1,098 research outputs found

    Hépatites B et C en pédiatrie : analyse rétrospective dans un centre universitaire suisse

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    Introduction GĂ©nĂ©ralitĂ© Le virus de l'hĂ©patite B fait partie de la famille des hepadnavirus, son gĂ©nome est fait d'un double brin d'ADN. Les marqueurs d'une infection par ce virus sont les antigĂšnes « s » (HBsAg) qui sont des antigĂšnes des surfaces, les antigĂšnes « c » (HBcAg) et les antigĂšnes « e » (HBeAg) qui sont tous deux des antigĂšnes des « core protein » qui contiennent le gĂ©nome du virus (1). Le virus se trouve dans le sang, la salive, le sperme, les sĂ©crĂ©tions vaginales ; il existe un risque important de transmission lors de contact avec ces fluides corporels infectĂ©s (2). Dans les pays oĂč la prĂ©valence est plus Ă©levĂ©e, la transmission se fait gĂ©nĂ©ralement dans les premiĂšres annĂ©es de vie dont 50% rĂ©sultent d'une transmission verticale, c'est-Ă -dire que le virus est transmis par la mĂšre durant la grossesse ou l'accouchement (3) alors que dans les pays oĂč l'hĂ©patite B est moins frĂ©quente, l'infection survient plutĂŽt chez les jeunes adultes, Ă  travers les relations sexuelles ou les injections intraveineuses de drogues (4). Le virus des hĂ©patites B est une cause importante de morbiditĂ© et de mortalitĂ© Ă  travers le monde. En effet, l'infection chronique par ce virus reste relativement frĂ©quente et peut causer des insuffisances hĂ©patiques, des cirrhoses et mĂȘme des carcinomes hĂ©patocellulaires (5)

    Quantum simulation of an extra dimension

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    We present a general strategy to simulate a D+1-dimensional quantum system using a D-dimensional one. We analyze in detail a feasible implementation of our scheme using optical lattice technology. The simplest non-trivial realization of a fourth dimension corresponds to the creation of a bivolume geometry. We also propose single- and many-particle experimental signatures to detect the effects of the extra dimension.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, revtex style;v2 minor changes, references adde

    Mol·luscs recollits a cavitats subterrànies de Catalunya i Osca

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    En recordança de la company M. Antonieta Cot

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    EtnobotĂ nica a Puigpelat (Alt Camp)

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    Novel Brain Complexity Measures Based on Information Theory

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    Brain networks are widely used models to understand the topology and organization of the brain. These networks can be represented by a graph, where nodes correspond to brain regions and edges to structural or functional connections. Several measures have been proposed to describe the topological features of these networks, but unfortunately, it is still unclear which measures give the best representation of the brain. In this paper, we propose a new set of measures based on information theory. Our approach interprets the brain network as a stochastic process where impulses are modeled as a random walk on the graph nodes. This new interpretation provides a solid theoretical framework from which several global and local measures are derived. Global measures provide quantitative values for the whole brain network characterization and include entropy, mutual information, and erasure mutual information. The latter is a new measure based on mutual information and erasure entropy. On the other hand, local measures are based on different decompositions of the global measures and provide different properties of the nodes. Local measures include entropic surprise, mutual surprise, mutual predictability, and erasure surprise. The proposed approach is evaluated using synthetic model networks and structural and functional human networks at different scales. Results demonstrate that the global measures can characterize new properties of the topology of a brain network and, in addition, for a given number of nodes, an optimal number of edges is found for small-world networks. Local measures show different properties of the nodes such as the uncertainty associated to the node, or the uniqueness of the path that the node belongs. Finally, the consistency of the results across healthy subjects demonstrates the robustness of the proposed measures

    Carbon dioxide emissions of Antarctic tourism

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    The increase of tourism to the Antarctic continent may entail not only local but also global environmental impacts. These latter impacts, which are mainly caused by transport, have been generally ignored. As a result, there is a lack of data on the global impacts of Antarctic tourism in terms of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. This paper presents and applies a methodology for quantifying CO2 emissions, both for the Antarctic vessel fleet as a whole and per passenger (both per trip and per day). The results indicate that the average tourist trip to Antarctica results in 5.44 t of CO2 emissions per passenger, or 0.49 t per passenger and day. Approximately 70% of these emissions are attributable to cruising and 30% to flying, which highlights the global environmental relevance of local transport for this type of touris

    High-resolution DCE-MRI of the pituitary gland using radial k-space acquisition with compressed sensing reconstruction

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The pituitary gland is located outside of the blood-brain barrier. Dynamic T1 weighted contrast enhanced sequence is considered to be the gold standard to evaluate this region. However, it does not allow assessment of intrinsic permeability properties of the gland. Our aim was to demonstrate the utility of radial volumetric interpolated brain examination with the golden-angle radial sparse parallel technique to evaluate permeability characteristics of the individual components (anterior and posterior gland and the median eminence) of the pituitary gland and areas of differential enhancement and to optimize the study acquisition time. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was performed in 52 patients (group 1, 25 patients with normal pituitary glands; and group 2, 27 patients with a known diagnosis of microadenoma). Radial volumetric interpolated brain examination sequences with goldenangle radial sparse parallel technique were evaluated with an ROI-based method to obtain signal-time curves and permeability measures of individual normal structures within the pituitary gland and areas of differential enhancement. Statistical analyses were performed to assess differences in the permeability parameters of these individual regions and optimize the study acquisition time. RESULTS: Signal-time curves from the posterior pituitary gland and median eminence demonstrated a faster wash-in and time of maximum enhancement with a lower peak of enhancement compared with the anterior pituitary gland (P .005). Time-optimization analysis demonstrated that 120 seconds is ideal for dynamic pituitary gland evaluation. In the absence of a clinical history, differences in the signal-time curves allow easy distinction between a simple cyst and a microadenoma. CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective study confirms the ability of the golden-angle radial sparse parallel technique to evaluate the permeability characteristics of the pituitary gland and establishes 120 seconds as the ideal acquisition time for dynamic pituitary gland imaging

    Cadastral data integration through Linked Data

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    Ponencias, comunicaciones y pĂłsters presentados en el 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place", celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I del 3 al 6 de junio de 2014.Cadastral data is one of the more important types of geospatial data. Taking into account the importance of these data, several international bodies have worked for creating a standardised model for land administration. However, in spite of existing efforts, there are several open issues for the development of a harmonized vision of cadastral data. Taking into account this scenario, Linked Open Data may allow addressing some of these challenges, by proposing best practices for exposing, sharing, and integrating data on the Web. This paper shows a use case where two cadastral information sources are semantically integrated according to Linked Data principles. These sources belong to different Colombian cadastral producers and are characterized by different heterogeneity issues. Herein, we describe an implementation of Linked Data principles in the cadastral domain using LADM standard (ISO 19152) and GeoSPARQL. Besides, our original data are enriched with different dataset of Linked Data cloud (LinkedGeoData and GeoNames)
