1,111 research outputs found

    Debt Relief, Demand for Eduction, and Poverty

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    government expenditures, debt, poverty, schooling


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    Using induction motor as the propulsion of electric car needs some converter and inverter as speed controller. To fulfill 3 phase induction motor supply voltage we need 3 phase inverter as speed controller and also power converter as 3 phase inverter constant supply voltage 220 Volt dc Topology of power converter that suitable in electric car application is Full Bridge Converter because it is able to produce high power about 5 kW and supporting by high frequency so the motor will supplied fast. This Full bridge converter used to increase voltages and supplied constantly. This converter was designed with 70 volt input voltage from 6 units of accumulator with each specification is 12V/36 Ah and will be supplied the induction motor 220V that pass the inverter before as speed controller with adjusting the frequency. From the converter�s experiment result that is triggered by PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) generator with frequency 40kHz and duty cycle 50% with three phase induction motor 1 Hp as load we got output voltage equal with 183 Volt dc and output current equal with 0,1 A . Keyword: Full Bridge converter, PWM, Half Bridge driver IR211


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    At this final project had created 3 phase inverter module based microcontroller as electric vehicle mover that used to control 3 phase induction motor speed in electric vehicle. This 3 phase inverter circuit using microcontroller ATMEGA16 programmed by C Language to produce PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) signal, that will be an input of 3 phase Inverter driver IR2130 as 3 phase inverter driver that provide virtual ground and dead time of each pulse at once, this ability bring easiness and safeness in 3 phase inverter circuit. The Output signal will be used to trigger mosfet in Inverter circuit with 1800conduction mode and variable trigger frequency between 10-50 Hz. Key Words: : 3 Phase Inverter, Microcontroller, ATMega16, IR213

    Rancang Bangun Neural Network untuk Estimasi State of Charge (SoC) Pada Lead Acid Battery

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    Kebutuhan akan sumber energi listrik di era modern sangat tinggi, contohnya baterai. Baterai sendiri kini telah di alih fungsikan  sebagai sumber listrik utama untuk berbagai peralatan elektronik.Baterai yang sering digunakan adalah baterai dengan model Lead Acid yang memiliki keunggulan memiliki spesifikasi tegangan dan arus yang besar serta biaya perawatan yang lebih rendah. Baterai Lead Acid memiliki masa pakai lama, performa tinggi. Baterai mengalami siklus Charge dan Discharge yang menyebabkan penurunan kapasitas dan performa. Oleh karena itu, Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut diperlukan Estimasi State of Charge (SOC) dengan benar karena keakuratan Estimated State of Charge (SOC) akan mempengaruhi umur dan kinerja baterai. Pada sistem Estimasi State of Charge ini digunakan metode Neural Network digunakan untuk menentukan parameter dan mengontrol kondisi State of Charge (SOC). Sistem ini juga dilengkapi dengan  proteksi jika terjadi Arus dan Tegangan Lebih. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, estimasi menggunakan metode Neural Network memiliki nilai error yang sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan simulasi estimasi SOC menggunakan aplikasi MATLAB, yaitu 0,17%. Estimasi State of Charge (SOC) menggunakan Neural Network dapat dikatakan memiliki performa yang baik karena nilai error jika dibandingkan dengan simulasi sangat kecil. Dan kelebihan dari Metode Neural Network ini adalah tidak perlunya pemodelan matematika untuk menghitung nilai SOC

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjualan Kardus pada UD. Stradus Surabaya

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    UD. Stardus Surabaya is one of the distributors of various boxes of food located on the road Simorejo No. 103 Surabaya. These distributors serve only selling wholesale or in large quantities only. Problems on the current business process is the absence of the recording process at the request of customers that are not realized. Distributors also do not know the state of the inventory in real time and does not know when to conduct the procurement process without having to wait for the inventory runs out. Judging from the payment of receivables distributor also has no system for recording receivables tersistem well.Based on the above problems, the researchers use the method of System Development Life Cycle to analyze and evaluate the system to perform system development. Application sales are made useful to keep records of sales activities as the basis for reporting sales activity in real time.Based on the above problem resolution and system testing of the research results, it can be concluded that the application of the sale of cardboard that has been made to produce information in the form of a report which contains information inventory, information requests are not fulfilled, and the information necessary sales receivables UD. Stardus Surarabaya for decision-making by the leadership

    Pengembangan Metoda Self Tuning Parameter PID Controller Dengan Menggunakan Genetic Algorithm Pada Pengaturan Motor Induksi Sebagai Penggerak Mobil Listrik

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    Pada saat ini PID kontroller masih banyak digunakan di berbagai sektor industri, karena ketangguhannyauntuk menghandel permasalahan yang ada di industri, tetapi terdapat satu kekurangan yaitu metode tuning,proses tuning harus dilakukan dengan cara coba - coba. Prosedur tuning lebih banyak dilakukan secara manualdengan metode trial and error yang belum tentu benar, untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dibutuhkansuatu pendekatan alternatif yang dapat mencapai suatu tingkat automasi dari proses tuning dan orang yangmelakukan proses tuning tidak harus memiliki pengetahuan luas mengenai sistem pengaturan. Dalam kasus inimetode alternatif yang digunakan adalah Genetic Algorithm (GA). GA diimplementasi untuk mendapatkankombinasi parameter P,I, dan D dari kontroler PID dalam simulasi pengaturan kecepatan motor induksi tigafasa sehingga kecepatan motor dapat dipertahankan agar sama dengan kecepatan referensi dalam steady-state.Hasil dari simulasi yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa repons kecepatan yang dihasilkan sangatlah bagus

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku dan Motivasi Masyarakat terhadap Pertolongan Pertama pada Korban Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas

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    for traffic accident victims. The method used is quantitative research with a cross-sectional approach. The research results show that the most dominant gender factor is related to people's behavior toward first aid for traffic accident victims, with an OR value of 78.3. Meanwhile, the most dominant knowledge factor relates to people's motivation for first aid for traffic accident victims, with an OR value of 11.5. In conclusion, knowledge can motivate people to carry out first aid. Therefore, it is necessary to provide counseling, training, and assistance in improving community behavior and motivation in first aid to traffic accident victims.   Keywords: Traffic Accidents, Motivation, Behavior, First Ai
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