593 research outputs found

    From orogenic collapse to rifting, structures of the South China Sea

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    The opening of the South China Sea has been a matter of debate for many years because of its internal structure, the differences between the conjugate margins and the variations of rifting and spreading directions. Although it is considered as being a back-arc basin, it is not sitting directly above a subduction zone, and the rifting process lasted for an unusually long duration. Among the specific characteristics is the early phase of rifting which took place early in place of the former Yanshanian andean-type mountain range. This stage is marked by narrow basins filled with deformed conglomerate, and initiated around 70My ago within a framework where the oblique subduction 

    Pervasive deformation of an oceanic plate and relationship to large >Mw 8 intraplate earthquakes: The northern Wharton Basin, Indian Ocean

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    Large-magnitude intraplate earthquakes within the ocean basins are not well understood. The Mw 8.6 and Mw 8.2 strike-slip intraplate earthquakes on 11 April 2012, while clearly occurring in the equatorial Indian Ocean diffuse plate boundary zone, are a case in point, with disagreement on the nature of the focal mechanisms and the faults that ruptured. We use bathymetric and seismic reflection data from the rupture area of the earthquakes in the northern Wharton Basin to demonstrate pervasive brittle deformation between the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Sunda subduction zone. In addition to evidence of recent strike-slip deformation along approximately north-south–trending fossil fracture zones, we identify a new type of deformation structure in the Indian Ocean: conjugate Riedel shears limited to the sediment section and oriented oblique to the north-south fracture zones. The Riedel shears developed in the Miocene, at a similar time to the onset of diffuse deformation in the central Indian Ocean. However, left-lateral strike-slip reactivation of existing fracture zones started earlier, in the Paleocene to early Eocene, and compartmentalizes the Wharton Basin. Modeled rupture during the 11 April 2012 intraplate earthquakes is consistent with the location of two reactivated, closely spaced, approximately north-south–trending fracture zones. However, we find no evidence for WNW-ESE–trending faults in the shallow crust, which is at variance with most of the earthquake fault models

    Adult beginner distance language learner perceptions and use of assignment feedback

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    This qualitative study examines perceptions and use of assignment feedback among adult beginner modern foreign language learners on higher education distance learning courses. A survey of responses to feedback on assignments by 43 Open University students on beginner language courses in Spanish, French, and German indicated that respondents can be classified into three groups: those who use feedback strategically by integrating it into the learning process and comparing it with, for example, informal feedback from interaction with native speakers, those who take note of feedback, but seem not to use it strategically, and those who appear to take little account of either marks or feedback. The first group proved to be the most confident and most likely to maintain their motivation in the longer term. The conclusion discusses some of the pedagogical and policy implications of the findings

    L’édification des chaĂźnes pĂ©ricratoniques, contraintes structurales et cinĂ©matiques appliquĂ©es aux reconstructions de l'Asie du SE sur SIG

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    Le SE asiatique est un chantier qui permet d’étudier la formation des chaĂźnes de montagnes situĂ©es au dessus des zones de subduction Ă  diffĂ©rents stades de leur Ă©volution. Dans ces rĂ©gions, la cinĂ©matique des plaques est extrĂȘmement rapide, souvent de l’ordre de 10 cm/an, et la convergence engendre l’ouverture, elle aussi rapide, de bassins marginaux qui fragmentent sous forme de laniĂšres les masses continentales. Les fragments ainsi sĂ©parĂ©s comportent donc un substratum gĂ©nĂ©ralement constituĂ© de matĂ©riel correspondant Ă  des ophiolites de supra subduction (arc, avant-arc, arriĂšre- arc) ainsi que des reliques de croĂ»te continentale. Ce type de mĂ©canisme aboutit Ă  la formation de plaques Ă©tirĂ©es qui peuvent ĂȘtre soit de nature ocĂ©anique comme pour la plaque Philippine [Karig, 1975] formĂ©e de bassins arriĂšre-arcs ouverts Ă  l’EocĂšne (Bassin ouest-philippin), puis Ă  l’Oligo-MiocĂšne (bassin de Parece Vela/Shikoku), et au PliocĂšne (bassin des Mariannes) [Le Pichon et al., 1975] ; bassin de Damar [Hinschberger, 2001]), soit de nature continentale comme dans le cas des marges Australienne et Eurasiatique [Rangin et Pubellier, 1990 ; Rangin et al., 1990] (fig. 1). Dans ce dernier cas, la configuration rĂ©sultante est celle d’une marge Ă©tirĂ©e Ă  la façon d’un Ă©ventail depuis le PalĂ©ocĂšne jusqu’au MiocĂšne moyen. Ce mĂ©canisme gĂ©nĂšre des bassins diachrones ouverts vers l’est, avec un propagateur vers le sud-ouest comme cela est visible dans l’ouest de la mer de Chine [Huchon et al., 1998], et est dĂ©duit pour la mer des CĂ©lĂšbes et son prolongement dans le dĂ©troit de Makassar [Moss and Chambers, 1999]. Cet Ă©tirement prenait lui-mĂȘme la suite de l’écroulement gravitaire de la chaĂźne Yenshanienne depuis le CrĂ©tacĂ© supĂ©rieur, qui marquait la fin d’un processus similaire d’accrĂ©tion de blocs gondwaniens au cours du MĂ©sozoĂŻque [Metcalfe, 1996 ; Sewell et al., 2000]. L’ensemble du bloc de la Sonde, avec ses bassins marginaux est soumis Ă  un raccourcissement depuis le dĂ©but du MiocĂšne [Rangin et al., 1990], les bassins marginaux rentrant en subduction, et certains blocs basculĂ©s de la marge passive Ă©tant en cours d’accostage contre la marge continentale. De mĂȘme que l’ouverture des bassins s’était effectuĂ©e de maniĂšre diachrone, le serrage des bassins s’effectue lui aussi de façon diachrone. Les mĂ©canismes actifs de convergence par subduction et les blocages sont maintenant bien connus, la prĂ©cision des rĂ©cepteurs GPS, et surtout la rĂ©pĂ©tition des mesures depuis prĂšs de dix ans permettant de bien contraindre les dĂ©placements instantanĂ©s. Nous avons utilisĂ© principalement les vecteurs GPS du programme GEODYSSEA [Michel et al., 2001]. ParallĂšlement, les Ă©tudes de tomographie sismique imagent des anomalies positives de vitesse dans le manteau pouvant indiquer des lithosphĂšres subductĂ©es. C’est le cas de la proto mer de Chine Sud, parallĂšle Ă  l’actuelle mer de Chine du Sud et probablement de gĂ©omĂ©trie similaire, maintenant disparue par subduction [Rangin et al., 1999b ; Prouteau et al., 2001]. Dans cet article, les mouvements dĂ©duits du GPS ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s comme base cinĂ©matique jusqu’à l’ñge de la derniĂšre dĂ©formation marquante, pour chaque bloc des ceintures dĂ©formĂ©es. L’évolution des marges a Ă©tĂ© revue de maniĂšre globale sur l’ensemble de l’Asie du SE, de façon Ă  prĂ©senter des coupes structurales synthĂ©tiques,avant et aprĂšs raccourcissement (fig. 3 Ă  10). Ces coupes montrent que l’arrivĂ©e des blocs continentaux dans les zones de subduction entraĂźne un blocage, puis le plus souvent un saut de subduction qui intĂšgre le bloc Ă  la marge en crĂ©ant une dĂ©formation de la plaque supĂ©rieure [Dominguez et al., 1998 ; Pubellier et al., 1999 ; Von Huene et al., 1995 ; Ranero et al., 2000]. Une base de donnĂ©es sur l’Asie du Sud-est est utilisĂ©e dans les reconstructions, mais seulement une partie est reprĂ©sentĂ©e sur les planches 1 Ă  6 (topographie-bathymĂ©trie, principales failles). La base complĂšte comprend aussi bien les failles actives et anciennes, que la topographie des chaĂźnes de montagnes, la morphologie des fonds sous-marins, la gravimĂ©trie Ă  l’air libre, les vecteurs de dĂ©placement GPS en diffĂ©rents points Ă  partir du calcul du meilleur pĂŽle eulerien correspondant au mouvement de chaque bloc, les Ă©paisseurs des sĂ©diments dans les bassins, ou encore la localisation des profils sismiques utilisĂ©s. L’utilisation d’un systĂšme d’information gĂ©ographique permet de restituer les dĂ©placements des plaques ou des micro-blocs crustaux, soit Ă  l’aide des vitesses angulaires, soit de façon interactive. Cette dĂ©marche permet de choisir entre plusieurs hypothĂšses gĂ©ologiques en gardant une cohĂ©rence d’ensemble. Les palĂ©o- distances gĂ©odĂ©siques entre les blocs peuvent ĂȘtre mesurĂ©es, et les chaĂźnes de montagnes comme TaĂŻwan ou la ChaĂźne centrale de Nouvelle GuinĂ©e ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tirĂ©es pour retrouver l’espace qu’elles occupaient vraisemblablement avant leur formation. Dans les reconstructions, la profondeur des bassins correspond aux valeurs actuelles, et n’a pas Ă©tĂ© restaurĂ©e en fonction du temps. Enfin, nous n’avons pas Ă©tendu les reconstructions Ă  l’Himalaya et au Tibet, les mouvements verticaux Ă©tant trop importants. Les reconstructions effectuĂ©es Ă  2, 4, 6, 10, 15 et 20 Ma (planches 1 Ă  6) montrent que les parties continentales des plaques Sunda et Australie ; (SU/AU) s’éloignent l’une de l’autre, alors que la plaque philippine continue de “brosser” la plaque de la Sonde [Rangin et al., 1990], en transportant vers l’ouest des fragments formĂ©s au nord de la plaque australienne. Il s’agit donc d’un article qui prĂ©sente une gĂ©nĂ©ralisation de processus gĂ©odynamiques de fonctionnement des marges actives, et dont le but est de donner une image cohĂ©rente de l’accrĂ©tion de blocs aux bordures des continents, et qui a nĂ©cessitĂ© des choix dans les options souvent dĂ©battues de l’évolution au deuxiĂšme ordre de secteurs d’importance locale

    Cancer screening in a middle-aged general population: factors associated with practices and attitudes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with cancer screening practices and with general attitudes toward cancer screening in a general population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mailed survey of 30–60 year old residents of Geneva, Switzerland, that included questions about screening for five cancers (breast, cervix uteri, prostate, colon, skin) in the past 3 years, attitudes toward screening, health care use, preventive behaviours and socio-demographic characteristics. Cancer screening practice was dichotomised as having done at least one screening test in the past 3 years versus none.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The survey response rate was 49.3% (2301/4670). More women than men had had at least one cancer screening test in the past 3 years (83.2% vs 34.5%, p < 0.001). A majority of women had had a cervical smear (76.6%) and a mammography (age 30–49: 35.0%; age 50 and older: 90.3%); and 55.1% of men 50–60 years old had been screened for prostate cancer. Other factors associated with screening included older age, higher income, a doctor visit in the past 6 months, reporting a greater number of preventive behaviours and a positive attitude toward screening. Factors linked with positive attitudes included female gender, higher level of education, gainful employment, higher income, a doctor visit in the past 6 months and a personal history of cancer.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Attitudes play an important role in cancer screening practices among middle-aged adults in the general population, independent of demographic variables (age and sex) that determine in part screening recommendations. Negative attitudes were the most frequent among men and the most socio-economically disadvantaged. The moderate participation rate raises the possibility of selection bias.</p

    Worse than HIV' or 'not as serious as other diseases'? Conceptualization of cervical cancer among newly screened women in Zambia

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    Invasive cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women worldwide, with approximately 85% of the disease burden occurring in developing countries. To date, there have been few systematic efforts to document African women's conceptualization of cervical cancer after participation in a visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA)-based " see and treat" cervical cancer prevention program. In this study, conducted between September, 2009-July, 2010, focus groups and in-depth interviews were conducted with 60 women who had recently undergone cervical cancer screening at a government-operated primary health care clinic in Lusaka, Zambia. Interviewers elicited participants' causal representations of cervical cancer, associated physical signs and symptoms, perceived physical and psychological effects, and social norms regarding the disease. The lay model of illness causation portrayed by participants after recent exposure to program promotion messages departed in several ways from causal models described in other parts of the world. However, causal conceptualizations included both lay and biomedical elements, suggesting a possible shift from a purely traditional causal model to one that incorporates both traditional concepts and recently promoted biomedical concepts. Most, but not all, women still equated cervical cancer with death, and perceived it to be a highly stigmatized disease in Zambia because of its anatomic location, dire natural course, connections to socially-condemned behaviors, and association with HIV/AIDS. No substantive differences of disease conceptualization existed according to HIV serostatus, though HIV positive women acknowledged that their immune status makes them more aware of their health and more likely to seek medical attention. Further attention should be dedicated to the processes by which women incorporate new knowledge into their representations of cervical cancer

    Slab segmentation controls the interplate slip motion in the SW Hellenic subduction: New insight from the 2008Mw 6.8 Methoni interplate earthquake

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    We present an integrated approach of the seismic structure and activity along the offshore SW Hellenic subduction from combined observations of marine and land seismic stations. Our imaging of the slab top topography from teleseismic receiver function analysis at ocean bottom seismometers supports a trenchward continuation of the along-dip slab faults beneath the Peloponnesus. We further show that their morphostructural control accounts for the backstepping of the thrust contact of the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary wedge over the upper plate. Local seismic activity offshore SW Peloponnesus constrained by ocean bottom seismometer observations reveals a correlation with specific features of the forearc: the Matapan Troughs. We study the Mw6.8 14.02.2008 interplate earthquake offshore SW Peloponnesus and show that its nucleation, rupture zone, and aftershocks sequence are confined to one slab panel between two adjacent along-dip faults and are thus controlled by not only the offshore slab top segmentation but also the upper plate sea-bottom morphology

    Motivations and experiences of women who accessed "see and treat" cervical cancer prevention services in Zambia

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    Background: In Zambia, a country with a generalized HIV epidemic, age-adjusted cervical cancer incidence is among the highest worldwide. In 2006, the University of Alabama at Birmingham-Center for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia and the Zambian Ministry of Health launched a visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) -based "see and treat" cervical cancer prevention program in Lusaka. All services were integrated within existing government-operated primary health care facilities. Objective: Study aims were to (i) identify women's motivations for cervical screening, (ii) document women's experiences with screening and (iii) describe the potentially reciprocal influences between women undergoing cervical screening and their social networks. Design and methods: Focus group discussions (FGD) and in-depth interviews (IDI) were conducted with women who accepted screening and with care providers. Low-level content analysis was performed to identify themes evoked by participants. Between September 2009 and July 2010, 60 women and 21 care providers participated in 8 FGD and 10 IDI. Results: Women presented for screening with varying needs and expectations. A majority discussed their screening decisions and experiences with members of their social networks. Key reinforcing factors and obstacles to VIA screening were identified. Conclusions: Interventions are needed to gain support for the screening process from influential family members and peers

    Neotectonics of the Owen Fracture Zone (NW Indian Ocean): structural evolution of an oceanic strike-slip plate boundary

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    International audienceThe Owen Fracture Zone is a 800 km-long fault system that accommodates the dextral strike-slip motion between India and Arabia plates. Because of slow pelagic sedimentation rates that preserve the seafloor expression of the fault since the Early Pliocene, the fault is clearly observed on bathymetric data. It is made up of a series of fault segments separated by releasing and restraining bends, including a major pull-apart basin at latitude 20°N. Some distal turbiditic channels from the Indus deep-sea fan overlap the fault system and are disturbed by its activity, thus providing landmarks to date successive stages of fault activity and structural evolution of the Owen Fracture Zone from Pliocene to Present. We determine the durability of relay structures and the timing of their evolution along the principal displacement zone, from their inception to their extinction. We observe subsidence migration in the 20°N basin, and alternate activation of fault splays in the vicinity of the Qalhat seamount. The present-day Owen Fracture Zone is the latest stage of structural evolution of the 20-Myr-old strike-slip fault system buried under Indus turbiditic deposits whose activity started at the eastern foot of the Owen Ridge when the Gulf of Aden opened. The evolution of the Owen Fracture Zone since 3-6 Myr reflects a steady state plate motion between Arabia and India, such as inferred by kinematics for the last 20 Myr period. The structural evolution of the Owen Fracture Zone since 20 Myr- including fault segments propagation and migration, pull-apart basin opening and extinction - seems to be characterized by a progressive reorganisation of the fault system, and does not require any major kinematics change

    In-situ evidence for dextral active motion at the Arabia-India plate boundary

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    International audienceThe Arabia-India plate boundary--also called theOwen fracture zone--is perhaps the least-known boundary among large tectonic plates1-6. Although it was identified early on as an example of a transform fault converting the divergent motion along the Carlsberg Ridge to convergent motion in the Himalayas7, its structure and rate of motion remains poorly constrained. Here we present the first direct evidence for active dextral strike-slip motion along this fault, based on seafloor multibeam mapping of the Arabia-India-Somalia triple junction in the northwest Indian Ocean. There is evidence for 12km of apparent strike-slip motion along the mapped segment of the Owen fracture zone, which is terminated to the south by a 50-km-wide pull-apart basin bounded by active faults. By evaluating these new constraints within the context of geodetic models of global plate motions, we determine a robust angular velocity for the Arabian plate relative to the Indian plate that predicts 2-4mmyr−1 dextral motion along the Owen fracture zone. This transformfault was probably initiated around 8 million years ago in response to a regional reorganization of plate velocities and directions8-11, which induced a change in configuration of the triple junction. Infrequent earthquakes of magnitude 7 and greater may occur along the Arabia-India plate boundary, unless deformation is in the formof aseismic creep
