110 research outputs found

    Pau Monterde

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    Mercantilização do ensino: a percepção dos docentes do ensino superior privado no Brasil

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    Este artigo buscou analisar a vida profissional de docentes da educação superior de grandes grupos privados, com unidades em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, diante da crescente “empresarialização” (DEMO, 2007) do ensino no Brasil. O objetivo principal do estudo foi caracterizar a vida profissional desses professores, que vêm atuando em instituições cada vez mais similares a qualquer outro tipo de empresa, com metas e prazo pré-estabelecidos e tarefas padronizadas a serem cumpridas, o que às vezes os privam da autonomia e criatividade em seu trabalho. Para se chegar aos resultados da pesquisa, utilizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa, com o método histórias de vida (ATKINSON, 2002). Seis docentes que trabalham ou trabalharam no ensino superior privado de grandes grupos educacionais foram convidados a falar sobre sua trajetória profissional. O tratamento dos dados se deu pela análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 1979). Os resultados mostraram que os grandes grupos educacionais têm investido em programas informatizados que vêm não somente substituindo o trabalho presencial do docente por plataformas, como também engessando o trabalho desses professores. Os docentes, segundo seus relatos, sentem-se desamparados e desvalorizados por suas instituições. Os sistemas de gerenciamento institucionais ainda servem como ferramentas remotas de vigilância e “adestramento” (MENDONÇA NETO; ANTUNES; VIEIRA, 2012), utilizados não somente com finalidades pedagógicas, mas também para controlarem o trabalho cotidiano dos professores. Além deles, diversas formas de precarização e intensificação de esforços docentes podem ser derivadas da busca por lucros dessas grandes instituições, agora comumente chamadas de companhia

    Os gêneros textuais em avaliações do ENADE de Letras e em concursos públicos para seleção de professores

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    The purpose of this study is to review the testing instruments taken by students graduated in Language & Literature Courses: two ENADE (National Student Performance Examination) and four civil service examinations created to select Portuguese Language teachers, being two editions of examinations for the state of Minas Gerais and two for the state of Rio de Janeiro. During the review, special attention was given to the textual genres (BRONCKART, 2006; 2010) contained in the questions, the speech domain (MARCUSCHI, 2008) to which they belong, and the language skills (DOLZ, 2015, CRISTOVÃO and LENHARO, in press) worked in the questions. The results show that textual diversity is imperative in the evaluations, especially in ENADE’s tests and in civil service examinations for the state of Minas Gerais, as well as the speech domains to which these texts belong and the required language skills. Based on this, we highlight the need for educational courses aimed at teaching Portuguese Language to establish a dialogue with the curricular guidelines for the teaching of this subject and with the professional demands of the course graduates, considering the configuration of the testing instruments investigated in this study.Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar instrumentos de avaliação a que são submetidos os alunos formados pelo curso de Letras: duas edições do Exame Nacional de Desempenho dos Estudantes (ENADE) e quatro provas de concursos públicos para seleção de professores de Língua Portuguesa, duas edições de concursos do estado de Minas Gerais e duas do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Na análise, foram destacados os gêneros textuais (BRONCKART, 2006; 2010) presentes nas questões, o domínio discursivo (MARCUSCHI, 2008) a que pertencem e as capacidades de linguagem (DOLZ, 2015; CRISTOVÃO e LENHARO, no prelo) por elas mobilizadas. Os resultados revelam que a diversidade textual é imperativa nas avaliações, sobretudo nas provas do ENADE e nos concursos do estado de Minas Gerais, assim como também são diversos os domínios discursivos a que pertencem os textos e as capacidades de linguagem exigidas. A partir de então, apontamos para a necessidade de os cursos de formação para a docência em Língua Portuguesa estabelecerem um diálogo com as orientações curriculares para o ensino dessa disciplina e com as demandas profissionais dos egressos do curso, considerando a configuração dos instrumentos de avaliação investigados nesta pesquisa

    Detection and quantitation of frauds in the authentication of cranberry-based extracts by UHPLC-HRMS (Orbitrap) polyphenolic profiling and multivariate calibration methods

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    UHPLC-HRMS (Orbitrap) polyphenolic profiling was applied to the characterization, classification and authentication of cranberry-based natural and pharmaceutical products. 53 polyphenolic standards were characterized to build a user accurate mass database which was then proposed to obtain UHPLC-HRMS polyphenolic profiles by means of ExactFinderTM software. Principal component analysis results showed a good sample discrimination according to the fruit employed. Regarding cranberry-based pharmaceuticals, discrimination according to the presentation format (syrup, sachets, capsules, etc.) was also observed due to the enhancement of some polyphenols by purification and preconcentration procedures. Procyanidin A2 and homogenistic, sinapic, veratric, cryptochlorogenic and caffeic acids showed to be important polyphenols to achieve cranberry-based products discrimination against the other studied fruits. Partial least square regression allowed the determination of adulterant percentages in cranberry-fruit samples. Very satisfactory results, with adulteration quantification errors lower than 6.0% were obtained even at low adulteration levels

    UHPLC-HRMS (Orbitrap) fingerprinting in the classification and authentication of cranberry-based natural products and pharmaceuticals using multivariate calibration methods

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    UHPLC-HRMS (Orbitrap) fingerprinting in negative and positive H-ESI mode was applied to the characterization, classification and authentication of cranberry-based natural and pharmaceutical products. HRMS data in full scan mode (m/z 100-1500) at a resolution of 70,000 full-width at half maximum was recorded and processed with MSConvert software to obtain a profile of peak intensities in function of m/z values and retention times. A threshold peak filter of absolute intensity (105 counts) was applied to reduce data complexity. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) revealed patterns able to discriminate the analyzed samples according to the fruit of origin (cranberry, grape, blueberry and raspberry). Discrimination among cranberry-based natural and cranberry-based pharmaceutical preparations was also achieved. Both, UHPLC-HRMS fingerprints in negative and positive H-ESI modes, as well as the data fusion of both acquisition modes, showed to be good chemical descriptors to address cranberry extracts authentication. Validation of the proposed methodology showed a prediction rate of 100% of the samples. Obtained data was further treated by partial least squares (PLS) regression to identify frauds and quantify the percentage of adulterant fruits in cranberry-fruit extracts, achieving prediction errors in the range 0.17-3.86%

    Tecnologies de la traducció per a la gestió de la doble oferta docent en català i castellà a la UOC

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    La Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) és una universitat plenament virtual que actualment, deu anys després de ser fundada, l'any 1994, ofereix un total de 17 titulacions homologades en català. L'any 2000 la UOC va començar a fer docència universitària també en castellà, amb la inauguració del campus iberoamericà, el qual aplega actualment uns cinc mil estudiants distribuïts en 14 titulacions i unes 400 aules i assignatures

    Characterization, classification and authentication of fruit-based extracts by means of HPLC-UV chromatographic fingerprints, polyphenolic profiles and chemometric methods

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    HPLC-UV was applied to the analysis and characterization of fruit-based and fruit-processed products. A Kinetex C18 reversed-phase column was proposed under gradient elution for the determination of 17 polyphenols. Acceptable sensitivity (LODs below 0.16 mg/L), and good linearity (r2 higher then 0.995), precision (RSD below 6.8%), and method trueness (relative errors below 11%) were obtained. Data corresponding to polyphenolic peak areas and HPLC-UV chromatographic fingerprints were then analyzed by exploratory principal component analysis (PCA) to extract information of the most significant variables contributing to characterization and classification of analyzed samples regarding the fruit of origin. HPLC-UV chromatographic data was further treated by partial least square (PLS) regression to determine the percentages of adulteration in cranberry-fruit extracts. It was found that even mixture samples containing low percentages of adulterants could be distinguished from genuine cranberry extracts. Highly satisfactory results were obtained, with overall errors in the quantification of adulterations below 4.3%