2,558 research outputs found

    Wrapped forages for horses

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    Wrapped forages, in the form of silage and haylage, have become more common in horse diets during recent years. Silage and haylage is commonly produced in big bales. However, for use in stables with few animals, these bales often contain too much forage to be consumed before onset of aerobic deterioration. Smaller bales are therefore of interest, but knowledge of the chemical composition (including vitamin content), fermentation pattern and changes in those variables during storage of small bales is limited, and was therefore investigated. Small bale forage contained higher pH, higher ethanol and lower lactic acid content, compared to general levels in chopped silo silage, but low levels of ammonia-N and butyric acid. There were no general effects of dry matter or extent of fermentation on α-tocopherol and β-carotene contents in the preserved forages, but linear positive correlations between the vitamins and lactic acid existed. In general, long-term storage (14 months) of small bales influenced fermentation variables, yeasts and pH, but silage was affected by storage to a larger extent than haylage. Although changes occurred during storage, values in two month old bales correlated well with values obtained after 14 months. The influence of forage conservation methods on horse preference was also investigated. Hay, haylage and silage were produced from the same grass crops and the forages were offered simultaneously to horses. Silage was the first chosen forage, had the highest rate of consumption and the longest eating time, while hay had the lowest consumption rate and the shortest eating time. Haylage was intermediate between hay and silage in both eating time and rate of consumption. The influence of forage conservation methods on equine hindgut fermentation was studied using fistulated horses. Hay, haylage and silage were produced from the same grass crop and fed in a changeover study. Horses were sampled after being fed the forage for 21 days, and a kinetic study of colon fermentation was performed in each period. Forage conservation method had no effect on microbial or chemical composition in the right ventral colon or faeces on Day 21. All forages showed similar fermentation kinetics in the right ventral colon before (0h) and at 2, 4, 8 and 12 h after feeding

    Dry matter concentration, particle size distribution and sand presence in faeces from horses with and without colic

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    A study comprising 74 colic and 74 control horses admitted to an animal hospital was performed. Faecal samples were collected and analysed for dry matter concentration, particle size distribution using wet-sieving, and sand presence through a sand sedimentation test. Data on horse breed, age, gender and basic feeding variables was collected and analysed using chi(2)-tests. Faecal dry matter concentration, particle size distribution and sand score was compared between colic and non-colic horses, and between horses with different colic types, using one-way ANOVA. Results showed that colic and non-colic horse groups were similar in breed, age, gender and basic feeding variables. Faecal dry matter concentration, particle size distribution and sand score were similar among colic and non-colic horses. Horses diagnosed with "unknown colic cause" had higher proportion of particles >0.5 <1.0 mm size compared to horses with colic due to impactions in caecum or colon, torsion or gas accumulation (P<0.05), but this difference was very small and most likely not of biological importance. Faecal dry matter concentration and sand score were similar among horses with different types of colic. Increased knowledge of the composition of particles of different size in equine faeces may enhance our understanding of digesta passage rate in colic and non-colic horses, which is needed to develop preventative measures of certain types of colic

    Chemical composition and physical characteristics of faeces in horses with and without free faecal liquid - two case-control studies

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    Background Free faecal liquid (FFL) is a condition in horses characterised by two-phase (one solid and one liquid) separation of faeces. Causes of the condition are unknown, but disturbed hindgut fermentation has been suggested as it may alter biochemical composition and appearance of faeces in equines. However, information on faecal composition in horses with FFL is scarce. Faecal chemical composition (dry matter, osmolality, ash, macro minerals, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and pH) and physical characteristics (free liquid, sand, water holding capacity and particle size distribution) were compared in horses with (case) and without (control) FFL in two sub-studies. In sub-study I, faeces from 50 case-control horse pairs in Sweden and Norway were sampled in three sampling periods (SP1-SP3). In sub-study II, faeces from 32 case-control horse pairs in Germany were sampled on one occasion. Results In sub-study I, faecal concentration and proportion of lactic acid (of total short-chain fatty acids, SCFA) and water holding capacity was lower in case compared to control horses. Other variables (content of dry matter, ash, sodium, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, sulphur, and concentrations of i-butyric, n-valeric and total SCFA, ammonia-N as proportion of total N, and pH) were similar in faeces from case and control horses. In sub-study II, all analysed variables were similar in faecal samples from case and control horses. Faecal particle size distribution was similar in case and control horses, but the proportion of larger particles (2 and 1 mm) were lower and proportion of smaller particles (< 1 mm) was higher in sub-study I compared to in sub-study II. Conclusions To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to investigate faecal chemical composition and physical characteristics in horses with FFL. Case and control horses had similar total SCFA, pH and osmolality, indicating that hindgut fermentation was similar. However, small differences in concentration and proportion (of total SCFA) of lactic acid and water holding capacity of faeces were shown and are of interest for further studies of horses with FFL

    Feeding and Management of Horses with and without Free Faecal Liquid: A Case-Control Study

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    Simple Summary Horses with free faecal liquid defecate in one solid and one liquid phase, and the liquid phase can be a concern for the horse owner and veterinarians. The causes of free faecal liquid are unknown, but previous studies have indicated that feed ration composition may play an important role in the occurrence of the condition. A study comparing feed rations, feeding practices and management factors for horses with and without free faecal liquid was performed. Horses without free faecal liquid were reported to have a lower daily intake of starch and sugar and a higher daily intake of protein and fibre compared to horses with free faecal liquid. Horses with and without free faecal liquid were fed similar amounts of wrapped forages and were subject to the same management practices. The reported differences may be of importance for the condition, but further studies are required to establish if its occurrence is due to specific feeding regimens. Free faecal liquid (FFL) in horses is characterised by the excretion of faeces in two phases (one solid and one liquid), which may cause dermatitis on the hindlegs. The causes of FFL are not known. Results from previous studies have indicated that feed ration composition and management factors may play important roles in the occurrence of FFL. A case-control study was therefore performed in which data on feed rations, feeding practices and management factors were compared between horses with (case) and without (control) FFL on 50 private farms in Sweden and Norway. The comparisons show that case and control horses were reported to be fed similar average amounts of wrapped forage (p = 0.97) and to be subject to similar management practices, but case horses were fed higher proportions of concentrates in their diet (p < 0.001) and lower average amounts of straw and lucerne (p < 0.05) compared to control horses. Case horses were reported to be fed twice as much concentrate per 100 kg BW and day as control horses and a higher daily intake of starch and water-soluble carbohydrates (p < 0.05). Case horses also had a lower daily intake of digestible crude protein and neutral detergent fibre compared to control horses (p < 0.05). These differences were small but are of interest for further studies of factors causing FFL

    Filtração da água com escoamento tangencial helicoidal em madeira da espécie tabebuia cassinoides (Lam.) DC

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental.Devido ao aumento da demanda por água de boa qualidade e, da poluição dos recursos hídricos, o tratamento de água utilizando elementos de filtração alternativos torna-se interessante. Percebe-se então a necessidade de pesquisar materiais de fácil construção e manutenção, visando a redução de custos desses sistemas de tratamento de água. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho da madeira da espécie Tabebuia cassinoides (Lam.) DC (caixeta) na filtração de água, com escoamento tangencial helicoidal. O trabalho foi elaborado a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, caracterizando as membranas filtrantes e mostrando suas similaridades com relação à madeira caixeta. Além disso, foi montado um sistema piloto de filtração tangencial helicoidal utilizando a caixeta como elemento filtrante. A mesma passou por processo de desinfecção e descoloração e posteriormente foram realizados os testes de filtração analisando a qualidade da água bruta e permeada. A pesquisa foi realizada no Laboratório de Potabilização das Águas (LAPOÁ) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, onde já foram realizados outros trabalhos, em nível de graduação (CORRÊA, 2002) e pósgraduação, este último se refere ao trabalho de EMMENDOERFER, que será publicado em 2013. Estes trabalhos mostraram que a madeira pode ser um bom elemento filtrante para uso em tratamento de água. Com a pesquisa atual foi possível confirmar que o escoamento de água pela madeira depende da espessura do elemento filtrante, e que as características da madeira influenciam diretamente na qualidade da água filtrada, visto que a madeira caixeta iniciou um processo de escurecimento após o corte, provavelmente devido ao contado com o ar. Além disso, outras pesquisas devem ser realizadas, para determinar se a solução de limpeza com diluição do hipoclorito de sódio a 10% pode ser uma opção para descolorir a madeira sem fragilizá-la. Já a solução de hipoclorito a 60% não deve ser utilizada, pois causou alta degradação da superfície filtrante. No caso deste trabalho não foi possível concluir o processo de limpeza até a remoção total da cor devido à fragilização da madeira. E mesmo que o processo fosse concluído, não é aconselhável utilizar a madeira caixeta como elemento devido à baixa qualidade do permeado além da baixa produção de água, desde o início dos ensaios

    Tratamento de água para abastecimento utilizando elementos filtrantes de madeira

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental, Florianópolis, 2016.A presente pesquisa investiga a aplicação das madeiras Pinus elliottii (pinus) e Drepanostachyum falcatum (bambu) como elementos filtrantes no tratamento de água para abastecimento descentralizado. Essa linha de pesquisa é inovadora, visto que existem poucas publicações sobre esse assunto a nível mundial. Esse trabalho busca dar continuidade a outros estudos sobre filtração em madeira, realizados no Laboratório de Potabilização das Águas (LAPOA), da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Os experimentos foram realizados envolvendo as seguintes etapas: 1) Caracterização das espécies por imagens obtidas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV); 2) Ensaios de adsorção do azul de metileno em serragem; 3) Ensaios de filtração frontal, aplicando as espécies pinus e bambu como elementos filtrantes. Os resultados demonstraram que as dimensões das estruturas que permitem a passagem de água na madeira pinus são menores que no bambu. O valor estimado do pH de carga superficial da serragem de pinus foi de 4,9 e do bambu de 5,9, o que indica que para adsorção de substâncias catiônicas o pH da solução deve ser maior que o pH de carga superficial do adsorvente a ser utilizado. A máxima capacidade adsortiva estimada para adsorção do azul de metileno em serragem do pinus foi de 47 mg L-1 e do bambu de 38 mg L-1 a 35 °C e pH 6,5. Ambos os adsorventes testados seguem o modelo cinético de pseudosegunda ordem e o modelo da isoterma de Langmuir. Sendo o processo de adsorção favorável segundo o fator de separação (0 Abstract : This research investigates the use of wood Pinus elliottii (pine) and Drepanostachyum falcatum (bamboo) as filter elements in decentralized water supply treatment. This line of research is innovative, since there are few publications on this subject worldwide. This work aims to continue further studies of filtration in wood, carried out in the Laboratório de Potabilização das Águas (LAPOA), in Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). The experiments were performed in the following steps: 1) Characterization of species by images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM); 2) Methylene blue adsorption tests on sawdust; 3) Front flow filtration tests, applying the pine and the bamboo as filter elements. The results showed that the dimensions of the structures that allow the passage of water in the pine are smaller than in the bamboo. The estimated value of the zero charge pH of pine sawdust was 4.9 and of bamboo 5.9, indicating that for adsorption of cationic substances the pH of the solution must be greater than the zero charge pH of the adsorbent to be used. The maximum adsorption capacity estimated for methylene blue adsorption in pine sawdust was 47 mg L-1 and 38 mg L-1 in bamboo at 35 °C and pH 6.5. Both absorbent tested follow the kinetic model of pseudo second order and the Langmuir isotherm model. The adsorption process is favorable according to the separation factor (0 <RL <1) obtained by the Langmuir parameters. According to the Arrhenius model, the activation energy (88 kJ mol-1) obtained for the adsorbent pine represents a chemical process. The pine filter elements promote higher turbidity removal (88 % to 98 %) when compared to the bamboo?s (maximum 98 %), with a maximum turbidity of 2.2 NTU for pine. This possibly occurred due to the smaller diameter of the anatomical structures of pine compared to bamboo. It was observed the passage of organic substances to the water produced by the filter elements through analysis of absorbance (? = 254 nm) (increase of up to 428 %) and TOC (increase of up to 3280 %). The length of the filter elements influenced the quality of water produced by the bamboo, which did not occur in the pine wood. This can be explained by the difference between the anatomical structures that promote the retention of turbidity in pine (Margos, pits and tracheids) and in the bamboo (metaxylem vessels). Finally, the pine filter element showed the best efficiency in the removal of turbidity, and also in the methylene blue adsorption experiments in this study


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    Entre los años inmediatamente posteriores a la fnalización de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la progresiva (y generalizada) retracción del Estado a fnales del siglo XX, se identifca en gran parte de Latinoamérica un sustancial giro en la aplicación de políticas públicas, tendiente a acelerar los procesos de modernización social y a contribuir con el aumento de la actividad económica. En particular, las obras de arquitectura, infraestructura y planifcación impulsadas por las distintas ofcinas técnicas estatales se constituyeron en piezas claves para alcanzar el esperado desarrollo

    Aproximaciones a un espacio académico cambiante : Escuelas y facultades de Arquitectura en la provincia de Santa Fe (1923-1985)

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    El propósito de este trabajo consiste en presentar algunos avances alcanzados en el marco del proyecto de investigación «Configuración del campo profesional de la arquitectura en Santa Fe, 1923-1985» (CAI+D 2005 UNL) y del proyecto de producción de fuentes históricas «La Escuela de Arquitectura de la UNL en Rosario» (Programa Historia y Memoria UNL). Entre otros aspectos, se propone esbozar los procesos que jalonaron la historia de las instituciones a cargo de la formación de los arquitectos que actuaron en la ciudad de Santa Fe, reconociendo en estos organismos un rol destacado no solo en la determinación de las formas individuales de pensar y hacer arquitectura, sino también como reflejo de una toma de posición respecto a la función social del arquitecto, sus incumbencias, su vinculación con otras disciplinas, su adecuación a contextos y temporalidades específicas, entre otros factores que resultan de interés para posteriores abordajes.The objective of this article is to present some of the findings related to the research project «Configuration of the professional field of architecture in Santa Fe, 1923-1985» (CAI+D 2005 UNL) and the historic sources production project «The UNL School of Architecture at Rosario (Programa Historia y Memoria UNL).1 Among other aspects, the article refers to the processes that contributed to build the history of the institutions in charge of the architect 's education that worked in the city of Santa Fe, recognizing in these organizations an important role not only in determining the individual ways of thinking and making architecture, but also as a manifestation of a position regarding the social duties of architects, their incumbencies, their relation with other disciplines, the adjustment to specific context and timing, among other factors that are relevant for further studies.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism