58 research outputs found

    Modeling carbon and nutrient fluxes in Baltic Sea subsystem

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusOglekļa un biogēno vielu aprites modelēšana Baltijas jūras apakšsistēmās Anotācija Lai salīdzinātu dažādas oglekļa un biogēnu plūsmu novērtēšanas modelēšanas pieejas kā arī lai identificētu virzošos faktorus, kuri nosaka īstermiņa un ilgtermiņa ekosistēmas izmaiņas, tika izmantoti pieci Baltijas jūras apakšsistēmu oglekļa un biogēnu plūsmu modeļi. Modeļu rezultāti norāda uz piegrunts ūdeņu iemaisīšanas un sauszemes biogēnu slodžu nozīmi fitoplanktona augšanā. Savukārt Rīgas līča ilgtermiņa biogēnu dinamiku nosaka sedimentu bioģeoķīmiskie procesi, kuru rezultātā slāpeklis ātri tiek izņemts no aprites denitrifikācijas rezultātā, bet fosfors paliek sedimentos. Mehānistiskie modeļi kuri balstās uz biogēnu apriti, kā arī oglekļa budžeti kvantificē oglekļa plūsmas zemākajos atrofijas līmeņos. Savukārt oglekļa plūsmas augstākajos trofijas līmeņos var iegūt no ECOPATH oglekļa budžetiem, kuri dod iespēju arī identificēt trofiskas kaskādes. Atslēgas vārdi: jūras ekosistēma modelēšana, ilglaicīgas izmaiņas, bioģeoķīmisko procesu modelis, ECOPATH, Kategats, Rīgas līcisModelling carbon and nutrient fluxes in Baltic Sea subsytems Abstract Five models of carbon and nutrient fluxes in Baltic Sea subsystems are presented to compare the different modelling approaches for estimating carbon and nutrient fluxes and for identifying the driving factors shaping short-term and long-term ecosystem change. The models highlight the importance of bottom water entrainment and land-based nutrient loads for phytoplankton growth. Long-term dynamics of nutrients in the Gulf of Riga are driven by biogeochemical processes in the bottom sediments, where nitrogen is quickly removed by denitrification, while phosphorus is retained. Nutrient driven mechanistic models as well as carbon budgets quantify carbon fluxes within the lower trophic levels. Estimates for carbon fluxes to higher trophic levels can be derived from ECOPATH carbon budgets, which are also capable of identifying trophic cascades. Keywords: marine ecosystem modelling, long-term dynamics, biogeochemical model, ECOPATH, Kattegat, Gulf of Rig

    Past, Present and Future Eutrophication Status of the Baltic Sea

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    We modelled and assessed the past, present and predicted future eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea. The assessment covers a 350-year period from 1850 to 2200 and is based on: (1) modelled concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP), chlorophyll-a, Secchi depth, and oxygen under four different of nutrient input scenarios and (2) the application of a multi-metric indicator-based tool for assessment of eutrophication status: HEAT 3.0. This tool was previously applied using historical observations to determine eutrophication status from 1901 to 2012. Here we apply HEAT 3.0 using results of a biogeochemical model to reveal significant changes in eutrophication status from 1850 to 2200. Under two scenarios where Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) nutrient reduction targets are met, we expect future good status will be achieved in most Baltic Sea basins. Under two scenarios where nutrient loads remain at 1997-2003 levels or increase, good status will not be achieved. The change from a healthy state without eutrophication problems in the open waters took place in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Following introduction of the first nutrient abatement measures, recovery began in some basins in the late 1990s, whilst in others it commenced in the beginning of the 21st century. Based on model results, we expect that the first basin to achieve a status without eutrophication will be Arkona, between 2030 and 2040. By 2060-2070, a status without eutrophication is anticipated for the Kattegat, Bornholm Basin and Gulf of Finland, followed by the Danish straits around 2090. For the Baltic Proper and Bothnian Sea, a good status with regard to eutrophication will not be expected before 2200. Further, we conclude that two basins are not likely to meet the targets agreed upon and to attain a status unaffected by eutrophication, i.e. the Gulf of Riga and Bothnian Bay. These results, especially the prediction that some basins will not achieve a good status, can be used in support of continuous development and implementation of the regional ecosystem-based nutrient management strategy, the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan.Peer reviewe

    Short-term prediction and harvest control rules for Baltic cod (Gadus morhua): A generic method to include state of the art knowledge on environmental uncertainty and its consequences – would it make a difference for advice?

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    Vital processes relevant for exploited stocks, for example growth, predation and recruitment are closely related to the environmental conditions. Here, we present a generic method to include state of the art knowledge on environmental impacts and environmental forecasting into short-term predictions and the formulation of environment-based harvest control rules for exploited stocks. The method consists of three elements: First, the linkage between environmental parameters and stock dynamics, second the short-term prediction of both environment and stock dynamics, and third the scaling of otherwise constant reference values for fishing mortality in accordance with the environmental situation. The method is exemplified for Eastern Baltic cod. Recruitment is treated as dependent on oxygen conditions, and the formulation of the proposed fishing intensity is accounting for the actual oxygen conditions and predicted conditions for the year following the assessment year. Finally, the resulting advice is compared to advice that has been given not accounting for the oxygen conditions

    Past, Present and Future Eutrophication Status of the Baltic Sea

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    We modelled and assessed the past, present and predicted future eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea. The assessment covers a 350-year period from 1850 to 2200 and is based on: (1) modelled concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP), chlorophyll-a, Secchi depth, and oxygen under four different of nutrient input scenarios and (2) the application of a multi-metric indicator-based tool for assessment of eutrophication status: HEAT 3.0. This tool was previously applied using historical observations to determine eutrophication status from 1901 to 2012. Here we apply HEAT 3.0 using results of a biogeochemical model to reveal significant changes in eutrophication status from 1850 to 2200. Under two scenarios where Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) nutrient reduction targets are met, we expect future good status will be achieved in most Baltic Sea basins. Under two scenarios where nutrient loads remain at 1997–2003 levels or increase, good status will not be achieved. The change from a healthy state without eutrophication problems in the open waters took place in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Following introduction of the first nutrient abatement measures, recovery began in some basins in the late 1990s, whilst in others it commenced in the beginning of the 21st century. Based on model results, we expect that the first basin to achieve a status without eutrophication will be Arkona, between 2030 and 2040. By 2060–2070, a status without eutrophication is anticipated for the Kattegat, Bornholm Basin and Gulf of Finland, followed by the Danish straits around 2090. For the Baltic Proper and Bothnian Sea, a good status with regard to eutrophication is not expected before 2200. Further, we conclude that two basins are not likely to meet the targets agreed upon and to attain a status unaffected by eutrophication, i.e., the Gulf of Riga and Bothnian Bay. These results, especially the prediction that some basins will not achieve a good status, can be used in support of continuous development and implementation of the regional ecosystem-based nutrient management strategy, the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan

    Biogeochemical functioning of the Baltic Sea

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    Location, specific topography, and hydrographic setting together with climate change and strong anthropogenic pressure are the main factors shaping the biogeochemical functioning and thus also the ecological status of the Baltic Sea. The recent decades have brought significant changes in the Baltic Sea. First, the rising nutrient loads from land in the second half of the 20th century led to eutrophication and spreading of hypoxic and anoxic areas, for which permanent stratification of the water column and limited ventilation of deep-water layers made favourable conditions. Since the 1980s the nutrient loads to the Baltic Sea have been continuously decreasing. This, however, has so far not resulted in significant improvements in oxygen availability in the deep regions, which has revealed a slow response time of the system to the reduction of the land-derived nutrient loads. Responsible for that is the low burial efficiency of phosphorus at anoxic conditions and its remobilization from sediments when conditions change from oxic to anoxic. This results in a stoichiometric excess of phosphorus available for organic-matter production, which promotes the growth of N2-fixing cyanobacteria and in turn supports eutrophication. This assessment reviews the available and published knowledge on the biogeochemical functioning of the Baltic Sea. In its content, the paper covers the aspects related to changes in carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus (C, N, and P) external loads, their transformations in the coastal zone, changes in organic-matter production (eutrophication) and remineralization (oxygen availability), and the role of sediments in burial and turnover of C, N, and P. In addition to that, this paper focuses also on changes in the marine CO2 system, the structure and functioning of the microbial community, and the role of contaminants for biogeochemical processes. This comprehensive assessment allowed also for identifying knowledge gaps and future research needs in the field of marine biogeochemistry in the Baltic Sea.Peer reviewe

    Assessment of Uncertainties in Scenario Simulations of Biogeochemical Cycles in the Baltic Sea

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    Following earlier regional assessment studies, such as the Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin and the North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment, knowledge acquired from available literature about future scenario simulations of biogeochemical cycles in the Baltic Sea and their uncertainties is assessed. The identification and reduction of uncertainties of scenario simulations are issues for marine management. For instance, it is important to know whether nutrient load abatement will meet its objectives of restored water quality status in future climate or whether additional measures are required. However, uncertainties are large and their sources need to be understood to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of measures. The assessment of sources of uncertainties in projections of biogeochemical cycles based on authors' own expert judgment suggests that the biggest uncertainties are caused by (1) unknown current and future bioavailable nutrient loads from land and atmosphere, (2) the experimental setup (including the spin up strategy), (3) differences between the projections of global and regional climate models, in particular, with respect to the global mean sea level rise and regional water cycle, (4) differing model-specific responses of the simulated biogeochemical cycles to long-term changes in external nutrient loads and climate of the Baltic Sea region, and (5) unknown future greenhouse gas emissions. Regular assessments of the models' skill (or quality compared to observations) for the Baltic Sea region and the spread in scenario simulations (differences among projected changes) as well as improvement of dynamical downscaling methods are recommended.Peer reviewe

    Hidden variables in a Dynamic Bayesian Network identify ecosystem level change

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    EU; The Academy of Finland; Projektträger Jülich (PtJ); Germany; The State Education Development Agency of Latvia; The National Centre for Research and Development, Poland; The Swedish Research Council Formas; BalticEye Stockholm University; foundation BalticSea202