54 research outputs found

    Styr styrdokument? : En innehÄllsanalys av lÀroböcker i samhÀllslÀra före och efter revidering av grunderna för lÀroplanen 2014

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    I avhandlingen undersöks vilken syn pÄ medborgarskap som överförs till elever i Ärskurs nio via lÀroböckerna i samhÀllslÀra samt om revidering av grunderna för lÀroplanen 2014 har medfört en förÀndring av den bilden. Analysmaterialet bestÄr av nio stycken lÀroböcker i samhÀllslÀra av vilka fyra följer grunderna för lÀroplanen frÄn Är 2004 och fem följer de förnyade grunderna för lÀroplanen frÄn Är 2014. TvÄ böcker i bÄda grupperna Àr svensksprÄkiga och resten finsksprÄkiga. ForskningsfrÄgan Àr vilken syn pÄ medborgarskap lÀroböckerna i samhÀllslÀra förmedlar och om den genomförda revideringen av grunderna för lÀroplanen har Àndrat situationen. I avhandlingen tillÀmpas en kvantitativ innehÄllsanalys som metod. Alla nio lÀroböcker har analyserats och kodats enligt ett kodningssystem som Àr utarbetat utgÄende frÄn Russell J. Daltons teori om medborgarnormer. Dalton menar att det gÄr att skilja tvÄ olika medborgarideal utifrÄn vad mÀnniskorna anser utgör gott medborgarskap. Dessa tvÄ olika synsÀtt pÄ medborgarskap har översatts i avhandlingen som pliktinriktat medborgarskap och medvetet medborgarskap. InnehÄllet i böckerna har analyserats mening för mening och kodats stycke för stycke beroende pÄ synen pÄ medborgarskap som antingen neutral, pliktinriktad eller medveten. Hypotesen grundar sig pÄ Daltons teori, och antar att eftersom unga generationer tenderar ha en mera medveten syn pÄ medborgarskap och lÀroböckerna riktar sig till en yngre publik att synen pÄ medborgarskap i lÀroböckerna ha utvecklats Ät ett mera medvetet hÄll. Avhandlingen visar att andelen neutralt innehÄll har minskat över tid, men största delen av innehÄllet har förblivit neutralt ocksÄ efter revideringen. Resultaten visar ocksÄ att framför allt innehÄll dÀr samhÀllet behandlas, som till exempel kapitel dÀr sÀkerhet, vÀlfÀrdssamhÀllet, invÄnare i Finland och domstolarna behandlas, har blivit mer vÀrdeladdade. Resultaten förkastar hypotesen eftersom pliktinriktat innehÄll Àven i de nyare böckerna Àr vanligare Àn medvetet innehÄll. IstÀllet för att innehÄllet skulle ha blivit mera medvetet, sÄ har andelen medvetet innehÄll stigit med 5,5% medan andelen pliktinriktat innehÄll har ökat med 7,6% över tid. Revideringen har pÄverkat har endast i liten grad pÄverkat de böcker som förlaget har valt att uppdatera efter revideringen. Böcker som har publicerats efter revideringen visar tydligare tecken pÄ en förÀndring

    Constructing social Europe through European cultural heritage

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    The political and economic crises of the recent decades as well as the new changes brought on by globalization and digitalization have contributed to exacerbate social inequalities and injustice and revealed different social realities in Europe. The EU increasingly deals with social issues in its cultural and heritage policy. In this article, we explore the construction of this social dimension and advance the concept of 'social Europe' by exploring its cultural aspect based on our analysis of a recent EU heritage action, the European Heritage Label. In this action, the narrations of the European past and the attempts to foster common cultural heritage in Europe function as building blocks to create Europe as an intertwined cultural and social entity and to socialize a new generation of European citizens. We scrutinize the European Heritage Label and its notion of heritage from two perspectives. First, we analyse how the selection reports of these heritage sites construct a notion of social Europe. Second, we examine how visitors to these sites construct social Europe in their qualitative interviews. Key elements in this construction are narratives related to various values, mobility, and diversity.Peer reviewe

    The green view dataset for the capital of Finland, Helsinki

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    Recent studies have incorporated human perspective methods like making use of street view images and measuring green view in addition to more traditional ways of mapping city greenery [1]. Green view describes the relative amount of green vegetation visible at street level and is often measured with the green view index (GVI), which describes the percentage of green vegetation in a street view image or images of a certain location [2]. The green view dataset of Helsinki was created as part of the master's thesis of Akseli Toikka at the University of Helsinki [3]. We calculated the GVI values for a set of locations on the streets of Helsinki using Google Street View (GSV) 360° panorama images from summer months (May through September) between 2009 and 2017. From the available images, a total of 94 454 matched the selection criteria. These were downloaded using the Google application programming interface (API). We calculated the GVI values from the panoramas based on the spectral characteristics of green vegetation in RGB images. The result was a set of points along the street network with GVI values. By combining the point data with the street network data of the area, we generated a dataset for GVI values along the street centre lines. Streets with GVI points within a threshold distance of 30 meters were given the average of the GVI values of the points. For the streets with no points in the vicinity (∌67%), the land cover data from the area was used to estimate the GVI, as suggested in the thesis [3]. The point and street-wise data are stored in georeferenced tables that can be utilized for further analyses with geographical information systems.Peer reviewe

    A teacher-led vicarious contact intervention in culturally mixed classrooms with in- and outgroup role models of intergroup friendship

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    Existing prejudice-reduction interventions in schools mainly target majority students and are mostly conducted by researchers, which limits their use for anti-discriminatory practices in culturally mixed schools. We tested a teacher-led intervention aiming at prejudice-reduction among both minority and majority adolescents through vicarious contact. The effects of indirect vicarious contact rest on observed ingroup role models of intergroup contact who have positive attitudes towards the outgroup, and vice versa. However, the specific impact of vicarious contact exerted by outgroup role models in comparison with ingroup role models has never been studied in interventions conducted in naturalistic school settings. To fill these gaps, a field experiment was conducted among secondary school students in Finland (N-majority = 437; N-minority = 146). The experiment consisted of two stages, between which the ethnic status of the role models (majority vs minority) in stories read during the intervention sessions was changed. This was done to explore the impact of the in- and outgroup role models after the first stage, and to test the overall effect of the intervention on out-group attitudes and perceived in- and outgroup norms after participants were presented with both majority and minority storytellers after the second stage. The intervention affected the perceived outgroup norms among the minority participants as they perceived norms prevailing in the majority group to be more positive after the intervention. However, the ethnic status of the role models made no difference for any outcome variable. Ways to implement scientific knowledge into practice by providing research-based tools for multicultural education are discussed.Peer reviewe

    Extreme Female Promiscuity in a Non-Social Invertebrate Species

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    Background: While males usually benefit from as many matings as possible, females often evolve various methods of resistance to matings. The prevalent explanation for this is that the cost of additional matings exceeds the benefits of receiving sperm from a large number of males. Here we demonstrate, however, a strongly deviating pattern of polyandry. Methodology/Principal Findings: We analysed paternity in the marine snail Littorina saxatilis by genotyping large clutches (53–79) of offspring from four females sampled in their natural habitats. We found evidence of extreme promiscuity with 15–23 males having sired the offspring of each female within the same mating period. Conclusions/Significance: Such a high level of promiscuity has previously only been observed in a few species of social insects. We argue that genetic bet-hedging (as has been suggested earlier) is unlikely to explain such extreme polyandry. Instead we propose that these high levels are examples of convenience polyandry: females accept high numbers of mating

    Tiedon kÀyttö palvelujÀrjestelmÀn arvioinnissa : THL:n arviointitoiminto ja Tietoikkuna

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    Työpaperissa tarkastellaan THL:n sote-arviointiyksikössÀ tehtÀvÀÀ palvelujÀrjestelmÀn arviointitoimintaa ja sen indikaattoreista muodostuvaa tietopohjaa. LisÀksi tarkastellaan verkkopalvelu Tietoikkunaa, joka tukee tietopohjan ajantasaisuutta, avoimuutta ja hyödynnettÀvyyttÀ

    Planetary well-being

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    Tensions between the well-being of present humans, future humans, and nonhuman nature manifest in social protests and political and academic debates over the future of Earth. The increasing consumption of natural resources no longer increases, let alone equalises, human well-being, but has led to the current ecological crisis and harms both human and nonhuman well-being. While the crisis has been acknowledged, the existing conceptual frameworks are in some respects ill-equipped to address the crisis in a way that would link the resolving of the crisis with the pivotal aim of promoting equal well-being. The shortcomings of the existing concepts in this respect relate to anthropocentric normative orientation, methodological individualism that disregards process dynamics and precludes integrating the considerations of human and nonhuman well-being, and the lack of multiscalar considerations of well-being. This work derives and proposes the concept of planetary well-being to address the aforementioned conceptual issues, to recognise the moral considerability of both human and nonhuman well-being, and to promote transdisciplinary, cross-cultural discourse for addressing the crisis and for promoting societal and cultural transformation. Conceptually, planetary well-being shifts focus on well-being from individuals to processes, Earth system and ecosystem processes, that underlie all well-being. Planetary well-being is a state where the integrity of Earth system and ecosystem processes remains unimpaired to a degree that species and populations can persist to the future and organisms have the opportunity to achieve well-being. After grounding and introducing planetary well-being, this work shortly discusses how the concept can be operationalised and reflects upon its potential as a bridging concept between different worldviews.</p

    Glacial History of the North Atlantic Marine Snail, Littorina saxatilis, Inferred from Distribution of Mitochondrial DNA Lineages

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    The North Atlantic intertidal gastropod, Littorina saxatilis (Olivi, 1792), exhibits extreme morphological variation between and within geographic regions and has become a model for studies of local adaptation; yet a comprehensive analysis of the species' phylogeography is lacking. Here, we examine phylogeographic patterns of the species' populations in the North Atlantic and one remote Mediterranean population using sequence variation in a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (607 bp). We found that, as opposed to many other rocky intertidal species, L. saxatilis has likely had a long and continuous history in the Northwest Atlantic, including survival during the last glacial maximum (LGM), possibly in two refugia. In the Northeast Atlantic, several areas likely harboured refugial populations that recolonized different parts of this region after glacial retreat, resulting in strong population structure. However, the outlying monomorphic Venetian population is likely a recent anthropogenic introduction from northern Europe and not a remnant of an earlier wider distribution in the Mediterranean Sea. Overall, our detailed phylogeography of L. saxatilis adds an important piece to the understanding of Pleistocene history in North Atlantic marine biota as well as being the first study to describe the species' evolutionary history in its natural range. The latter contribution is noteworthy because the snail has recently become an important model species for understanding evolutionary processes of speciation; thus our work provides integral information for such endeavours
