173 research outputs found

    Estudo do efeito de dois intervalos de crescimento e seis níveis de azoto na produção de matéria seca e na qualidade de uma pastagem de Lolium perenne, em consociação com Trifolium repens e Trifolium pratense

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Zootécnica, 13 de Janeiro de 2016 , Universidade dos Açores.O ensaio no qual se baseou a presente dissertação realizou-se numa pastagem de Lolium perenne, Trifolium repens e Trifolium pratense, situada numa zona de média altitude (400m) na ilha Terceira. Para o estudo da produtividade e da qualidade da erva foi utilizado o delineamento de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e os tratamentos consistiram em dois intervalos de crescimento (6 e 8 semanas) e 6 níveis de azoto (0,0 com refugo; 0,0 sem refugo; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5 kg ha-1 dia-1). O período de estudo durou 14 semanas e em cada canteiro efetuaram-se dois cortes para silagem. [...].ABSTRACT: The experiment on witch the present work was based, carried out in a Lolium perenne, Trifolium repens and Trifolium pratense pasture, located at an average altitude zone (400m) on the Terceira Island. For the herb productivity and quality study, it was used a randomized block design with four replications and the treatments consisted on two growth intervals (6 and 8 weeks) and 6 levels of nitrogen (0,0 with waste; 0,0 previously submitted to a cleaning cut; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5 kg ha-1 day 1). The study period lasted 14 weeks and on each site two silage cuts were done. [...]

    Changing Practices, Changing Identities: A Study with Students at Risk of Educational Exclusion

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    This study discusses how students at risk of educational exclusion can restore their identity and improve learning and scientific literacy. This qualitative research adopts an interpretative orientation. Twenty-eight secondary school students, aged 16 to 20 participated. Data was collected of the interactions between students in lessons, focus group interview and written documents. Data analysis was inductive, consistent with a naturalistic research paradigm, and consisted of uncovering salient patterns, singularities, and themes associated with research aims. Several students, at risk of educational exclusion, value this kind of practice. By changing practice, the learning social context varied, as well as students’ identities and their relationships with knowledge, teachers and school

    A goal programming model to guide decision-making processes towards conservation consensuses

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    In this paper we propose a goal programming model that provides a consensual aggregated solution minimizing conflicts to guide multi-stakeholder decision-making processes and gen-erates information regarding stakeholder groups to be exploited for negotiation purposes. This model permits to quantify variations in conflicts when the relative contribution of each criteria changes and gives insight to negotiation strategies with application in conservation areas. A dataset of a case study in the Meseta Ibérica Biosphere Reserve (Portugal-Spain) was used to test and vali-date the model. Fifty people belonging to four groups (scientists, government, farmers and busi-nesspersons) assessed 20 management objectives in four dimensions: conservation, logistical sup-port, development, and governance. The results showed the highest conflicts to be found for fauna and flora, education, and guarantees objectives while the most conflictive groups were scientists and farmers. The proposed model substantially reduced the global and intergroup conflicts associ-ated to the same objectives, modelling the weights assigned to each objective in each dimension to find the most consensual/least conflictive solutions. This model can be a useful tool to improve complex decision-making processes in conservation areas with strong conflicts between stakehold-ers, such as transboundary biosphere reserves.This research was partially funded by FCT/MCTES through project grant UIDB/00690/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Student Perceptions of Secondary Science Teachers’ Practices Following Curricular Change

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    Inquiry-based teaching has emerged as a highly valued strategy in science education. In Portugal, the science curriculum has been redesigned in order to promote such teaching. This implies substantial change in teacher practice. It is therefore important to understand students’ perceptions of teacher practice. Aim: In this study, we describe student perception of teacher practices and look for associations between the perceptions and student motivation. Method: Three low-achieving, secondary-level science classes were studied. Motivation was measured by two scales (Intrinsic and Extrinsic); Perceptions were measured in four dimensions. Results: Significant associations (p < .05) were observed between intrinsic motivation and (a) Perception of the use of Laboratory Work; (b) Perception of Science-Technology-Society and (c) Perceived Student Autonomy. No association was noted between intrinsic motivation and the Perception of Teacher as Facilitator. Conclusions: Results are generally consistent with previous literature. Teacher professional development lags behind curricular change. Teachers require new conceptions of assessment.Projeto financiado pelo CIEFCU

    Ecosystem services, sustainable rural development and protected áreas

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    Enhancing social and economic development while preserving nature is one of the major challenges for humankind in the current century. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment showed an alarming degradation of ecosystems and exacerbated poverty for many groups of people across the world due to unprecedented changes in ecosystems caused by human activities in the 20th century. Sustainable Rural Development is key to maintaining active local communities in rural and semi-natural areas, avoiding depopulation, and preserving high-ecological-value sites, including protected areas. Establishing protected areas is the most common strategy to preserve biodiversity around the world with the advantage of promoting the supply of ecosystem services. However, depending how it affects economic opportunities and the access to natural resources, it can either attract or repel human settlements. The convergence of development and conservation requires decision-making processes capable of aligning the needs and expectations of rural communities and the goals of biodiversity conservation. The articles compiled in this Special Issue (nine research papers and two review papers) make important contributions to this challenge from different approaches, disciplines and regions in the world.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perspectiva de um fornecedor de serviços de marketing sobre a criação de valor decorrente das interacções com o cliente: aplicação a uma empresa de consultoria editorial

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    Mestrado em MarketingA noção de valor tem vindo a merecer um interesse crescente por investigadores na área do marketing. Alguns autores sustentam o desenvolvimento de novas perspectivas sobre o marketing, argumentando que a ênfase no valor não só torna obsoleta a distinção entre produtos e serviços, como contribui para que se reconheça o papel das interacções fornecedor-cliente no processo de co-criação de valor. A presente dissertação pretende analisar a criação de valor na óptica dos fornecedores envolvendo serviços e relacionamentos. Neste âmbito, realizou-se um estudo empírico com base na actividade de uma empresa especialista no sector editorial, prestadora de serviços em outsourcing no contexto B2B (business to business). O estudo salienta ainda o papel do desenvolvimento de competências e as funções indirectas dos relacionamentos nas percepções dos actores sobre a criação de valor.The concept of value has received growing attention in the marketing literature. Several authors have developed new marketing perspectives, arguing that the focus on value not only renders the traditional distinction between products and services obsolete, but also contributes to the recognition of the role played by supplier-customer relationships in the value co-creation process. This dissertation aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the supplier’s perspective of value creation through business services and relationships. In order to achieve this purpose, an empirical study was undertaken with an editorial consulting firm, supplier of outsourcing services in a B2B (business to business) environment. This empirical study highlighted the role played by skills’ development and by indirect functions of business relationships on the actors’ perceptions regarding value creation

    Ecosystem services, sustainable rural development and protected areas

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    Enhancing social and economic development while preserving nature is one of the most significant challenges for humankind in the current century. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment showed an alarming degradation of ecosystems across the world due to unprecedented changes in land use and ecosystem management driven by human societies in the 20th century [1]. At the same time, poverty and extreme poverty persist in many regions of the world, especially in rural areas, despite programs focused on ecosystems or development and reduction of poverty [2]. Problems related to both ecosystem condition and poverty may be aggravated in the near future if ecosystem destruction and degradation are not reverted. The 2019 Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) report [3] highlights the deterioration of ecosystems and the reduction in the supply of ecosystem services worldwide due to increasing pressures and drivers of change in the last 50 years, which have rendered conservation (Aichi Biodiversity Targets) and sustainability (2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals) objectives impossible to achieve unless transformative changes take place in society at both local and global scales.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O marketing verde e a sustentabilidade: caso de estudo: Bi-Silque, SGPS, S.A.

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    Mestrado em GestãoO conceito sustentabilidade passou a ser um tema comum no dia-a-dia das empresas. Tendo em conta que a sustentabilidade é constituída por três dimensões, social, económica e ambiental, aquele a que o presente estudo dá maior relevância é a dimensão ambiental. O marketing verde surgiu com o aparecimento das preocupações e consciência ambientais. A necessidade de proceder-se a uma comunicação correta e clara dos produtos verdes fez emergir este novo paradigma no marketing. A economia verde e a importância da certificação de produtos encontram-se também presentes neste estudo. O presente estudo pretende aplicar ao caso de estudo da empresa Bi-Silque SGPS, S.A., na qual o estágio curricular se realizou, um modelo de negócio da economia verde, bem como, alguns indicadores da sustentabilidade para melhoria da performance sustentável da empresa.The concept of sustainability has become a common subject in our companies. Knowing that sustainability divides itself in three dimensions, social, economic and environmental, the one which this study is focused on is the environmental. Green marketing emerged with the increase of the environmental concerns and conscience. The need for a clear and accurate communication of the green products led to this new marketing paradigm. Green economy and the importance of products’ certification are also subjects in this study. This study aims to apply a green economy business model, as well as, some sustainability indicators to the case study done of the company Bi-Silque, SGPS, S.A., where the academic internship took place, in order to improve the company’s sustainable performance

    Ensino experimental das ciências no 1º CEB: estudo dos fenómenos de mudança de estado físico da água

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos da Criança (área de especialização em Ensino Experimental das Ciências no Ensino Básico)A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino Experimental das Ciências no Ensino Básico. Uma turma do 4º ano de escolaridade do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, constituída por 21 alunos, foi sujeita a uma intervenção pedagógica de Ciências. A intervenção teve como principais objetivos: a) promover o ensino experimental das ciências, na abordagem do tópico curricular sobre “os fenómenos de mudança de estado físico da água”; b) descrever e compreender os processos que estimulam a (re)construção de significados científicos sobre os fenómenos em estudo; c) avaliar as aprendizagens realizadas pelos alunos. O estudo desenvolveu-se segundo uma metodologia de investigação-ação. Cada ciclo de investigação-ação corresponde a uma aula, a qual se inicia com a implementação flexível de um plano de ensino-aprendizagem, seguindo-se a observação da intervenção, reflexão e avaliação. Foram lecionadas 8 aulas, perfazendo um total de 17h e 30min. de intervenção. Após cada aula, foram elaborados diários de aula, com base nos registos escritos e nas gravações áudio efetuadas durante o processo de observação participante. Foi ainda construído e utilizado um teste para avaliar as aprendizagens realizadas pelos alunos. Através da análise de conteúdo dos diários de aula foi possível identificar um conjunto processos que estimulam a construção de significados científicos sobre os tópicos curriculares em estudo. As aprendizagens que vão ocorrendo na turma, patentes nos diários, conjugadas com os resultados obtidos no teste de avaliação final permitem concluir que os alunos realizaram boas aprendizagens sobre os fenómenos objeto de estudo.This dissertation was developed in the context of a Master's Degree in the Experimental Science Teaching in the Primary Education. A 4th grade class at Primary School, composed of 21 students, was subjected to a pedagogical intervention in the subject of Science. The main goals of the promotion were: a) promotion of experimental science teaching to approach the curricular topic: “changes in the physical state of water”; b) the description and comprehension of the processes that stimulate the (re)construction of the scientific meanings of the phenomenon under study; c) the evaluation of knowledge acquired by students in the learning process. The study was developed according to an action research methodology. Each action research cycle corresponds to a lesson, which begins with the implementation of a flexible teaching and learning plan, followed by the observation of action, reflection and evaluation. Eight lessons of intervention were taught, with a total sum of 17 hours and 30 minutes. After each lesson, class diaries were elaborated based on the written registers and audio recordings undertaken during the observation process. A test was also built and used to evaluate the learning acquired by the students. Through the content analysis of the class diaries, it was possible to identify a set of processes which stimulate the construction of scientific meanings regarding the curricular topics under study. The learning that occurs in the classroom, which is delineated in the diaries, combined with the results obtained in the final assessment test, allow us to conclude that students learning performance of the target phenomena being studied was good