1,671 research outputs found

    Buenos Aires, algo más que contenedores: la presencia de la arquitectura en la infraestructura portuaria

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    Los puertos son –y han sido- sitios de encuentro de personas, mercancías y actividades diversas a lo largo del tiempo, aunque las necesidades de usos y apropiación territorial de sus emplazamientos muten permanentemente. En la reestructuración portuaria muchas de sus instalaciones han sido desmanteladas, otras conservadas y reconvertidas, y otras subsisten “inútiles” frente a la gran metrópolis que las ignora. Los almacenes, depósitos, silos y muelles expresan la tecnología industrial de fines de siglo XIX; hormigón, hierro, madera y piedra conforman un patrimonio construido, y sus edificios conforman un paisaje que combina grandes volúmenes, líneas simples y detalles que definen un estilo de color homogéneo y memoria colectiva de un tiempo que trasciende a través de ellos. El puerto de Buenos Aires es intrínsicamente un paisaje en si mismo; las instalaciones preexistentes hablan de relaciones socioculturales e inducen el poder nacional de la época en que fueron concebidas, promoviendo el dialogo entre memoria colectiva y actualidad, definiendo el skyline urbano de la ciudad de Buenos Aires frente al río. La intención de este trabajo es identificar el patrimonio edilicio –arquitectónico e ingenieril- presente en el territorio portuario de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, y destacar su importancia en las relaciones urbanas, algo olvidadas y escondidas detrás de contenedores, camiones y grúas.Port are and have been places where people meet, exchange goods and develop diverse activities along the time, although the needs of uses and territorial appropriation of their emplacements change permanently. In port restructuring (*) many of its facilities have been dismantled, others retained and converted, and others remain “useless” facing the great metropolis that ignore them. Stores, warehouses, silos and piers express the industrial technology of late nineteenth century; concrete, iron, wood and stone constitute a built heritage, and its buildings form a landscape that combines large volumes, simple lines and details that define a style of homogeneous color and collective memory from a time that transcends through them. The Port of Buenos Aires is intrinsically a landscape in itself; the existing facilities speak of sociocultural relations and remind the national power at the time they were conceived, promoting dialogue between collective memory and actuality, defining the urban skyline of Buenos Aires city facing the river.The aim of this paper is to identify the architectural and engineering heritage present in the port territory of Buenos Aires city, and highlight its importance in urban relationships, something forgotten and hidden behind containers, trucks and cranes

    Large Transverse Momentum Jet Production and DIS Distributions of the Proton

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    We have calculated the single jet inclusive cross section as measured at Fermilab in next-to-leading order QCD using recent parton distributions of the CTEQ collaboration. We studied the scheme dependence of the jet cross section by employing the \overline{\mbox{MS}} and DIS factorization schemes consistently. For ET>200E_T > 200 GeV, we find that the cross section in the DIS scheme is larger than in the \overline{\mbox{MS}} scheme yielding a satisfactory description of the CDF data over the whole ETE_T range in the DIS scheme.Comment: 7 pages, latex, 2 figures include

    La permanencia de la memoria: el puente giratorio de Ensenada

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    El ferrocarril ha constituido un eslabón fundamental en el desarrollo geográfico y la vinculación de los sitios rurales, suburbano y urbano de cualquier provincia, nación o región. Fundamento y sustento, no solo de vinculo físico territorial, sino del impulso económico-productivo necesario en el progreso local, regional, nacional. Nos interesa rescatar en parte, de la memoria, el puente giratorio de Ensenada, símbolo de una época y manifiesto de una arquitectura (o ingeniería) portuaria, hoy abandonada. En la actualidad se halla abandonado y degradado pero con proyecto de restauración y conformación de un paseo peatonal. El trabajo pretende reconocer la importancia del puente en el rol portuario en épocas de funcionamiento, así también re-pensar la actuación con el patrimonio edilicio por parte de la población en general, el área profesional y las instituciones pertinentes, el valor de la preservación arquitectónica, pero además de la memoria e identidad local.Tópico 5.- Patrimonios Urbano, Rural, Industrial y Religioso. Cementerios Patrimoniales. Técnicas de Evaluación, Limpieza, Reparación y Conservación. Intervenciones en construcciones con patologías estructurales y aplicación de refuerzos

    Spatial Big Data Analytics: The New Boundaries of Retail Location Decision-Making

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    This dissertation examines the current state and evolution of retail location decision-making (RLDM) in Canada. The major objectives are: (i) To explore the type and scale of location decisions that retail firms are currently undertaking; (ii) To identify the availability and use of technology and Spatial Big Data (SBD) within the decision-making process; (iii) To identify the awareness, availability, use, adoption and development of SBD; and, (iv) To assess the implications of SBD in RLDM. These objectives were investigated by using a three stage multi-method research process. First, an online survey of retail location decision makers across a range of sizes and sub-sectors was administered. Secondly, structured interviews were conducted with 24 retail location decision makers, and lastly, three in-depth cases studies were undertaken in order to highlight the changes to RLDM over the last decade and to develop a deeper understanding of RLDM. This dissertation found that within the last decade RLDM changed in three main ways: (i) There has been an increase in the availability and use of technology and SBD within the decision-making process; (ii) The type and scale of location decisions that a firm undertakes remain relatively unchanged even with the growth of new data; and, (iii) The range of location research methods that are employed within retail firms is only just beginning to change given the presence of new data sources and data analytics technology. Traditional practices still dominate the RLDM process. While the adoption of SBD applications is starting to appear within retail planning, they are not widespread. Traditional data sources, such as those highlighted in past studies by Hernandez and Emmons (2012) and Byrom et al. (2001) are still the most commonly used data sources. It was evident that at the heart of SBD adoption is a data environment that promotes transparency and a clear corporate strategy. While most retailers are aware of the new SBD techniques that exist, they are not often adopted and routinized

    Spatial Big Data Analytics: The New Boundaries of Retail Location Decision-Making

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    This dissertation examines the current state and evolution of retail location decision-making (RLDM) in Canada. The major objectives are: (i) To explore the type and scale of location decisions that retail firms are currently undertaking; (ii) To identify the availability and use of technology and Spatial Big Data (SBD) within the decision-making process; (iii) To identify the awareness, availability, use, adoption and development of SBD; and, (iv) To assess the implications of SBD in RLDM. These objectives were investigated by using a three stage multi-method research process. First, an online survey of retail location decision makers across a range of sizes and sub-sectors was administered. Secondly, structured interviews were conducted with 24 retail location decision makers, and lastly, three in-depth cases studies were undertaken in order to highlight the changes to RLDM over the last decade and to develop a deeper understanding of RLDM. This dissertation found that within the last decade RLDM changed in three main ways: (i) There has been an increase in the availability and use of technology and SBD within the decision-making process; (ii) The type and scale of location decisions that a firm undertakes remain relatively unchanged even with the growth of new data; and, (iii) The range of location research methods that are employed within retail firms is only just beginning to change given the presence of new data sources and data analytics technology. Traditional practices still dominate the RLDM process. While the adoption of SBD applications is starting to appear within retail planning, they are not widespread. Traditional data sources, such as those highlighted in past studies by Hernandez and Emmons (2012) and Byrom et al. (2001) are still the most commonly used data sources. It was evident that at the heart of SBD adoption is a data environment that promotes transparency and a clear corporate strategy. While most retailers are aware of the new SBD techniques that exist, they are not often adopted and routinized

    El sistema estructural en la composición arquitectónica

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    La ciudad de La Plata en su configuración urbana, desde el periodo fundacional, se manifiesta con una arquitectura que abarca programas, tipologías y lenguajes arquitectónicos muy diversos. El programa residencial ilustra la heterogeneidad en los Petit hotel, casas de rentas e inquilinatos, los cuales atienden diversas necesidades de los usuarios y emergen con características diferentes en resolución, materialidad y técnicas constructivas. La arquitectura se concibe como una totalidad, lo que se ve y lo que no se ve es parte integral de una obra, en la que estructura y cerramiento; materiales y técnicas; instalaciones y tecnologías no conforman sumatorias de partes, sino, conjugan un sistema articulado en funcionamiento simultáneo. No obstante la estructura, muchas veces oculta, queda soslayada por la imponente resolución de la planta o el corte o por la expresión estética de las fachadas, la cual en ocasiones solo es considerada como el sostén del edificio. La noción de estructura es inescindible de la noción de sistema constructivo, es decir la conjunción de materialidad, técnicas empleadas y tecnología disponible de un determinado período, e igualmente constituye la vinculación entre decisiones de proyecto, presupuestos, optimización de recursos, entre otras consideraciones. En este sentido, interesa revisar tres resoluciones estructurales partiendo del análisis del diseño y el cálculo de la misma, que permita interpretar las premisas de la época consideradas por los profesionales involucrados. Como ejemplo se tomaran tres edificios que constan de dos niveles (planta baja y planta alta), resueltos con tres sistemas diferentes: estructura de hormigón armado, estructura de perfilaría metálica y con mampostería portante (sin estructura independiente). A priori se puede intuir que en un corto período de dos décadas las resoluciones técnicas constructivas atendieron disimiles intereses y necesidades para optar por una u otra, asimismo comitentes con intereses específicos, o bien recursos económicos, tecnológicos y materiales disponibles. Lo que implica múltiples opciones resolutivas en la composición arquitectónica.Tópico 2: Patrimonio Arquitectónico, Ingenieril y Arqueológico (urbano, rural, industrial, religioso, funerario). Construcciones en Tierra. Intervenciones en construcciones con patologías estructurales (aplicación de refuerzos). Técnicas de limpieza y conservación. Sostenibilidad (iluminación, ventilación, acústica, climatización, etc.) Biodeterioro del Patrimonio y técnicas de intervención sobre distintos sustratos

    Centrifuge modelling of flexible retaining walls subjected to dynamic loading

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    This paper outlines the results of an experimental program carried out on centrifuge models of cantilevered and propped retaining walls embedded in saturated sand. The main aim of the paper is to investigate the dynamic response of these structures when the foundation soil is saturated by measuring the accelerations and pore pressures in the soil, displacements and bending moment of the walls. A comparison among tests with different geometrical configurations and relative density of the soil is presented. The centrifuge models were subjected to dynamic loading in the form of sinusoidal accelerations applied at the base of the models. This paper also presents data from pressure sensors used to measure total earth pressure on the walls. Furthermore, these results are compared with previous dynamic centrifuge tests on flexible retaining walls in dry sand.Consorzio interuniversitario (ReLUIS project), European Union (SERIES project)This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2016.06.01

    On the photoproduction of jets at HERA

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    We discuss the inclusive jet production at HERA in the next-to-leading logarithm approximation. Theoretical uncertainties are considered in some details. We show the importance of the jet rapidity distribution to constrain the parton densities in the photon. A comparison is made with the recent H1 data.Comment: 10 + 7 figures included uuencoded tar-compressed ([email protected]) , ENSLAPP-A-484/94, LPTHE Orsay 94-8

    Destilaria: um material didático desenvolvido para o ensino de tópicos iniciais de química orgânica

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    Anais do 3° Encontro Nacional de Jogos e Atividades Lúdicas no Ensino de Química, Física e Biologia (Jalequim - Level III) - Núcleo de Desenvolvimento de Pesquisas em Ensino de Química/Ciências da UNILA (NuDDEQ)O estudo da Química Orgânica, embora fundamental para o desenvolvimento da sociedade, requer dos estudantes abstração e raciocínio espacial, tanto no ensino médio quanto nos cursos de graduação, cujos tópicos básicos são comuns a ambos os níveis (O’ DWYER; CHILDS, 2017). Dentre os grandes obstáculos enfrentados pelos alunos está o complexo sistema de nomenclatura desenvolvido pela IUPAC (SILVA JÚNIOR; BIZERRA, 2015)

    Effect of rear walls on the rocking response of rock blocks under seismic excitations

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    The rocking response of rigid free standing bodies subjected to seismic excitation has been studied by many researchers interested in different slender elements such as ancient stone columns, tombstones, rigid building structures. The extension of this model to rock mechanics has been proposed by a few authors. The rocking response of rectangular free standing bodies subjected to horizontal accelerations of natural recorded motions showed that the pseudo-static approach, based on Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), permits only the determination of the uplift conditions and the beginning of rocking. It does not permit to evaluate the overturning of the blocks. The combined effect of vertical and horizontal seismic motions is negligible and, in some cases, beneficial. This paper presents a new mechanical model, called "one-sided rocking", that takes into account the presence of a rear rigid wall, that is a typical scenario for the rock blocks completely detached from the cliff but close to it. The dynamic response of a great number of rectangular rigid blocks, subjected to 62 recorded earthquake motions on rock soil (from US, Europe and Asia), has been analysed considering only the horizontal acceleration. The results show that the presence of the wall is detrimental for the rocking stability. However, there is still a safety reserve more significant for large blocks and rich frequency content time histories. This reserve could be taken into account in simplified (pseudo-static) analyses through reductive coefficient of PGA