38 research outputs found

    Efeitos sucessórios da circulação do estabelecimento empresarial e o regime especial do direito da empresa em crise

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    Este estudo analisa o tratamento conferido à circulação do estabelecimento pelo regime comum, disciplinado pelo Código Civil e sistemas tributário e trabalhista, em que é imposta ao adquirente a sucessão nas relações obrigacionais do alienante, e pelo regime especial da Lei 11.101/05, em que é afastada a sucessão, a fim de demonstrar até que ponto será recomendável a aquisição de estabelecimento. Buscamos averiguar a extensão da sucessão existente no regime comum e os limites da blindagem à sucessão na alienação de ativos na falência e de estabelecimentos (filial ou unidade produtivas isolada) na recuperação judicial. Para alcançar este fim, primeiro analisamos a natureza jurídica do estabelecimento, tendo em vista os reflexos dessa classificação nos efeitos dos negócios jurídicos que tem como objeto o estabelecimento. Num segundo momento, buscamos compreender o sentido do vocábulo “sucessão” e a extensão dos efeitos sucessórios do regime comum no que tange aos contratos, aos débitos e aos créditos do trespassante. Após, averiguamos a necessidade de ser garantida a ausência de sucessão nos processos de recuperação judicial e de falência como forma de permitir uma maior eficiência econômica, bem como concretizar o princípio da preservação da empresa. Assim, traçamos um panorama do regime especial de trespasse trazido pela lei falimentar, analisando os requisitos, os limites, os fundamentos e a constitucionalidade da ausência de sucessão nas obrigações das empresas em crise financeira. No encerramento, tendo em vista que a blindagem à sucessão na recuperação judicial suscita maiores divergências doutrinárias se comparada à falência, dedicamos um capítulo para tratar das particularidades deste regime e traçar respostas ainda não enfrentadas de forma conclusiva pela incipiente jurisprudência a respeito do conceito de unidade produtiva isolada, da aplicação das modalidades alternativas de realização do ativo à recuperação judicial (artigos 144 e 145 da Lei 11.101/05) e da (des) necessária judicialização da alienação no contexto da recuperação judicial para que seja garantida a blindagem à sucessão. A monografia buscou precedentes judiciais, com especial relevância para as decisões das Câmaras Especializadas em Direito Empresarial do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo, para demonstrar quais são os riscos inerentes à aquisição de estabelecimento e de que forma os dispositivos da lei falimentar conjuntamente com o CTN e a CLT vêm sendo interpretados pelos tribunais, em prol da concretização do princípio da preservação da empresa.This study analyzes the discipline of business transfer under the common treatment, accorded by the Brazilian Civil Code and tax and labor systems, in which the acquirer is required to succeed to the obligations of the seller, and under the special treatment of Law 11.101/05, in which successor liabilities are dismissed. The objective is to examine in what extent it will be advisable to purchase a business. We sought to ascertain the extent of successor liabilities in the common treatment and the limits of the absence of succession in transfer of assets in bankruptcy and of business (branch or isolated productive unit) in judicial reorganization. In order to achieve this, we first analyze the legal nature of the business, since the impacts of this classification on the effects of business transfer. Secondly, we seek to understand the meaning of "successor liabilities" and the extension of successor liabilities in the common treatment with respect to contracts, debts and credits of the acquirer. Afterwards, we verified the need to be guaranteed the absence of succession in judicial reorganization and bankruptcy as a way to allow greater economic efficiency, as well as to realize the principle of the preservation of the company. Thus, we outline the special treatment of business transfer accorded by Law 11.101/05, analyzing the requirements, the limits, the fundamentals and the constitutionality of the absence of succession in the obligations of companies in financial crisis. At last, since absence of succession in judicial reorganization raises greater doctrinal divergences compared to bankruptcy, we devoted a chapter to address the particularities of this treatment and to investigate the concept of isolated productive unit, the application of alternative modalities of realization of assets to judicial reorganization (articles 144 and 145 of Law 11.101/05) and the (un) necessary judicialization of the sale in the context of judicial reorganization in order to guarantee the absence of succession. The paper includes judicial precedents, particularly the decisions of the Specialized Chambers in Business Law of the Court of Justice of São Paulo, in order to demonstrate what are the risks associated to the business transfer and the current interpretation of the provisions by the courts on behalf of the principle of company preservation

    Complete Avulsion of the Hoof Capsule and Subsequent Testicular Degeneration in a Criollo Stallion

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    Background: Complete avulsion of the hoof in horses, also known as exungulation, is not a commonly reported injury and usually leads to euthanasia due to the great amount of tissue loss, intense pain, secondary complications, expensive and lengthy treatment. It can involve deep structures and cause different complications leading to chronic lameness. In stallions affected by such injury, the reproductive tract and performance may also be affected. The aim of this study was to report a case of complete avulsion of the right front hoof in a Criollo stallion and subsequent bilateral testicular degeneration.Case: A 10-year-old Criollo stallion was referred to the Veterinary Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas (HCV- UFPel) with a complete avulsion of the left front hoof. At admission, the stallion had clinical parameters compatible with intense pain and blood loss. Evaluation of the wound demonstrated that the distal end of the third phalanx (P3) was exposed but no fracture was detected on radiological evaluation. No other structure was apparently affected. Initially, anti-inflammatory (phenylbutazone) and opioid (morphine) was given for pain control and supportive fluid therapy was started to restore hydration. Antibiotic (Sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim) were administered for 10 days. Continued therapy with phenylbutazone, pentoxifylline, omeprazole and supplementation with methionine, biotin and zinc was also given. Local treatment was carried out by cleaning the wound, applying an antimicrobial ointment and dressing it with a bandage. Wound management was adapted according to the evolution and healing process. The stallion was kept in stall rest during its hospitalization time. In the second month after the injury, accumulation of liquid in the scrotum was observed. Clinical and ultrasound evaluation lead to a presumptive diagnosis of testicular degeneration. The stallion was discharged after three months when the wound was almost healed and the hoof had started to grow. Six month later, a follow up by the referring vet showed that the hoof was almost completely grown and the x-ray assessment demonstrated a cranial rotation and resorption of the distal end of the third phalanx.Discussion: The stallion of this report had a complete avulsion of the hoof capsule caused by trauma. Conservative treatment was established including wound cleaning and dressing to avoid contamination, control of pain and inflammation, antimicrobial care and supplementation to support hoof growth. Time period for wound healing and hoof growth was in agreement with other cases described previously. Bone sequestrum of the distal end of the third phalanx, and detachment of a fragment were observed in this case, followed by bone resorption. The stallion was closely monitored to prevent laminitis in the contralateral limb and no alterations were detected during the treatment period. Testicular degeneration was observed, probably caused as a consequence of hoof avulsion and due to a long period of stall rest. Degenerative alterations in testicles interfere with thermoregulation and spermatogenesis, affecting semen quality and reproductive performance. Rotation of the third phalanx was also observed six months later caused by the hoof loss. In conclusion, the patient of this report had a complete regrowth of the hoof capsule although a long intensive treatment was necessary to achieve this result. As a consequence, testicles degeneration may happen impairing its function as a stallion.Keywords: exungulation,hoof trauma, degenerative changes


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    A remoção cirúrgica dos terceiros molares impactados é um dos procedimentos mais comumente realizados por especialistas em cirurgia e traumatologia bucomaxilofacial. Entretanto, a remoção dos terceiros molares pode acarretar em uma série de complicações, como por exemplo: lesão do nervo alveolar inferior e ao nervo lingual. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão de literatura acerca das lesões nervosas após a cirurgia de terceiros molares inclusos. Para a construção da revisão de literatura foi realizado uma pesquisa na base de dados SciELO, MEDLINE e LILACS entre os anos de 2015 a 2020. A etiologia das lesões nervosas é variada, porém a principal causa está relacionada com a exérese de terceiros molares inferiores inclusos. Quando ocorrem, uma parte dos casos têm resolução espontânea, porém alguns casos necessitam de tratamento. Diante disso, é importante realizar um bom planejamento cirúrgico para que seja evitado essa complicação, sempre que possível

    Gestation in a Mare with Facial Deviation (Wry Nose)

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    Background: Wry nose is a congenital deformity that causes respiratory obstruction and decreased oxygenation rate. Gestation in a wry nose mare may be considered a risk to the neonate since it depends on the maternal environment for development. Compromised oxygenation during pregnancy can lead to fetal distress and cause consequences on fetal development. However, depending on the degree of the impairment, the fetus may still be able to adapt. The aim of the present study was to report the gestation in a mare with facial deviation until term and to assess blood gases in the mare and neonate, and to evaluate the histomorphometry of the placenta.Case: A Criollo breed mare presenting facial deviation (Wry Nose) was donated to Equine Medicine Research Group (ClinEq) of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) due to the presence of the physical deformity. When the mare was five years old, it was inseminated and had a pregnancy confirmed. At the fifth month of gestation, evaluation of fetal aorta diameter, fetal orbital diameter and combined thickness of the uterus and placenta (CTUP) started to be performed monthly to assess gestation health. The assessment of the fetal orbit and aorta diameter revealed a linear increase of both variables with the progress of gestation indicating a normal fetal development.  CTUP remained in the normal reference range, presenting no alterations during the gestational length. The mare foaled at 324 days of gestation a coat showing no congenital deformities. The foaling was monitored until the complete passage of fetal membranes. A complete clinical and hematological evaluation of the foal was carried out after birth. The foal showed normal adaptive behavior, clinical and hematological parameters during the first hours of life, although presenting physical signs of immaturity. Venous blood samples were collected from the mare at 315 days of gestation, immediately after foaling and 24 h post-partum for lactate and blood gas analysis.  Mild changes were observed in the mare’s blood gas analysis at foaling that were compensated within 24 h post-partum. Venous blood samples were collected from the umbilical cord and from the foal after birth, at 12 and 24 h post-partum to measure blood gases and lactate. The newborn foal presented respiratory acidosis immediately after birth, which was metabolically compensated at 24 h post-partum. Both mare’s and foal’s lactate evaluation were within the normal reference ranges. After expulsion of the placenta, samples from the gravid horn, uterine body and non-gravid horn were collected for histological and histomorphometric evaluation. In the histological evaluation, avillous areas were detected in the gravid horn and uterine body and mild hypoplasia was found in the uterine body. Placental histomorphometry revealed larger total microcotiledonary and capillary areas on the non-gravid horn when compared to the remaining areas of the placenta (gravid horn and uterine body). No abnormalities on the placental vasculature were detected.  Discussion: To date, there are no reports of a pregnancy in a mare with facial deviation in the literature. This report showed that the wry nose mare gave birth to a viable foal showing no congenital abnormalities, which suggests that wry nose animals can be bred normally. The mare presented a healthy pregnancy, with mild changes in the blood gas analysis at foaling that were compensated at 24 h postpartum. Similarly, despite the foal showed physical signs of immaturity and respiratory acidosis at birth, these changes were compensated in the later assessments. Furthermore, no abnormalities on the placental vasculature were detected

    Reunião conjunta da Liga Acadêmica de Medicina Interna e da Associação Amigos do HU: “O que você sabe sobre o infarto do miocárdio?”

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    Comunicação breve de atividade de extensão realizada pela Liga Acadêmica de Medicina Interna, em novembro de 2019, com educação à comunidade externa sobre sintomas de alerta e medidas de socorro iniciais para o infarto do miocárdio

    PC Select

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    Hoje em dia, muitas pessoas só tem dificuldade na hora de comprar um computador novo com o melhor preço e configurações mais adequadas com o tipo de usuário. O projeto "PC Select" nasceu para ajudar nessa carência na hora de comprar um computador novo. Os preços são comparados com base nas principais lojas e nas mais confiáveis. O projeto foi feito para todos, de leigos no assunto, até para quem entende mais sobre o assunto. Método: O projeto foi desenvolvido inicialmente com HTML e CSS, em breve será implementado PHP e Java Script. Também há planos para um sistema de login utilizando a API do google. O login servirá para salvar projetos e compartilhá-los. Existe também a necessidade de utilizar Web Scraping no futuro do projeto. Isto é, uma técnica de extração de dados de uma outra página web, como por exemplo, o preço de uma placa-mãe em alguma loja online. A proposta é de um site pra auxiliar de maneira simplificada pessoas com necessidades de comprar computadores personalizados. Ajudando-as com comparações de preços, escolhas simplificadas e recomendação de peças são algumas das funções que serão propostas no site. Hoje em dia muitas pessoas têm dificuldade na hora de comprar um novo computador personalizado e com o menor preço, partido desse princípio nasceu a ideia do PC Select. O intuito do projeto é ajudar tanto leigos quanto entusiastas. Esta ideia já existe, porém, a grande maioria se dá por lojas recomendando seu próprio produto e seu próprio preço. A ideia principal é comparar preço de diversas lojas diferentes e confiáveis. Além de precisar ter um certo conhecimento técnico, o usuário tem de passar horas pesquisando os preços de cada componente em várias lojas diferentes e se certificar de que todas as peças sejam compatíveis. É relativamente fácil se perder em meio a tantos soquetes, barramentos e especificações técnicas distintas. Para facilitar esse trabalho, o site PC Select ajuda a escolher toda a configuração de seu PC, testar a compatibilidade dos componentes e comparar os preços de cada peça nas lojas nacionais e internacionais. Conclusão: Quando o assunto for comprar computador, PC Select é a ajuda que você precisa. Comparação de preços, confiança e ajuda na hora de escolher as peças são coisas que o PC Select poderá fazer por você. Tenha sua própria conta e veja as diferenças de preço entre as principais lojas de informática e periféricos do Brasil e do mundo