59 research outputs found

    New zoarcid fish species from deep-sea hydrothermal vents of the Atlantic

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    International Ridge-Crest Research: Biological Studies. Vol. 10(1): 15-1

    Suspected viral erythrocytic necrosis (VEN) in the intertidal fish Mauligobius maderensis from Madeira, Portugal

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    Suspected viral erythrocytic necrosis (VEN) was detected in two specimens of the intertidal fish Mauligobius maderensis (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Madeira, Portugal. While one host was lightly infected, the other showed intraerythrocytic cytoplasmic inclusions within all mature erythrocytes examined. The inclusions were round to oval, 0-8-2-0 |im in diameter, and most were associated with dense eosinophilic granular areas of various sizes and shapes. Up to three of these granular regions accompanied each inclusion body, but they were sometimes widely separated from it. In a number of infected erythrocytes, a granular halo was observed surrounding the nucleus. The cytoplasm enclosed by the halo often had a different refringence from that outside. None of the 120 other fishes examined from Madeira, representing 43 species of intertidal, pelagic, and deep-sea origin, had detectable infections.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Disección de la arteria vertebral asociada a síndrome MURCS

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    La asociación MURCS (OMIM 60176), también conocida como síndrome de Mayer-RokitanskyKüster-Hauser de tipo II, constituye una rara malformación que afecta aproximadamente a una de cada 50.000 mujeres [1,2]. Consiste en la combinación de aplasia de los conductos de Müller, aplasia o ectopia renal unilateral y displasia de los somitas cervicodorsales, relacionado con deformidades vertebrales del espectro Klippel-Feil, y asociado o no a malformaciones occipitoatloideas [2]. La disección de la arteria vertebral es una causa poco frecuente de ictus, que puede asociarse a anomalías del desarrollo craneocervical [3]. Se describe un caso de ictus causado por disección de la arteria vertebral en una paciente con asociación MURCS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On the presence of Trachinus pellegrini (Trachinidae) in the Canary and Cape Verde Islands (north-eastern Atlantic)

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    Présence de Trachinus pellegrini (Trachinidae) aux îles Canaries etCanaries et aux îles du Cap-Vert (Atlantique nord-est). Trachinus pellegrini Cadenat, 1937 est signalée pour la première fois aux îles Canaries, ce qui représente sa limite de répartition la plus septentrionale. Les différences morphologiques entre adultes et juvéniles sont également présentées. La présence de cette espèce aux îles du Cap-Vert est aussi confirmée.Postprin

    New and rare records of teleost fishes from the Cape Verde Islands (eastern-central Atlantic Ocean)

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    As a result of six exploratory surveys and several opportunistic catches in the Cape Verde Islands from a few metres to about 1000 m of depth, a list of 66 species of teleost fishes is given, six of which are first records from the archipelago: Gnathophis mystax (Congridae), Nezumia africana, Nezumia duodecim (Macrouridae), Ectreposebastes imus (Scorpaenidae), Paraliparis sp. (Liparidae) and Lappanella fasciata (Labridae). Additionally, data on six poorly-known species is also given: Myroconger compressus (Myrocongridae), Myrichthys pardalis, Phaenomonas longissima (Ophichthidae), Sphagemacrurus hirundo (Macrouridae), Gadella imberbis and Physiculus cyanostrophus (Moridae). Data includes distribution, habitat, morphometry and reproduction.Six campagnes exploratoires ainsi que quelques captures opportunistes réalisées de quelques mètres jusqu’à environ 1000 m de profondeur aux îles du Cap-Vert ont permis d’établir une liste comprenant 66 espèces de poissons téléostéens. Six espèces sont signalées pour la première fois aux îles du Cap-Vert : Gnathophis mystax (Congridae), Nezumia africana, Nezumia duodecim (Macrouridae), Ectreposebastes imus (Scorpaenidae), Paraliparis sp. (Liparidae) et Lappanella fasciata (Labridae). La présence de six autres espèces mal connues est confirmée pour cet archipel : Myroconger compressus (Myrocongridae), Myrichthys pardalis, Phaenomonas longissima (Ophichthidae), Sphagemacrurus hirundo (Macrouridae), Gadella imberbis et Physiculus cyanostrophus (Moridae). Les données présentées concernent la distribution, l’habitat, la morphométrie et la reproduction.Postprin

    Extraordinarily high biomass benthic community on Southern Ocean seamounts

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    We describe a previously unknown assemblage of seamount-associated megabenthos that has by far the highest peak biomass reported in the deep-sea outside of vent communities. The assemblage was found at depths of 2–2.5 km on rocky geomorphic features off the southeast coast of Australia, in an area near the Sub-Antarctic Zone characterised by high rates of surface productivity and carbon export to the deep-ocean. These conditions, and the taxa in the assemblage, are widely distributed around the Southern mid-latitudes, suggesting the high-biomass assemblage is also likely to be widespread. The role of this assemblage in regional ecosystem and carbon dynamics and its sensitivities to anthropogenic impacts are unknown. The discovery highlights the lack of information on deep-sea biota worldwide and the potential for unanticipated impacts of deep-sea exploitation

    New and rare records of teleost fishes from the Cape Verde Islands (eastern-central Atlantic Ocean)

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    As a result of six exploratory surveys and several opportunistic catches in the Cape Verde Islands from a few metres to about 1000 m of depth, a list of 66 species of teleost fishes is given, six of which are first records from the archipelago: Gnathophis mystax (Congridae), Nezumia africana, Nezumia duodecim (Macrouridae), Ectreposebastes imus (Scorpaenidae), Paraliparis sp. (Liparidae) and Lappanella fasciata (Labridae). Additionally, data on six poorly-known species is also given: Myroconger compressus (Myrocongridae), Myrichthys pardalis, Phaenomonas longissima (Ophichthidae), Sphagemacrurus hirundo (Macrouridae), Gadella imberbis and Physiculus cyanostrophus (Moridae). Data includes distribution, habitat, morphometry and reproduction.Six campagnes exploratoires ainsi que quelques captures opportunistes réalisées de quelques mètres jusqu’à environ 1000 m de profondeur aux îles du Cap-Vert ont permis d’établir une liste comprenant 66 espèces de poissons téléostéens. Six espèces sont signalées pour la première fois aux îles du Cap-Vert : Gnathophis mystax (Congridae), Nezumia africana, Nezumia duodecim (Macrouridae), Ectreposebastes imus (Scorpaenidae), Paraliparis sp. (Liparidae) et Lappanella fasciata (Labridae). La présence de six autres espèces mal connues est confirmée pour cet archipel : Myroconger compressus (Myrocongridae), Myrichthys pardalis, Phaenomonas longissima (Ophichthidae), Sphagemacrurus hirundo (Macrouridae), Gadella imberbis et Physiculus cyanostrophus (Moridae). Les données présentées concernent la distribution, l’habitat, la morphométrie et la reproduction.S