32 research outputs found

    Com sobreviuen els microorganismes fotosintètics al desert d'Atacama?

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    Amb un índex d'aridesa del 0,0005, el desert d'Atacama (Xile) és el lloc més sec de la Terra. Investigadors del Servei de Microscòpia de la UAB i del Museu Nacional de Ciències Naturals de Madrid han publicat un estudi en el qual es demostren les diferents estratègies que els microorganismes fotosintètics han desenvolupat en aquest ambient d'extrema sequedat per sobreviure a l'interior de les halites, roques compostes de sal comuna (NaCl), on han de fer front a condicions de salinitat extrema i l'excés de llum.Con un índice de aridez del 0,0005, el desierto de Atacama (Chile) es el lugar más seco de la Tierra. Investigadores del Servicio de Microscopía de la UAB y del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid han publicado un estudio en el cual se demuestran las diferentes estrategias que los microorganismos fotosintéticos han desarrollado en ese ambiente de extrema sequedad para sobrevivir en el interior de las halitas, rocas compuestas de sal común (NaCl), donde tienen que hacer frente a condiciones de salinidad extrema y al exceso de luz

    A Convolutional Neural Network for the Automatic Diagnosis of Collagen VI related Muscular Dystrophies

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    The development of machine learning systems for the diagnosis of rare diseases is challenging mainly due the lack of data to study them. Despite this challenge, this paper proposes a system for the Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) of low-prevalence, congenital muscular dystrophies from confocal microscopy images. The proposed CAD system relies on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which performs an independent classification for non-overlapping patches tiling the input image, and generates an overall decision summarizing the individual decisions for the patches on the query image. This decision scheme points to the possibly problematic areas in the input images and provides a global quantitative evaluation of the state of the patients, which is fundamental for diagnosis and to monitor the efficiency of therapies.Comment: Submitted for review to Expert Systems With Application

    QDs versus Alexa: reality of promising tools for immunocytochemistry

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    The unique photonic properties of the recently developed fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals (QDs) have made them a potential tool in biological research. However, QDs are not yet a part of routine laboratory techniques. Double and triple immunocytochemistries were performed in HeLa cell cultures with commercial CdSe QDs conjugated to antibodies. The optical characteristics, due to which QDs can be used as immunolabels, were evaluated in terms of emission spectra, photostability and specificity. QDs were used as secondary and tertiary antibodies to detect β-tubulin (microtubule network), GM130 (Golgi complex) and EEA1 (endosomal system). The data obtained were compared to homologous Alexa Fluor 594 organic dyes. It was found that QDs are excellent fluorochromes with higher intensity, narrower bandwidth values and higher photostability than Alexa dyes in an immunocytochemical process. In terms of specificity, QDs showed high specificity against GM130 and EEA1 primary antibodies, but poor specificity against β-tubulin. Alexa dyes showed good specificity for all the targets tested. This study demonstrates the great potential of QDs, as they are shown to have superior properties to Alexa dyes. Although their specificity still needs to be improved in some cases, QDs conjugated to antibodies can be used instead of organic molecules in routine immunocytochemistry

    A Convolutional Neural Network for the Automatic Diagnosis of Collagen VI related Muscular Dystrophies

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    The development of machine learning systems for the diagnosis of rare diseases is challenging mainly due the lack of data to study them. Despite this challenge, this paper proposes a system for the Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) of low-prevalence, congenital muscular dystrophies from confocal microscopy images. The proposed CAD system relies on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which performs an independent classification for non-overlapping patches tiling the input image, and generates an overall decision summarizing the individual decisions for the patches on the query image. This decision scheme points to the possibly problematic areas in the input images and provides a global quantitative evaluation of the state of the patients, which is fundamental for diagnosis and to monitor the efficiency of therapies.Comment: Submitted for review to Expert Systems With Application

    Estudi etnobotànic de Gallecs (Vallès Oriental / Vallès Occidental)

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    Gallecs es una pequeña área rural situada unos 20 km al norte de la ciudad de Barcelona. Durante la década de 1970 fue objeto de una expropiación por parte del régimen de Franco con el fin de construir una ciudad. Sin embargo, aquel proyecto no llegó a ejecutarse y, en la actualidad, una parte de aquel territorio se mantiene como una isla verde donde se han conservado las plantas y también los conocimientos de sus gentes relacionados con su utilización. Mediante la realización de entrevistas a 28 personas recogimos información referida a 272 plantas, de las cuales 256 tienen algún uso tradicional en Gallecs. Presentamos, en este artículo, un extracto del trabajo realizado y la discusión de los resultados más relevantes. El catálogo completo de la etnoflora de Gallecs puede consultarse en Bonet et al. (2008). Como conclusión, podemos decir que se conserva en la zona estudiada una parte importante de la riqueza cultural relacionada con las plantas, aunque las generaciones jóvenes muestran altos niveles de aculturación.Gallecs is a small rural area only 20 km north of the city of Barcelona. In the 1970s this land was designated by the Franco?s regime to become the site of a new city. However, this project was not carried out and, thanks to that, a fragment of nature survived amidst the concrete. In addition, many plants are still used and managed by the inhabitants of Gallecs. To study the ethnobotanical knowledge in this particular case, we conducted interviews with 28 people. We obtained information about 272 plant species, 256 of which have folk uses in the area studied. In this paper we summarize the work carried out and we discuss the most relevant data. The complete catalogue of Gallecs?s ethnoflora is available in Bonet et al. (2008). As a conclusion, an even a surprising high degree of richness of folk culture linked to plants is conserved in the area considered; however, as in other territories, the young generations show high levels of acculturation.Gallecs és una petita àrea rural situada uns 20 km al nord de la ciutat de Barcelona. Durant la dècada de 1970 va patir una expropiació per part del règim de Franco, amb la finalitat de construir-hi una ciutat. Aquell projecte, però, no s?arribà a realitzar i, actualment, una part del territori es manté com una illa verda ?enmig d?una zona fortament industrialitzada? on s?han pogut conservar les plantes i també els coneixements de la gent relacionats amb la seva utilització. A través d?entrevistes a 28 persones recollírem informació sobre 272 plantes, de les quals 256 tenen algun ús tradicional a la zona. Presentem, en aquest article, un extracte del treball realitzat i la discussió de les dades més rellevants. El catàleg complet de l?etnoflora de Gallecs es pot consultar a Bonet et al. (2008). Com a conclusió, podem dir que es conserva a la zona estudiada una part important de la riquesa cultural relacionada amb les plantes, si bé les generacions joves mostren elevats nivells d?aculturació

    Collaborative membrane activity and receptor-dependent tumor cell targeting for precise nanoparticle delivery in CXCR4+ colorectal cancer

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    Altres ajuts: EU COST Action CA 17140. AV received an ICREA ACADEMIA award.By the appropriate selection of functional peptides and proper accommodation sites, we have generated a set of multifunctional proteins that combine selectivity for CXCR4 cell binding and relevant endosomal escape capabilities linked to the viral peptide HA2. In particular, the construct T22-GFP-HA2-H6 forms nanoparticles that upon administration in mouse models of human, CXCR4 colorectal cancer, accumulates in primary tumor at levels significantly higher than the parental T22-GFP-H6 HA2-lacking version. The in vivo application of a CXCR4 antagonist has confirmed the prevalence of the CXCR4 tumor tissue selectivity over unspecific cell penetration, upon systemic administration of the material. Such specificity is combined with improved endosomal escape, what overall results in a precise and highly efficient tumor biodistribution. These data strongly support the functional recruitment as a convenient approach to generate protein materials for clinical applications. More precisely, they also support the unexpected concept that enhancing the unspecific membrane activity of a protein material does not necessarily compromise, but it can even improve, the selective cell targeting offered by an accompanying functional module. Statement of Significance: We have shown here that the combination of cell-penetrating and tumor cell-targeting peptides dramatically enhances precise tumor accumulation of protein-only nanoparticles intended for selective drug delivery, in mouse models of human colorectal cancer. This fact is a step forward for the rational design of multifunctional protein nanomaterials for improved cancer therapies

    Protein nanoparticles are nontoxic, tuneable cell stressors

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    Aim: nanoparticle-cell interactions can promote cell toxicity and stimulate particular behavioral patterns, but cell responses to protein nanomaterials have been poorly studied. - Results: by repositioning oligomerization domains in a simple, modular self-assembling protein platform, we have generated closely related but distinguishable homomeric nanoparticles. Composed by building blocks with modular domains arranged in different order, they share amino acid composition. These materials, once exposed to cultured cells, are differentially internalized in absence of toxicity and trigger distinctive cell adaptive responses, monitored by the emission of tubular filopodia and enhanced drug sensitivity. - Conclusion: the capability to rapidly modulate such cell responses by conventional protein engineering reveals protein nanoparticles as tuneable, versatile and potent cell stressors for cell-targeted conditioning

    Self-assembling toxin-based nanoparticles as self-delivered antitumoral drugs

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    Loading capacity and drug leakage from vehicles during circulation in blood is a major concern when developing nanoparticle-based cell-targeted cytotoxics. To circumvent this potential issue it would be convenient the engineering of drugs as self-delivered nanoscale entities, devoid of any heterologous carriers. In this context, we have here engineered potent protein toxins, namely segments of the diphtheria toxin and the Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin as self-assembling, self-delivered therapeutic materials targeted to CXCR4 cancer stem cells. The systemic administration of both nanostructured drugs in a colorectal cancer xenograft mouse model promotes efficient and specific local destruction of target tumor tissues and a significant reduction of the tumor volume. This observation strongly supports the concept of intrinsically functional protein nanoparticles, which having a dual role as drug and carrier, are designed to be administered without the assistance of heterologous vehicles

    Aquest és el relat del patriarcat, quin és el nostre?

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    Exposició organitzada per la Comissió d'Igualtat de la Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació i la Biblioteca de Comunicació i Hemeroteca General, entre el 24 de novembre i el 22 de desembre de 2022, amb motiu del 25N, Dia Internacional contra les Violències Mascliste