67 research outputs found

    Lymphatic Malformations Genetics, Mechanisms and Therapeutic Strategies

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    Lymphatic vessels maintain tissue fluid homeostasis by returning to blood circulation interstitial fluid that has extravasated from the blood capillaries. They provide a trafficking route for cells of the immune system, thus critically contributing to immune surveillance. Developmental or functional defects in the lymphatic vessels, their obstruction or damage, lead to accumulation of fluid in tissues, resulting in lymphedema. Here we discuss developmental lymphatic anomalies called lymphatic malformations and complex lymphatic anomalies that manifest as localized or multifocal lesions of the lymphatic vasculature, respectively. They are rare diseases that are caused mostly by somatic mutations and can present with variable symptoms based upon the size and location of the lesions composed of fluid-filled cisterns or channels. Substantial progress has been made recently in understanding the molecular basis of their pathogenesis through the identification of their genetic causes, combined with the elucidation of the underlying mechanisms in animal disease models and patient-derived lymphatic endothelial cells. Most of the solitary somatic mutations that cause lymphatic malformations and complex lymphatic anomalies occur in genes that encode components of oncogenic growth factor signal transduction pathways. This has led to successful repurposing of some targeted cancer therapeutics to the treatment of lymphatic malformations and complex lymphatic anomalies. Apart from the mutations that act as lymphatic endothelial cell-autonomous drivers of these anomalies, current evidence points to superimposed paracrine mechanisms that critically contribute to disease pathogenesis and thus provide additional targets for therapeutic intervention. Here, we review these advances and discuss new treatment strategies that are based on the recently identified molecular pathways.Peer reviewe

    Heterogeneity in VEGFR3 levels drives lymphatic vessel hyperplasia through cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous mechanisms

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    Incomplete delivery to the target cells is an obstacle for successful gene therapy approaches. Here we show unexpected effects of incomplete targeting, by demonstrating how heterogeneous inhibition of a growth promoting signaling pathway promotes tissue hyperplasia. We studied the function of the lymphangiogenic VEGFR3 receptor during embryonic and postnatal development. Inducible genetic deletion of Vegfr3 in lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) leads to selection of non-targeted VEGFR3(+) cells at vessel tips, indicating an indispensable cell-autonomous function in migrating tip cells. Although Vegfr3 deletion results in lymphatic hypoplasia in mouse embryos, incomplete deletion during post-natal development instead causes excessive lymphangiogenesis. Analysis of mosaically targeted endothelium shows that VEGFR3(-) LECs non-cell-autonomously drive abnormal vessel anastomosis and hyperplasia by inducing proliferation of non-targeted VEGFR3(+) LECs through cell-contactdependent reduction of Notch signaling. Heterogeneity in VEGFR3 levels thus drives vessel hyperplasia, which has implications for the understanding of mechanisms of developmental and pathological tissue growth.Peer reviewe

    Gut microbiota regulates lacteal integrity by inducing VEGF-C in intestinal villus macrophages

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    A lacteal is a blunt-ended, long, tube-like lymphatic vessel located in the center of each intestinal villus that provides a unique route for drainage of absorbed lipids from the small intestine. However, key regulators for maintaining lacteal integrity are poorly understood. Here, we explore whether and how the gut microbiota regulates lacteal integrity. Germ depletion by antibiotic treatment triggers lacteal regression during adulthood and delays lacteal maturation during the postnatal period. In accordance with compromised lipid absorption, the button-like junction between lymphatic endothelial cells, which is ultrastructurally open to permit free entry of dietary lipids into lacteals, is significantly reduced in lacteals of germ-depleted mice. Lacteal defects are also found in germ-free mice, but conventionalization of germ-free mice leads to normalization of lacteals. Mechanistically, VEGF-C secreted from villus macrophages upon MyD88-dependent recognition of microbes and their products is a main factor in lacteal integrity. Collectively, we conclude that the gut microbiota is a crucial regulator for lacteal integrity by endowing its unique microenvironment and regulating villus macrophages in small intestine.Peer reviewe

    Identification of ILK as a critical regulator of VEGFR3 signalling and lymphatic vascular growth

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 (VEGFR3) signalling promotes lymphangiogenesis. While there are many reported mechanisms of VEGFR3 activation, there is little understanding of how VEGFR3 signalling is attenuated to prevent lymphatic vascular overgrowth and ensure proper lymph vessel development. Here, we show that endothelial cell-specific depletion of integrin-linked kinase (ILK) in mouse embryos hyper-activates VEGFR3 signalling and leads to overgrowth of the jugular lymph sacs/primordial thoracic ducts, oedema and embryonic lethality. Lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC)-specific deletion of Ilk in adult mice initiates lymphatic vascular expansion in different organs, including cornea, skin and myocardium. Knockdown of ILK in human LECs triggers VEGFR3 tyrosine phosphorylation and proliferation. ILK is further found to impede interactions between VEGFR3 and β1 integrin in vitro and in vivo, and endothelial cell-specific deletion of an Itgb1 allele rescues the excessive lymphatic vascular growth observed upon ILK depletion. Finally, mechanical stimulation disrupts the assembly of ILK and β1 integrin, releasing the integrin to enable its interaction with VEGFR3. Our data suggest that ILK facilitates mechanically regulated VEGFR3 signalling via controlling its interaction with β1 integrin and thus ensures proper development of lymphatic vessels

    Blockade of VEGF-C signaling inhibits lymphatic malformations driven by oncogenic PIK3CA mutation

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    Lymphatic malformations (LMs) are debilitating vascular anomalies presenting with large cysts (macrocystic) or lesions that infiltrate tissues (microcystic). Cellular mechanisms underlying LM pathology are poorly understood. Here we show that the somatic PIK3CA(H1047R) mutation, resulting in constitutive activation of the p110 alpha PI3K, underlies both macrocystic and microcystic LMs in human. Using a mouse model of PIK3CA(H1047R)-driven LM, we demonstrate that both types of malformations arise due to lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC)-autonomous defects, with the developmental timing of p110 alpha activation determining the LM subtype. In the postnatal vasculature, PIK3CA(H1047R) promotes LEC migration and lymphatic hypersprouting, leading to microcystic LMs that grow progressively in a vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C)-dependent manner. Combined inhibition of VEGF-C and the PI3K downstream target mTOR using Rapamycin, but neither treatment alone, promotes regression of lesions. The best therapeutic outcome for LM is thus achieved by co-inhibition of the upstream VEGF-C/VEGFR3 and the downstream PI3K/mTOR pathways. Lymphatic malformation (LM) is a debilitating often incurable vascular disease. Using a mouse model of LM driven by a disease-causative PIK3CA mutation, the authors show that vascular growth is dependent on the upstream lymphangiogenic VEGF-C signalling, permitting effective therapeutic intervention.Peer reviewe

    Matrix stiffness controls lymphatic vessel formation through regulation of a GATA2-dependent transcriptional program

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    Tissue and vessel wall stiffening alters endothelial cell properties and contributes to vascular dysfunction. However, whether extracellular matrix (ECM) stiffness impacts vascular development is not known. Here we show that matrix stiffness controls lymphatic vascular morphogenesis. Atomic force microscopy measurements in mouse embryos reveal that venous lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) progenitors experience a decrease in substrate stiffness upon migration out of the cardinal vein, which induces a GATA2-dependent transcriptional program required to form the first lymphatic vessels. Transcriptome analysis shows that LECs grown on a soft matrix exhibit increased GATA2 expression and a GATA2-dependent upregulation of genes involved in cell migration and lymphangiogenesis, including VEGFR3. Analyses of mouse models demonstrate a cell-autonomous function of GATA2 in regulating LEC responsiveness to VEGF-C and in controlling LEC migration and sprouting in vivo. Our study thus uncovers a mechanism by which ECM stiffness dictates the migratory behavior of LECs during early lymphatic development.Peer reviewe

    PROX1 is a transcriptional regulator of MMP14

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    The transcription factor PROX1 is essential for development and cell fate specification. Its function in cancer is context-dependent since PROX1 has been shown to play both oncogenic and tumour suppressive roles. Here, we show that PROX1 suppresses the transcription of MMP14, a metalloprotease involved in angiogenesis and cancer invasion, by binding and suppressing the activity of MMP14 promoter. Prox1 deletion in murine dermal lymphatic vessels in vivo and in human LECs increased MMP14 expression. In a hepatocellular carcinoma cell line expressing high endogenous levels of PROX1, its silencing increased both MMP14 expression and MMP14-dependent invasion in 3D. Moreover, PROX1 ectopic expression reduced the MMP14-dependent 3D invasiveness of breast cancer cells and angiogenic sprouting of blood endothelial cells in conjunction with MMP14 suppression. Our study uncovers a new transcriptional regulatory mechanism of cancer cell invasion and endothelial cell specification.Peer reviewe