16 research outputs found
Storage stability of L-citrulline in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) juices / Estabilidade em armazenamento de L-citrulina em sucos de pepino (Cucumis sativus) e melancia (Citrullus lanatus)
Since foods rich in L-citrulline are important for vascular health, it is important to determine the amount of this compounds in foods present in the human diet. Therefore, the present study evaluated storage stability of L-citrulline in cucumber rind and pulp juices and to compare them with watermelon rind and pulp juices. The L-citrulline stability was evaluated for 12 days at refrigerated condition (4 ºC). Since L-arginine is an amino acid involved in L-citrulline metabolism, L-arginine content was also evaluated. On the initial day, L-citrulline content in cucumber rind and pulp was lower when compared to watermelon rind and pulp juices, respectively. A significative reduction in L-citrulline content in cucumber rind and pulp and watermelon pulp juices was observed in day 6 and day 12 when compared to the first day. However, L-citrulline content was stable for 12 days in watermelon rind juice. A significative reduction in L-arginine content was also observed in cucumber pulp and watermelon pulp juices, but not in cucumber rind and watermelon rind juices in day 6 and day 12 when compared to the first day. The results suggested that L-citrulline in cucumber rind and pulp and watermelon pulp juices were unstable at refrigerated conditions for 12 days.
Formação e atuação em psicologia escolar : análise das modalidades de comunicações nos congressos nacionais de psicologia escolar e educacional
O presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a evolução das discussões sobre a formação e a atuação na área de Psicologia Escolar no Brasil. Foram analisados 102 trabalhos publicados nos Anais dos quatro Congressos Nacionais de Psicologia Escolar, promovidos pela ABRAPEE, entre os anos de 1991 e 1998. Os trabalhos foram agrupados em três categorias: Reflexões Teóricas, Relatos de Experiência e Relatos de Pesquisa. Os dados evidenciaram diversificação na produção do conhecimento na área de Psicologia Escolar; orientação de experiências de estágio numa direção mais preventiva e práticas profissionais que se referiram significativamente à atuação junto à comunidade escolar e aos professores.The following study aims to characterize the evolution of the discussions about the underground education and performance in the area of School Psychology in Brazil. There had been analized 102 works published in Annals of the four National Congresses of School Psychology, promoted for the ABRAPEE, between the years of 1991 and 1998. The works had been grouped in three categories: Theoretical reflections, Reports of Experience and Reports of Research. The data had evidenced a diversification in the production of knowledge in the area of School Psychology, that the period of training experiences are oriented in a more preventive route and that the professional practicals had mentioned themselves, significantly, to the performance with the school community and to the professors
Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis is a sexual development disorder of the sex chromosome, commonly related to chromosomal mosaicism of 45,X/46,XY karyotypes, in addition to having digenetic gonads and a mutable internal and external reproductive anatomy. This paper aims to review the literature on male pediatric patients with Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis. Literature review performed by searching articles relevant to the topic in the digital platforms PubMed and Scielo, using the keyword: “mixed gonadal dysgenesis”.
La disgenesia gonadal mixta es un trastorno del desarrollo sexual del cromosoma sexual, comúnmente relacionado con el mosaicismo cromosómico de los cariotipos 45,X/46,XY, además de presentar gónadas digenéticas y una anatomía reproductiva interna y externa cambiante. Este estudio tiene como objetivo revisar la literatura en pacientes varones pediátricos con disgenesia gonadal mixta. Revisión de la literatura realizada mediante búsquedas en artículos relevantes para el tema en las plataformas digitales PubMed y Scielo, utilizando la palabra clave: "disgenesia gonadal mixta".
Disgenesia Gonadal Mista é um distúrbio do desenvolvimento sexual do cromossomo sexual, comumente está relacionada ao mosaicismo cromossômico dos cariótipos 45,X/46,XY, além de apresentar gônadas digenéticas e uma anatomia reprodutiva tanto interna quanto externa mutáveis. Este trabalho tem por objetivo revisar a literatura sobre pacientes masculinos pediátricos portadores de Disgenesia Gonadal Mista. Revisão de literatura realizada por buscas em artigos relevantes ao tema nas plataformas digitais PubMed e Scielo, com o uso da palavra-chave: “mixed gonadal dysgenesis”.
Evaluation of total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity of different commercial cocoa (theobroma cacao) powders) / Avaliação do teor de polifenóis totais e capacidade antioxidante de diferentes pós comerciais de cacau (theobroma cacao)
Polyphenols from cocoa have been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure and improve endothelial function in hypertensive individuals. However, polyphenols content in commercial cocoa products may be lost during fermentation, alkalinization, and/or roasting process, impairing its bioactivity. Therefore, the current study sought to investigate whether total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity are preserved among commercial cocoa powders. Four best-selling 100% cocoa powder products in Brazil (Garoto®, Nestle®, Mãe Terra®, and Hershey®) and one alkalinized 100% cocoa powder product (Hershey®) were examined. The total polyphenols content was determined by using the Folin-Ciocalteu’s phenol reagent and antioxidant capacity by using 22,2’-azino-bis (3- ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) method. No significant difference in total polyphenols and antioxidant capacity among the brand of natural powder products (Garoto®, Nestle®, Mãe Terra®, and Hershey®) was observed. However, Alkalinized cocoa powder (Hershey®) exhibited significantly lower total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity compared to other brands of natural cocoa powder products. The current study showed that total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity are consistent between natural cocoa powder products. However, total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity of cocoa are reduced during the alkalinization process.
Physicochemical and protein profile of goat whey powder
ABSTRACT: The cheese after processing, generates whey, which is a residue that has potential benefit to human health. However, there are still few studies that seek to evaluate the composition and potential benefits of goat milk whey, even though it is a promising dairy source. Despite this, the large-scale generation of this waste can favor the environmental impact when improperly disposed of. Given this, the use of all content of dairy production can reverse this impact and increase the income of the dairy industry. Thus, this research prepared a powdered product based on goat’s milk whey from the spray drying technique and evaluate its physicochemical composition by chemical analytical methods and protein profile through polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The elaborated product had a higher carbohydrate content than protein, and the identification of protein fractions showed that the most expressive bands represented beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactoalbumin. Therefore, the elaborated product has the potential to generate novel products for human consumption and with potential health benefits
Gene Duplication in the Sugarcane Genome: A Case Study of Allele Interactions and Evolutionary Patterns in Two Genic Regions
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is highly polyploid and aneuploid. Modern cultivars are derived from hybridization between S. officinarum and S. spontaneum. This combination results in a genome exhibiting variable ploidy among different loci, a huge genome size (~10 Gb) and a high content of repetitive regions. An approach using genomic, transcriptomic, and genetic mapping can improve our knowledge of the behavior of genetics in sugarcane. The hypothetical HP600 and Centromere Protein C (CENP-C) genes from sugarcane were used to elucidate the allelic expression and genomic and genetic behaviors of this complex polyploid. The physically linked side-by-side genes HP600 and CENP-C were found in two different homeologous chromosome groups with ploidies of eight and ten. The first region (Region01) was a Sorghum bicolor ortholog region with all haplotypes of HP600 and CENP-C expressed, but HP600 exhibited an unbalanced haplotype expression. The second region (Region02) was a scrambled sugarcane sequence formed from different noncollinear genes containing partial duplications of HP600 and CENP-C (paralogs). This duplication resulted in a non-expressed HP600 pseudogene and a recombined fusion version of CENP-C and the orthologous gene Sobic.003G299500 with at least two chimeric gene haplotypes expressed. It was also determined that it occurred before Saccharum genus formation and after the separation of sorghum and sugarcane. A linkage map was constructed using markers from nonduplicated Region01 and for the duplication (Region01 and Region02). We compare the physical and linkage maps, demonstrating the possibility of mapping markers located in duplicated regions with markers in nonduplicated region. Our results contribute directly to the improvement of linkage mapping in complex polyploids and improve the integration of physical and genetic data for sugarcane breeding programs. Thus, we describe the complexity involved in sugarcane genetics and genomics and allelic dynamics, which can be useful for understanding complex polyploid genomes
Análise de indicadores internos e externos relevantes à resolutividade diagnóstica em laboratório de referência em imuno-histoquímica Analysis of internal and external factors potentially relevant to the diagnosis in immunohistochemistry in a public reference laboratory
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a resolutividade da imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) no diagnóstico de neoplasias em um laboratório de referência da rede de saúde pública e determinar potenciais influências da comunicação entre a fonte requisitante e o laboratório executante sobre tal resolutividade. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Mil casos oncológicos oriundos de oito hospitais públicos foram submetidos a exame IHQ, sendo 500 imediatamente anteriores e 500 posteriores à intervenção para aprimoramento da comunicação entre os requisitantes e o laboratório de IHQ. A recuperação de antígenos foi realizada pelo calor úmido sob pressão, e o sistema de detecção foi o LSAB plus System. Os resultados foram expressos como positivo, negativo ou inconclusivo. Foram coletadas informações sobre recebimento do bloco de parafina e fixador utilizado, guia de requisição de serviços de diagnóstico e terapia (SADT), laudo anatomopatológico original, topografia, idade e sexo do paciente. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: Foram coradas 5.719 lâminas pela IHQ de 989 casos considerados. A IHQ mostrou-se resolutiva em 919/989 (92,9%) casos. O número de antígenos por caso variou de um a 22, com média de 5,8 marcadores. A pesquisa de até cinco antígenos resolveu 534 casos e foram necessários até 10 marcadores para esclarecer 919 casos. Ainda hoje, informações básicas, como laudo anatomopatológico, idade e sexo do paciente, topografia, hipótese diagnóstica precisamente exposta, fixador e blocos de parafina em boas condições nem sempre são disponibilizadas aos laboratórios de referência. O aprimoramento dessa comunicação é essencial para a racionalização do fluxo dos exames IHQ e o incremento na qualidade da conclusão diagnóstica.<br>OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the resolutivity of immunohistochemical (IHC) assays on neoplastic samples in a public health laboratory and to assess the influence of communication between the requiring institution and reference one on the quality of the IHC diagnosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: One thousand oncological samples from eight public hospitals were submitted to IHC assay: 500 immediately before and 500 after an intervention demanding further information from the requiring pathologist. Antigen retrieval was performed in a pressure cooker and the detection system was LSAB plus System. The results were expressed as positive, negative or inconclusive. Information about paraffin blocks, fixatives, official requiring form, the attachment of original anatomopathological report, topography of the lesion, age and gender of the patients was collected. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: From 989 samples, 5,719 slides were stained by IHC, leading to a resolutivity for 919/989 (92.9%). The number of antigen tested ranged from one to 22 - average of 5.8 for case. Panels with up to five antigens per case resolved 534 samples, whereas up to 10 markers were necessary to resolve 919 samples. Even nowadays, basic information, such as anatomopathological reports, age, gender, representative and technically superior paraffin block are not always available to the reference laboratory. The improvement of such communication is essential to rationalize the flux of immunohistochemical tests and to enhance the quality of diagnostic conclusions
Large scale low cost production of submicrometric powder through biomass refinery
Biomass Refinery (BR) is a null pollution thermochemical sequential cracking of any biomass and some petrochemical products, which generates chemicals, liquid or solid fuels and inorganic submicrometric/nanometric powders (SM/NM) such as ashes, silica, and carbon black. The processing route, powder characterisation and addition of some ashes to red clay resulting a grès-type ceramics will be presented. Rupture strengths of the vitrified ceramics were respectively 36 MPa for pure clay, 44 MPa for clay + 13.5% MOL ash (organic matter of municipal solid waste), 50 MPa for clay + 20% F+20% CL* ash (50% MOL + 50% wood) and 42 MPa for clay + 40% feldspar (used for comparison). The reason why the BR-ashes are better than feldspar is due to their submicrometric and partially nanometric nature. The impact of BR-ash technology can be evaluated by its national potential production of 2 × 10(6) ton/year only from municipal solid waste (MSW) compared to 350,000 ton/year of national consumption. The first BR is under installation in Lorena - SP, Brazil
Escola do campo: relação entre conhecimentos, saberes e culturas
Este artigo trata da relação entre os conhecimentos programáticos com os saberes acumulados nas práticas de trabalho e as culturas de comunidades camponesas, no ensino realizado pela Escola José de Lima Barros, no município de Nossa Senhora do Livramento/MT. Busca evidenciar a maneira como se dá o entrelaçamento dos diversos saberes, culturas e conhecimentos, considerando a especificidade da educação do campo. Tem por base a pesquisa realizada durante o desenvolvimento de estágio pós-doutoral e como metodologia adota a observação participante, envolvendo diretamente seis educandos do ensino médio e quatro docentes, entre estes, o coordenador pedagógico e a diretora. Observações efetuadas na escola foram registradas em diário de campo. Fazendo parte das observações dos sujeitos, as entrevistas gravadas e transcritas seguiram um roteiro semiestruturado de questões. Mesmo considerando as contradições próprias da sociedade capitalista, destaca-se que a educação efetuada nessa escola do campo consegue relacionar os conteúdos próprios das áreas de conhecimento com as culturas e as experiências de vida e de trabalho das comunidades onde vivem os sujeitos pesquisados. Pertencer ao campo remete ao universo de trabalho, de devoção religiosa e de festa/confraternização das famílias, daí a necessidade de a educação do campo estar articulada a essas referências.This article deals with the relationship between curriculum knowledge, the skills accumulated in work practices and the cultures of peasant communities in the teaching conducted at the Escola José de Lima Barros, in the municipality of Nossa Senhora do Livramento, MT, Brazil. It seeks to evidence how the diverse skills, cultures and knowledge interweave, considering the specifics of countryside education. It builds on the study conducted during a postdoctoral internship and uses the method of participant observation, directly involving six secondary education students and four teachers, including the school’s pedagogical coordinator and principal. Observations conducted at the school were recorded in a field diary. As part of our observation of subjects, the recorded and transcribed interviews followed a semi-structured script of questions. Even considering the contradictions typical of capitalist society, we highlight that the education provided in this countryside school is able to relate the contents of areas of knowledge with the cultural background and life/work experiences in the communities where the subjects live. Belonging in a rural area evokes a world of work, religiousness and festivities/socializing between families, hence the need for countryside education to be articulated with these key aspects