912 research outputs found

    Locomotory techniques in Upper Cretaceous frogs (Iharkút, Hungary)

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    The Iharkút lissamphibian assamblage consists of a mixture of autochthonous Laurasian taxa [albanerpetontid allocaudatans, discoglossid (Bakonybatrachus) and pelobatid anurans] along with those of Gondwanan origin (the neobatrachian Hungarobatrachus). Functional anatomical interpretations of the preserved iliac structures and taphonomical observations were used in the reconstruction of the paleoecological conditions. Different paleoecological circumstances of these groups are indicated by the attachment surfaces of locomotory muscles in the preserved iliac bones of Bakonybatrachus and Hungarobatrachus and compared to recent representatives of discoglossid and ranid frogs (i.e. Discoglossus and Rana). Large insertion surfaces for m. gluteus maximus and for the m. iliacus externus pars externa indicates that Bakonybatrachus had good jumping and swimming abilities pointing to a periaquatic life-style, whereas the large m. iliacus externus and m. ilifibularis-iliofemoralis combined with a huge interiliac tubercle, suggest that Hungarobatrachus was a strong jumper, swimmer or both

    Spin-dominated waveforms for unequal mass compact binaries

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    We derive spin-dominated waveforms (SDW) for binary systems composed of spinning black holes with unequal masses (less than 1:30). Such systems could be formed by an astrophysical black hole with a smaller black hole or a neutron star companion; and typically arise for supermassive black hole encounters. SDW characterize the last stages of the inspiral, when the larger spin dominates over the orbital angular momentum (while the spin of the smaller companion can be neglected). They emerge as a double expansion in the post-Newtonian parameter ε\varepsilon and the ratio ξ\xi of the orbital angular momentum and dominant spin. The SDW amplitudes are presented to (ε3/2,ξ\varepsilon^{3/2},\xi) orders, while the phase of the gravitational waves to (ε2,ξ\varepsilon^{2},\xi) orders (omitting the highest order mixed terms). To this accuracy the amplitude includes the (leading order) spin-orbit contributions, while the phase the (leading order) spin-orbit, self-spin and mass quadrupole-monopole contributions. While the SDW hold for any mass ratio smaller than 1:30, lower bounds for the mass ratios are derived from the best sensitivity frequency range expected for Advanced LIGO (giving 1:140), the Einstein Telescope (7×1047\times 10^{-4}), the LAGRANGE (7×1077\times 10^{-7}) and LISA missions (7×1097\times 10^{-9}), respectively.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, published versio

    Transport of Pollutants around a High Building: Integrated Magnetic, Mineralogical and Geochemical Study

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    We studied the degree and distribution of traffic induced pollution at a 40 m high building at the side of a major road in Budapest by making magnetic, mineralogical and geochemical analysis on settled dust samples collected at different levels and at the front and back sides of the building. We observed strong seasonal dependence of the amounts of anthropogenic pollutants, which were highest during summer. This season was also characterized by strong vertical variation of the amounts of dust, of the magnetic susceptibilities (reflecting best the traffic induced pollution) and of the concentrations of Pb. All these have maximum values at 9 m, on both sides of the building. The pattern of the distribution does not correspond to what is predicted by an air flow model published for high buildings with similar morphology and wind conditions

    Temperature driven quenches in the Ising model: appearance of negative Rényi mutual information

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    We study the dynamics of the transverse field Ising chain after a local quench in which two independently thermalised chains are joined together and are left to evolve unitarily. In the emerging non-equilibrium steady state the Rényi mutual information with different indices are calculated between two adjacent segments of the chain, and are found to scale logarithmically in the subsystem size. Surprisingly, for Rényi indices > 2 we find cases where the prefactor of the logarithmic dependence is negative. The fact that the naively defined Rényi mutual information might be negative has been pointed out before, however, we provide the first example for this scenario in a realistic many-body setup. Our numerical and analytical results indicate that in this setup it can be negative for any index > 2 while it is always positive for < 2. Interestingly, even for > 2 the calculated prefactors show some universal features: for example, the same prefactor is also shown to govern the logarithmic time dependence of the Rényi mutual information before the system relaxes locally to the steady state. In particular, it can decrease in the non-equilibrium evolution after the quench

    Naively Haar null sets in Polish groups

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    Let (G,⋅) be a Polish group. We say that a set X⊂G is Haar null if there exists a universally measurable set U⊃X and a Borel probability measure μ such that for every g,h∈G we have μ(gUh)=0. We call a set X naively Haar null if there exists a Borel probability measure μ such that for every g,h∈G we have μ(gXh)=0. Generalizing a result of Elekes and Steprāns, which answers the first part of Problem FC from Fremlin's list, we prove that in every abelian Polish group there exists a naively Haar null set that is not Haar null. © 201

    Razkrivanje razvoja lokalnih vdolbin v žlebičih na podlagi terenskih podatkov (Visoke Ture (Totes Gebirge), Avstrija) in simulacije različnega števila kanalskih stičišč

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    The development of emerging hollowing parts of the main channels of rinnenkarren systems at tributary channel junctions is interpreted in this study using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. In the field, data from cross-sections of 505 local hollowings with one or more tributary channel junctions were investigated. The shift in the width–depth ratio of the local hollowings was studied as the number of junctions and the size of the hollowing changed. Flow was simulated through CFD in digital model channels, and the nature of the resulting vorticity was interpreted. Field data show that local hollowings emerging in the main channels of the channel systems at the junctions. In the main channels, when only a few tributary channels join in the vicinity of each other, local hollowings deepen during their growth and, most often, gradually become pits (depth is larger than width), as the morphometric analysis suggests. As the number of tributary channels increases, the local hollowing may develop into a kamenitza (width is larger than depth). The model experiment suggests the explanation that more tributary channel junctions result in more extensive vorticity, which contributes to the lateral extension (widening) of this channel section. The distance of the tributary junctions from each other also influences the downstream dimension of the local hollowing. In the field, the larger this distance, the more separated the local hollowings induced by individual tributaries. The model experiment suggests that this may occur because the intense vorticity generated by individual junctions becomes increasingly sectionalized as the tributary channel density decreases.Razvoj nastajajočih votlih delov glavnih kanalov v sistemih žlebičev na kanalskih stičiščih pritokov je v tej študiji razložen s simulacijo računalniške dinamike tekočin (CFD). Na terenu so bili proučeni podatki iz prečnih prerezov 505 lokalnih vdolbin z enim ali več stičišč pritočnih kanalov. Raziskana je bila sprememba razmerja med širino in globino lokalnih vdolbin glede na spremembe tako števila stičišč kot velikosti vdolbine. Pretok je bil s CFD simuliran v digitalnih modelnih kanalih, nato pa je bila pojasnjena narava nastalega vrtinčenja. Terenski podatki kažejo, da se v glavnih kanalih kanalnih sistemov na stičiščih pojavljajo lokalne vdolbine. V glavnih kanalih, kjer se v bližini drug drugega združi le nekaj pritočnih kanalov, se lokalne vdolbine sčasoma poglabljajo in najpogosteje postopno postanejo jame (globina je večja od širine), kot je razvidno iz morfometrične analize. S povečevanjem števila pritočnih kanalov se lahko lokalna vdolbina razvije v škavnico (širina je večja od globine). Na podlagi modelnega poskusa se predlaga razlaga, da več stičišč pritočnih kanalov povzroči obsežnejše vrtinčenje, ki prispeva k lateralni širitvi (razširitvi) zadevnega odseka kanala. Na velikost lokalne vdolbine v smeri toka vpliva tudi medsebojna oddaljenost stičišč pritočnih kanalov. Na terenu je opazno, da večja ko je ta razdalja, bolj so lokalne vdolbine, ki jih povzročajo posamezni pritoki,oddaljene druga od druge. Iz modelnega poskusa je razvidno, da se to lahko zgodi, ker se intenzivno vrtinčenje, ki nastane na posameznih stičiščih, z zmanjševanjem gostote pritočnih kanalov vedno bolj razdeli v segmente

    Haar null sets without GδG_\delta hulls

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    Let GG be an abelian Polish group, e.g. a separable Banach space. A subset XGX \subset G is called Haar null (in the sense of Christensen) if there exists a Borel set BXB \supset X and a Borel probability measure μ\mu on GG such that μ(B+g)=0\mu(B+g)=0 for every gGg \in G. The term shy is also commonly used for Haar null, and co-Haar null sets are often called prevalent. Answering an old question of Mycielski we show that if GG is not locally compact then there exists a Borel Haar null set that is not contained in any GδG_\delta Haar null set. We also show that GδG_\delta can be replaced by any other class of the Borel hierarchy, which implies that the additivity of the σ\sigma-ideal of Haar null sets is ω1\omega_1. The definition of a generalised Haar null set is obtained by replacing the Borelness of BB in the above definition by universal measurability. We give an example of a generalised Haar null set that is not Haar null, more precisely we construct a coanalytic generalised Haar null set without a Borel Haar null hull. This solves Problem GP from Fremlin's problem list. Actually, all our results readily generalise to all Polish groups that admit a two-sided invariant metric.Comment: 10 page