3,275 research outputs found

    Analysis of star pair latitudes

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    Star pair latitude observations forming the basis for the pole positions reported by the International Polar Motion Service (IPMS) are processed to produce a mean pole position. However, the time series of raw observations contains high frequency information which is lost in the calculation of the mean pole. Analysis of 2931 star pair observations reveals a possible large excitation at one cycle per solar day. The average power level in the frequency band of the tesseral tides is seen to be high, although the peaks do not occur at the expected tidal frequencies

    Polar motion spectra based upon Doppler IPMS and BIH data

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    In comparing polar motion spectra, an oscillation was found at 1.3 cpy which might be due to an Eulerian motion of the solid inner core. An extended 15-year data set was filtered and analyzed to yield a Chandler peak with a period 430.8 solar days and a full width at half-maximum of 0.7 days (Q-600). The data was reanalyzed in overlapping 3-year segments and indicates that the excitation of the Chandler wobble is a discrete process and that periods as long as three years occur in which the driving mechanism is essentially quiescent

    Analysis of daily latitude variations

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    The daily latitude measurements of the International polar motion service are analyzed. The results indicate that the annual polar oscillation is probably due to local phenomena with amplitudes varying from 0.05 to 0.15 min. Within the resolution of the residuals (150 cm), there is no indication of the sharp changes which might be associated with earthquake effects. Then, applying Schuster's test to a periodogram of the residuals indicates that there are probably several processes occurring at amplitudes between 0.007 and 0.03 min whose solution awaits a more precise measurement technique

    An information theory approach to the density of the earth

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    Information theory can develop a technique which takes experimentally determined numbers and produces a uniquely specified best density model satisfying those numbers. A model was generated using five numerical parameters: the mass of the earth, its moment of inertia, three zero-node torsional normal modes (L = 2, 8, 26). In order to determine the stability of the solution, six additional densities were generated, in each of which the period of one of the three normal modes was increased or decreased by one standard deviation. The superposition of the seven models is shown. It indicates that current knowledge of the torsional modes is sufficient to specify the density in the upper mantle but that the lower mantle and core will require smaller standard deviations before they can be accurately specified

    Synthesis and spectral studies of 5-[3-(1,2,4-triazolyl-azo]-2,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde(TA)and its Schiff bases with 1,3-diaminopropane(TAAP)and 1,6-diaminohexane(TAAH).Their analytical application for spectrophotometric microdetermination of cobalt(II).

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The new azo compound 5-[3-(1,2,4-triazolyl-azo]-2,4-dihydroxy-benzaldehyde (TA) and its Schiff bases with 1,3-diaminopropane (TAAP) and 1,6-diaminohexane (TAAH) have been synthesized. The bands of diagnostic importance in the IR and the main signals in 1 H NMR spectra are assigned. The electronic absorption spectra in pure organic solvents of different polarity and in buffer solutions of varying pH are investigated. The quantitative description of the solvent effect on the electronic absorption spectra is studied and their acid ionization constants are determined. Also, a new simple and sensitive method for the spectrophotometric microdetermination of Co(II) using these compounds (TA, TAAP and TAAH) as new chromogenic reagents is established. The developed method is successfully used for the determination of trace amounts of cobalt in authentic samples and calculation of the distribution ratio of cobalt adsorbed on bentonite and kaolinite clay minerals. 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Panoptic segmentation forecasting

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    Our goal is to forecast the near future given a set of recent observations. We think this ability to forecast, i.e., to anticipate, is integral for the success of autonomous agents which need not only passively analyze an observation but also must react to it in real-time. Importantly, accurate forecasting hinges upon the chosen scene decomposition. We think that superior forecasting can be achieved by decomposing a dynamic scene into individual 'things' and background 'stuff'. Background 'stuff' largely moves because of camera motion, while foreground 'things' move because of both camera and individual object motion. Following this decomposition, we introduce panoptic segmentation forecasting. Panoptic segmentation forecasting opens up a middle-ground between existing extremes, which either forecast instance trajectories or predict the appearance of future image frames. To address this task we develop a two-component model: one component learns the dynamics of the background stuff by anticipating odometry, the other one anticipates the dynamics of detected things. We establish a leaderboard for this novel task, and validate a state-of-the-art model that outperforms available baselines

    The Effect of Furosemide on Arterial Blood Gases and Performance in Quarter Horses Performing a Fatigue Test on a Treadmill

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    Four Quarter Horses (1 filly age 2, 1 mare age 5 and 2 geldings ages 3 and 4; average weight 539 kg) were used in a 2 x 2 crossover design. The effects of furosemide (Lasix(Rx)) on arterial blood packed ceii voiume (PCV), hemogiobin (Hb), pH, pO2, pCO2, HCO-3 and base excess (BE) were measured. Plasma lactate, heart rate, and fatigue time were determined as indicators of perlormance while the horses performed a fatigue test on a high-speed treadmill. The left carotid artery was surgically elevated subcutaneously to facilitate collection of arterial blood samples. Horses were conditioned for 13 weeks with increasing intensity then randomly assigned furosemide (F) or physiological saline (C) as treatments. Treatments were administered 4 hours prior to the fatigue test in accordance with racing regulations. Arterial blood samples were collected prior to treatment dose, prior to exercise, at the 2nd, 4th, and 6th minute during the fatigue test, at fatigue, and at the 5th, 15th, 30th, and 45th minute post-exercise. Arterial blood samples were analyzed for blood gases, Hb, PCV, and plasma lactate. Heart rate and fatigue time were recorded. No difference between treatments (P \u3e 0.05) was observed for blood gases except for pCO2 at rest, and HCO-3 and BE at the 2 minute collection period. No difference between treatments (P \u3e 0.05) was observed for Hb, PCV, lactate and heart rate except at 15 minutes post-exercise for Hb and PCV, and 45 minutes postexercise for Hb. Fatigue times were 11 min 56 sec ± 5 min 30 sec for F horses and 11 min 35 sec--± 2 min 6 sec for C horses. No difference (P \u3e 0.05) was observed in fatigue time. Based on our data, the trend indicated that all parameters measured returned to pre-exercise levels more rapidly for furosemide treated horses. However, furosemide did not enhance performance

    Complex genital system of a haplogyne spider (Arachnida, Araneae, Tetrablemmidae) indicates internal fertilization and full female control over transferred sperm.

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    The female genital organs of the tetrablemmid Indicoblemma lannaianum are astonishingly complex. The copulatory orifice lies anterior to the opening of the uterus externus and leads into a narrow insertion duct that ends in a genital cavity. The genital cavity continues laterally in paired tube-like copulatory ducts, which lead into paired, large, sac-like receptacula. Each receptaculum has a sclerotized pore plate with associated gland cells. Paired small fertilization ducts originate in the receptacula and take their curved course inside the copulatory ducts. The fertilization ducts end in slit-like openings in the sclerotized posterior walls of the copulatory ducts. Huge masses of secretions forming large balls are detectable in the female receptacula. An important function of these secretory balls seems to be the encapsulation of spermatozoa in discrete packages in order to avoid the mixing of sperm from different males. In this way, sperm competition may be completely prevented or at least severely limited. Females seem to have full control over transferred sperm and be able to express preference for spermatozoa of certain males. The lumen of the sperm containing secretory balls is connected with the fertilization duct. Activated spermatozoa are only found in the uterus internus of females, which is an indication of internal fertilization. The sperm cells in the uterus internus are characterized by an extensive cytoplasm and an elongated, cone-shaped nucleus. The male genital system of I. lannaianum consists of thick testes and thin convoluted vasa deferentia that open into the wide ductus ejaculatorius. The voluminous globular palpal bulb is filled with seminal fluid consisting of a globular secretion in which only a few spermatozoa are embedded. The spermatozoa are encapsulated by a sheath produced in the genital system. The secretions in females may at least partly consist of male secretions that could be involved in the building of the secretory balls or play a role in sperm activation. The male secretions could also afford nutriments to the spermatozoa

    On double Hurwitz numbers in genus 0

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    We study double Hurwitz numbers in genus zero counting the number of covers \CP^1\to\CP^1 with two branching points with a given branching behavior. By the recent result due to Goulden, Jackson and Vakil, these numbers are piecewise polynomials in the multiplicities of the preimages of the branching points. We describe the partition of the parameter space into polynomiality domains, called chambers, and provide an expression for the difference of two such polynomials for two neighboring chambers. Besides, we provide an explicit formula for the polynomial in a certain chamber called totally negative, which enables us to calculate double Hurwitz numbers in any given chamber as the polynomial for the totally negative chamber plus the sum of the differences between the neighboring polynomials along a path connecting the totally negative chamber with the given one.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure