19 research outputs found

    Problems of Conflict of Laws on the Issue of Inheritance between those of Different Religions under the Algerian Law: Analytical Study

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    What is established in Islamic law is the non-permissibility of inheritance between the Muslim and non-Muslim, which is also the case in the Arab laws, including the laws of countries that define the sectarian diversity of personal status; as in Egyptian law through Article VI of Law No. 77 of 1943 On the inheritance of non-succession between the Muslim and non-Muslim, which was followed by the Lebanese law of June 23, 1959, but if we return to the Algerian law, we find that he did not establish a base of attribution on this issue, and in the absence of a rule of attribution solve this problem, here It was necessary to stand on the position of jurisprudence Ira this issue, especially in the absence of its own conflict rule

    Le concept de l’Entrepreneuriat Social : Essai de définition consensuelle

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    The Social Entrepreneurship concept continues to attract the interest of researchers, academics, institutions and research centers, state institutions, economic and social actors, given its positive contributions to both the economy and society. A mixture of definitions of this new concept has been developed over the last twenty years by many researchers, without reaching a consensus.  Nowadays, is it possible to develop a definition of social entrepreneurship that can be used as a reference? This article aims to focus on the efforts made to conceptualise Social Entrepreneurship, and to try to model its components. Our main objective is to identify the most prominent characteristics of social entrepreneurship, in the perspective of developing a universal definition of this concept that is gaining in popularity around the world. Basing on a synthetic presentation of the approaches and historical evolution of social entrepreneurship throughout the world, its characteristics and best definitions by high-ranking authors, together with all the closest notions to social entrepreneurship, We present our conception of social entrepreneurship, based on a set of constitutive elements, which we propose as a ground for research, in order to develop a consensual definition of this concept.     JEL Classification: L31 Paper type: Theoretical Research Le concept de l’Entrepreneuriat Social continue de susciter l’intérêt des chercheurs, académiciens, institutions, centres de recherches, établissement étatique et acteurs économiques et sociaux, vu ses apports positifs aussi bien pour l’économie que la société. Un amalgame de définitions de ce nouveau concept a été développé tout au long d’une vingtaine d’années, par de nombreux chercheurs, sans pour autant faire consensus. Aujourd’hui, l’élaboration d’une définition de l’entrepreneuriat social qui fait référence est-elle possible ? Cet article vise à faire le point sur les efforts déployés pour conceptualiser l’Entrepreneuriat Social, et essayer de modéliser ses composantes. Notre principal objectif est d’identifier les caractéristiques de l’entrepreneuriat social les plus marquantes, dans la perspective de confectionner une définition universelle de ce concept qui ne manque de gagner de popularité à travers le monde. Après une présentation synthétique des approches et de l’évolution historique de l’entrepreneuriat social, ses caractéristiques et meilleures définitions d’auteurs de renommé, ainsi que les concepts proches de l’entrepreneuriat social, nous présentons notre conception de l’entrepreneuriat social, basé sur un ensemble d’éléments constitutifs, que nous proposons comme une base de recherche, pour l’élaboration d’une définition consensuelle de ce concept.     Classification JEL : L31 Type de l’article : article théorique

    Detection of Biofilm Formation of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Isolated from Medical Devices at the University Hospital of Tlemcen, Algeria

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    Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae is a major cause of community-acquired and nosocomial infections. This germ is responsible for acute and chronic infections, most of which are due to its ability to adhere to medical implants and form a biofilm. The objective of this work is to study the interaction between clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae and abiotic surfaces (medical devices) and some factors influencing biofilm formation. Methods: Over a period of 2 years, 115 strains of K. pneumoniae were isolated from medical devices CHU Tlemcen, most of which had a high level of resistance to cephalosporins 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation.  Their capacity to form biofilm was assessed using two 3 techniques: TCP, TP, and RCA.  We determined in vitro the effects of three antimicrobial agents against planktonic and biofilm forms of K. pneumoniae. The presence of MrkD genes was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: According to the studied (TCP, TP, RCA) strains of K .pneumoniae isolated from urinary catheters have proved very good, forming the biofilm to those isolated from other medical devices. 24 of 115 isolated strains showed a clear difference in antibiotic susceptibility between planktonic populations and biofilm populations. They were 10-20 times higher. All strains presented a highly hydrophilic character and adhesion 2-10 times greater in PVC with respect to glass support. The MrkD gene (detected by PCR) responsible for biofilm formation was found in 22 strains of K. pneumoniae, which may explain their adhesion and therefore their pathogenicity. Conclusion: Our results show the great ability of K.pneumoniae strains to form a biofilm on medical devices, and the isolates were at least 10 times more resistant than their planktonic counterparts. In addition, we showed that the presence of type 3-encoding gene mrkD was associated with high adhesion indexes

    Impact du facteur vocabulaire sur la compréhension des tests statistiques

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    Une littérature abondante de travaux de recherches considère l’enseignement des tests statistiques comme un sujet difficile aussi bien pour l’enseignant que pour l’apprenant. Elle rapporte diverses difficultés, souvent en rapport avec des conceptions erronées, que l’on peut rencontrer à tous les âges et à tous les niveaux d’expertise. Les conclusions de ces recherches s’accordent sur le fait qu’en général, un étudiant de niveau moyen ne peut pas décrire l’idée de fondement de cette pratique statistique, seul un calcul mécanique est souvent restitué, basé beaucoup plus sur la mémorisation que sur la réflexion et l’interprétation. Certes, de multiples facteurs sont à l’origine de ce caractère difficile des tests statistiques. Ainsi, nous nous sommes focalisés dans cet article sur l’effet que pourrait avoir un facteur plus particulier sur l’interprétation, par nos étudiants, des notions et des expressions véhiculées lors de son enseignement. Il s’agit du vocabulaire utilisé par les procédures sous-jacentes à cet outil statistique. Afin de mener à bien ce projet, nous avons choisi un échantillon constitué de 195 étudiants, auquel nous avons administré un questionnaire composé de quatre questions suscitant chacune un aspect d’incompréhensions relatif au vocabulaire véhiculé. Les résultats auxquels nous nous sommes arrivés ont mis en évidence des anomalies à plusieurs niveaux chez ces étudiants, mettant ainsi en valeur que les difficultés rencontrées par nos apprenants relativement aux concepts mathématiques d’une manière générale pourraient parfois être dues à des facteurs qu’on néglige souvent dans notre enseignement et qui sont méconnus

    Provisions of the Penalty of Community Service in the Algerian and the French Legal Systems: A Comparative Study

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    The penalty of community service is a new system put in place of alternative penalties for short-term sentences. Some countries have adopted it as pilot program in order to find the most effective ways to rehabilitate the offenders and ensure that they don’t return to committing crimes. Contemporary legislation, including the French, which adopted this system of community service under Law No. 09/01, the French legislator tried to develop a semi-integrated system in the framework of the punishment, which is one of the best models that have been successful in the application of the penalty of community service to rehabilitate the offenders socially, and to avoid mixing them with certain criminal groups that pose a danger to the offender whose crime does not constitute a threat to society and can be remedied through the penalty of community service

    Bright Green PhOLEDs Using Cyclometalated Diiridium(III) Complexes with Bridging Oxamidato Ligands as Phosphorescent Dopants

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    In contrast to monoiridium complexes, the study of diiridium complexes as dopants in phosphorescent organic light-emitting devices (PhOLEDs) is largely unexplored. We now describe the syntheses, detailed NMR analyses, X-ray crystal structures and optoelectronic properties of the new cyclometalated diiridium complexes 5 and 6 in which the iridium centres are bridged by oxamidato ligands. These complexes contain diastereomers – the meso form (ΔΛ) and the racemic form consisting of two enantiomers (ΔΔ and ΛΛ) – with anti-oxamidato bridges. The precursor μ-dichloro-bridged complex 4 is very weakly emissive in solution, whereas the oxamidato bridged complexes 5 and 6 are highly emissive (ΦPL 73% and 63%) with short excited state lifetimes of τP 0.84 and 1.16 μs, respectively. Cyclic voltammetry studies demonstrate that the oxamidato bridging ligand plays a role in mediating intramolecular interactions between the iridium centres. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations and time dependent-DFT (TD-DFT) calculations provide further insights into the structural, electronic, and photophysical properties of the complexes in their ground and excited states. Phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes (PhOLEDs) using complexes 5 and 6 as the emissive dopants in a simple architecture using a solution-processed active layer give bright green electroluminescence with remarkably high luminance (Lmax > 25[thin space (1/6-em)]000 cd m−2) for diiridium complexes