
Locomotory techniques in Upper Cretaceous frogs (Iharkút, Hungary)


The Iharkút lissamphibian assamblage consists of a mixture of autochthonous Laurasian taxa [albanerpetontid allocaudatans, discoglossid (Bakonybatrachus) and pelobatid anurans] along with those of Gondwanan origin (the neobatrachian Hungarobatrachus). Functional anatomical interpretations of the preserved iliac structures and taphonomical observations were used in the reconstruction of the paleoecological conditions. Different paleoecological circumstances of these groups are indicated by the attachment surfaces of locomotory muscles in the preserved iliac bones of Bakonybatrachus and Hungarobatrachus and compared to recent representatives of discoglossid and ranid frogs (i.e. Discoglossus and Rana). Large insertion surfaces for m. gluteus maximus and for the m. iliacus externus pars externa indicates that Bakonybatrachus had good jumping and swimming abilities pointing to a periaquatic life-style, whereas the large m. iliacus externus and m. ilifibularis-iliofemoralis combined with a huge interiliac tubercle, suggest that Hungarobatrachus was a strong jumper, swimmer or both

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