552 research outputs found

    The profitability of value-added products in dairy farm diversification initiatives

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    A more open and competitive dairy market has encouraged certain dairy farms to adopt value-adding strategies in order to achieve a higher profitability, which may be important for farms’ survival. This paper investigated the role of some product characteristics in the profitability of value-added products in these farms. For this purpose, we used a unique database of 265 different products commercialized by 49 Spanish dairy farms that offers information on nine attributes of each product. Using hedonic models as a baseline, we examined the influence of these attributes on the margin per liter (ML) of the products. The results of the regression indicated that cheese and yogurt generated 0.688 and 1.518 € more of margin per liter than liquid milk. Similarly, we found a set of attributes that have a positive influence on ML, including possession of a certificate of protected designation of origin (PDO), the milk-type composition (proportion of sheep milk), a longer expiration period, and involvement in direct marketing strategies (DMS). However, other recognized attributes such as organic labeling, maturation period, size of the sales unit and returnable packaging did not have a significant influence on ML. Our findings also showed that firms producing more elaborated products as cheese and yogurt need a lower percentage of their production to cover the fixed costs associated to transformation and commercialization. Overall, our results revealed that the elaboration of value-added dairy products improves the profitability of dairy farms

    Valores de referencia hemáticos y bioquímicos en deportistas de tiempo y marca de la categoría prejuvenil de la Federación Deportiva del Azuay. Cuenca - Ecuador 2013

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    pdfSe planteó como problema el que en la ciudad de Cuenca no existen valores de referencia hemáticos y bioquímicos de los deportistas de la Federación Deportiva del Azuay; al ser el entrenamiento deportivo un proceso riguroso y sistematizado, requiere una minuciosa planificación y valoración de todos los factores que en él intervienen. Los parámetros hemáticos y bioquímicos ocupan un amplio espacio dentro de las ciencias del deporte, proporcionando información sobre la asimilación del programa de entrenamiento y, los análisis de sangre surgen como una herramienta de vital importancia, como medio de control del entrenamiento. El objetivo fue: determinar valores de referencia hemáticos y bioquímicos en los deportistas de Tiempo y Marca de la categoría pre-juvenil de la Federación Deportiva del Azuay, que respondan a nuestra realidad geográfica, étnica, social y económica. Método. El procesamiento de las muestras se realizó en el Laboratorio Clínico JJPAZ empleando equipos de última tecnología y con el control de calidad necesario y, en el programa SPSS la tabulación y análisis de los datos. Los resultados demuestran que los valores de referencia hemáticos y bioquímicos, de los deportistas estudiados, son diferentes a los de la población general y, la correlación entre algunas variables, demostró que existe significancia estadística. Conclusión, se confirma la hipótesis planteada en la presente investigación. Was raised as a problem that in Cuenca city, of there are no hematological and biochemical reference values for athletes from the Federación Deportiva del Azuay, sports training to be a rigorous and systematic process, requires careful planning and assessment of all the factors that it involved. Hematological and biochemical parameters occupy a large space in sports science, to provide information on the assimilation of the training program and, blood measurements emerge as a vital tool, as a control of monitoring training. The objective was: to determine hematological and biochemical reference values in athletes of Tiempo y Marca of the pre - junior category of the Federación Deportiva del Azuay, reflecting our geographic, ethnic, social and economic reality. Method. Processing of the samples was performed in the Clinical Laboratory JJPAZ using latest technology equipment, with the necessary quality control and, in SPSS program the tabulation and analysis of data. The results demonstrate that the hematic and biochemical reference values, of studied athletes, are different from the general population and, the correlation between some variables showed that there is statistical significance. Conclusion, the hypothesis in this research is confirmed


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    The following paper aims at presenting the links and similarities between two technologies developed for the configuration of subjects: the confessional technology and the technology acting in the first part of a concrete pedagogic process named “healing process”. By stating this link, I want to shed light on a subjectification mode that may be common to many pedagogic processes, a mode which is in fact an obstacle for the singularization of the students’ subjectivities.En el presente artículo se pretende mostrar las similitudes y vínculos entre dos tecnologías orientadas a la configuración de sujetos: la tecnología confesional y la tecnología puesta en juego en la primera parte de un proceso pedagógico concreto nombrado como proceso de curación. Al realizar esta vinculación se evidencia un modo de subjetivación que puede ser común a muchos procesos pedagógicos, el cual representa un obstáculo para la singularización de las subjetividades de los estudiantes.No presente artigo desejo mostrar as similitudes entre duas tecnologias orientadas à configuração de sujeitos: a tecnologia confessional, e a tecnologia posta em jogo na primeira parte dum processo pedagógico concreto nomeado como “processo curativo”. Ao realizar este vinculo pretendo deixar em evidencia um modo de subjetivação que pode ser comum a muitos processos pedagógicos, modo, que significa um obstáculo para a singularização das subjetividades dos estudantes

    Espacios muestrales estocásticos

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    Presentamos el informe final que realizamos en la Maestría en Educación Matemática sobre espacios muestrales estocásticos. El análisis didáctico del tema nos permitió formular el diseño, implementación y evaluación de una unidad didáctica. La unidad didáctica se enmarca en la construcción de espacios muestrales y hace referencia a la toma de decisiones del diario vivir. Tuvimos en cuenta dos variables en particular: las personas que se involucran en una situación determinada y los beneficios al tomar algún tipo de decisión. La combinación entre el número de personas y los posibles beneficios que obtiene cada persona genera un espacio muestral estocástico. Nuestra intención consistió en asociar este hecho a un contexto cercano al estudiante

    Construcción de números figurales desde el análisis aritmético hasta su generalización

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    Este taller experiencial tiene como propósito construir números figurales para su generalización desde el análisis, organización y modelación de procesos que involucran variación, mediante el uso de leyes matemáticas, sucesiones, tablas y gráficas cartesianas, utilizando material concreto (cubos). El trabajo está ligado al estudio de los números poligonales para destacar la importancia de estos en el desarrollo de la capacidad para modelar matemáticamente situaciones contextuales del estudiante y de las mismas matemáticas. En este sentido, buscamos valorar la importancia de la variación en escenarios donde ocurren cambios, patrones o regularidades que intentan explicar un modelo o fenómeno. Por tanto, esta experiencia de aula desarrolla el pensamiento variacional y sistemas algebraicos y analíticos, porque promueve en el estudiante, por un lado, situaciones problemas donde intervienen fenómenos de cambio y variación y, por otro, procesos de observación, registro y utilización de un lenguaje matemático para su interpretación y generalización (MEN, 1998)

    Insight into the Structure and Dynamics of Polymers by Neutron Scattering Combined with Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Combining neutron scattering and fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations allows unraveling structural and dynamical features of polymer melts at different length scales, mainly in the intermolecular and monomeric range. Here we present the methodology developed by us and the results of its application during the last years in a variety of polymers. This methodology is based on two pillars: (i) both techniques cover approximately the same length and time scales and (ii) the classical van Hove formalism allows easily calculating the magnitudes measured by neutron scattering from the simulated atomic trajectories. By direct comparison with experimental results, the simulated cell is validated. Thereafter, the information of the simulations can be exploited, calculating magnitudes that are experimentally inaccessible or extending the parameters range beyond the experimental capabilities. We show how detailed microscopic insight on structural features and dynamical processes of various kinds has been gained in polymeric systems with different degrees of complexity, and how intriguing questions as the collective behavior at intermediate length scales have been faced.This research was funded by the Basque Government, code: IT-1175-19 and the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad code: PGC2018-094548-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)

    The Debye’s model for the dielectric relaxation of liquid water and the role of cross-dipolar correlations. A MD-simulations study

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    By means of massive (more than 1.2 · 106 molecules) molecular dynamics simulations at 300 K we have disentangled self- and cross-dipolar contributions to the dielectric relaxation of liquid water that cannot be experimentally resolved. We have demonstrated that cross dipolar correlations are of paramount importance. They amount for almost a 60% of the total dielectric amplitude. The corresponding relaxation function is a one-step Debye-like function with a characteristic time, τcross, of the order of the phenomenological Debye time, τD. In contrast, the relaxation function corresponding to the self-contribution is rather complex and contains a fast decay related to dipolar librations and a second relaxation step that can be well described by two exponentials: a low-amplitude fast process (τ0 = 0.31 ps) and a main slow process (τself = 5.4 ps) that fully randomizes the dipolar orientation. In addition to dipolar relaxation functions, we have also calculated scattering-like magnitudes characterizing translation and rotation of water molecules. Although these processes can be considered as “jump” processes in the short time range, at the time scale of about τD–τcross, at which the cross-dipolar correlations decay to zero, the observed behavior cannot be distinguished from that corresponding to uncoupled Brownian translational and rotational diffusion. We propose that this is the reason why the Debye model, which does not consider intermolecular dipolar interactions, seems to work at time t ≳ τD.We acknowledge the Grant No. PID2021-123438NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe,” Grant No. TED2021-130107A-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU/PRTR,” as well as financial support of Eusko Jaurlaritza, code: IT1566-22 and from the IKUR Strategy under the collaboration agreement between Ikerbasque Foundation and the Materials Physics Center on behalf of the Department of Education of the Basque Government

    Pressure release technique versus placebo applied to cervical and masticatory muscles in patients with chronic painful myofascial temporomandibular disorder: A randomised clinical trial

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    Background: The therapeutic approach to myofascial TMD should focus on pain relief and rehabilitation of function. Objective: This study investigated whether pressure release technique (PRT) is effec- tive for reducing pain in people with chronic myofascial temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Methods: A single-blinded randomised parallel-group trial, with 3 months follow-up was conducted. A total of 72 patients were randomly allocated to receive PRT or sham PRT. Primary outcome was pain assessed with a visual analogue scale (VAS). Secondary outcomes included pressure pain thresholds (PPTs), range of opening of the mouth (ROM), Neck Disability Index (NDI), Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK-11), State–Trait Anxiety Index (STAI) and State– Trait Depression Index (ST-DEP). All parameters were assessed at baseline, at the end of the treatment and at 3 months follow-up. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA. Results: There were significant main effects of time, group and interaction between time and group (F ≥ 21.92; p < .001) on VAS pain. Post hoc tests showed a significant reduction in VAS pain scores in the PRT group (≥31.9%; p < .001). Effect sizes were moderate in the PRT group at all follow-up periods (≥1.25 Cohen's d). Also, there were significant effects of time in secondary outcomes (F ≥ 9.65; p < .001), and there were also interactions between time and group (F ≥ 3.82; p < .002) with better effects in the PRT group. Conclusions: The inclusion of PRT to conventional management with occlusal splints and self-care management appears to be effective to improve self-reported levels of pain in patients with chronic myofascial TMD pain. Retrospectively registered (Clini calTrials.gov: NCT03619889).Depto. de EnfermeríaDepto. de Odontología Conservadora y PrótesisFac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaFac. de OdontologíaTRUEpu