352 research outputs found


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    Sungai Klampok yang berada di Kabupaten Semarang berada di wilayah Sub-DAS Klampok bagian dari DAS Jragung. Penelitian dilakukan dilakukan menggunakan 20 parameter pencemaran sungai dengan metode IP yaitu metode penentuan kelas dengan membandingkan parameter dengan baku mutunya. Kelebihan metode IP adalah dapat digunakan untuk menentukan status mutu air/perairan dari hanya 1 kali pengambilan spesimen kualitas air. Hasil menunjukan bahwa parameter yang melewati baku mutu kelas II menurut PP No.82 Tahun 2001 di Sungai Klampok adalah COD, TSS, Khlor Bebas, Phospat, pH, Krom Val.6 dan Fecal Coliform. Hasil Analisa metode IP menunjukkan bahwa status mutu Sungai Klampok pada musim kemarau relatif termasuk tercemar sedang dan pada musim hujan relatif termasuk tercemar ringan. Klampok River located in Semarang District which in Klampok sub watershed at Jragung watershed. This Research using 20 parameters with IP Method that classify the Level of the river using comparison from parameters of samples and their quality standards. The advantage of Pollution Index Method can be used for determine the water quality status only with 1 time sampling of waters quality. The result showed that some parameters are pass through level 2 of quality from PP 82 year 2001. The parameters are COD, TSS, Free Chlor, Phospat, pH, Krom(VI), and Fecal Coliform. The results showed that quality status of Klampok River at Dry Season relatively to moderately contaminated and at Rainy Season relatively to lightly contaminate

    Model Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Mendongeng

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    Character education is developed as a representative of the curriculum 2013, through the monolithic and integration approach. One model that can be developed in the process of character education is storytelling. It is an effective way to convey the message and moral values for children to be fun. Storytelling or tell tales, both real and fictions, can be performed during the learning process or before bed time. Submission of fairy tales and stories to the children who performed correctly assumed to be able to shape the character well. Wonderful stories will be entered into the spirit and form a wonderful character as well. Otherwise, it would be dangerous if the stories feeling by the soul that does not really love the kids. Therefore, storytelling is a character education model that could be developed in the learning process at school or in the family, because the substance of the tale or story contains a lot of moral values (local wisdom) are valuable

    Implementasi terapi continuous peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) untuk pasien penyakit ginjal stadium akhir: Tinjauan Sistematis

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    Pendahuluan: ESRD adalah diagnosis akhir yang membutuhkan terapi pengganti ginjal seumur hidup seperti HD, CAPD atau transplantasi ginjal. Di Indonesia, hanya 3% pasien dengan CAPD dari seluruh pasien baru. Temuan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa CAPD dapat menjadi sumber daya dan pilihan yang kurang dimanfaatkan. Tujuan dari review ini adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi terapi CAPD pada pasien ESRD.Metode:Pencarian terbatas pada database elektronik seperti Pubmed, Science Direct, dan Google Scholar, dengan kata kunci “ESRD” AND “Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis” AND Lived experience” yang disusun berdasarkan MeSH Database dari NCBI. Strategiuntuk review artikelmenggunakan PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses). Hasil:Berdasarkan 6 artikel, didapatkan didapatkan bahwa CAPD memiliki banyak sisi positif yang dapat dirasakan oleh pasien. Pasien yang menjalani terapi CAPD merasa lebih sehat, dapat beraktivitas, lebih memiliki banyak waktu untuk bepergian kemanapun dan waktunya lebih fleksibel. Simpulan:Berpindah terapi modalitas pada pasien ESRD dari HD ke PD efektif untuk mengembalikan kehidupan normal pasien layaknya sebelum mengalami ESRD dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup


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    Accidents or unwanted events can happen anywhere and anytime. This incident can be a small incident or a disaster involving a large number of sufferers. Those who attempt to provide this help have varying degrees of knowledge ranging from no knowledge to those who may have been trained. There is a golden time between assistance in the field until the victim can get help by medical personnel at a health facility, so this response time must be used properly so that the victim will survive. The speed of evacuation of victims of traffic accidents is one of the important goals in emergency assistance. In a dangerous situation, a rescuer may need to move the patient immediately. In a dangerous situation, it is very important for rescuers to take appropriate, fast and alert action. Ambulance is a specially designed medical transportation that is different from other modes of transportation. The emergency ambulance is designed to be able to handle emergency patients, provide first aid and perform intensive care during the trip to the referral hospital. This activity was carried out by conducting evacuation and transportation training for the Lazizmu Banyumas ambulance driver and the Banyumas ambulance community which was attended by 38 drivers. This training uses lectures, demonstrations and red-emonstration methods on how to evacuate and transport patients. The result of this training is an increase in driver skills in evacuating and transporting patients in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOPs). The impact of this service is to increase the confidence of ambulance drivers in providing first aid in prehospital events

    Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Statistika Pada Proses Produksi Pipa Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) Di PT. X

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    Pengendalian kualitas dalam industri manufaktur sangat diperlukan agar produk yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan dan mampu bersaing. PT. X yang memproduksi berbagai jenis pipa baja, salah satunya adalah pipa Electric Resistance Welded (ERW). Namun dalam prosesnya, bagian Quality Control belum menerapkan peta kendali statistika untuk pemecahan masalah melalui Statistical Process Control (SPC). Pengendalian kualitas yang dilakukan melibatkan tiga karakteristik kualitas pipa ERW yaitu diameter, panjang, dan berat pipa ERW. Pengendalian terhadap mean proses menggunakan Peta Kendali T2Hotelling, sedangkan untuk pengendalian variabilitasnya menggunakan Peta Kendali Generalized Variance. Penelitian ini membagi data menjadi dua tahap. Berdasarkan proses produksi pipa ERW dengan menggunakan peta kendali peta kendali T2Hotelling dan peta kendali Generalized Variance terdapat pengamatan yang out of control. Faktor Penyebabnya utama proses tidak terkendali antara lain faktor utama yaitu manusia karena kesalahan dalam pengukuran. Hasil indeks kapabilitas proses pipa ERW menunjukkan kapabilitas proses dari karakteristik kualitas produksi pipa ERW secara multivariat sudah kapabel dan variasi proses lebih kecil toleransi dari batas spesifikasi yang ditentukan. Nilai indeks kapabilitas Cpm tahap II lebih kecil daripada indeks kapabilitas tahap

    Tracking Techniques and Treatment Method Using Cpu Assembling

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    The damage that occurs on a computer mostly due to the age of the components thatshould be replaced and the human error factor in treatment procedures and the use ofcomputer or electronic components.Generally in this method, a person who wants to repair the damage on theircomputers can easily understand and practice it

    Relationship of comorbid factors diabetes mellitus with oxygen saturation (SaO2) among people with Covid-19 in the Quarantine House

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    Background: The Covid-19 has infected a hundred people countries, in Indonesia at 8.9%, this figure is the highest in Southeast Asia. The phenomenon, shows that nursing volunteers who work in quarantine place for Covid-19 patients not maintenance to screen of SaO2 value of Covid-19 patients, even though the impact of happy hypoxia on mortality will be high if the oxygen saturation value is below the normal value. Comorbid factors, Diabetes Mellitus can worsen the physical condition and clinical assessment thereby increasing mortality.Objectives: The purpose of research to determine the relationship between age, gender, and comorbid factors with the value of oxygen saturation (SaO2) in Covid-19 patients at the Baturaden Quarantine Place. Methods: This study is a quantitative study using an analytical observational method with a crossectional approach. The sample in this study used random sampling of 93 respondents with the Fisher Exact test.Results: The results of this study, fisher exact test obtained with a p-value = 0.007, there is a relationship between the respondent's comorbidity factor and SaO2 in patients with confirmed COVID-19. Respondents with 95-100% SaO2 who have comorbid factors as many as 20 respondents (21.5%) are fewer than respondents who do not have comorbid factors as many as 29 respondents (30.5%). Blood glucose levels can increase viral replication and suppress the antiviral immune response. This causes DM patients to be more likely to be malnourished and susceptible to cytokine storms that cause a rapid deterioration of clinical conditions compared to non-diabetic patients.Conclusions: The comorbid factors will increase mortality of COVID-19 patients due to risk factors, comorbid of diabetes mellitus factors, with COVID-19 associated with advanced age, obesity, chronic systemic inflammation, increased coagulation, which can significantly increase blood pressure, indirectly lead to more severe complications due to COVID-19


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    Makalah ini membahas proses overhaul motor induksi secara urut dan mengevaluasi apakah hasil dari overhaul motor ini sudah memenuhi standar atau belum. Overhaul motor diperlukanagar masa pakai motor menjadi lebih panjang dan lebih awet. Yang dikerjakan dalam overhaul pada prinsipnya perawatan ( bila motor belum rusak) atau perbaikan motor dan penggantian komponen ( bila motor tersebut sudah rusak). Tindakan overhaul di sini meliputi pengecekan,perbaikan & pengujian, misal pengecekan bearing, vibrasi dan lainnya: Overhaul yangdilakukan pada motor milik PT. Pertamina berhasil menaikkan harga Polarization lndeks (PI)dari 1,5 menjadi 3,3 dan harga tahanan isolasi dari 100Mohm menjadi 600Mohm. Indikator bahwa motor milik PT. Pertamina telah selesai serta benar dalam proses overhaul ditunjukkanoleh data berupa tahanan isolasi yang telah mencapai 600Mohm, temperatur body motor danbearing yang stabil, vibrasi (getaran) untuk bearing DE berkisar 0,7mm/s sampai 1 mm/s dan untuk kearing NDE berkisar antara 0,8 mm/s sampai 1,2 mm/s pada bebanpenuh

    An Explicit Wavelet-Based Finite Difference Scheme For Solving Two-Dimensional Heat Equation

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    Metode finite difference eksplisit adalah metode yang mudah diprogram dibandingkan metode finite difference implicit atau metode-metode numerik lainnya. Selain itu, metode eksplisit itu dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan persamaan panas “Heat Equation” linear dalam dua dimensi. Akan tetapi, metode eksplisit itu mempunyai sebuah kekurangan yaitu keterbatasan stabilitas dari penyelesaian numerik adalah sangat ketat. Oleh sebab itu, metode eksplisit itu tidak lagi termasuk daftar metode-metode numerik yang handal yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan persamaan-persamaan diferensial parsial. Oleh karena itu, maka diusulkan untuk menggunakan analisis wavelet Haar di dalam skema numerik dari metode eksiplisit untuk mengatasi kekurangan metode itu, yaitu keterbatasan stabilitas, dengan menjaga diskretisasi dari metode eksplisit agar tidak berubah. Kekurangan dari metode finite difference eksiplisit itu sudah dapat diatasi secara signifikan oleh analisis Haar wavelet yang tidak mempengaruhi logika metode asli yatiu metode eksiplisit.


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    This research aims to determine the level of health and comfort based on Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 29 of 2006 concerning Guidelines for Technical Building Requirements for Bidara Cina Flats. The method used is descriptive research using a quantitative approach. The population in this study were families who lived in flats. The sampling technique used a formula developed by Isaac and Michael to obtain 194 samples. The results of this research show that the perception of the residents of the Bidara Cina Flats regarding health, with a percentage of 72.075%, can be said to be that the level of health in the Bidara Cina Flats is Medium. It is shown based on the results of each aspect of health, namely the ventilation system, lighting system, sanitation, and The use of building materials in Block II is better than in Block I. Then the occupants' perception of comfort in the Bidara Cina Flats is still considered moderate, with a percentage of 66.355%. This is shown based on the results of each aspect of comfort, including movement space, air condition, sight (visual), sound (audio), and social environment in Block II are better than in Block I
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