1,042 research outputs found

    Retórica, poder, felicidad: en defensa de la justicia (una lectura del Gorgias)

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    Soberanía, obediencia y "salus populi" en Thomas Hobbes

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    José Luis Aranguren: Cervantes and the Inner Hero

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    La intención de este artículo es destacar la importancia de Cervantes en Aranguren. El filósofo español interpreta el pensamiento del Quijote centrándose en la relevancia del héroe y su importancia para la moral, como una referencia crítica y ejemplar en tiempos de crisis y desánimo como los de Cervantes y los nuestros.The aim of this essay is to highlight the significance of Cervantes in Aranguren. The Spanish philosopher makes sense of Quijote’s thinking, focusing on the hero’s relevance and his importance for the moral, as a critic and admonitory reference in times of crisis and despondency, just like those of Cervantes and these of us

    Juan Luis Vives and the responsibility towards the poor

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    Juan Luis Vives (Valencia 1492, Brujas 1540) reflexionó sobre el tema de la pobreza como un problema de justicia personal y social. El abandono en el que vivían los pobres, cuyo número iba en aumento en pleno siglo XVI, plantea no sólo problemas de orden social, sino también moral y religioso. Reflexionar sobre dicho asunto le ofrece a Vives la oportunidad para realizar una fuerte crítica, no sólo de aquellos que detentan el poder político y religioso, sino también para exigir un cambio de actitud, en el plano individual e institucional, y una reflexión sobre la propia esencia del cristianismo. Por todo ello, Vives ofrece no sólo un conjunto de medidas concretas para tratar de afrontar dicho problema, sino también un amplio abanico de razones morales y religiosas, con las que será muy difícil poder negar nuestra responsabilidad para con los pobres, a la vez que nos exhorta a que hagamos frente común contra la pobreza.Juan Luis Vives (Valencia 1492, Bruges 1540) reflected upon the matter of poverty as a problem of personal and social justice. As the number of poor was increasing all through the 16th century, their abandonment laid out not only social order problems, but also moral and religious ones. The fact of reflecting upon such a matter provides Vives with the opportunity to fulfill a strong criticism of those who hold the political and religious power, as well as to demand a change in the attitude, at an individual and institutional level, and a reflection on the own essence of Christianity. Therefore, Vives offers both a set of specific measures to try to face such a problem and a wide range of moral and religious reasons so as to complicate the possibility of refusing our responsibility towards the poor, while the author exhorts us to face poverty together

    Juicio reflexionante e historia futura: su dimensión ético-utópica en la filosofía de Kant

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    The role of emotions in the public sphere: M. C. Nussbaum proposal

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    ¿Qué papel puegan las emociones en el juicio moral? ¿Y cómo pueden contribuir a la formación de una sociedad democrática más justa y estable? El propósito de este artículo es analizar cómo la filosofía, el arte y las humanidades en general juegan en tal sentido un papel inexcusable. Necesitamos ir más allá de las teorías contractualistas de la justicia, nos dice Nussbaum. La nueva propuesta de justicia habrá de fundamentarse en el hecho del pluralismo y de la globalización de los problemas, pero también en un cosmopolitismo humanista que asuma nuestra huama y compartida finitud y vulnerabilidad.How can emotions enable a fairer and more stable democratic society? The aim of this essay is to emphasize the importance of emotions in M.C. Nussbaum’s thought and how can they contribute to reinforce democracy and provide it with stability to in the context of political liberalism. All of this seems to require, according to Nussbaum, the integration of the role of emotions in society’s educational project, so as to go beyond the model of justice focused on the mutual benefit, widening it with another, whose centre of gravity would be the capacities and the human development. In this sense, it is necessary to ask ourselves about the role Humanities should play, so as to provide such a project with feasibility and continuit

    Assesing the hydrogeological functioning of an evaporite karst system coupling tritium and physicochemical data

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    Discharge rate, electrical conductivity and water temperature have been continuously recorded in an evaporite karst spring located in S Spain and 3H determinations of spring water were performed. Results evidence a complex hydrogeological functioning, including rapid conduit flows (unsaturated zone), and diffuse flow (saturated zone) with diverse residence time within the systemUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA

    Geochemical evolution of groundwater in an evaporite karst system: Brujuelo area (Jaén, Spain)

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    Chemical evolution of groundwater along two main flowpaths was studied in Brujuelo area, an evaporite plateau characterized by the presence of wetlands and drained by hyper-saline springs. Major ions were analyzed, saturation indexes of the main mineral species were computed, and inverse geochemical modeling was performed. Results show a relationship between elevation and water mineralization, indicating that drainage at higher altitude (brackish water) may be associated to gravity-driven flows while lower altitude springs could drain regional groundwater flows (brine water). Modeling results strongly support the hypothesis that most of the selected springs geochemically evolve in a common (S-N) flowpath.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Prototipo de Sistema Integral para la Ayuda a la Toma de Decisiones en Atención Primaria Médica.

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    En esta comunicación se presenta un prototipo de sistema integral para la atención primaria médica. Dicho sistema incluye un sistema de ayuda al diagnóstico, un sistema de gestión de pacientes, y un simulador. La idea original de este prototipo, desarrol

    Modular PEM Fuel Cell SCADA & Simulator System

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    The paper presents a Supervision, Control, Data Acquisition and Simulation (SCADA & Simulator) system that allows for real-time training in the actual operation of a modular PEM fuel cell system. This SCADA & Simulator system consists of a free software tool that operates in real time and simulates real situations like failures and breakdowns in the system. This developed SCADA & Simulator system allows us to properly operate a fuel cell and helps us to understand how fuel cells operate and what devices are needed to configure and run the fuel cells, from the individual stack up to the whole fuel cell system. The SCADA & Simulator system governs a modular system integrated by three PEM fuel cells achieving power rates higher than tens of kilowatts
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