330 research outputs found

    El desafío ético del respeto a las muchas verdades. Universidad, ciencia y otros saberes

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    La historia de las ciencias sociales en Latinoamérica indica que no habrá una virtuosa relación entre ciencia y sociedad en nuestro continente, si no se asume y revisa el complejo entramado de las estructuras sociales, de los poderes ysaberes que subyacen a nuestras culturas. Para articular el quehacer de los intelectuales e investigadores a las interrogantes de nuestras sociedades, el desafío es no sólo comprender los problemas que las estructuras sociales y campos de intereses no plantean, sino también, los saberes otros, con los que la ciencia debe aprender a dialogar.The history of social sciencesin Latin Americaindicatesthat there will not bea virtuous relationship betweens cience and society inour continent, if we do not assumeand review thecomplex web ofsocial structures, of power and of knowledgeunderlyingour cultures. To articulate the workof intellectualsand researchers on the questions ofour societies, the challenge is not only to underst and the problems that social structures and fieldsof interest do notpose, but alsothe knowledges others, with which science mustlearn to dialogue.A história das ciências sociais na América Latina indica que não haverá uma relação virtuosa entre ciência e sociedade no nosso continente, se não é assumida e revisada a complexa teia de estruturas sociais, dos poderes e saberes que subjacem às nossas culturas. Para coordenar o trabalho de intelectuais e pesquisadores para as questões da nossa sociedade, o desafio não é somente entender os problemas que as estruturas sociais e campos de interesse não colocam. Mas também, os saberes outros, com os quais a ciência deve aprender a dialogar

    Ciências sociais e ética: sobre o respeito aos outros saberes

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    A história das Ciências Sociais na América Latina nos mostra que não podemos falar de ciência e Nação, pesquisa e compromisso, sem assumir a trama complexa das estruturas sociais, dos poderes e dos múltiplos saberes que subsistem nas nossas culturas. Para articular os saberes dos intelectuais às interrogantes de nossas sociedades, o desafo não é apenas compreender os problemas que estas estruturas e campos de interesses nos apontam, mas também os saberes outros, com os quais a ciência deve dialogar. A partir da análise do caso das universidades chilenas e das Ciências Sociais no país, se adverte sobre os riscos e as consequências do modelo neoliberal na construção social do conhecimento.Palavras-chave: Universidade. Ética. Ciência. Conhecimento. Epistemologia.Social sciences and ethics in terms of other knowledge: other knowledge in social sciences and ethics Abstract The history of social sciences in Latin America shows us that we cannot talk about science and nation, research and commitment without assuming the complex web of social structures, powers and multiple knowledge underlying our cultures. When intellectuals express knowledge of questions about our societies, the challenge is not only understanding the problems that these structures and fields of interests do not pose but also other forms of knowledge that science must learn to discuss.Keywords: Ethics. Science. Knowledge. Epistemology

    Modular PEM Fuel Cell SCADA & Simulator System

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    The paper presents a Supervision, Control, Data Acquisition and Simulation (SCADA & Simulator) system that allows for real-time training in the actual operation of a modular PEM fuel cell system. This SCADA & Simulator system consists of a free software tool that operates in real time and simulates real situations like failures and breakdowns in the system. This developed SCADA & Simulator system allows us to properly operate a fuel cell and helps us to understand how fuel cells operate and what devices are needed to configure and run the fuel cells, from the individual stack up to the whole fuel cell system. The SCADA & Simulator system governs a modular system integrated by three PEM fuel cells achieving power rates higher than tens of kilowatts


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    Sistema de gestión de la seguridad de una planta termosolar

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster es el desarrollo del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad de una planta de generación eléctrica a partir del recurso solar, concretamente una planta Termosolar que emplea como fluido calor portador un aceite térmico, el HTF. El documento contiene una descripción de la tecnología, de la instalación y un análisis de la cantidad y tipos de sustancias peligrosas almacenadas, con objeto de justificar su afección al RD840/2015 de accidentes graves. El resultado de este análisis es que la planta termosolar se encuentra afectada a nivel superior por la presencia de HTF, sustancia que queda recogida en el RD840/2015 (Anexo 1, parte 1, en cantidades superiores al umbral de la columna 3). Por todo ello es de obligado cumplimiento el desarrollo y la implantación de un Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad, compuesto por una Política y por un Manual con sus Procedimientos. La Política manifiesta el compromiso de la Dirección por evitar estos accidentes graves en los que intervengan sustancias peligrosas, dotando de todos los medios humanos y materiales necesarios para conseguirlo. Los procedimientos desarrollan de forma más detallada la metodología a seguir para implantar la Política. En concreto este trabajo contiene doce procedimientos mediante los cuales se identifican y evalúan los riesgos, se establece la gestión de la formación, información y cultura preventiva a los trabajadores, la gestión de la modificación de planta, la organización en el Plan de Emergencia y desarrollo de los simulacros, el control operacional y el desarrollo de auditorías del sistema y revisión por la Dirección.This master dissertation comprises the development of a Safety Management System for a solar power plant using thermic oil heating as heat transfer fluid. In order to determine whether the RD840/2015 for major accidents needs to be considered, it has been described the technology and the installation, and it has been analyzed the amount and the typology of stored products. The result of this study highlights that it is affected at a higher level by the heat transfer fluid (HTF), a substance that has been listed in the RD840/2015 (Annex 1, part 1, in quantities above the threshold in column 3). As a result, it is mandatory de development and implementation of a Safety Management System, entailing the need for a Major-accident Prevention Policy through this Safety Management System, composed by a manual and different procedures. The previous Policy will entail the commitment of the Board to avoid Major-accidents involving dangerous substances by providing all human and material resources needed to achieve this goal. These previous procedures detail the methodology to follow to implement the Policy. More specifically, this master dissertation proposes a total of 12 procedures that will help to identify and evaluate the existing risks; determine, among many other things, the training, information and the preventive culture among the taskforce, the organization of the Emergency Plan and the development of the Emergency drill, the operational management and control and the development of certification audits for the system.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Ambienta

    Taller de emociones dirigido a un grupo de fisioterapeutas, basado en el enfoque centrado en la persona

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    En este trabajo se describe la intervención llevada a cabo a través de un taller de emociones dirigido a un grupo de fisioterapeutas basado en el Enfoque Centrado en la Persona. Este taller se realizó en las instalaciones de una institución dedicada a dar fisioterapia, tuvo una duración de 20 horas divididas en nueve sesiones semanales. Las sesiones consistieron en exposiciones sobre las emociones, ejercicios vivenciales, relajación, llenado de cuestionarios, realización de dibujos, aplicación de pre test y post test y cuestionario para evaluar resultados. El planteamiento general fue que la expresión e identificación de emociones le permite al sujeto darse cuenta de sus necesidades y la satisfacción de estas necesidades lleva a un mejor desarrollo personal y laboral

    A Novel Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) Algorithm to Apply Artificial Intelligence-Based Maintenance in Electrolysers

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    Hydrogen provides a clean source of energy that can be produced with the aid of electrolysers. For electrolysers to operate cost-effectively and safely, it is necessary to define an appropriate maintenance strategy. Predictive maintenance is one of such strategies but often relies on data from sensors which can also become faulty, resulting in false information. Consequently, maintenance will not be performed at the right time and failure will occur. To address this problem, the artificial intelligence concept is applied to make predictions on sensor readings based on data obtained from another instrument within the process. In this study, a novel algorithm is developed using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to select the best feature(s) among measured data of the electrolyser, which can best predict the target sensor data for predictive maintenance. The features are used as input into a type of deep neural network called long short-term memory (LSTM) to make predictions. The DLR developed has been compared with those found in literatures within the scope of this study. The results have been excellent and, in fact, have produced the best scores. Specifically, its correlation coefficient with the target variable was practically total (0.99). Likewise, the root-mean-square error (RMSE) between the experimental sensor data and the predicted variable was only 0.1351.This research was funded by the Spanish Government, grant (1) Ref: PID2020-116616RBC31 and grant (2) Ref: RED2022-134588-T REDGENERA

    Significado de ser madre e hijo/a por medio del masaje

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Objetivo: Desvelar la experiencia vivida por las madres al realizar masaje a sus hijos/as, con el fin de conocer el fenómeno en el contexto del desarrollo saludable entre madre e hijo/a. Método: Se trata de una investigación cualitativa con abordaje fenomenológico, en la cual participaron once mujeres que realizaron masaje a sus hijos/as y que respondieron a la principal pregunta: ¿Qué significó para usted la experiencia de realizar masajes a su hijo/a? Resultados: La experiencia de dar masaje a un hijo/a significó desarrollar el ser madre, desarrollar el ser hijo/a y, la relación de apego entre ambos. El masaje permite operacionalizar esta integralidad, transformándose en una herramienta de comunicación, de estimulación y de promoción del apego seguro, al favorecer la interacción amorosa entre madre e hijo/a. Conclusión: Esta práctica debe ser considerada en la oferta de los programas que promueven la salud integral de la madre y del hijo/a.

Objective: Revealing the experience of mothers when massaging their children to know the phenomenon in the context of a mother-child healthy development. Method: This is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach carried out with 11 women who massaged their children and answered the guiding question: What did the experience of massaging your child mean to you? Results: The experience of massaging their children meant the development of their being a mother and of being a son/daughter, in addition to developing the attachment relationship between them. The massage can operationalize this integrality, become a tool of communication, stimulation and promotion of secure attachment, by promoting the loving interaction between mother and child. Conclusion: This practice should be considered as an option in the programs that promote the comprehensive health of the mother and child.

    Significado da experiência materna ao redor do apoio durante seu processo de amamentação

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    Introduction: It has been described that there are experiences in people's lives that have the capacity to modulate the nervous system, which directly influences human development. Timely intervention in early childhood has the potential to have a positive impact on their development. In this logic, breastfeeding takes on special importance, since it increases the probability of survival, provides adequate nutrition and stimulation, favors a safe environment, and is an immense contribution to the strengthening of social ties, among other benefits. The support the mother receives during the process is fundamental for successful breastfeeding. Objective: To unveil the meaning of the maternal experience on support during the breastfeeding process. Methodology: A phenomenological design study in which an analysis was carried out with secondary data, according to Edmund Husserl's perspective. To ensure the methodological rigor of this research, the criteria of Guba and Lincoln were applied. The ethical aspects of the research were approached from Ezekiel Emanuel's seven ethical requirements. Findings: The meaning of the maternal experience of support during the breastfeeding process was unveiled in four comprehensive categories: maternal experience of breastfeeding, experience of support from health professionals, experience of support from partners, and experience of support from other family members. Conclusion: The three sources of support identified nurture and modulate the breastfeeding experience in a complementary manner, so that the indivisibility of the influences exerted by them is a constitutive characteristic for the support to be perceived by the mothers as comprehensive and supportive.Introducción: Se ha descrito la existencia de experiencias de la vida de las personas que tienen la capacidad de modular el sistema nervioso, lo que influye directamente en el desarrollo humano. Intervenir oportunamente en la primera infancia tiene el potencial de impactar positivamente en su desarrollo. En esta lógica, la lactancia materna cobra especial protagonismo, ya que aumenta la probabilidad de sobrevivir, brinda una nutrición y estimulación adecuada, favorece un entorno seguro, además de ser un inmenso aporte en el fortalecimiento de los lazos sociales, entre otros beneficios. El apoyo que reciba la madre durante el proceso es fundamental para lograr un amamantamiento exitoso. Objetivo: Develar el significado de la experiencia materna en torno al apoyo en el proceso de amamantamiento. Metodología: Estudio de diseño fenomenológico en el cual se realizó un análisis con datos secundarios, según la perspectiva de Edmund Husserl. Para asegurar el rigor metodológico de esta investigación se aplicaron los criterios de Guba y Lincoln. Los aspectos éticos de la investigación fueron abordados desde los siete requisitos éticos de Ezekiel Emanuel. Resultados: El significado de la experiencia materna en torno al apoyo en el proceso de amamantamiento se develó en cuatro categorías comprensivas: la experiencia materna de amamantamiento, experiencia de apoyo de los profesionales de la salud, experiencia de apoyo de la pareja y experiencia de apoyo de otros familiares. Conclusión: Las tres fuentes de apoyo identificadas nutren y modulan la experiencia de amamantamiento de manera complementaria, por lo que la indivisibilidad de las influencias ejercidas por ellas es una característica constitutiva para que el apoyo sea percibido por las madres como comprensivo y contenedor.Introdução: Descreveu-se a existência de experiências de vida de pessoas que têm a capacidade de moldar o sistema nervoso, o que influencia diretamente no desenvolvimento humano. Intervir oportunamente na primeira infância tem o potencial de impactar positivamente no seu desenvolvimento. Seguindo esta lógica, o aleitamento materno ganha um protagonismo especial, já que aumenta a probabilidade de sobrevivência, oferece nutrição e estimulacão adequadas, favorece um ambiente seguro, além de ser uma imensa contribuição no fortalecimento de laços sociais, entre outros benefícios. O apoio que a mãe recebe durante o processo é fundamental para conseguir uma amamentação de sucesso. Objetivo: Revelar o significado da experiência materna ao redor do apoio no processo do aleitamento materno. Metodologia: Estudo do desenho fenomenológico, para o qual se realizou a análise com dados secundários, conforme a perspectiva de Edmund Husserl. Para garantir o rigor metodológico desta investigação foram aplicados os critérios de Guba e Lincoln. Os aspectos éticos da investigação foram abordados desde os sete requisitos éticos de Ezekiel Emanuel. Resultados: O significado da experiência materna ao redor do apoio no processo da amamentação foi dividido em quatro categorias compreensivas: a experiência materna do aleitamento, a experiência do apoio dos profissionais da saúde, a experiência do apoio do parceiro e a experiência do apoio de outros familiares. Conclusão: As três fontes de apoio identificadas nutrem e moldam a experiência do aleitamento de forma complementária. Por tanto, a indivisibilidade das influências que cada um destes atores exercem é uma característica constitutiva para que o apoio seja percebido pelas mães como compreensivo e acolhedor

    Profitability of Hydrogen-Based Microgrids: A Novel Economic Analysis in Terms of Electricity Price and Equipment Costs

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    The current need to reduce carbon emissions makes hydrogen use essential for selfconsumption in microgrids. To make a profitability analysis of a microgrid, the influence of equipment costs and the electricity price must be known. This paper studies the cost-effective electricity price (EUR/kWh) for a microgrid located at ‘’La Rábida Campus” (University of Huelva, south of Spain), for two different energy-management systems (EMSs): hydrogen-priority strategy and batterypriority strategy. The profitability analysis is based, on one hand, on the hydrogen-systems’ cost reduction (%) and, on the other hand, considering renewable energy sources (RESs) and energy storage systems (ESSs), on cost reduction (%). Due to technological advances, microgrid-element costs are expected to decrease over time; therefore, future profitable electricity prices will be even lower. Results show a cost-effective electricity price ranging from 0.61 EUR/kWh to 0.16 EUR/kWh for hydrogen-priority EMSs and from 0.4 EUR/kWh to 0.17 EUR/kWh for battery-priority EMSs (0 and 100% hydrogen-system cost reduction, respectively). These figures still decrease sharply if RES and ESS cost reductions are considered. In the current scenario of uncertainty in electricity prices, the microgrid studied may become economically competitive in the near futureThis research was funded by the Spanish Government, grant (1) Ref: PID2020-116616RBC31 and grant (2) Ref: RED2022-134588-T REDGENERA. : This research was possible thanks to the work of Andrea Monforti Ferrario, who developed the software with which a simulation of the described microgrid was performed, which subsequently led to the profitability study carried out in this pape