393 research outputs found

    Tetzapotitlan–Teayo. Precisiones toponímicas en la Huaxteca meridional, México

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    This paper aims at discerning the meaning of the word Teayo, which does not mean «stone turtle» as hasbeen traditionally accepted following the study of cloth maps known as Los Lienzos de Tuxpan. The presentationof evidence of archeological, ethno-historical, linguistic and ethnographic origin makes it possible topropose that the application of the name Teayo to the Tetzapotec region occurred for ideological reasonsrelated to the fervent worship in pre-Hispanic times of Teem and Chicomecóatl, two fertility goddesses.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo discernir el significado del término Teayo, el cual no corresponde a «tortuga de piedra», como tradicionalmente ha sido aceptado a partir del estudio de Los Lienzos de Tuxpan. La presentación de evidencias de origen arqueológico, etnohistórico, lingüístico y etnográfico permite desarrollar la propuesta de que la denominación «Teayo» para la región tetzapoteca ocurrió por razones ideológicas, relacionadas con el intenso culto a las diosas de la fertilidad Teem y Chicomecóatl en época prehispánica

    Un viejo paradigma: El ejercicio aeróbico a 4000 msnm ¿Es útil o no?

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    La adaptación a una nueva altura sobre el nivel del mar, es un proceso fisiológico que se inicia ante la exposición a la altura y se caracteriza por taquipnea para mantener la adecuada oxigenación de la sangre, taquicardia para asegurar el transporte de oxígeno hacia las células y poliglobulia con incremento en la concentración de hemoglobina. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar el comportamiento de la taquipnea, taquicardia y tensión arterial en marchistas universitarios en un campamento a 4000msnm, durante 24 días en la Paz, Bolivia, partiendo de una altitud de 2680msnm (altura de la ciudad de Toluca, Estado de México). Método: Estudio cuasi-experimental en marchistas de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM): con un periodo mínimo de 1 año de preparación, con antecedentes de exposiciones previas a altitudes de 4000msnm. Los registros fueron hechos en la Paz, Bolivia a la llegada y los subsecuentes en condiciones basales en posición supina o en decúbito lateral. Resultados y conclusiones: Se estudiaron a 4 atletas: 3 del sexo masculino (75%) y 1 del sexo femenino (25%) con edades entre 20-24 años de edad. El tiempo global de adaptación en los 4 atletas fue de una semana, tiempo menor del reportado en la literatura. Sin embargo, en este estudio la frecuencia respiratoria fue el primer indicador en presentar adaptación entre 48-72 hrs; seguido de la saturación de oxígeno (6 días), la frecuencia cardiaca (8 días) y por último, la presión arterial con 10 días

    Algoritmo Genético aplicado al problema de programación en procesos tecnológicos de maquinado con ambiente Flow Shop

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    Debido a las limitaciones de las técnicas de optimización convencionales, en el siguiente trabajo se presenta una metaheurística basada en un algoritmo genético (AG), para resolver problemas de programación de tipo flow shop, con el objetivo de minimizar el tiempo de finalización de todos los trabajos, más conocido como makespan. Este problema, considerado de difícil solución, es típico de la optimización combinatoria y se presenta en talleres con tecnología de maquinado, donde existen máquinas-herramientas convencionales y se fabrican diferentes tipos de piezas que tienen en común una misma ruta tecnológica (orden del proceso). La solución propuesta se probó con problemas clásicos publicados por otros autores, obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios en cuanto a la calidad de las soluciones encontradas y el tiempo de cómputo empleado

    Drug vulnerabilities and disease prognosis linked to the stem cell-like gene expression program triggered by the RHO GTPase activator VAV2 in hyperplastic keratinocytes and head and neck cancer

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    We have recently shown that VAV2, a guanosine nucleotide exchange factor that catalyzes the stimulation step of RHO GTPases, is involved in a stem cell-like (SCL) regenerative proliferation program that is important for the development and subsequent maintenance of the tumorigenesis of both cutaneous (cSCC) and head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (hnSCC). In line with this, we have observed that the levels of the VAV2 mRNA and VAV2-regulated gene signatures are associated with poor prognosis in the case of human papillomavirus-negative hnSCC patients. These results suggest that the SCL program elicited by VAV2 in those cells can harbor therapeutically actionable downstream targets. We have addressed this issue using a combination of both in silico and wet-lab approaches. Here, we show that the VAV2-regulated SCL program does harbor a number of cell cycleand signaling-related kinases that are essential for the viability of undifferentiated keratinocytes and hnSCC patient-derived cells endowed with high levels of VAV2 activity. Our results also show that the VAV2-regulated SCL gene signature is associated with poor hnSCC patient prognosis. Collectively, these data underscore the critical role of this VAV2-regulated SCL program for the viability of both preneoplastic and fully transformed keratinocytes.Fil: Lorenzo Martín, Luis Francisco. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; España. Universidad de Salamanca; EspañaFil: Menacho Márquez, Mauricio Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Inmunología Clinica y Experimental de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Inmunología Clinica y Experimental de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Bustelo, Xosé R.. Universidad de Salamanca; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Españ

    Prevalência da doença periodontal de uma população de utentes em cuidados de saúde primários inscritos na Unidade Saúde Familiar (USF) Espinho

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    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina DentáriaA doença periodontal (DP), de acordo com a Academia Americana de Periodontia (AAP), é uma doença inflamatória crónica, que afeta os tecidos da gengiva e do osso encarregados de sustentar as peças dentárias; em meados do século XX, acreditava-se que todas as espécies de bactérias no biofilme bacteriano tinham igual capacidade de causar doença, mas a proporção de espécies de bactérias específicas responsáveis DP só foi estabelecida entre 1960 e 1970; segundo aos dados da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), o 90% da população mundial sofre de esta doença; e a periodontite é o estágio mais avançado tendo muitos fatores que produzem a destruição progressiva do ligamento periodontal e o osso alveolar. Em Portugal, este problema assume particular gravidade dado que durante muitas décadas, a saúde oral não esteve acessível a toda a população, mas atualmente, é inquestionável a necessidade de programas nacionais que contemplem a promoção da Saúde Oral (SO), e a prevenção e tratamento das Doenças Orais (DO), que contribuam significativamente na melhora da Saúde Geral das populações. Estudos epidemiológicos utilizados na atualidade, encontram-se na procura de detectar placa, cálculo e hemorragia gengival, como indicadores da doença e, admite-se que os dois primeiros fatores são essenciais para promover a iniciação e a progressão da DP, com todas as tentativas para tomar referências e poder medir e repetir medições para avaliar a evolução da DP, criaram-se os índices periodontais para ter uma forma de detectar a prevalência da DP em populações. Em 1982 a OMS preconizou o CPITN (Communite Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs), o qual foi desenvolvido com propósito de ser o índice que avaliasse de forma rápida e simples a condição periodontal, mas tempo posteriormente para IPC (Índice Periodontal Comunitário); hoje amplamente aceite. Devido à necesidade da procura de novas medições com fim de observar os valores de incidência da DP em diferentes populações; o presente trabalho foi desenhado para determinar a “Prevalência da doença periodontal em uma população de utentes em cuidados de saúde primários inscritos na Unidade Saúde Familiar Espinho (USF) ”. Foi desenvolvido um estudo observacional, transversal e analítico no período entre Abril e Junho de 2014. A população foi constituída por 100 utentes inscritos na USF de Espinho, seleccionados aleatoriamente de entre os utentes que recorriam a consulta de Medicina Geral e Familiar. Objectivos Determinar a Prevalência da Doença Periodontal nos utentes vigiados na USF de Espinho. Determinar a associação entre a doença periodontal com outros factores individuais (sexo, higiene oral, hábitos tabágicos, utilização de prótese dentária). Resultados Observou-se que 80% da população possui doença periodontal, e em relação ao género, a doença encontra-se distribuida em 57% no género feminino, e 23% no género masculino. A profundidade à sondagem em 88% dos indivíduos examinados indicou que o 41% possui medidas de sondagem entre 4-5 mm, e 16% de ≥6 mm. Por outro lado, o 42% possuia uma perda de inserção a partir da junção esmalte-cimento entre 0-3mm, o 35% entre 4-5mm e por último o 23% apresentou uma perda de inserção entre 6-8 mm. O hábito de higiene oral foi representado com o 90% da população que realiza a higiene oral diária, e a distribuição observada do edentulismo, foi representada pelo 69% de indivíduos com edentulismo parcial, e o 12% com edentulismo total. Conclusão Apesar da alta prevalência de DP (80%) para este grupo de estudo, onde>50% da população possuem bolsas periodontais estabelecidas com perda de inserção de mais de 4 mm, um nível considerado da população realiza a higiene oral diária. Além disso, sendo a taixa de edentulismo parcial que lidera com o 69%, podemos concluir que com uma percentagem tão elevada de DP e classificando a maioria dos pacientes com algum tipo de edentulismo; para haver pouca quantidade de dentes examinados existe uma grande quantidade de dentes com DP. The periodontal disease (PD), with agreement with the American Academy of Periodontology, is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the tissues of the gums and the bones in charge of sustaining dental parts; in the mid-twentieth century it was accepted that all the species of bacteria in dental plaque had the same capacity to cause disease; however, the proportion of bacterial species that was specifically responsible for PD was establish between 1960 and 1970. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 90% percent of the world population suffers from this disease. The periodontitis is the most advanced stage, having many factors that produce progressive damage to periodontal ligaments and alveolar bones. In Portugal, this problem has reached a particular level of severity as the general population did not have accessibility to dental care for many decades. Although, recently there is no doubt that there have been national programs that promote oral health, as well as the prevention and the treatment of oral diseases (OD); these programs have contributed significantly to the improvement to the overall health of the population. Epidemiological studies currently used demand the detection of plaque, tartar, and hemorraging in the gums as indicators of disease and it is assumed that the first two factors are essential in the development and progress of a PD. With all the attempts to take references to be able to measure and evaluate the evolution of a PD, an index has been created to have a method to detect the prevalency of PD among the population. In 1982 the WHO recommended the CPITN (Community Peridontal Index of Treatment Needs), which was created with the purpose of being the index to rapidly evaluate the simple periodontal conditions. After time the organization would change into the now widely accepted ICP (Communal Periodontal Index). Due to the new medical necessities to provide observation of the impact levels of PDs in different populations; the current work is designed to determine the “Prevalence of periodontal disease among the population of health care clients subscribed to USF de Espinho. Materials and Methods An observational study was held transversely and analytically in USF Espinho between April and June of 2014. The population was made up of 100 clients subscribed to USF Espinho, and were randomly selected. Objectives Determine the prevalence of periodontal disease among the observed population in USF Espinho Determine the association of periodontal disease and other individual factors (gender, oral hygiene, smoking habits, etc.) Results It was observed that 80% of the population has periodontal disease, and in relation to gender, the disease is found distributed in 57% in females and 23% in males. The probing depth in 88% of pacients surveyed indicated that 41% of survey measures has between 4-5 mm, and 16% for ≥ 6 mm. On the other hand, 42% possessed an insertion loss from the cement-enamel junction between 0-3mm, 35% between 4-5mm and finally 23% exhibited an insertion loss between 6-8 mm. The habit of oral hygiene was represented with 90% of the population that performs daily oral hygiene, and the observed distribution of edentulism was represented by 69% of individuals with partial edentulism, and 12% with complete edentulism. Conclusion Despite the high prevalence of PD (80%) for this study group, where >50% of the population have established periodontal pockets with insertion loss of more than 4 mm, a level considered of the population performs daily oral hygiene. Furthermore, with a percentage of partial edentulous leading with 69%, we can conclude that with such a high percentage of DP and classifying the majority of patients with any type of tooth loss; to be little amount of teeth examined, there is a lot of teeth with PD

    Prevalência da doença periodontal de uma população de utentes em cuidados de saúde primários inscritos na Unidade Saúde Familiar (USF) Espinho

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    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina DentáriaA doença periodontal (DP), de acordo com a Academia Americana de Periodontia (AAP), é uma doença inflamatória crónica, que afeta os tecidos da gengiva e do osso encarregados de sustentar as peças dentárias; em meados do século XX, acreditava-se que todas as espécies de bactérias no biofilme bacteriano tinham igual capacidade de causar doença, mas a proporção de espécies de bactérias específicas responsáveis DP só foi estabelecida entre 1960 e 1970; segundo aos dados da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), o 90% da população mundial sofre de esta doença; e a periodontite é o estágio mais avançado tendo muitos fatores que produzem a destruição progressiva do ligamento periodontal e o osso alveolar. Em Portugal, este problema assume particular gravidade dado que durante muitas décadas, a saúde oral não esteve acessível a toda a população, mas atualmente, é inquestionável a necessidade de programas nacionais que contemplem a promoção da Saúde Oral (SO), e a prevenção e tratamento das Doenças Orais (DO), que contribuam significativamente na melhora da Saúde Geral das populações. Estudos epidemiológicos utilizados na atualidade, encontram-se na procura de detectar placa, cálculo e hemorragia gengival, como indicadores da doença e, admite-se que os dois primeiros fatores são essenciais para promover a iniciação e a progressão da DP, com todas as tentativas para tomar referências e poder medir e repetir medições para avaliar a evolução da DP, criaram-se os índices periodontais para ter uma forma de detectar a prevalência da DP em populações. Em 1982 a OMS preconizou o CPITN (Communite Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs), o qual foi desenvolvido com propósito de ser o índice que avaliasse de forma rápida e simples a condição periodontal, mas tempo posteriormente para IPC (Índice Periodontal Comunitário); hoje amplamente aceite. Devido à necesidade da procura de novas medições com fim de observar os valores de incidência da DP em diferentes populações; o presente trabalho foi desenhado para determinar a “Prevalência da doença periodontal em uma população de utentes em cuidados de saúde primários inscritos na Unidade Saúde Familiar Espinho (USF) ”. Foi desenvolvido um estudo observacional, transversal e analítico no período entre Abril e Junho de 2014. A população foi constituída por 100 utentes inscritos na USF de Espinho, seleccionados aleatoriamente de entre os utentes que recorriam a consulta de Medicina Geral e Familiar. Objectivos Determinar a Prevalência da Doença Periodontal nos utentes vigiados na USF de Espinho. Determinar a associação entre a doença periodontal com outros factores individuais (sexo, higiene oral, hábitos tabágicos, utilização de prótese dentária). Resultados Observou-se que 80% da população possui doença periodontal, e em relação ao género, a doença encontra-se distribuida em 57% no género feminino, e 23% no género masculino. A profundidade à sondagem em 88% dos indivíduos examinados indicou que o 41% possui medidas de sondagem entre 4-5 mm, e 16% de ≥6 mm. Por outro lado, o 42% possuia uma perda de inserção a partir da junção esmalte-cimento entre 0-3mm, o 35% entre 4-5mm e por último o 23% apresentou uma perda de inserção entre 6-8 mm. O hábito de higiene oral foi representado com o 90% da população que realiza a higiene oral diária, e a distribuição observada do edentulismo, foi representada pelo 69% de indivíduos com edentulismo parcial, e o 12% com edentulismo total. Conclusão Apesar da alta prevalência de DP (80%) para este grupo de estudo, onde>50% da população possuem bolsas periodontais estabelecidas com perda de inserção de mais de 4 mm, um nível considerado da população realiza a higiene oral diária. Além disso, sendo a taixa de edentulismo parcial que lidera com o 69%, podemos concluir que com uma percentagem tão elevada de DP e classificando a maioria dos pacientes com algum tipo de edentulismo; para haver pouca quantidade de dentes examinados existe uma grande quantidade de dentes com DP. The periodontal disease (PD), with agreement with the American Academy of Periodontology, is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the tissues of the gums and the bones in charge of sustaining dental parts; in the mid-twentieth century it was accepted that all the species of bacteria in dental plaque had the same capacity to cause disease; however, the proportion of bacterial species that was specifically responsible for PD was establish between 1960 and 1970. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 90% percent of the world population suffers from this disease. The periodontitis is the most advanced stage, having many factors that produce progressive damage to periodontal ligaments and alveolar bones. In Portugal, this problem has reached a particular level of severity as the general population did not have accessibility to dental care for many decades. Although, recently there is no doubt that there have been national programs that promote oral health, as well as the prevention and the treatment of oral diseases (OD); these programs have contributed significantly to the improvement to the overall health of the population. Epidemiological studies currently used demand the detection of plaque, tartar, and hemorraging in the gums as indicators of disease and it is assumed that the first two factors are essential in the development and progress of a PD. With all the attempts to take references to be able to measure and evaluate the evolution of a PD, an index has been created to have a method to detect the prevalency of PD among the population. In 1982 the WHO recommended the CPITN (Community Peridontal Index of Treatment Needs), which was created with the purpose of being the index to rapidly evaluate the simple periodontal conditions. After time the organization would change into the now widely accepted ICP (Communal Periodontal Index). Due to the new medical necessities to provide observation of the impact levels of PDs in different populations; the current work is designed to determine the “Prevalence of periodontal disease among the population of health care clients subscribed to USF de Espinho. Materials and Methods An observational study was held transversely and analytically in USF Espinho between April and June of 2014. The population was made up of 100 clients subscribed to USF Espinho, and were randomly selected. Objectives Determine the prevalence of periodontal disease among the observed population in USF Espinho Determine the association of periodontal disease and other individual factors (gender, oral hygiene, smoking habits, etc.) Results It was observed that 80% of the population has periodontal disease, and in relation to gender, the disease is found distributed in 57% in females and 23% in males. The probing depth in 88% of pacients surveyed indicated that 41% of survey measures has between 4-5 mm, and 16% for ≥ 6 mm. On the other hand, 42% possessed an insertion loss from the cement-enamel junction between 0-3mm, 35% between 4-5mm and finally 23% exhibited an insertion loss between 6-8 mm. The habit of oral hygiene was represented with 90% of the population that performs daily oral hygiene, and the observed distribution of edentulism was represented by 69% of individuals with partial edentulism, and 12% with complete edentulism. Conclusion Despite the high prevalence of PD (80%) for this study group, where >50% of the population have established periodontal pockets with insertion loss of more than 4 mm, a level considered of the population performs daily oral hygiene. Furthermore, with a percentage of partial edentulous leading with 69%, we can conclude that with such a high percentage of DP and classifying the majority of patients with any type of tooth loss; to be little amount of teeth examined, there is a lot of teeth with PD

    Digestive coordination of the gastric function in atlantic salmon salmo salar juveniles

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    Artificial diets have been reported to produce suboptimal pH values in the stomach of salmonid species. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the gastric function of different species fed commercial diets. In the present work, two groups of Atlantic salmon juveniles were either fasted or fed with a commercial diet. The gastric and duodenal pH values were measured over a 25 h post-prandial period and, dry matter, moisture and protease activity in the gastric chyme of the fed group were also determined. In the fed group, the gastric pH dropped to 3.5, and duodenal pH increased from 7.0 to 7.5 at the 4th h post-feeding, whereas fasted fish showed no significant changes in the gastric pH or duodenal pH. Fed animals showed: i) two discrete events of evacuation, before the 2nd hand after the 8th h of digestion, ii) a change in the moisture of the gastric chyme from less than 10% in the diet to 60% at the 2nd h post-feeding, and iii) a maximal gastric proteases activity of 600 U mL-1 at the 2nd h followed by a nearly constant of value of ~300 U mL-1. It can be concluded that the juveniles of the Atlantic salmon can suitably acidify a commercial diet to a value generally accepted as optimal for gastric proteases of fish, and to retain about 2/3 of the ingested diet under such conditions and at a nearly constant protease activity until the 8th h of digestion.Fil: Bravo, Jonathan P.. Universidad Católica de Temuco; ChileFil: Hernández, Adrián J.. Universidad Católica de Temuco; ChileFil: Morales, Gabriel Alejandro. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Producción Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Dantagnan, Patricio. Universidad Católica de Temuco; ChileFil: Márquez, Lorenzo. Universidad Católica de Temuco; Chil

    A database and digital signal processing framework for the perceptual analysis of voice quality

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    Bermúdez de Alvear RM, Corral J, Tardón LJ, Barbancho AM, Fernández Contreras E, Rando Márquez S, Martínez-Arquero AG, Barbancho I. A database and digital signal processing framework for the perceptual analysis of voice quality. Pan European Voice Conferenc: PEVOC 11 Abstract Book. Aug. 31-Sept.2, 2015.Introduction. Clinical assessment of dysphonia relies on perceptual as much as instrumental methods of analysis [1]. The perceptual auditory analysis is potentially subject to several internal and external sources of bias [2]. Furthermore acoustic analyses which have been used to objectively characterize pathological voices are likely to be affected by confusion variables such as the signal processing or the hardware and software specifications [3]. For these reasons the poor correlation between perceptual ratings and acoustic measures remains to be a controversial matter [4]. The availability of annotated databases of voice samples is therefore of main importance for clinical and research purposes. Databases to perform digital processing of the vocal signal are usually built from English speaking subjects’ sustained vowels [5]. However phonemes vary from one language to another and to the best of our knowledge there are no annotated databases with Spanish sustained vowels from healthy or dysphonic voices. This work shows our first steps to fill in this gap. For the aim of aiding clinicians and researchers in the perceptual assessment of voice quality a two-fold objective was attained. On the one hand a database of healthy and disordered Spanish voices was developed; on the other an automatic analysis scheme was accomplished on the basis of signal processing algorithms and supervised learning machine techniques. Material and methods. A preliminary annotated database was created with 119 recordings of the sustained Spanish /a/; they were perceptually labeled by three experienced experts in vocal quality analysis. It is freely available under Links in the ATIC website (www.atic.uma.es). Voice signals were recorded using a headset condenser cardioid microphone (AKG C-544 L) positioned at 5 cm from the speaker’s mouth commissure. Speakers were instructed to sustain the Spanish vowel /a/ for 4 seconds. The microphone was connected to a digital recorder Edirol R-09HR. Voice signals were digitized at 16 bits with 44100 Hz sampling rate. Afterwards the initial and last 0.5 second segments were cut and the 3 sec. mid portion was selected for acoustic analysis. Sennheiser HD219 headphones were used by judges to perceptually evaluate voice samples. To label these recordings raters used the Grade-Roughness-Breathiness (GRB) perceptual scale which is a modified version of the original Hirano’s GRBAS scale, posteriorly modified by Dejonckere et al., [6]. In order to improve intra- and inter-raters’ agreement two types of modifications were introduced in the rating procedure, i.e. the 0-3 points scale resolution was increased by adding subintervals to the standard 0-3 intervals, and judges were provided with a written protocol with explicit definitions about the subintervals boundaries. By this way judges could compensate for the potential instability that might occur in their internal representations due to the perceptual context influence [7]. Raters’ perceptual evaluations were simultaneously performed by means of connecting the Sennheiser HD219 headphones to a multi-channel headphone preamp Behringer HA4700 Powerplay Pro-XL. The Yin algorithm [8] was selected as initial front-end to identify voiced frames and extract their fundamental frequency. For the digital processing of voice signals some conventional acoustic parameters [6] were selected. To complete the analysis the Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) were further calculated because they are based on the auditory model and they are thus closer to the auditory system response than conventional features. Results. In the perceptual evaluation excellent intra-raters agreement and very good inter-raters agreement were achieved. During the supervised machine learning stage some conventional features were found to attain unexpected low performance in the classification scheme selected. Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients were promising for assorting samples with normal or quasi-normal voice quality. Discussion and conclusions. Despite it is still small and unbalanced the present annotated data base of voice samples can provide a basis for the development of other databases and automatic classification tools. Other authors [9, 10, 11] also found that modeling the auditory non-linear response during signal processing can help develop objective measures that better correspond with perceptual data. However highly disordered voices classification remains to be a challenge for this set of features since they cannot be correctly assorted by either conventional variables or the auditory model based measures. Current results warrant further research in order to find out the usability of other types of voice samples and features for the automatic classification schemes. Different digital processing steps could be used to improve the classifiers performance. Additionally other types of classifiers could be taken into account in future studies. Acknowledgment. This work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Project No. TIN2013-47276-C6-2-R has been done in the Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech, Universidad de Málaga. References [1] Carding PN, Wilson JA, MacKenzie K, Deary IJ. Measuring voice outcomes: state of the science review. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2009;123,8:823-829. [2] Oates J. Auditory-perceptual evaluation of disordered voice quality: pros, cons and future directions. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 2009;61,1:49-56. [3] Maryn et al. Meta-analysis on acoustic voice quality measures. J Acoust Soc Am 2009; 126, 5: 2619-2634. [4] Vaz Freitas et al. Correlation Between Acoustic and Audio-Perceptual Measures. J Voice 2015;29,3:390.e1 [5] “Multi-Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP) Model 5105. Software Instruction Manual”, Kay PENTAX, A Division of PENTAX Medical Company, 2 Bridgewater Lane, Lincoln Park, NJ 07035-1488 USA, November 2007. [6] Dejonckere PH, Bradley P, Clemente P, Cornut G, Crevier-Buchman L, Friedrich G, Van De Heyning P, Remacle M, Woisard V. A basic protocol for functional assessment of voice pathology, especially for investigating the efficacy of (phonosurgical) treatments and evaluating new assessment techniques. Guideline elaborated by the Comm. on Phoniatrics of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2001;258:77–82. [7] Kreiman et al. Voice Quality Perception. J Speech Hear Res 1993;36:21-4 [8] De Cheveigné A, Kawahara H. YIN, a fundamental frequency estimator for speech and music. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 202; 111,4:1917. [9] Shrivastav et al. Measuring breathiness. J Acoust Soc Am 2003;114,4:2217-2224. [10] Saenz-Lechon et al. Automatic Assessment of voice quality according to the GRBAS scale. Eng Med Biol Soc Ann 2006;1:2478-2481. [11] Fredouille et al. Back-and-forth methodology for objective voice quality assessment: from/to expert knowledge to/from automatic classification of dysphonia. EURASIP J Appl Si Pr 2009.Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech, Universidad de Málaga. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Projecto No. TIN2013-47276-C6-2-R

    Potencial educativo del contenido de las asignaturas de Preparación para la Defensa para la labor ideopolítica

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    Introduction: political-ideological work constitutes the basis of education in values into the socialist society; it is required in the training of future Cuban health professional in our universities. Through the applications of the content the subject pedagogical skills are built and the professors develop these skills suing the proposed alternative methodology.Methods: the pedagogical research based on the dialectical materialist method where documentary analyses, interviews to professors, meeting with the specialists and observation of lectures were made. The target group N = 25 professors, by intentional sample, 15 professors for the diagnosis and 10 for the meeting of the specialists.Objective: to design a methodological alternative that allows developing pedagogical skills and to take advantage of the educational potential starting from the contents of Defense for the Preparedness subject to carry out the political-ideological work.Results: human improvement is so important for medicine studies in the educational process, this is achieved by connecting the educational potential of the content of the subjects with the political- ideological work, and this achievement helps to preserve culture since the formation of values, encouraging the changes of the society. Conclusions: the result shows the impact of the proposed alternative methodology which is achieved through the implementation of methodological tasks into the group of professors, and the methodological work for the Department of Defense Preparedness, where professors improvement as human being, personal growth and the development of a comprehensive political and general culture in students are observed.Introducción: el trabajo ideopolítico constituye la base de la educación en valores dentro de la sociedad socialista, es requisito indispensable en la formación de los futuros profesionales de la salud en las universidades cubanas. A partir del aprovechamiento del contenido de las asignaturas durante la clase se constituyen habilidades pedagógicas a desarrollar por los docentes en la alternativa metodológica  propuesta.Métodos: investigación pedagógica basada en el método materialista dialéctico donde se realizaron análisis documentales, encuestas a profesores, consulta de especialistas y observaciones a clases. El universo N=25 profesores, por muestra intencional, 15 profesores para el diagnóstico y 10 para la consulta de especialistas.Objetivo: diseñar una alternativa metodológica que permita desarrollar la habilidad  pedagógica  en los docentes para el aprovechamiento del potencial educativo del contenido de las asignaturas de Preparación para la Defensa para la labor ideopolítica.Resultados: el mejoramiento humano tan importante para la medicina en el proceso docente educativo se logra  mediante el aprovechamiento de las potencialidades educativas del contenido de las asignaturas para el trabajo ideopolítico, que contribuye a preservar la cultura desde la formación de valores, fomentando los cambios en la sociedad.Conclusiones: el resultado demuestra el impacto de la alternativa metodológica propuesta lograda a través del cumplimiento de las tareas metodológicas en el colectivo de profesores y del trabajo metodológico del departamento de Preparación para la Defensa, el mejoramiento humano en los profesores, el crecimiento personal  y el desarrollo en los estudiantes de una cultura política y general integral