1,509 research outputs found

    Predictions of understory light conditions in northern hardwood forests following parameterization, sensitivity analysis, and tests of the SORTIE light model

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    We parameterized the light model of SORTIE for northern hardwoods in eastern Canada, and performed a sensitivity analysis and validation tests of the model before using it to predict the effect of various types of partial cutting on understorey light conditions. The parameterization was done by characterizing the crown geometry and openness of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britt.), and beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.). Those results indicated that beech casts a deeper shade than sugar maple and yellow birch. The sensitivity analysis showed that the model predictions were more sensitive to variations in the crown geometry parameters, especially the crown radius parameter, than to variations in crown openness. Validation tests of the model were performed in both mapped and unmapped plots by comparing light predicted by SORTIE to light measured in the field using hemispherical photographs and sensor-based measurements. In mapped stands, the model provided reasonably accurate predictions of the overall variation in understorey light levels between 2 and 30% full sunlight, but the predictions tended to lack spatial precision. In unmapped stands, SORTIE accurately predicted stand-level mean light availability at 5 m aboveground for stands ranging in basal area from 19 to 27 m2/ha. At heights lower than 5 m, SORTIE accurately predicted the light availability in a recent selection cut with a low density of understorey vegetation, but tended to overestimate light availability in stands with relatively dense undergrowth. Finally, a demonstration of the possible usefulness of the SORTIE light model is presented by using the model to compare the proportion of various light microsites created by a variety of selection cutting systems in use in eastern Canada (selection cutting with different harvesting intensities, group selection, and patch selection)

    Risk Factors Associated with Running Related Injuries in Physically Active Young Men

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    Stereocontrolled enantioselective total synthesis of the [2+2] quadrigemine alkaloids.

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    A unified strategy for enantioselective total synthesis of all stereoisomers of the 2+2 family of quadrigemine alkaloids is reported. In this approach, two enantioselective intramolecular Heck reactions are carried out at the same time on precursors fashioned in four steps from either meso- or (+)-chimonanthine to form the two critical quaternary carbons of the peripheral cyclotryptamine rings of these products. Useful levels of catalyst control are realized in either desymmetrizing a meso precursor or controlling diastereoselectivity in elaborating C2-symmetic intermediates. None of the synthetic quadrigemines are identical with alkaloids isolated previously and referred to as quadrigemines A and E. In addition, we report improvements in our previous total syntheses of (+)- or (-)-quadrigemine C that shortened the synthetic sequence to 10 steps and provided these products in 2.2% overall yield from tryptamine

    Barriers to Physical Activity: Physical Activity in Military Employees; Barrier impact on Perceived Health

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    Much of the world faces a growing obesity epidemic. (pp92-97) The consequences of this serious problem are well established and potentially devastating. Conditions associated with an elevated body mass include diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and certain malignancies.(pp97-100), For many, obesity and elevated body mass are a consequence of decreased physical activity; industrial advancements (eg, convenient transportation, technological advancements, and decreased need for manual labor) have contributed to an overall decrease in physical activity worldwide

    Use of a spatially explicit individual-tree model (SORTIE/BC) to explore the implications of patchiness in structurally complex forests

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    The discipline of silviculture is evolving rapidly, moving from an agricultural model that emphasized simple stand structures toward a natural disturbance- or ecosystem-based model where stands are managed for multiple species and complex structures. Predicting stand dynamics and future yields in mixed-species complex structured stands cannot be easily accomplished with traditional field experiments. We outline the development and structure of SORTIE/BC, a descendent of the SORTIE model. SORTIE/BC is a light-mediated, spatially explicit, mixed-species forest model that makes population dynamic forecasts for juvenile and adult trees. We use the model to simulate partial cutting prescriptions in temperate deciduous, boreal and temperate coniferous mixed-species forests. The species, amount and spatial pattern of canopy tree removal had a major influence on understory light environments. Low and uniform removal of canopy trees were less successful in favouring the growth and survival of regenerating trees of intermediate to shade intolerant species and the growth of retained canopy trees than patch removal. In the boreal mixedwood, strip-cutting can maintain mixed stands but careful attention must be paid to buffer and strip management to optimize stand growth. We conclude that SORTIE/ BC can be very useful to explore and explain the silvicultural implications of complex silvicultural prescriptions for which there are no existing long-term experiments. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Substance-use coping and self-rated health among US middle-aged and older adults

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    The prevalence of alcohol, drug, and tobacco use among US middle-aged and older adults is increasing. A subset of this population uses substances to cope with stress, but the characteristics of these individuals, and the association between substance-use coping and health outcomes remain unclear. We identified correlates of substance-use coping and measured its association with self-rated health in a community-based sample of adults aged 54–99 in the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). In the 2008 HRS, 1351 participants reported their frequency of prescription/other drug-, alcohol-, and cigarette-use coping with stress and reported self-rated health (excellent/very good, good, or fair/poor); 1201 of these participants also reported self-rated health in 2010. One in six participants frequently used substances to cope. The oldest participants were least likely to engage in frequent alcohol-use coping. Those with elevated depressive symptoms were more likely to frequently engage in cigarette- and prescription/other drug-use coping. In multivariable-adjusted analyses, participants who frequently used cigarettes (compared to participants who infrequently used cigarettes) to cope had 2.7 times (95% CI = 1.1–6.7) the odds of poor (vs. excellent) self-rated health. Relative to participants who infrequently used prescription/other drugs to cope, participants who frequently used prescription/other drugs to cope had 2.4 times (95% CI = 1.1–5.1) the odds of reporting poor self-rated health. The association between prescription/other drug-use coping in 2008 and self-rated health in 2010 was statistically significant (relative OR = 3.5, 95% CI = 1.7–7.2). Participants engaging in substance-use coping likely have particular demographic and clinical characteristics. Interventions to reduce substance-use coping may prevent adverse health outcomes

    Investigation of a Mesoporous Silicon Based Ferromagnetic Nanocomposite

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    A semiconductor/metal nanocomposite is composed of a porosified silicon wafer and embedded ferromagnetic nanostructures. The obtained hybrid system possesses the electronic properties of silicon together with the magnetic properties of the incorporated ferromagnetic metal. On the one hand, a transition metal is electrochemically deposited from a metal salt solution into the nanostructured silicon skeleton, on the other hand magnetic particles of a few nanometres in size, fabricated in solution, are incorporated by immersion. The electrochemically deposited nanostructures can be tuned in size, shape and their spatial distribution by the process parameters, and thus specimens with desired ferromagnetic properties can be fabricated. Using magnetite nanoparticles for infiltration into porous silicon is of interest not only because of the magnetic properties of the composite material due to the possible modification of the ferromagnetic/superparamagnetic transition but also because of the biocompatibility of the system caused by the low toxicity of both materials. Thus, it is a promising candidate for biomedical applications as drug delivery or biomedical targeting

    Fission of a multiphase membrane tube

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    A common mechanism for intracellular transport is the use of controlled deformations of the membrane to create spherical or tubular buds. While the basic physical properties of homogeneous membranes are relatively well-known, the effects of inhomogeneities within membranes are very much an active field of study. Membrane domains enriched in certain lipids in particular are attracting much attention, and in this Letter we investigate the effect of such domains on the shape and fate of membrane tubes. Recent experiments have demonstrated that forced lipid phase separation can trigger tube fission, and we demonstrate how this can be understood purely from the difference in elastic constants between the domains. Moreover, the proposed model predicts timescales for fission that agree well with experimental findings

    Two-Timescale Learning Using Idiotypic Behaviour Mediation For A Navigating Mobile Robot

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    A combined Short-Term Learning (STL) and Long-Term Learning (LTL) approach to solving mobile-robot navigation problems is presented and tested in both the real and virtual domains. The LTL phase consists of rapid simulations that use a Genetic Algorithm to derive diverse sets of behaviours, encoded as variable sets of attributes, and the STL phase is an idiotypic Artificial Immune System. Results from the LTL phase show that sets of behaviours develop very rapidly, and significantly greater diversity is obtained when multiple autonomous populations are used, rather than a single one. The architecture is assessed under various scenarios, including removal of the LTL phase and switching off the idiotypic mechanism in the STL phase. The comparisons provide substantial evidence that the best option is the inclusion of both the LTL phase and the idiotypic system. In addition, this paper shows that structurally different environments can be used for the two phases without compromising transferability.Comment: 40 pages, 12 tables, Journal of Applied Soft Computin

    Conformally invariant bending energy for hypersurfaces

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    The most general conformally invariant bending energy of a closed four-dimensional surface, polynomial in the extrinsic curvature and its derivatives, is constructed. This invariance manifests itself as a set of constraints on the corresponding stress tensor. If the topology is fixed, there are three independent polynomial invariants: two of these are the straighforward quartic analogues of the quadratic Willmore energy for a two-dimensional surface; one is intrinsic (the Weyl invariant), the other extrinsic; the third invariant involves a sum of a quadratic in gradients of the extrinsic curvature -- which is not itself invariant -- and a quartic in the curvature. The four-dimensional energy quadratic in extrinsic curvature plays a central role in this construction.Comment: 16 page
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