600 research outputs found

    Genome sequence of Pantoea sp. strain 1.19, isolated from rice rhizosphere, with the capacity to promote growth of legumes and nonlegumes

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    Pantoea sp. 1.19, a plant growth-promoting bacterium (PGPB), was isolated from the rhizosphere of rice plants in Spain. Its genome, estimated at 3,771,065 bp, encodes 3,535 coding sequences (CDSs), carrying genes for synthesis of auxins, homoserine lactones, enzymes, siderophores, and quorum sensing. Several CDSs emphasize its biotechnological potential as an agriculture inoculant.Embrapa Promoting Microorganisms for Agricultural Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility 465133/2014-2Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2016- 77163-

    "Sistema de esterilización solar y su aplicación en las zonas rurales del Perú"

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    Este trabajo de tesis, trata del desarrollo de un sistema de esterilización solar orientado a instrumental biomédico, y cuya aplicación está dirigida a los centros de salud de las zonas rurales de Perú, buscando reemplazar a los equipos convencionales, dado el escaso número de unidades y los altos costos operativos de los mismos. Los instrumentales biomédicos, son los accesorios que ayudan a realizar los procedimientos médicos, y son utilizados tanto en las áreas de laboratorio clínico, como en otras áreas de salud, y que, en algunos casos; al ser esterilizados pueden ser reutilizados. En nuestro prototipo, la energía solar es concentrada sobre una lámina metálica Un panel solar proporciona voltaje continuo que sirve para alimentar a los circuitos electrónicos. Las zonas rurales, de la sierra y selva de Perú, tienen sol radiante casi todo el año, y este equipo ha de ser muy útil en los centros de salud de dichas zonas. A partir de ahora, pasamos del acostumbrado uso eléctrico al uso ecológico, es decir, al modo solar. El sistema estará encendido cuando haya un claro día de sol (ON) y estará apagado (OFF) en los días nublados, y una cosa muy importante, es el bajo costo operativo.Tesi

    Sistema Local de Planeación de Sabaneta (SLP) ¿una práctica innovadora en la gestión pública?

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    Este artículo sistematiza el diseño e implementación del Sistema Local de Planeación del municipio de Sabaneta - Antioquia, identificando los elementos innovadores desde la teoría y la práctica de esta estrategia administrativa -- Para esto se describen, en primer lugar, las condiciones y particularidades del crecimiento del territorio, en segundo lugar, se detalla un marco teórico de la administración pública, de los instrumentos de gobierno y de las características de la innovación en el sector público -- Posteriormente, se puntualizan los elementos e instrumentos que componen el SLP y los alcances de su implementación desde su diseño y desde la perspectiva de actores clave en el desarrollo del Municipio (sector público, académico, privado y social) -- Por último, se presentan algunas conclusiones que se derivan del trabajoThis article systematize the design and implementation of the Local Planning System of the Sabaneta town, identifying the innovative elements from the theory and practice of this administrative strategy -- For this, it be described in the conditions and particularities of the territory Secondly, it be detailed a theoretical framework of public administration, government instruments and the characteristics of innovation in the public sector -- After that, it be described the elements and instruments that make up the SLP and the scope of its implementation from its design and from the perspective of key actors in the development of the municipality (public, academic, private and social sector) -- Finally, it be presented the different conclusions that derive from the wor

    Experimental Conditions to Obtain Photopolymerization Induced Phase Separation Process in Liquid Crystal-Photopolymer Composite Materials under Laser Exposure

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    We analyze the experimental conditions necessary to obtain a photopolymerization induced phase separation process inside liquid crystal-photopolymer composite materials. Composites stored for 24 hours perform poorly in hologram recording but a good result is obtained if they are used recently prepared. We use a procedure combining heat and sonication to disarrange the liquid crystal structures formed during storage of the composite. We also propose incoherent light treatment after recording the hologram in order to evaluate if the phase separation evolved correctly during hologram recording.The work was supported by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” of Spain under Projects FIS2011-29803-C02-01 and FIS2011-29803-C02-02 and by the “Generalitat Valenciana” of Spain under Projects PROMETEO/2011/021 and ISIC/2012/013

    Sistema de recuperación de imagen ecográfica basado en computadora compatible, a partir de un arreglo de cristales piezoeléctricos y una tarjeta interfaz controladora

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    Este trabajo de tesis es un estudio, para el diseño e implementación de un sistema de recuperación de imágenes ecográficas, basado en computadora. A futuro, puede servir como una base para obtener un prototipo final. Este es un campo poco desarrollado en nuestro país, por ello he tomado como referencia, datos de manuales técnicos de equipos de ecografía, sugerencias de especialistas internacionales en desarrollo de accesorios y equipos de ultrasonido; y las publicaciones de algunos investigadores en este campo. Luego de los estudios, diseños y ensayos en laboratorio, he conseguido obtener imágenes ecográficas de medios orgánicos. Este trabajo ha sido estructurado a nivel de hardware y de software. A nivel de Hardware, se hicieron uso de un transductor de ultrasonidos comercial, una tarjeta de adquisición de datos, circuitos electrónicos para el procesamiento analógico y una computadora. A nivel de Software, los lenguajes Visual C++ para el programa de Procesamiento de Imagen; MatLab, LabView para la adquisición de Imagen y Eagle para los circuitos. Los resultados de este trabajo, nos indican que es posible poder desarrollar una tecnología propia, a futuro, favoreciendo al desarrollo del país y directamente al sector salud, que estadísticamente muestra muchas carencias en cuanto a unidades de ecógrafos. Este trabajo de tesis, además puede servir como referencia a futuras investigaciones en este campo.This work is a study, for the design and implementation of an sonography images recovery system, based on computer. To future, it can serve as a base to obtain a final prototype. This one is a field little developed in our nation, because of it I have taken as a reference, data of technical manuals of ultrasound scan, suggestions of international specialists in development of accessories and ultrasound equipments; and the publications of some investigators in this field. After the studies, designs and trials in laboratory, I have managed to obtain sonography images of organic media. This work has been structured to level of hardware and of software. To level of Hardware, they made use of a commercial ultrasounds transducer, a data acquisition device, electronic circuits for the analogical processing and a computer. To level of Software, the Visual C++ languages for the Processing Images program; Mat Lab, Lab View for the Image Acquisition and Eagle for the circuits. The obtained results indicate us that is possible to future we can develop own technology, favoring the development of the nation and directly the health sector, which statistically it shows many lacks as for quantities ultrasound scanners. This work can serve as reference to future investigations in this field.Tesi

    Blazed Gratings Recorded in Absorbent Photopolymers

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    Phase diffractive optical elements, which have many interesting applications, are usually fabricated using a photoresist. In this paper, they were made using a hybrid optic-digital system and a photopolymer as recording medium. We analyzed the characteristics of the input and recording light and then simulated the generation of blazed gratings with different spatial periods in different types of photopolymers using a diffusion model. Finally, we analyzed the output and diffraction efficiencies of the 0 and 1st order so as to compare the simulated values with those measured experimentally. We evaluated the effects of index matching in a standard PVA/AA photopolymer, and in a variation of Biophotopol, a more biocompatible photopolymer. Diffraction efficiencies near 70%, for a wavelength of 633 nm, were achieved for periods longer than 300 µm in this kind of materials.This work was supported by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” (projects FIS2014-56100-C2-1-P and FIS2015-66570-P) and by the “Generalitat Valenciana” of Spain (projects PROMETEOII/2015/015 and ISIC/2012/013)

    Economic reactivation and social regulation from the perspective of children: A challenge during the implementation of the peace agreement in the Catatumbo region

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    The results of a research developed through a hermeneutic analysis of drawings and narratives of children, adolescents and young people from the municipalities prioritized for the implementation of the Peace Agreement in Catatumbo - Norte de Santander, who participated in a training on the peace process in Colombia since the emergence of the guerrilla movements. They contributed to the pillars of the Program for Development with a Territorial Approach (PDTA) and to the vision of the territory from artistic and narrative approaches, drawing and narrating the Catatumbo they dream of and can build. Emphasis is placed on the contributions of the NNAJ to the pillars "Social organization of rural property and land use" and "Economic reactivation and agricultural and livestock production". The analysis allows recognizing the social phenomena typical of post-conflict scenarios and even of permanent armed conflict, which define the condition in which the inhabitants of this territory find themselves, for land use and economic reactivation, where the presence of illegal armed groups persists and restricts legal economic alternatives to illicit crops, all this in a scenario of transitional justice and the implementation of the peace agreements between the FARC and the Colombian State

    Information multiplexing from optical holography to multi-channel metaholography

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    Holography offers a vital platform for optical information storage and processing, which has a profound impact on many photonic applications, including 3D displays, LiDAR, optical encryption, and artificial intelligence. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of optical holography, moving from volume holography based on optically thick holograms to digital holography using ultrathin metasurface holograms in nanophotonics. We review the use of volume holograms for holographic multiplexing through the linear momentum selectivity and other approaches and highlight the emerging use of digital holograms that can be implemented by ultrathin metasurfaces. We will summarize the fabrication of different holographic recording media and digital holograms based on recent advances in flat meta-optics and nanotechnology. We highlight the rapidly developing field of metasurface holography, presenting the use of multi-functional metasurfaces for multiplexing holography in the use of polarization, wavelength, and incident angle of light. In the scope of holographic applications, we will focus on high bandwidth metasurface holograms that offer the strong sensitivity to the orbital angular momentum of light. At the end, we will provide a short summary of this review article and our perspectives on the future development of the vivid holography field.AM and AB acknowledge support from projects PROMETEO/2021/006 and IDIFEDER/2021/014 (Generalitat Valenciana, Spain; cofunded by European Union through the FEDER Programme) and PID2021-123124OB-I00 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain). This work was funded by the Australian Research Council (DE220101085, DP220102152). S.A.M. further acknowledges the EPSRC (EP/W017075/1) and the Lee-Lucas Chair in Physics

    Accurate control of a liquid-crystal display to produce a homogenized Fourier transform for holographic memories

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    We show an accurate procedure to obtain a Fourier transform (FT) with no dc term using a commercial twisted-nematic liquid-crystal display. We focus on the application to holographic storage of binary data pages, where a drastic decrease of the dc term in the FT is highly desirable. Two different codification schemes are considered: binary π radians phase modulation and hybrid ternary modulation. Any deviation in the values of the amplitude and phase shift generates the appearance of a strong dc term. Experimental results confirm that the calculated configurations provide a FT with no dc term, thus showing the effectiveness of the proposal.This work was supported by the “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain)” under projects FIS2005-05881-C02-01 and FIS2005-05881-C02-02, and by the “Generalitat Valenciana” under Project GV06/007