857 research outputs found

    First-order and multi-order diffractive lens using a device with 8P phase modulation range

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    La lexicografia catalana actual

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    In this paper a general analysis of the evolution and current State of modem Catalan lexicography is undertaken, which starts with the setting up of a catalogue of lexicographic publications from 1940 onwards. In addition to the quantitative analysis of published dictionaries the paper introduces a typology study in order to sort out the variety and richness of modem Catalan lexicography. In the paper relevant data is presented on the situation of Catalan lexicography with respect to the quantity of existing dictionaries, and also on the factors that have determined their variety. Finally it can serve to establish the bases to build a lexicographic plan that helps to fill the gaps and avoids the unnecessary repetitions, so that Catalan can be given the same lexicographic resorts that are available for other widespread languages


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    Introducció al monogràfic sobre «Lexicografia» coordinat per M. Teresa Cabré

    Image encryption system based on a nonlinear joint transform correlator for the simultaneous authentication of two users

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    We propose a new encryption system based on a nonlinear joint transform correlator (JTC) using the information of two biometrics (one digital fingerprint for each user) as security keys of the encryption system. In order to perform the decryption and authentication in a proper way, it is necessary to have the two digital fingerprints from the respective users whose simultaneous authentication is pursued. The proposed security system is developed in the Fourier domain. The nonlinearity of the JTC along with the five security keys given by the three random phase masks and the two digital fingerprints of the two users allow an increase of the system security against brute force and plaintext attacks. The feasibility and validity of this proposal is demonstrated using digital fingerprints as biometrics in numerical experiments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Les emprunts dans le processus de normalisation terminologique du catalan

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    Dans le contexte du catalan, la normalisation terminologique est menĂ©e Ă  bien de maniĂšre planifiĂ©e : c’est un organisme institutionnel, le Consell Supervisor du Termcat, qui s’en charge. Son objectif est d’élaborer des guides de crĂ©ation et d’adaptation de la terminologie, et d’approuver et de diffuser des termes officiels. Le Consell Supervisor suit un ensemble de critĂšres pour la normalisation de la terminologie (Termcat 2006) et a une politique spĂ©cifique concernant l’introduction d’emprunts dans le catalan (Termcat 2005). Étant donnĂ© la situation relative Ă  l’implantation exposĂ©e dans les Ă©tudes rĂ©alisĂ©es en catalan, qui confirment que les termes officiels n’ont pas toujours le succĂšs que l’on pourrait attendre, les objectifs de notre travail sont les suivants : en premier lieu, vĂ©rifier que la terminologie catalane officielle suit les critĂšres Ă©tablis pour les emprunts dans sa politique de normalisation ; en deuxiĂšme lieu, constater que l’application de ces critĂšres contribue Ă  l’utilisation des termes officiels.In the context of Catalan language, terminological standardization is carried out in a planned way: an institutional body, the Consell Supervisor of Termcat, is charged of it. Its objective is to develop guides for the creation and adaptation of terminology, and to approve and disseminate official terms. The Consell Supervisor follows a set of criteria for the standardization of terminology (Termcat 2006) and has a specific policy concerning the introduction of loanwords in Catalan (Termcat 2005). Given the terminological implantation presented in several studies carried out in Catalan, which confirm that the official terms are not always as successful as one might expect, the objectives of our work are the following: first, to verify that official Catalan terminology follows the criteria established for loanwords in its standardization policy; secondly, to confirm that the application of these criteria contributes to the use of official terms.Le prĂ©sent ouvrage est financĂ© par le CNRS (projet PICS – franco-polonais EmpNeo) et par l’Institut d’Études Romanes de l’UniversitĂ© de Ɓód
