1,395 research outputs found

    Patterned probes for high precision 4D-STEM bragg measurements.

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    Nanoscale strain mapping by four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D-STEM) relies on determining the precise locations of Bragg-scattered electrons in a sequence of diffraction patterns, a task which is complicated by dynamical scattering, inelastic scattering, and shot noise. These features hinder accurate automated computational detection and position measurement of the diffracted disks, limiting the precision of measurements of local deformation. Here, we investigate the use of patterned probes to improve the precision of strain mapping. We imprint a "bullseye" pattern onto the probe, by using a binary mask in the probe-forming aperture, to improve the robustness of the peak finding algorithm to intensity modulations inside the diffracted disks. We show that this imprinting leads to substantially improved strain-mapping precision at the expense of a slight decrease in spatial resolution. In experiments on an unstrained silicon reference sample, we observe an improvement in strain measurement precision from 2.7% of the reciprocal lattice vectors with standard probes to 0.3% using bullseye probes for a thin sample, and an improvement from 4.7% to 0.8% for a thick sample. We also use multislice simulations to explore how sample thickness and electron dose limit the attainable accuracy and precision for 4D-STEM strain measurements

    Impact of gravitational radiation higher order modes on single aligned-spin gravitational wave searches for binary black holes

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    Current template-based gravitational wave searches for compact binary coalescences (CBC) use waveform models that neglect the higher order modes content of the gravitational radiation emitted, considering only the quadrupolar (ℓ,∣m∣)=(2,2)(\ell,|m|)=(2,2) modes. We study the effect of such a neglection for the case of aligned-spin CBC searches for equal-spin (and non-spinning) binary black holes in the context of two versions of Advanced LIGO: the upcoming 2015 version, known as early Advanced LIGO (eaLIGO) and its Zero-Detuned High Energy Power version, that we will refer to as Advanced LIGO (AdvLIGO). In addition, we study the case of a non-spinning search for initial LIGO (iLIGO). We do this via computing the effectualness of the aligned-spin SEOBNRv1 ROM waveform family, which only considers quadrupolar modes, towards hybrid post-Newtonian/Numerical Relativity waveforms which contain higher order modes. We find that for all LIGO versions, losses of more than 10%10\% of events occur for mass ratio q≥6q\geq6 and M≥100M⊙M \geq 100M_\odot due to the neglection of higher modes. Moreover, for iLIGO and eaLIGO, losses notably increase up to (39,23)%(39,23)\% respectively for the highest mass (220M⊙)(220M_\odot) and mass ratio (q=8q=8) studied. For the case of early AdvLIGO, losses of 10%10\% occur for M>50M⊙M>50M_\odot and q≥6q\geq6. Neglection of higher modes leads to observation-averaged systematic parameter biases towards lower spin, total mass and chirp mass. For completeness, we perform a preliminar, non-exhaustive comparison of systematic biases to statistical errors. We find that, for a given SNR, systematic biases dominate over statistical errors at much lower total mass for eaLIGO than for AdvLIGO

    Carbonatación de diatomeas y génesis de calizas/dolomías diagenéticas en ambiente continental y marino (Mioceno de Tresjuncos, Cuenca y Níjar, Almería). Un ejemplo de secuestro de CO2 en la Naturaleza

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    Carbonate (calcite and dolomite) pseudomorphs after diatoms were identified from marine (Messinian, Níjar section) and freshwater (Turolian, Tresjuncos section) diatomites. The mineralogical and petrological study has allowed to know the replacement of opal-A by calcite or dolomite, and the consequent formation of diagenetic limestones/dolostones, deducing the factors that favor this replacement in both environments. The data obtained are relevant to the research about the use of diatomites for the capture and storage of carbon dioxide through carbonation. A pseudomorphic carbonatation process of the frustules occurred by a direct replacement of the opal-A and a cementation of the microporosity. Opal-A was replaced by calcite or dolomite via a coupled dissolution-precipitation process. The organization of the opal A microspheres inside the frustules could determine the organization of multi-ion complexes / nanoparticles of amorphous carbonates that would later recrystallize to calcite or dolomite crystals. The carbonation of the lacustrine diatomites was favored by the great amount of biota (amphibians, crusta­ceans, insects, plants…etc.) included in them. In this environment, the sulphate-reduction processes during the degradation of the organic matter generated CO2, which along with pH and salinity changes, facilitated the replace­ments. It is possible that the carbonatation of the frustules was coeval to the calcite or dolomite precipitation during the fossilization of the biota, and therefore, early diagenetic in origin. The nodules and opaline lenticular beds formation triggered the carbonation process of the marine diatomites because CO2 and Ca are released from the dissolution of biocalcarenites/biocalcitutites included in the diatomites. Small pH variations around 9, and the presence of sulfates, would facilitate the replacement of the valves, during the burial diagenesis.En el presente trabajo se estudian los procesos de carbonatación de frústulas de diatomeas y la consecuente formación de calizas/dolomías diagenéticas, en estratos de diatomitas marinas (Messiniense, sección de Níjar) y lacustres (Turoliense, sección de Tresjuncos). Se realiza un estudio mineralógico y petrológico para conocer el reemplazo de ópalo A por calcita o dolomita, considerando los factores que favorecen este reemplazo en ambos ambientes. Los datos obtenidos son relevantes para la investigación del uso de diatomitas en la captura y alma­cenamiento de dióxido de carbono a través de su carbonatación. Los procesos pseudomórficos de carbonatación de las valvas se llevaron a cabo mediante el reemplazo directo del ópalo A por calcita o dolomita y la cementación de la microporosidad. La perfecta reproducción de las valvas indica un mecanismo de reacción con acoplamiento de disolución-precipitación en la interfase de reacción. Se interpreta que la organización de las microesferas de ópalo A, dentro de las valvas, condicionaría la organización de complejos amor­fos de varios iones o nanopartículas de carbonatos amorfos, que posteriormente recristalizarían a calcita o dolomita. En las diatomitas lacustres, el proceso de carbonatación de las valvas fue favorecido por la materia orgánica proveniente de la gran cantidad de biota (anfibios, crustáceos, insectos, plantas... etc.) que incorporan. En este ambiente, los procesos de sulfato-reducción durante la degradación de la materia orgánica, generaron CO2, que junto con cambios de pH y salinidad facilitaron los reemplazos. Es posible que las carbonataciones de las valvas fueran coetáneas a la precipitación de calcita y dolomita que fosiliza la biota y por lo tanto, diagenéticas tempra­nas. En las diatomitas marinas, el proceso desencadenante del reemplazo de las valvas fue la formación de capas lenticulares y nódulos opalinos, ya que al disolverse los microfósiles calcáreos que las diatomitas incluían, se liberó CO2 y Ca. Pequeñas variaciones de pH en un entorno alrededor de 9, y la presencia de sulfatos facilitarían el reemplazado durante la diagénesis por enterramiento

    Zika virus infection in pregnant women in Honduras: study protocol

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    Background: Although there is increasing evidence for a relationship between symptomatic Zika virus (ZIKV) maternal infection, and microcephaly, a firm causal relation has yet to be established by epidemiologic studies. Studies also need to be conducted in recently infected settings. Our objectives are to assess the frequency of ZIKV infection during pregnancy in Honduras and the association of microcephaly with ZIKV infection. Methods/Design: We will perform a prospective study enrolling pregnant women at their first antenatal visit and following them up until delivery. At the time of enrollment, women will be interviewed to collect socio-demographic data, data needed to locate them for potential additional follow-up, and data about ZIKV symptoms during pregnancy. We will also collect maternal blood as soon as possible after enrollment. A probable maternal ZIKV infection will be defined as positive for maternal ZIKV IgM. A confirmed maternal ZIKV infection will be defined as positive for ZIKV IgM confirmed by plaque reduction neutralization test. Microcephaly at birth will be defined as an occipito-frontal circumference <2SD for sex and gestational age. Our objective is to enroll 2000 pregnant women. In a first step, we will follow a case cohort design and only analyze blood samples for cases and a sub-cohort of 200 women randomly selected. Blood samples for the entire population will be analyzed at a later stage if funds are available. Discussion: This protocol was designed to be implemented with minimal resources. It allows a cohort to be built, which could be a foundation for future in-depth and follow-up studies.Fil: Buekens, Pierre. University of Tulane; Estados UnidosFil: Alger, Jackeline. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras; HondurasFil: Althabe, Fernando. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bergel, Eduardo. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Berrueta, Amanda Mabel. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Bustillo, Carolina. Hospital Escuela. Departamento de Ginecología y Obstetricia; HondurasFil: Cafferata, Maria Luisa. Hospital de Clínicas. Unidad de Investigación Clínica y Epidemiológica Montevideo; UruguayFil: Harville, Emily. University of Tulane; Estados UnidosFil: Rosales, Karla. Región Sanitaria Metropolitana Distrito Central de Francisco Morazán; HondurasFil: Wesson, Dawn M.. University of Tulane; Estados UnidosFil: Zuniga, Concepcion. Hospital Escuela Universitario. Instituto de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Parasitología Antonio Vidal; Hondura


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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Belles Arts. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017, Tutor: Salvador Juanpere[spa] Cenizas3 al cubo es el proyecto artístico que me ha permitido trabajar sobre la necesidad de concienciar a las personas de los entornos urbanos, de un problema que me tiene preocupado: los incendios forestales. Entiendo que nos estamos malacostumbrando a ver cada verano diferentes incendios, miles de hectáreas calcinadas, cientos de personas desplazadas de sus hogares y no hacer nada por revertir unos sucesos que se repiten año tras año. Para conseguirlo me he propuesto introducir al espectador en un espacio de reflexión, un punto de encuentro con su interior, cuya estancia permita a través de la experiencia multisensorial, poder percibir aquellas emociones y sentimientos que se experimenta cuando caminamos por un bosque, momentos después de haberse calcinado. Ante la falta de permisos para la construcción del proyecto (36 m3) en las instalaciones de la facultad, he trabajado las formas y materiales a menor escala, de manera que se pueda apreciar. De todas formas estamos en contacto con el ayuntamiento de el Bruc, para su construcción en Sant Pau de la Guardia.[cat] Cendres3 és el projecte artístic que m’ha permès treballar sobre la necessitat de consciencier les persones que viuen en entorns urbans d’un problema que m’amoïna: els incendis forestals. Entenc que ens estem acostumant massa a veure, cada estiu, diversos incendis: milers d’hectàrees calcinades, centenars de persones desplaçades de casa seva. I no fem res per evitar situacions que es repeteixen any rere any. Per aconseguir-ho m’he proposat introduïr l’espectador a un espai de reflexió, un punt de trobada amb el nostre interior. Allà dins, a través de l’experiència multisensorial, el visitant pot percebre les emocions i senti- ments que podem experimentar després de caminar per un bosc instants després d’haver-se cremat. Davant la falta de permisos per a la construcció d’un projecte a les instal·lacions de la Facultat (ocupa un volum de 36 m3) he treballat les formes i materials a menor escala, de manera que es pugui apreciar. Tot i així, estem en contacte amb l’Ajuntament d’El Bruc per poder construïr el projecte a Sant Pau de la Guàrdia.[eng] Ashes3 is the artistic project that has allowed me to work about the need of raising awareness on people about urban environments, about a subject that concerns me: forest fires.I understand we are getting into bad habits seeing different fires every summer, thousands of calcined hectares, hundreds of people displaced from their homes and not doing anything to reverse some events that are repeated year after year. To achieve it, I’ve proposed myself introducing to the viewer a space of reflection, a meeting point with our inner selves, whose stay allows through multisensorial experience to perceive those emotions and feelings that we can experience after walking through a forest moments after it’s been burned calcined. In front of the lack of licenses for the building of the project (It occupies a volume of 36 m3) in the faculty space, I’ve worked on shapes and materials in a smaller scale, so it cannot be appreciated. At any rate, we are in contact with the Bruc town hall, to get its building done at Sant Pau de la Guardia

    Global Antifungal Profile Optimization of Chlorophenyl Derivatives against Botrytis cinerea and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

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    Twenty-two aromatic derivatives bearing a chlorine atom and a different chain in the para or meta position were prepared and evaluated for their in vitro antifungal activity against the phytopathogenic fungi Botrytis cinerea and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. The results showed that maximum inhibition of the growth of these fungi was exhibited for enantiomers S and R of 1-(40-chlorophenyl)- 2-phenylethanol (3 and 4). Furthermore, their antifungal activity showed a clear structure-activity relationship (SAR) trend confirming the importance of the benzyl hydroxyl group in the inhibitory mechanism of the compounds studied. Additionally, a multiobjective optimization study of the global antifungal profile of chlorophenyl derivatives was conducted in order to establish a rational strategy for the filtering of new fungicide candidates from combinatorial libraries. The MOOPDESIRE methodology was used for this purpose providing reliable ranking models that can be used later

    Nanoscale mosaicity revealed in peptide microcrystals by scanning electron nanodiffraction.

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    Changes in lattice structure across sub-regions of protein crystals are challenging to assess when relying on whole crystal measurements. Because of this difficulty, macromolecular structure determination from protein micro and nanocrystals requires assumptions of bulk crystallinity and domain block substructure. Here we map lattice structure across micron size areas of cryogenically preserved three-dimensional peptide crystals using a nano-focused electron beam. This approach produces diffraction from as few as 1500 molecules in a crystal, is sensitive to crystal thickness and three-dimensional lattice orientation. Real-space maps reconstructed from unsupervised classification of diffraction patterns across a crystal reveal regions of crystal order/disorder and three-dimensional lattice tilts on the sub-100nm scale. The nanoscale lattice reorientation observed in the micron-sized peptide crystal lattices studied here provides a direct view of their plasticity. Knowledge of these features facilitates an improved understanding of peptide assemblies that could aid in the determination of structures from nano- and microcrystals by single or serial crystal electron diffraction
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