7,016 research outputs found

    Made-to-Measure models of the Galactic Box/Peanut bulge: stellar and total mass in the bulge region

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    We construct dynamical models of the Milky Way's Box/Peanut (B/P) bulge, using the recently measured 3D density of Red Clump Giants (RCGs) as well as kinematic data from the BRAVA survey. We match these data using the NMAGIC Made-to-Measure method, starting with N-body models for barred discs in different dark matter haloes. We determine the total mass in the bulge volume of the RCGs measurement (+-2.2 x +- 1.4 x +- 1.2 kpc) with unprecedented accuracy and robustness to be 1.84 +- 0.07 x10^10 Msun. The stellar mass in this volume varies between 1.25-1.6 x10^10 Msun, depending on the amount of dark matter in the bulge. We evaluate the mass-to-light and mass-to-clump ratios in the bulge and compare them to theoretical predictions from population synthesis models. We find a mass-to-light ratio in the K-band in the range 0.8-1.1. The models are consistent with a Kroupa or Chabrier IMF, but a Salpeter IMF is ruled out for stellar ages of 10 Gyr. To match predictions from the Zoccali IMF derived from the bulge stellar luminosity function requires about 40% or 0.7 x10^10 Msun dark matter in the bulge region. The BRAVA data together with the RCGs 3D density imply a low pattern speed for the Galactic B/P bulge of 25-30 km.s-1.kpc-1. This would place the Galaxy among the slow rotators (R >= 1.5). Finally, we show that the Milky Way's B/P bulge has an off-centred X structure, and that the stellar mass involved in the peanut shape accounts for at least 20% of the stellar mass of the bulge, significantly larger than previously thought.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Cooperative quantum jumps for three dipole-interacting atoms

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    We investigate the effect of the dipole-dipole interaction on the quantum jump statistics of three atoms. This is done for three-level systems in a V configuration and in what may be called a D configuration. The transition rates between the four different intensity periods are calculated in closed form. Cooperative effects are shown to increase by a factor of 2 compared to two of either three-level systems. This results in transition rates that are, for distances of about one wavelength of the strong transition, up to 100% higher than for independent systems. In addition the double and triple jump rates are calculated from the transition rates. In this case cooperative effects of up to 170% for distances of about one wavelength and still up to 15% around 10 wavelengths are found. Nevertheless, for the parameters of an experiment with Hg+ ions the effects are negligible, in agreement with the experimental data. For three Ba+ ions this seems to indicate that the large cooperative effects observed experimentally cannot be explained by the dipole-dipole interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Revised version, to be published in PR

    The planetary nebula population in the halo of M87

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    We investigate the diffuse light in the outer regions of the nearby elliptical galaxy M87 in the Virgo cluster, using planetary nebulas (PNs) as tracers. The surveyed areas (0.43 squared degrees) cover M87 up to a radial distance of 150 kpc, in the ransition region between galaxy halo and intracluster light (ICL). All PNs are identified through the on-off band technique using automatic selection criteria based on the distribution of the detected sources in the colour-magnitude diagram and the properties of their point-spread function. We extract a catalogue of 688 objects down to m_5007=28.4, with an estimated residual contamination from foreground stars and background Lyalpha galaxies, which amounts to ~35% of the sample. This is one of the largest extragalactic PN samples in number of candidates, magnitude depth, and radial extent, which allows us to carry out an unprecedented photometric study of the PN population in the outer regions of M87. We find that the logarithmic density profile of the PN distribution is shallower than the surface brightness profile at large radii. This behaviour is consistent with the superposition of two components associated with the halo of M87 and with the ICL, which have different luminosity specific PN numbers, the ICL contributing three times more PNs per unit light. Because of the depth of this survey we are also able to study the shape of the PN luminosity function (PNLF) in the outer regions of M87. We find a slope for the PNLF that is steeper at fainter magnitudes than the standard analytical PNLF formula and adopt a generalised model that treats the slope as a free parameter. Comparing the PNLF of M87 and the M31 bulge, both normalised by the sampled luminosity, the M87 PNLF contains fewer bright PNs and has a steeper slope towards fainter magnitudes.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    The Milky Way bar/bulge in proper motions: a 3D view from VIRAC & Gaia

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    © 2019 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.We have derived absolute proper motions of the entire Galactic bulge region from VIRAC and Gaia. We present these as both integrated on-sky maps and, after isolating standard candle red clump (RC) stars, as a function of distance using RC magnitude as a proxy. These data provide a new global, 3-dimensional view of the Milky Way barred bulge kinematics. We find a gradient in the mean longitudinal proper motion, μl\mu_l, between the different sides of the bar, which is sensitive to the bar pattern speed. The split RC has distinct proper motions and is colder than other stars at similar distance. The proper motion correlation map has a quadrupole pattern in all magnitude slices showing no evidence for a separate, more axisymmetric inner bulge component. The line-of-sight integrated kinematic maps show a high central velocity dispersion surrounded by a more asymmetric dispersion profile. σμl/σμb\sigma_{\mu_l} / \sigma_{\mu_b} is smallest, 1.1\sim1.1, near the minor axis and reaches 1.4\sim1.4 near the disc plane. The integrated pattern signals a superposition of bar rotation and internal streaming motion, with the near part shrinking in latitude and the far part expanding. To understand and interpret these remarkable data, we compare to a made-to-measure barred dynamical model, folding in the VIRAC selection function to construct mock maps. We find that our model of the barred bulge, with a pattern speed of 37.5 kms1kpc1\mathrm{km \, s^{-1} \, kpc^{-1}}, is able to reproduce all observed features impressively well. Dynamical models like this will be key to unlocking the full potential of these data.Peer reviewe

    Rotating system for four-dimensional transverse rms-emittance measurements

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    Knowledge of the transverse four-dimensional beam rms-parameters is essential for applications that involve lattice elements that couple the two transverse degrees of freedom (planes). Of special interest is the removal of inter-plane correlations to reduce the projected emittances. A dedicated ROtating System for Emittance measurements (ROSE) has been proposed, developed, and successfully commissioned to fully determine the four-dimensional beam matrix. This device has been used at the High Charge injector (HLI) at GSI using a beam line which is composed of a skew quadrupole triplet, a normal quadrupole doublet, and ROSE. Mathematical algorithms, measurements, and results for ion beams of 83Kr13+ at 1.4 MeV/u are reported in this paper.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Detection, photometry and slitless radial velocities of 535 planetary nebulae in the flattened elliptical galaxy NGC 4697

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    We have detected 535 planetary nebulae (PNs) in NGC 4697, using the classic on-band, off-band filter technique with the Focal Reducer and Spectrograph (FORS) at the Cassegrain focus of the first 8-meter telescope unit of the ESO Very Large Telescope. From our photometry we have built the [O III] 5007 planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF) of NGC 4697. It indicates a distance of 10.5 Mpc, substantially smaller than a previous estimate of 24 Mpc used in earlier dynamical studies. The PNLF also provides an estimate of the specific PN formation rate. Combining the information from on-band images with PN positions on dispersed, slitless grism images, we have obtained radial velocities for 531 of the 535 PNs. They provide kinematic information up to a distance of almost three effective radii from the nucleus. Some rotation is detected in the outer regions, but the rotation curve of this galaxy appears to drop beyond one effective radius. Assuming an isotropic velocity distribution, the velocity dispersion profile is consistent with no dark matter within three effective radii of the nucleus (however, some dark matter can be present if the velocity distribution is anisotropic). We obtain a blue mass-to-light ratio of 11. Earlier M/L ratios for NGC 4697 were too small, because of the too large distance used for their derivation.Comment: 52 pages, 24 Postscript figures, ApJ 2001, in pres

    Dynamical regimes and hydrodynamic lift of viscous vesicles under shear

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    The dynamics of two-dimensional viscous vesicles in shear flow, with different fluid viscosities ηin\eta_{\rm in} and ηout\eta_{\rm out} inside and outside, respectively, is studied using mesoscale simulation techniques. Besides the well-known tank-treading and tumbling motions, an oscillatory swinging motion is observed in the simulations for large shear rate. The existence of this swinging motion requires the excitation of higher-order undulation modes (beyond elliptical deformations) in two dimensions. Keller-Skalak theory is extended to deformable two-dimensional vesicles, such that a dynamical phase diagram can be predicted for the reduced shear rate and the viscosity contrast ηin/ηout\eta_{\rm in}/\eta_{\rm out}. The simulation results are found to be in good agreement with the theoretical predictions, when thermal fluctuations are incorporated in the theory. Moreover, the hydrodynamic lift force, acting on vesicles under shear close to a wall, is determined from simulations for various viscosity contrasts. For comparison, the lift force is calculated numerically in the absence of thermal fluctuations using the boundary-integral method for equal inside and outside viscosities. Both methods show that the dependence of the lift force on the distance ycmy_{\rm {cm}} of the vesicle center of mass from the wall is well described by an effective power law ycm2y_{\rm {cm}}^{-2} for intermediate distances 0.8Rpycm3Rp0.8 R_{\rm p} \lesssim y_{\rm {cm}} \lesssim 3 R_{\rm p} with vesicle radius RpR_{\rm p}. The boundary-integral calculation indicates that the lift force decays asymptotically as 1/[ycmln(ycm)]1/[y_{\rm {cm}}\ln(y_{\rm {cm}})] far from the wall.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Kinetics and mechanism of proton transport across membrane nanopores

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    We use computer simulations to study the kinetics and mechanism of proton passage through a narrow-pore carbon-nanotube membrane separating reservoirs of liquid water. Free energy and rate constant calculations show that protons move across the membrane diffusively in single-file chains of hydrogen-bonded water molecules. Proton passage through the membrane is opposed by a high barrier along the effective potential, reflecting the large electrostatic penalty for desolvation and reminiscent of charge exclusion in biological water channels. At neutral pH, we estimate a translocation rate of about 1 proton per hour and tube.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Equivalent Photon Approach to Simultaneous Excitation in Heavy Ion Collision

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    We apply the Equivalent Photon Approximation to calculate cross sections for the simultaneous excitation of two heavy ions in relativistic collisions. We study especially the excitation of two nuclei to a 1- - state and show that the equations are symmetric with respect to both ions. We also examine the limit in which the excitation energy of one of the nuclei goes to zero, which gives the elastic case. Finally a few remarks about the limits of this approach are made.Comment: 9 pages REVTex, 4 Figures included, see also http://www.phys.washington.edu/~hencken

    Eigenfunctions for smooth expanding circle maps

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    We construct a real-analytic circle map for which the corresponding Perron-Frobenius operator has a real-analytic eigenfunction with an eigenvalue outside the essential spectral radius when acting upon C1C^1-functions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure