884 research outputs found

    Perturbation theories for the S=1/2 spin ladder with four-spin ring exchange

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    The isotropic S=1/2 antiferromagnetic spin ladder with additional four-spin ring exchange is studied perturbatively in the strong coupling regime with the help of cluster expansion technique, and by means of bosonization in the weak coupling limit. It is found that a sufficiently large strength of ring exchange leads to a second-order phase transition, and the shape of the boundary in the vicinity of the known exact transition point is obtained. The critical exponent for the gap is found to be η1\eta\simeq1, in agreement both with exact results available for the dimer line and with the bosonization analysis. The phase emerging for high values of the ring exchange is argued to be gapped and spontaneously dimerized. The results for the transition line from strong coupling and from weak coupling match with each other naturally.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, some minor changes in text and reference

    High-momentum tail in the Tonks gas under harmonic confinement

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    We use boson-fermion mapping to show that the single-particle momentum distribution in a one-dimensional gas of hard point-like bosons (Tonks gas) inside a harmonic trap decays as p4p^{-4} at large momentum pp. The relevant integrals expressing the one-body density matrix are evaluated for small numbers of particles in a simple Monte Carlo approach to test the extent of the asymptotic law and to illustrate the slow decay of correlations between the matter-wave field at different points.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    A new photon recoil experiment: towards a determination of the fine structure constant

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    We report on progress towards a measurement of the fine structure constant to an accuracy of 5×10105\times 10^{-10} or better by measuring the ratio of the Planck constant to the mass of the cesium atom. Compared to similar experiments, ours is improved in three significant ways: (i) simultaneous conjugate interferometers, (ii) multi-photon Bragg diffraction between same internal states, and (iii) an about 1000 fold reduction of laser phase noise to -138 dBc/Hz. Combining that with a new method to simultaneously stabilize the phases of four frequencies, we achieve 0.2 mrad effective phase noise at the location of the atoms. In addition, we use active stabilization to suppress systematic effects due to beam misalignment.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Do quasi-regular structures really exist in the solar photosphere? I. Observational evidence

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    Two series of solar-granulation images -- the La Palma series of 5 June 1993 and the SOHO MDI series of 17--18 January 1997 -- are analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. New evidence is presented for the existence of long-lived, quasi-regular structures (first reported by Getling and Brandt (2002)), which no longer appear unusual in images averaged over 1--2-h time intervals. Such structures appear as families of light and dark concentric rings or families of light and dark parallel strips (``ridges'' and ``trenches'' in the brightness distributions). In some cases, rings are combined with radial ``spokes'' and can thus form ``web'' patterns. The characteristic width of a ridge or trench is somewhat larger than the typical size of granules. Running-average movies constructed from the series of images are used to seek such structures. An algorithm is developed to obtain, for automatically selected centres, the radial distributions of the azimuthally averaged intensity, which highlight the concentric-ring patterns. We also present a time-averaged granulation image processed with a software package intended for the detection of geological structures in aerospace images. A technique of running-average-based correlations between the brightness variations at various points of the granular field is developed and indications are found for a dynamical link between the emergence and sinking of hot and cool parcels of the solar plasma. In particular, such a correlation analysis confirms our suggestion that granules -- overheated blobs -- may repeatedly emerge on the solar surface. Based on our study, the critical remarks by Rast (2002) on the original paper by Getling and Brandt (2002) can be dismissed.Comment: 21 page, 8 figures; accepted by "Solar Physics

    Associations of peak shifts in age-prevalence for human malarias with bednet coverage

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    Effects of bednet coverage (C) on prevalence of malaria were analysed using data from 1990-1992 from 9 Papua New Guinean villages. Effects of coverage varied by age, resulting in a shift in age of peak prevalence from 4 · 7 (C = 0%) to 11 · 6 (C = 100%) years for Plasmodium falciparum, from 3 · 4 to 4 · 9 years for P. vivax and from 11 · 0 to 16 · 8 years for P. malariae. In small areas with no bednets the age distribution of P. falciparum parasitaemia was like that of a holoendemic area. Where coverage was complete the pattern corresponded to mesoendemicity. Thus, protracted use of bednets can result in profound changes in the endemicity of malaria even when coverage is incomplete and without insecticide treatment. Average entomological inoculation rates (EIRs) estimated from indoor landing rates on individuals without bednets were 35, 12 and 10 infectious bites per person per annum for P. Falciparum, P. vivax and P. malariae, respectively. Logistic regression analyses indicated that the EIR estimate for P. falciparum was related to prevalence of this species independently of effects of bednet coverage. However, the recent EIR still accounted for much less variation than did the bednets. A similar pattern was seen for P. malariae, while there were no significant relationships between the recent EIR and the parasite positivity for P. vivax. It is concluded that short-term variations in inoculation rate are not important determinants of parasite prevalence in this populatio

    Optimization of AlN thin layers on diamond substrates for high frequency SAW resonators

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    AlN/diamond heterostructures are very promising for high frequency surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators. In their design, the thickness of the piezoelectric film is one of the key parameters. On the other hand, the film material quality and, hence, the device performance, also depend on that thickness. In this work, polished microcrystalline diamond substrates have been used to deposit AlN films by reactive sputtering, from 150 nm up to 3 μm thick. A high degree of the c-axis orientation has been obtained in all cases. SAW one port resonators at high frequency have been fabricated on these films with a proper combination of the film thickness and transducer size

    Stable propagation of an ordered array of cracks during directional drying

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    We study the appearance and evolution of an array of parallel cracks in a thin slab of material that is directionally dried, and show that the cracks penetrate the material uniformly if the drying front is sufficiently sharp. We also show that cracks have a tendency to become evenly spaced during the penetration. The typical distance between cracks is mainly governed by the typical distance of the pattern at the surface, and it is not modified during the penetration. Our results agree with recent experimental work, and can be extended to three dimensions to describe the properties of columnar polygonal patterns observed in some geological formations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PR

    Photoionization of ultracold and Bose-Einstein condensed Rb atoms

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    Photoionization of a cold atomic sample offers intriguing possibilities to observe collective effects at extremely low temperatures. Irradiation of a rubidium condensate and of cold rubidium atoms within a magneto-optical trap with laser pulses ionizing through 1-photon and 2-photon absorption processes has been performed. Losses and modifications in the density profile of the remaining trapped cold cloud or the remaining condensate sample have been examined as function of the ionizing laser parameters. Ionization cross-sections were measured for atoms in a MOT, while in magnetic traps losses larger than those expected for ionization process were measured.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetic Nanoparticles for Power Absorption: optimizing size, shape and magnetic properties

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    We present a study on the magnetic properties of naked and silica-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles with sizes between 5 and 110 nm. Their efficiency as heating agents was assessed through specific power absorption (SPA) measurements as a function of particle size and shape. The results show a strong dependence of the SPA with the particle size, with a maximum around 30 nm, as expected for a Neel relaxation mechanism in single-domain particles. The SiO2 shell thickness was found to play an important role in the SPA mechanism by hindering the heat outflow, thus decreasing the heating efficiency. It is concluded that a compromise between good heating efficiency and surface functionality for biomedical purposes can be attained by making the SiO2 functional coating as thin as possible.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Phase Diagram of the Heisenberg Spin Ladder with Ring Exchange

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    We investigate the phase diagram of a generalized spin-1/2 quantum antiferromagnet on a ladder with rung, leg, diagonal, and ring-exchange interactions. We consider the exactly soluble models associated with the problem, obtain the exact ground states which exist for certain parameter regimes, and apply a variety of perturbative techniques in the regime of strong ring-exchange coupling. By combining these approaches with considerations related to the discrete Z_4 symmetry of the model, we present the complete phase diagram.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure