365 research outputs found

    Toward Sustainable Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are the most widely used energy storage system because of their high energy density and power, robustness, and reversibility, but they typically include an electrolyte solution composed of flammable organic solvents, leading to safety risks and reliability concerns for high-energy-density batteries. A step forward in Li-ion technology is the development of solid-state batteries suitable in terms of energy density and safety for the next generation of smart, safe, and high-performance batteries. Solid-state batteries can be developed on the basis of a solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) that may rely on natural polymers in order to replace synthetic ones, thereby taking into account environmental concerns. This work provides a perspective on current state-of-the-art sustainable SPEs for lithium-ion batteries. The recent developments are presented with a focus on natural polymers and their relevant properties in the context of battery applications. In addition, the ionic conductivity values and battery performance of natural polymer-based SPEs are reported, and it is shown that sustainable SPEs can become essential components of a next generation of high-performance solid-state batteries synergistically focused on performance, sustainability, and circular economy considerations.The authors thank the FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) for financial support under the framework of Strategic Funding grants UIDB/04650/2020, UID/FIS/04650/2020, UID/EEA/04436/2020, and UID/QUI/0686/2020 and project PTDC/FIS-MAC/28157/2017. The authors also thank the FCT for financial support under grants SFRH/BD/140842/2018 (to J.C.B.) and Investigator FCT Contracts CEECIND/00833/2017 (to R.G.) and 2020.04028.CEECIND (to C.M.C.), as well POCH and the European Union. Financial support from the Basque Government Industry Department under the ELKARTEK program is also acknowledged

    Recent advances on materials for lithium-ion batteries

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    Environmental issues related to energy consumption are mainly associated with the strong dependence on fossil fuels. To solve these issues, renewable energy sources systems have been developed as well as advanced energy storage systems. Batteries are the main storage system related to mobility, and they are applied in devices such as laptops, cell phones, and electric vehicles. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are the most used battery system based on their high specific capacity, long cycle life, and no memory effects. This rapidly evolving field urges for a systematic comparative compilation of the most recent developments on battery technology in order to keep up with the growing number of materials, strategies, and battery performance data, allowing the design of future developments in the field. Thus, this review focuses on the different materials recently developed for the different battery components—anode, cathode, and separator/electrolyte—in order to further improve LIB systems. Moreover, solid polymer electrolytes (SPE) for LIBs are also highlighted. Together with the study of new advanced materials, materials modification by doping or synthesis, the combination of different materials, fillers addition, size manipulation, or the use of high ionic conductor materials are also presented as effective methods to enhance the electrochemical properties of LIBs. Finally, it is also shown that the development of advanced materials is not only focused on improving efficiency but also on the application of more environmentally friendly materials.Funding grants UID/FIS/04650/2020, UID/EEA/04436/2020 and UID/QUI/0686/2020; and project PTDC/FIS-MAC/28157/2017. Financial support grants SFRH/BD/140842/2018 (J.C.B.) and Investigator FCT Contracts CEECIND/00833/2017 (R.G.) and 2020.04028.CEECIND (C.M.C.) Financial support ELKARTEK and PIBA (PIBA-2018-06) programs

    A comparison of the prediction of apparent metabolisable energy content of starchy grains and cereal by-products for poultry from its chemical components, in vitro analysis or near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy

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    Regression models including chemical composition, in vitro digestibility and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) were compared in order to predict the energy value of several feed ingredients for poultry. The nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolisable energy content (AMEn) in cockerels and its proportion on total gross energy (AMEn/GE) were determined in 94 batches from six starchy grains and six cereal byproducts. Two preliminary trials were also designed to adapt in vitro methods for prediction of in vivo energy values for poultry. Mean concentrations of AMEn of the ingredient studied ranged from 2,464 to 3,595 kcal kg -1 DM, and those of AMEn/GE from 53.7 to 80.0%. The most precise model of prediction of AMEn and AMEn/GE values was that based on NIRS equations (R2 cv = 0.823 and 0.861, respectively). The best single chemical predictor of these energy values was the neutral detergent fibre concentration (R2 = 0.616 and 0.736, respectively). Further inclusion of ether extract and ash contents in the AMEn model and those of starch and ether extract in the AMEn/GE model allowed increasing coefficients of determination up to 0.791 and 0.839, respectively. A model including linear and quadratic effects of in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMd) provided a similar prediction of AMEn/GE values (R2 = 0.833). However the prediction of AMEn from IVOMd was worse (R2 = 0.62), as variations among batches of GE concentration (from 4,225 to 5,896 kcal kg –1 DM) were little related to in vitro digestibility values

    Estudios preliminares para la determinación de la resistencia a cortadura interlaminar ST mediante los ensayos Iosipescu y "Short beam shear"

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    La resistencia a cortadura interlaminar ST es una característica del material que juega un papel significativo en algunos de los criterios de fallo de la matriz en compresión con más repercusión en la actualidad (e.g.: Hashin, Puck, "World Wide Failure Exercise", 1998, 2002). Sin embargo, dicha característica resulta difícil de medir experimentalmente, por lo que es común la aproximación de dicho valor a partir de otras características del material que resultan más simples de determinar (resistencia a cortadura intralaminar S, resistencia a compresión perpendicular a las fibras YC, resistencia a cortadura en el ensayo "Short Beam Shear", SBS). En este trabajo se realiza un estudio acerca de la posibilidad de medir la resistencia a cortadura interlaminar ST empleando una configuración modificada de la probeta Iosipescu, y mediante una variante del ensayo SBS con las fibras perpendiculares a la dirección longitudinal de la probeta. Los resultados obtenidos para las diferentes configuraciones, y para distintas dimensiones de las probetas son analizados en el presente estudio.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología MAT2000-111

    Efecto de una restricción alimenticia después del destete sobre la mortalidad y los rendimientos productivos de conejos en cebo

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    En este trabajo se ha estudiado el efecto de una restricción alimenticia moderada 15 y gradual después del destete (alrededor de 35 d de edad) sobre los rendimientos 16 productivos y la eficiencia alimenticia global del cebo. La restricción consistió en 17 suministrar una cantidad limitada de alimento (80, 100 y 120 g/d) en las tres semanas 18 siguientes al destete. Se han realizado seis ensayos, con 480 animales cada uno, 19 utilizando seis piensos comerciales que diferían en el tipo de medicación. En estos 20 ensayos se controlaron los parámetros de crecimiento, eficacia alimenticia global y 21 mortalidad durante el periodo de restricción y en el conjunto del cebo (destete a 63-67 d 22 de edad). El número de ooquistes y de Clostridium perfringens en heces duras fue 23 también evaluado en cada tratamiento. En ninguno de los ensayos se detectaron 24 problemas de elevada mortalidad causada por ERE. En estas condiciones, la mortalidad 25 de los gazapos restringidos se redujo un 33% (P=0,02) en el periodo de restricción y 26 tendió a disminuir en el conjunto del periodo de cebo. Los resultados obtenidos 27 muestran además que una restricción alimenticia moderada mejora en un 4% (Pmenor que0,001) 28 la eficiencia alimenticia global del cebo, sin afectar al peso total de animales enviado a 29 matadero. Además, la adopción de medidas que disminuyan la proliferación de 30 coccidios y C. perfringens en el contenido digestivo pueden resultar útiles para reducir 31 la mortalidad de conejos durante el ceb

    Classical electromagnetic field theory in the presence of magnetic sources

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    Using two new well defined 4-dimensional potential vectors, we formulate the classical Maxwell's field theory in a form which has manifest Lorentz covariance and SO(2) duality symmetry in the presence of magnetic sources. We set up a consistent Lagrangian for the theory. Then from the action principle we get both Maxwell's equation and the equation of motion of a dyon moving in the electro-magnetic field.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Costos de la aplicación de diferentes productos para el control de garrapata (Rhipicephalus microplus) en ganado vacuno

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    The objective of this work was to compare the costs of the application of acaricides used in the control of Rhipicephalus microplus ticks, considering the necessary inputs for the application, the personnel involved and the indirect expenses generated in each treatment. The methodology consisted of applying different products Cypermethrin®, Azuntol®, Fluazuron®, Ivermectin®, and a parasitic fungus (Metarhizium anisopliae) to control the tick and identify the costs of the application. The highest cost per year of treatment per head of cattle corresponded to Fluazuron® with an amount of 1,282.50perheadofcattle,secondlyIvermectin®withatotalof1,282.50 per head of cattle, secondly Ivermectin® with a total of 1,053.45, followed by Metarhizium anisopliae with the amount of 279.00,Azuntol®withatotalof279.00, Azuntol® with a total of 162.85 and finally Cypermethrin® 109.93.Althoughtheuseoftheparasiticfunguswasnotthemosteconomical,itoffersenvironmentaladvantagesovertheotherproducts.ElpresentetrabajotuvocomoobjetivorealizarlacomparacioˊndecostosdelaaplicacioˊndeacaricidasusadosenelcontroldegarrapataRhipicephalusmicroplus,considerandolosinsumosnecesariosparalaaplicacioˊn,elpersonalqueintervieneylosgastosindirectosgeneradosencadatratamiento.LametodologıˊaconsistioˊenaplicardiferentesproductosCipermetrina®,Azuntol®,Fluazuroˊn®,Ivermectina®,yunhongoparasitario(Metarhiziumanisopliae)paracontrolarlagarrapataeidentificarloscostosdelaaplicacioˊn.Elmayorcostoporan~odetratamientoporcabezadeganadocorrespondioˊalFluazuron®conunimportede109.93. Although the use of the parasitic fungus was not the most economical, it offers environmental advantages over the other products.El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo realizar la comparación de costos de la aplicación de acaricidas usados en el control de garrapata Rhipicephalus microplus, considerando los insumos necesarios para la aplicación, el personal que interviene y los gastos indirectos generados en cada tratamiento. La metodología consistió en aplicar diferentes productos Cipermetrina®, Azuntol®, Fluazurón®, Ivermectina®, y un hongo parasitario (Metarhizium anisopliae) para controlar la garrapata e identificar los costos de la aplicación. El mayor costo por año de tratamiento por cabeza de ganado correspondió al Fluazuron® con un importe de 1,282.50 por cabeza de ganado, en segundo lugar la Ivermectina® con un total de 1,053.45,seguidoporMetarhiziumanisopliaeconlacantidadde1,053.45, seguido por Metarhizium anisopliae con la cantidad de 279.00, Azuntol® con un total de 162.85yfinalmenteCipermetrina®162.85 y finalmente Cipermetrina® 109.93. A pesar de que el uso del hongo parasitario no fue el más económico, este ofrece ventajas ambientales sobre los demás productos

    Case series of gallstone ileus: only enterolitotomy, one stage or two stage surgery?

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    Biliary ileus is a rare disease and an infrequent cause of intestinal obstruction, occasionally occurs in frail elderly patients and has a certain predilection for the female sex. The diagnosis is complex and requires a high clinical suspicion and complementary examinations such as abdominal radiography and contrasted abdominal tomography. Treatment should be individualized according to the clinical characteristics of each patient, with the alternatives being resolution only by enterolithotomy, one stage surgery and two stage surgery. We report 3 cases of biliary ileus, each one managed with a different surgical procedure. The decision was aimed at resolving the intestinal obstruction by enterolithotomy, and the definitive management was performed according to the clinical characteristics of each patient; however, there is no consensus or algorithm that recommends the ideal surgical technique. The recommended surgical procedure for the resolution of biliary ileus will be discussed

    Affordable laparoscopic simulator to acquire basic skills in undergraduate surgery students

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    Background: The simulation emerges as an option that allows students to practice in a safe environment, all this in a scenario that resembles the real situation.Methods: We developed a prototype of a low-cost simulator that mimics the dimensions of the abdominal cavity and allows the undergraduate students to acquire the basic skills in minimally invasive surgery.Results: In the 10 competencies evaluated, statistically significant improvement was found in both groups being higher in the students who were trained by our simulator of laparoscopic surgery compared with students who attended surgeries and participated as seconds assistants, taking as reference a value of p ≤0.05.Conclusions: The simulation as new teaching strategy generates a real environment and scenarios that can be recreated in multiple occasions, being able to change depending on the objectives for the acquisition of skills. This simulator gives the user skills for more types of simulation as it progresses in its surgical training

    Elevated TCA cycle function in the pathology of diet-induced hepatic insulin resistance and fatty liver

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    The manner in which insulin resistance impinges on hepatic mitochondrial function is complex. Although liver insulin resistance is associated with respiratory dysfunction, the effect on fat oxidation remains controversial, and biosynthetic pathways that traverse mitochondria are actually increased. The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle is the site of terminal fat oxidation, chief source of electrons for respiration, and a metabolic progenitor of gluconeogenesis. Therefore, we tested whether insulin resistance promotes hepatic TCA cycle flux in mice progressing to insulin resistance and fatty liver on a high-fat diet (HFD) for 32 weeks using standard biomolecular and in vivo (2)H/(13)C tracer methods. Relative mitochondrial content increased, but respiratory efficiency declined by 32 weeks of HFD. Fasting ketogenesis became unresponsive to feeding or insulin clamp, indicating blunted but constitutively active mitochondrial β-oxidation. Impaired insulin signaling was marked by elevated in vivo gluconeogenesis and anaplerotic and oxidative TCA cycle flux. The induction of TCA cycle function corresponded to the development of mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction, hepatic oxidative stress, and inflammation. Thus, the hepatic TCA cycle appears to enable mitochondrial dysfunction during insulin resistance by increasing electron deposition into an inefficient respiratory chain prone to reactive oxygen species production and by providing mitochondria-derived substrate for elevated gluconeogenesis