56 research outputs found

    Phase-Covariant Quantum Benchmarks

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    We give a quantum benchmark for teleportation and quantum storage experiments suited for pure and mixed test states. The benchmark is based on the average fidelity over a family of phase-covariant states and certifies that an experiment can not be emulated by a classical setup, i.e., by a measure-and-prepare scheme. We give an analytical solution for qubits, which shows important differences with standard state estimation approach, and compute the value of the benchmark for coherent and squeezed states, both pure and mixed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Phase estimation for thermal Gaussian states

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    We give the optimal bounds on the phase-estimation precision for mixed Gaussian states in the single-copy and many-copy regimes. Specifically, we focus on displaced thermal and squeezed thermal states. We find that while for displaced thermal states an increase in temperature reduces the estimation fidelity, for squeezed thermal states a larger temperature can enhance the estimation fidelity. The many-copy optimal bounds are compared with the minimum variance achieved by three important single-shot measurement strategies. We show that the single-copy canonical phase measurement does not always attain the optimal bounds in the many-copy scenario. Adaptive homodyning schemes do attain the bounds for displaced thermal states, but for squeezed states they yield fidelities that are insensitive to temperature variations and are, therefore, sub-optimal. Finally, we find that heterodyne measurements perform very poorly for pure states but can attain the optimal bounds for sufficiently mixed states. We apply our results to investigate the influence of losses in an optical metrology experiment. In the presence of losses squeezed states cease to provide Heisenberg limited precision and their performance is close to that of coherent states with the same mean photon number.Comment: typos correcte

    Parameter estimation with mixed quantum states

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    We consider quantum enhanced measurements with initially mixed states. We show very generally that for any linear propagation of the initial state that depends smoothly on the parameter to be estimated, the sensitivity is bound by the maximal sensitivity that can be achieved for any of the pure states from which the initial density matrix is mixed. This provides a very general proof that purely classical correlations cannot improve the sensitivity of parameter estimation schemes in quantum enhanced measurement schemes.Comment: 6 page

    Teleportation of Accelerated Information

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    A theoretical quantum teleportation protocal is suggested to teleport accelerated and non-accelerated information over different classes of accelerated quantum channels. For the accelerated information, it is shown that the fidelity of the teleported state increases as the entanglement of the initial quantum channel increases. However as the difference between the accelerated channel and the accelerated information decreases the fidelity increases. The fidelity of the non accelerated information increases as the entanglement of the initial quantum channel increases, while the accelerations of the quantum channel has a little effect. The possibility of sending quantum information over accelerated quantum channels is much better than sending classical information

    Squeezing the limit: Quantum benchmarks for the teleportation and storage of squeezed states

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    We derive fidelity benchmarks for the quantum storage and teleportation of squeezed states of continuous variable systems, for input ensembles where the degree of squeezing ss is fixed, no information about its orientation in phase space is given, and the distribution of phase space displacements is a Gaussian. In the limit where the latter becomes flat, we prove analytically that the maximal classical achievable fidelity (which is 1/2 without squeezing, for s=1s=1) is given by s/(1+s)\sqrt{s}/(1+s), vanishing when the degree of squeezing diverges. For mixed states, as well as for general distributions of displacements, we reduce the determination of the benchmarks to the solution of a finite-dimensional semidefinite program, which yields accurate, certifiable bounds thanks to a rigorous analysis of the truncation error. This approach may be easily adapted to more general ensembles of input states.Comment: 19 pages, 4figure

    The entangling side of the Unruh-Hawking effect

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    We show that the Unruh effect can create net quantum entanglement between inertial and accelerated observers depending on the choice of the inertial state. This striking result banishes the extended belief that the Unruh effect can only destroy entanglement and furthermore provides a new and unexpected source for finding experimental evidence of the Unruh and Hawking effects.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Added Journal referenc

    Ab-initio Quantum Enhanced Optical Phase Estimation Using Real-time Feedback Control

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    Optical phase estimation is a vital measurement primitive that is used to perform accurate measurements of various physical quantities like length, velocity and displacements. The precision of such measurements can be largely enhanced by the use of entangled or squeezed states of light as demonstrated in a variety of different optical systems. Most of these accounts however deal with the measurement of a very small shift of an already known phase, which is in stark contrast to ab-initio phase estimation where the initial phase is unknown. Here we report on the realization of a quantum enhanced and fully deterministic phase estimation protocol based on real-time feedback control. Using robust squeezed states of light combined with a real-time Bayesian estimation feedback algorithm, we demonstrate deterministic phase estimation with a precision beyond the quantum shot noise limit. The demonstrated protocol opens up new opportunities for quantum microscopy, quantum metrology and quantum information processing.Comment: 5 figure

    Quantum hypothesis testing for quantum Gaussian states: Quantum analogues of chi-square, t and F tests

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    We treat quantum counterparts of testing problems whose optimal tests are given by chi-square, t and F tests. These quantum counterparts are formulated as quantum hypothesis testing problems concerning quantum Gaussian states families, and contain disturbance parameters, which have group symmetry. Quantum Hunt-Stein Theorem removes a part of these disturbance parameters, but other types of difficulty still remain. In order to remove them, combining quantum Hunt-Stein theorem and other reduction methods, we establish a general reduction theorem that reduces a complicated quantum hypothesis testing problem to a fundamental quantum hypothesis testing problem. Using these methods, we derive quantum counterparts of chi-square, t and F tests as optimal tests in the respective settings.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamics of multipartite quantum correlations under decoherence

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    Quantum discord is an optimal resource for the quantification of classical and non-classical correlations as compared to other related measures. Geometric measure of quantum discord is another measure of quantum correlations. Recently, the geometric quantum discord for multipartite states has been introduced by Jianwei Xu [arxiv:quant/ph.1205.0330]. Motivated from the recent study [Ann. Phys. 327 (2012) 851] for the bipartite systems, I have investigated global quantum discord (QD) and geometric quantum discord (GQD) under the influence of external environments for different multipartite states. Werner-GHZ type three-qubit and six-qubit states are considered in inertial and non-inertial settings. The dynamics of QD and GQD is investigated under amplitude damping, phase damping, depolarizing and flipping channels. It is seen that the quantum discord vanishes for p>0.75 in case of three-qubit GHZ states and for p>0.5 for six qubit GHZ states. This implies that multipartite states are more fragile to decoherence for higher values of N. Surprisingly, a rapid sudden death of discord occurs in case of phase flip channel. However, for bit flip channel, no sudden death happens for the six-qubit states. On the other hand, depolarizing channel heavily influences the QD and GQD as compared to the amplitude damping channel. It means that the depolarizing channel has the most destructive influence on the discords for multipartite states. From the perspective of accelerated observers, it is seen that effect of environment on QD and GQD is much stronger than that of the acceleration of non-inertial frames. The degradation of QD and GQD happens due to Unruh effect. Furthermore, QD exhibits more robustness than GQD when the multipartite systems are exposed to environment.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 4 table