246 research outputs found

    PID Comes Full Circle: Applications of V(D)J Recombination Excision Circles in Research, Diagnostics and Newborn Screening of Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders

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    The vast majority of patients suffering from a primary immunodeficiency (PID) have defects in their T- and/or B-cell compartments. Despite advances in molecular diagnostics, in many patients no underlying genetic defect has been identified. B- and T-lymphocytes are unique in their ability to create a receptor by genomic rearrangement of their antigen receptor genes via V(D)J recombination. During this process, stable circular excision products are formed that do not replicate when the cell proliferates. Excision circles can be reliably quantified using real-time quantitative (RQ-)PCR techniques. Frequently occurring δREC–ψJα T-cell receptor excision circles (TRECs) have been used to assess thymic output and intronRSS–Kde recombination excision circles (KREC) to quantify B-cell replication history. In this perspective, we describe how TRECs and KRECs are formed during precursor – T- and B-cell differentiation, respectively. Furthermore, we discuss new insights obtained with TRECs and KRECs and specifically how these excision circles can be applied to support therapy monitoring, patient classification and newborn screening of PID

    Advances in allergen-specific immune cell measurements for improved detection of allergic sensitization and immunotherapy responses

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    Over the past two decades, precision medicine has advanced diagnostics and treatment of allergic diseases. Component-resolved analysis of allergen sensitization facilitates stratification of patients. Furthermore, new formulations of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) products can more effectively deliver the relevant components. Molecular insights from the identification of allergen component sensitization and clinical outcomes of treatment with new AIT formulations can now be utilized for a deeper understanding of the nature of the pathogenic immune response in allergy and how this can be corrected by AIT. Fundamental in these processes are the allergen-specific B and T cells. Within the large B- and T-cell compartments, only those that specifically recognize the allergen with their immunoglobulin (Ig) or T-cell receptor (TCR), respectively, are of clinical relevance. With peripheral blood allergen-specific B- and T-cell frequencies below 1%, bulk cell analysis is typically insufficiently sensitive. We here review the latest technologies to detect allergen-specific B and T cells, as well as new developments in utilizing these tools for diagnostics and therapy monitoring to advance precision medicine for allergic diseases.</p

    Advances in allergen-specific immune cell measurements for improved detection of allergic sensitization and immunotherapy responses

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    Over the past two decades, precision medicine has advanced diagnostics and treatment of allergic diseases. Component-resolved analysis of allergen sensitization facilitates stratification of patients. Furthermore, new formulations of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) products can more effectively deliver the relevant components. Molecular insights from the identification of allergen component sensitization and clinical outcomes of treatment with new AIT formulations can now be utilized for a deeper understanding of the nature of the pathogenic immune response in allergy and how this can be corrected by AIT. Fundamental in these processes are the allergen-specific B and T cells. Within the large B- and T-cell compartments, only those that specifically recognize the allergen with their immunoglobulin (Ig) or T-cell receptor (TCR), respectively, are of clinical relevance. With peripheral blood allergen-specific B- and T-cell frequencies below 1%, bulk cell analysis is typically insufficiently sensitive. We here review the latest technologies to detect allergen-specific B and T cells, as well as new developments in utilizing these tools for diagnostics and therapy monitoring to advance precision medicine for allergic diseases.</p

    Functional Antibody Responses Following Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for TP53 Mutant pre-B-ALL in a Patient With X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia

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    Patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) have failure of B-cell development with lack of immunoglobulin (Ig) production. While immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IgRT) is beneficial, XLA patients remain at risk for infections, structural lung damage, and rarely, neoplasia. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) may offer a potential cure, but is associated with significant life-threatening complications. Here, we present a 25-year old XLA patient who developed pre-B acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) with somatic TP53 mutation, and treatment for this high-risk malignancy involved full myeloablative conditioning and a HLA-matched sibling alloSCT. Full donor chimerism was achieved for CD3+ and CD3- cell fractions. The patient remains in morphological and flow cytometric remission 14 months post-transplant, with late-onset oral GvHD requiring low dose prednisolone and cyclosporin. Following IgRT discontinuation at 4 months post-transplantation, humoral immunity was established within 14 months as reflected by normal numbers of total B cells, memory B cells, serum IgG, IgM, and IgA, and production of specific IgG responses to Prevenar-13 vaccination. This is only the second reported case of an XLA patient with pre-B-ALL, and the most detailed report of engraftment following alloSCT in XLA. Together with the two previous XLA cases treated with alloSCT, our report provides evidence for the potential for successful humoral reconstitution with alloSCT in patients with B-cell intrinsic antibody deficiency. These observations may be relevant given IgRT, while beneficial, remains an imperfect solution to long-term infectious complications

    Editorial. Nomenclature - Avoiding Babylonian Speech Confusion in Present Day Immunology

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    The complexity of the immune system at the gene, protein, cell, and organism levels continues to provide a major challenge. Genomic landscaping, single-cell analysis and mass data acquisition including genome, transcriptome, metabolome, and proteome have now added new levels of complexity. With the rapid progress in these and other fields of immunology, it has become more important than ever to agree on uniform nomenclatures, i.e. to agree on how to name novel genes, proteins, cells, and biological reagents. Names given initially might, in retrospect, not always be logical. For example, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was named on the basis of the observation of central necrosis in an experimental subcutaneous mouse tumor model (1). It was only after many unsuccessful studies in cancer, that eventually the role of TNF as a master cytokine in inflammation emerged. By that time, it was too late to rename the molecule because that would cause renewed confusion. Another cytokine has been successfully renamed. Interleukin-6 was initially known as B-cell Stimulatory Factor 2, Cytotoxic T lymphocyte Differentiation Factor, Hybridoma Growth Factor, Hepatocyte Stimulating Factor, and Interferon Beta-2. Obviously, such usage of different names for the same item can lead to confusion and may hinder progress in the field. These two examples demonstrate the need for a consensus nomenclature, which is timely applied

    Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients with Scleritis After Rituximab Treatment Including B Cell Monitoring

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    Purpose: We report the long-term effect of rituximab (RTX) in scleritis and determine the value of B-cell monitoring for the prediction of relapses. Methods: We retrospectively studied 10 patients with scleritis, who were treated with RTX. Clinical characteristics were collected, and blood B-cell counts were measured before the start of RTX, and at various time points after treatment. Results:Clinical activity of scleritis decreased after RTX treatment in all patients within a median time of 8 weeks (range 3–13), and all reached remission. The median follow-up was 101 months (range 9–138). Relapses occurred in 6 out of 10 patients. All relapses, where B-cell counts were measured (11 out of 19), were heralded by returning B cells. However, B cells also returned in patients with long-term remissions.Conclusions: RTX is a promising therapeutic option for scleritis. Recurrence of B cells after initial depletion does not always predict relapse of scleritis.</p

    Nuclear positioning rather than contraction controls ordered rearrangements of immunoglobulin loci

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    Progenitor-B cells recombine their immunoglobulin (Ig) loci to create unique antigen receptors. Despite a common recombination machinery, the Ig heavy and Ig light chain loci rearrange in a stepwise manner. We studied pre-pro-B cells and Rag-/- progenitor-B cells to determine whether Ig locus contraction or nuclear positioning is decisive for stepwise rearrangements. We found that both Ig loci were contracted in pro-B and pre-B cells. Igh relocated from the nuclear lamina to central domains only at the pro-B cell stage, whereas, Igê remained sequestered at the lamina, and only at the pre-B cell stage located to central nuclear domains. Finally, in vitro induced re-positioning of Ig alleles away from the nuclear periphery increased germline transcription of Ig loci in pre-pro-B cells. Thus, Ig locus contraction juxtaposes genomically distant elements to mediate efficient recombination, however, sequential positioning of Ig loci away from the nuclear periphery determines stage-specific accessibility of Ig loci

    Multiple sclerosis risk variants influence the peripheral B-cell compartment early in life in the general population

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    Background and purpose: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with abnormal B-cell function, and MS genetic risk alleles affect multiple genes that are expressed in B cells. However, how these genetic variants impact the B-cell compartment in early childhood is unclear. In the current study, we aim to assess whether polygenic risk scores (PRSs) for MS are associated with changes in the blood B-cell compartment in children from the general population. Methods: Six-year-old children from the population-based Generation R Study were included. Genotype data were used to calculate MS-PRSs and B-cell subset-enriched MS-PRSs, established by designating risk loci based on expression and function. Analyses of variance were performed to examine the effect of MS-PRSs on total B-cell numbers (n = 1261) as well as naive and memory subsets (n = 675). Results: After correction for multiple testing, no significant associations were observed between MS-PRSs and total B-cell numbers and frequencies of subsets therein. A naive B-cell-MS-PRS (n = 26 variants) was significantly associated with lower relative, but not absolute, naive B-cell numbers (p = 1.03 × 10−4 and p = 0.82, respectively), and higher frequencies and absolute numbers of CD27+ memory B cells (p = 8.83 × 10−4 and p = 4.89 × 10−3, respectively). These associations remained significant after adjustment for Epstein–Barr virus seropositivity and the HLA-DRB1*15:01 genotype. Conclusions: The composition of the blood B-cell compartment is associated with specific naive B-cell-associated MS risk variants during childhood, possibly contributing to MS pathophysiology later in life. Cell subset-specific PRSs may offer a more sensitive tool to define the impact of genetic risk on the immune system in diseases such as MS.</p

    The EuroFlow PID orientation tube for flow cytometric diagnostic screening of primary immunodeficiencies of the lymphoid system

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    Copyright © 2019 van der Burg, Kalina, Perez-Andres, Vlkova, Lopez-Granados, Blanco, Bonroy, Sousa, Kienzler, Wentink, Mejstríková, Šinkorova, Stuchly, van Zelm, Orfao and van Dongen. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.In the rapidly evolving field of primary immunodeficiencies (PID), the EuroFlow consortium decided to develop a PID orientation and screening tube that facilitates fast, standardized, and validated immunophenotypic diagnosis of lymphoid PID, and allows full exchange of data between centers. Our aim was to develop a tool that would be universal for all lymphoid PIDs and offer high sensitivity to identify a lymphoid PID (without a need for specificity to diagnose particular PID) and to guide and prioritize further diagnostic modalities and clinical management. The tube composition has been defined in a stepwise manner through several cycles of design-testing-evaluation-redesign in a multicenter setting. Equally important appeared to be the standardized pre-analytical procedures (sample preparation and instrument setup), analytical procedures (immunostaining and data acquisition), the software analysis (a multidimensional view based on a reference database in Infinicyt software), and data interpretation. This standardized EuroFlow concept has been tested on 250 healthy controls and 99 PID patients with defined genetic defects. In addition, an application of new EuroFlow software tools with multidimensional pattern recognition was designed with inclusion of maturation pathways in multidimensional patterns (APS plots). The major advantage of the EuroFlow approach is that data can be fully exchanged between different laboratories in any country of the world, which is especially of interest for the PID field, with generally low numbers of cases per center.The coordination and innovation processes of this study were supported by the EuroFlow Consortium (Chairmen: MvdB and AO). MvZ is supported by Senior Research Fellowship GNT1117687 from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. TK and EM were supported by projects 15-28541A from Ministry of Health, LO1604 from Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and GBP302/12/G101 from Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. MP-A, EB, and AO were supported by a grant from the Junta de Castilla y León (Fondo Social Europeo, ORDEN EDU/346/2013, Valladolid, Spain) and the CB16/12/00400 grant (CIBER/ONC, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, - Madrid, Spain- and FONDOS FEDER), the FIS PI12/00905-FEDER grant (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria of Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain) and AP119882013 grant (Fundación Mutua Madrileña, Madrid, Spain). Publishing costs for this article were covered by the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio