive oxygen species and produced high tolerance under UVR stress.Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron investigar los efectos de dietas adicionadas con cataxantina sintética (10% parafarm) y evaluar su posible papel protector bajo la radiación ultravioleta (RUV) en el camarón Artemesia longinaris. Se prepararon tres dietas isoprotéicas e isolipídicas (41% proteína y 12% lípidos) con 0 (C0), 100 (C100) y 300 (C300) mg de cantaxantina kg-1 de dieta. Previo al experimento de radiación, los camarones fueron alimentados con las diferentes dietas durante 21 d para determinar una posible acumulación de carotenoides. Posteriormente, los animales fueron expuestos a dos tratamientos de radiación durante 7 d: a) radiación fotosintéticamente activa (PAR, 400-700 nm), y b) radiación total (PAR+RUV, 280-700 nm), bajo condiciones controladas (19 ± 2 °C, salinidad = 33, pH = 7). En los individuos expuestos al tratamiento PAR+RUV, la supervivencia varió entre 50 y 83,33%, con el valor más alto en animales alimentados con dieta C300. Al final del experimento, se registraron diferencias estadísticas significativas en la concentración de carotenoides en el tegumento. Bajo estrés por RUV se registró la mayor disminución de carotenoides no polares y astaxantina esterificada en camarones alimentados con dietas con cataxantina. La capacidad antioxidante se evaluó mediante espectroscopía de resonancia electrónica (EPR) utilizando el radical estable 2,2-difenil-2-picrilhidrazilo (DPPH). Los camarones alimentados con C300 mostraron la mayor actividad evidenciada por el decaimiento de DPPH. Los resultados sugirieron que la cantaxantina dietaria podría estar actuando como un antioxidante contra las especies reactivas de oxígeno y producir una alta tolerancia bajo estrés por RUV

    El Tesoro de Berzocana: los rastros del hallazgo

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    Trabajo integrado en el proyecto “Arqueología y recuperación de un paisaje minero: la explotación tar¬tésica del estaño en San Cristóbal de Logrosán” (HAR2014-52922-P), Plan Estatal I + D + i Excelencia del MINECO (). Este mismo texto fue publicado en 2017 en el libro “Historia de Tesoros, Tesoros con Historia” por el Servicio de Publicaciones de la UEx, bajo la coordinación de los mismos autores.El Tesoro de Berzocana, formado por dos torques de oro macizo y una pátera de bronce, apareció por casualidad en 1961. Las joyas se consideran ejemplos señeros de la orfebrería del Bronce Final en el área atlántica peninsular y la pátera de bronce, testimonio de contactos mediterráneos previos a la llegada de los fenicios. En este trabajo se aportan nuevas claves sobre la laberíntica historia de este descubrimiento y su gestión, incluidos los detalles sobre la venta en Navalmoral de la Mata de una tercera pieza de oro desaparecida y el viaje sin retorno del tesoro al Museo Arqueológico Nacional en 1964. Así mismo, se realiza una lectura crítica sobre el lugar y el contexto del hallazgo. Todo ello se fundamenta en la información recuperada en archivos diversos, testimonios orales y el trabajo de campo.The Treasure of Berzocana, consisting of two torques of solid gold and bronze plate, appeared by chance in 1961. The jewels are considered noted examples of the Late Bronze goldsmith in the peninsular Atlantic area and the bronze plate, as testimony of Mediterranean contacts before the arrival of the Phoenicians. This paper provided new clues about the labyrinthine history of this discovery and its management, including details about the sale in Navalmoral de la Mata of a third piece of gold disappeared and the trip without return of treasure to the National Archaeological Museum in 1964. Likewise, a critical reading about the place and the context of the finding is made. All this is based on the information retrieved in various archives, oral testimonies and field work.peerReviewe

    Probability of a successful platelet dose according to the number of platelet concentrates

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    Introduction: Platelet transfusion for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes is a common practice. The outcome evaluated in using platelets for prophylactic purposes has been preventing clinically significant bleeding. Transfusion guidelines recommend using platelet transfusion for prophylactic purposes based on the clinical scenario and a peripheral blood platelet threshold. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out, with the platelet count of the registry of quality control of platelet concentrates (PC), obtaining a total of 100. Age, sex, blood group, and peripheral blood platelets were compared with donors not included in quality control. The sum of the platelet count of all possible combinations of the 100 PCs was obtained for the 2-3 PCs scenarios and the 4-8 PCs scenarios, a simulation of 1,000,000 iterations with random sampling without replacement and the sum of the platelet count of the combinations obtained was performed. The proportion of successful doses in the distribution was obtained according to the number of PCs. Results: No statistically significant difference was found between donors included in quality control and those not included. The probability of administering a dose of ≥ 1.5 × 10^11 platelets is 97.33% and 99.99% for 3-4 PCs, respectively. Conclusions: This study may be useful for the physician who indicates PC for prophylactic purposes, using an appropriate number of PCs, and optimizing the available inventory

    La investigación prehistórica en Extremadura: los últimos 25 años

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    Se pretende revisar la investigación prehistórica desarrollada en y sobre el territorio extremeño a lo largo del último cuarto de siglo (1985-2010); un tiempo caracterizado esencialmente por constituir una fase de estudios continuados –realmente la primera en la historia de la investigación, favorecida por la creación de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura–, con una producción científica sostenida y, en gran medida, realizada desde la propia región. Partiendo de una valoración general sobre el incremento de los estudios prehistóricos, pasaremos revista a los principales avances experimentados en los diversos horizontes y/o problemáticas de la prehistoria remota, la prehistoria reciente y la protohistoria; para concluir con un epígrafe sobre las principales líneas específicamente abordadas desde el Área de Prehistoria de la Universidad de Extremadura.It is claimed to revise the prehistoric research in and on land of Extremadura during last quarter of century (1985-2010); a time characterized essentially by constitute a stage of continued studies –really, the first in the history of the investigation, it is favoured by the creation of Comunidad Autónoma of Extremadura– with a scientific production that it is supported and also achieved in this region. Beginning with a general valoration about the increase of prehistoric studies, we analize the principal and experienced advances in the different horizons and/ or troubles of the remote prehistoric, the recent prehistoric and the protohistoric; we finish with a epigraph about principal lines specially undertaked from Area of Prehistory of Extremadura University.peerReviewe

    \b{eta}-delayed three-proton decay of 31Ar

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    The beta decay of 31Ar, produced by fragmentation of a 36Ar beam at 880 MeV/nucleon, was investigated. Identified ions of 31Ar were stopped in a gaseous time projection chamber with optical readout allowing to record decay events with emission of protons. In addition to \b{eta}-delayed emission of one and two protons we have clearly observed the beta-delayed three-proton branch. The branching ratio for this channel in 31Ar is found to be 0.07(2)%.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Rev.

    Urinalysis: diagnostic performance of urine dipstick compared to an automated microscopic method

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    Introduction: Urinalysis is one of the most important clinical laboratory tests because numerous pathologies can manifest or be suspected through this test. Although the previous reports mention that urinary microscopy is a fundamental part of urinalysis for diagnostic support of various conditions, there is a debate about the utility of this test section in a certain patient population. The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic performance of the urinary dipstick analysis and the potential risks of false-negative (FN) results. Material and methods: This is a retrospective and observational study, and urinalysis information was obtained from non-hospitalized patients. The dipstick and microscopic analyses were performed using the Clinitek-ATLAS (index test) and iQ200-SPRINT (reference standard) devices. Dipstick or microscopy analyses were positive if ≥ 1 parameters were abnormal. A Bayesian hierarchal beta-binomial model was carried out for each performance parameter. Risk analysis was performed as proposed in the literature. Results: Five hundred and fifty-two patients were included in the study. The posterior median at group level was 94% (credible interval 95% [CrI 95%] 89.9-97%) for sensitivity (Se), 57.1% (CrI 95%, 50.1-64.1%) for specificity, and 5.8% (CrI 95%, 2.59-9.64%) for FN rate (FNR). The posterior probability Se > 90% was 95.9% at a group level. The risk analysis found only low-risk false-negative events. Conclusions: The performance of the dipstick analysis was appropriate, with a good certainty of Se > 90% and a FNR < 10% at the operator level. Omission of microscopic analysis can be a safe action in a patient with a negative dipstick since FNs with a clinical impact are not expected

    Understanding the first Neolithic occupation of Cova d’En Pardo (Planes, Alicante): preliminary results of the multidisciplinary analysis of levels VIII and VIIIb

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    Se presentan los resultados de las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en la Cova d’En Pardo (Planes, Alicante), concretamente los niveles VIII y VIIIb. El desarrollo de un proyecto multidisciplinar ha permitido caracterizar la ocupación de una pequeña cavidad por parte de las primeras comunidades campesinas asociadas al inicio del proceso de neolitización del levante de la península Ibérica.We present the results of excavations carried out in the Cova d’En Pardo (Planes, Alicante), specifically the levels VIII and VIIIb. The development of a multidisciplinary project has allowed characterize the occupation of a small cavity by the first farming communities associated with the Neolithization process of the Levant of Iberian Peninsula.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto Origins and Spread of Agriculture in the western Mediterranean región (ERC-2008-AdG 230561)