206 research outputs found

    Crop rotation in center-pivot for phytonematode control: density variation, pathogenicity and crop loss estimation

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    Estudo de campo realizado em três anos consecutivos, em propriedade agrícola com sucessão de cultura, irrigada por pivô central e infestada pelos nematoides Pratylenchus brachyurus, P. zeae, Meloidogyne incognita, Paratrichodorus minor, Helicotylenchus dihystera, Mesocriconema ornata e M. onoense, comprovou que o controle dos nematoides polífagos é muito difícil. Dentre as culturas implantadas durante o período (algodão, milho, soja e caupi), o algodão se destacou pelas perdas causadas por M. incognita e a soja por P. brachyurus. A exclusão do milho, por ser suscetível a ambos os nematóides, porém tolerante a M. incognita, beneficiaria as culturas de algodão, soja e caupi. Resultados obtidos em condições controladas confirmaram a patogenicidade de P. brachyurus a algodoeiro. O uso da resistência genética como componente do manejo mostrou-se válido para o binômio soja/M. incognita, embora prejudicado pela baixa resistência da soja a P. brachyurus. Concluiu-se que a sucessão de cultura precisa ser cuidadosamente planejada em áreas infestadas com nematoides polífagos, principalmente naquelas em que ocorrem mais de duas espécies patogênicas às culturas utilizadas.A field study conducted over three consecutive years, on a farm using crop rotation system under center-pivot and infested with the nematodes Pratylenchus brachyurus, P. zeae, Meloidogyne incognita, Paratrichodorus minor, Helicotylenchus dihystera, Mesocriconema ornata and M. onoense, demonstrated that intensive crop systems provide conditions for the maintenance of high densities of polyphagous phytonematodes. Of the crops established on the farm (cotton, maize, soybean and cowpea), cotton and soybean suffered the most severe crop losses, caused respectively by M. incognita and P. brachyurus. Since maize is a good host for both nematodes, but tolerant of M. incognita, its exclusion from cropping system would be favorable to the performance of cotton, soybean and cowpea. Results from experiments carried out in controlled conditions confirmed the pathogenicity of P. brachyurus on cotton. Additional management with genetic resistance was useful in fields infested with M. incognita, although the soybean performance was affected by low resistance of the cultivars used for P. brachyurus. In conclusion, crop rotation must be carefully planned in areas infested with polyphagous nematodes, specifically in the case of occurrence of two or more major pathogenic nematodes

    Ant Assemblage Structure in a Secondary Tropical Dry Forest: The Role of Ecological Succession and Seasonality

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    This study identified the main biological mechanisms governing the diversity of ants on different ecological time scales. Ants were sampled in 15 plots distributed in early, intermediate and late stages of succession (five plots per stage) at the Parque Estadual da Mata Seca, Brazil. At each sample point, unbaited pitfall traps were installed in hypogaeic, epigaeic and arboreal strata. We collected 95 ant species from 26 genera and nine subfamilies. Our results indicated that there was an increase in species richness in advanced stages of succession. We also observed that ant assemblages were different among successional stages. For the arboreal and epigaeic strata, species richness did not change with succession progression, but species composition of these two strata differed among successional stages. Unlike to arboreal and epigaeic ants, hypogaiec ant species richness was higher in the intermediate and late stages of succession and the composition of hypogaeic ants differed among successional stages. Similarity between ant species foraging in arboreal and epigaeic strata decreases with succession progression and β-diversity was higher in advanced successional stages. Additionally, species richness was higher in the dry season, whereas the composition of ant assemblages did not change between seasons. A considerable fraction of the ant assemblage was found only in advanced stages of succession, demonstrating the importance of secondary habitats in maintaining biodiversity in dry forests

    Evaluation of the hygienic and sanitary conditions of the public restrooms in Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil / Avaliação das condições higiénicas e sanitárias dos lavabos públicos em Boa Vista, Roraima, Brasil

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    Background: This paper evaluates the hygienic and sanitary conditions of the public’s restrooms in Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil.Methods: The study used questionnaires to collect information on hygiene and sanitation of public toilets. Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate raw data in this study to evaluate hygienic and sanitary conditions of the public’s restrooms in Boa Vista, Brazil.Results: A good number of the public toilets had basic facilities such as water, paper towel, and port liquid soap and fitted with signalling tools. About, 19 (38%) toilets were clean while 13 (26%) were not clean.Conclusions: To ensure that public toilets have the necessary sanitary and hygiene conditions, maintenance and cleaning should be carried out by strategic spatial policy makers within local administrations. Public toilets that are accessible, and have basic facilities in good working condition, odourless, dry floor and meets user needs is a fundamental for good health

    Proposta de tecnologia assistiva para novas perspectivas de atenção às úlceras do pé diabetico

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    Introdução: o diabetes melito (DM) é uma doença crônica não transmissível com elevado grau de relevância em todos os eixos de atenção à saúde, no entanto, os índices epidemiológicos mostram elevado índice de complicações, morbidade e mortalidade. Entre as complicações se destaca o pé diabético, considerado uma disfunção inicialmente tegumentar com potencial causador de limitações funcionais, culminando na amputação de dedos, pés ou até pernas. Neste contexto clínico e funcional, a engenharia associada a ciências aplicada à saúde, como a fisioterapia, podem contribuir com o desenvolvimento de tecnologias assistivas que podem contribuir com os tratamentos conservadores de sequelas decorrentes das úlceras em pés de pessoas com DM. Objetivo: obter um modelo matemático da pressão plantar por meio de uma palmilha desenvolvida à base de látex (hevea brasiliensis), além de apresentar uma metodologia de avaliação da pessoa com diabetes sob a perspectiva das ciências aplicadas à saúde, como a fisioterapia associada a conceitos de engenharia para contribuir com o conhecimento sobre a pisada diabética associada Tecnologias Assistivas aplicadas ao usuário com diabetes melito. Materiais e Métodos: foi realizada avaliação física e funcional com o participante do estudo. Além disso, foi confeccionada uma palmilha foi confeccionada uma palmilha com biomaterial a partir de um modelo matemático obtido por meio de dados coletados. Para isso, foi realizado pedographic analysis com equipamento Plataforma Emed n50 Novel e software Emed HMFT (© 2013 novel gmbh) e sensores de força FlexiForce®, modelo HT 201, do fabricante Tekscan. A análise dos primeiros dados demonstrou que a palmilha de látex produzido a partir de uma modelo matemática foi capaz de diminuir a pressão plantar no pé de um indivíduo com DM, podendo sugerir que esta Tecnologia Assistiva poderá contribuir com a prevenção de úlceras de pressão, sobretudo em região com maior percentual de acometimento


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    Diabetes Ground Control: A Novel System for Correcting Anomalous Stride in Diabetic Patients

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by several complications, including diabetic foot, a serious problem induced by increased foot plantar pressure during gaiting. This misbehavior intensifies the risk of ulceration, which may lead to minor and major amputations. This study proposes the inclusion of a passive element to correct diabetic stride, namely the Diabetes Ground Control (DGC), a customized latex-based insole designed to perform load redistribution along the entire foot length, and by so minimizing overload and pressure levels on the foot sole of diabetic patients. A mathematical model in state space for the DGC system is proposed and dynamically characterized using polynomial chaos analysis. The inclusion of the DGC element reduced considerably the amplitude of foot pressure oscillations during walking. Hence, the DGC, which can be customized according to the patient’s physical characteristics and weight, is a potential instrument for controlling the tensions on the diabetic foot


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    The upper course of the river basin Mundaú in Pernambuco State is the object of analysis of environmental relations based on the methodology of the Barometer of Sustainability combined with systemic vision made possible the production of molded diagram of vulnerability analysis in three dimensions: environmental, economic and social, through the application of sustainability indicators adopted by IBGE. The use of the methodology allowed us to conclude that the environmental dimension showed high level of vulnerability mainly driven by low fertility soils, steep rate of deforestation, Basin Committee disarticulation, besides the lack of diagnostics on water resources in the area. In the social dimension, the level was found to be moderate, but inspiring care about the poor records of HDIM, high rates of illiteracy and infant mortality. The economic dimension, it seems, requires more urgent action, as it reached the maximum level of vulnerability in all indicators, namely: low per capita income, low number of employees in the formal sector, low agricultural production and GDP inexpressible.O alto curso da bacia do rio Mundaú no Estado de Pernambuco é o objeto de análise das relações socioambientais tendo como base a metodologia do Barômetro da Sustentabilidade aliada à visão sistêmica possibilitou a produção do diagrama de vulnerabilidade moldado na análise de três dimensões: ambiental, econômica e social, mediante aplicação de indicadores de sustentabilidade adotados pelo IBGE. A dimensão ambiental apresentou o nível de vulnerabilidade alto, impulsionado pela baixa fertilidade dos solos, acentuado índice de desmatamento, desarticulação do Comitê de bacia, além da falta de diagnósticos sobre os recursos hídricos. Na dimensão social, o nível mostrou-se moderado, porém inspirando cuidados quanto aos baixos índices de IDHM, altas taxas de analfabetismo e mortalidade infantil. E por fim, a dimensão econômica necessita de ações urgentes, tendo em vista o nível de vulnerabilidade alto nos indicadores: rendimento per capita, número de empregados no setor formal, produção agropecuária e PIB. A análise do diagrama de vulnerabilidade demonstra que o território possui fragilidades em seu planejamento e gestão dos recursos naturais fazendo-se necessárias intervenções a nível municipal e federal de curto, médio e longo prazo visando à manutenção e preservação da bacia

    A real-life study of the effectiveness of different pharmacological approaches to the treatment of smoking cessation: re-discussing the predictors of success

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion, nortriptyline and combination therapy and describe factors associated with treatment success. INTRODUCTION: Clinical trials clearly demonstrate the efficacy of pharmacotherapy in smoking cessation. However, it is only after its use in real-life settings that clinical effectiveness and limitations of a treatment are fully known. METHODS: Patients attended a four-session cognitive-behavioral program and received medicines free of charge. Abstinence from smoking was assessed at each visit. RESULTS: A total of 868 smokers (68.8% women) were included. Their mean age was 49.6 years; the amount smoked was 25 cigarettes/day and the Fagerströ m Score was 6.6. Abstinence rates after 6 months and 1 year were 36.5% and 33.6%. In univariate analysis, male gender, age (>;50), higher number of cigarettes smoked, cardiovascular comorbidities, longer interval from the last cigarette and combined treatment of nortriptyline plus NRT were predictive of abstinence, while neuropsychiatric comorbidities and the answer ''yes'' to the question ''Do you smoke more often during the first hours after waking'' were correlated with failure. In a multivariate model, predictors of abstinence were neuropsychiatric comorbidities, the answer ''yes'' to the question ''Do you smoke more often during the first hours after waking'' and combined treatment of nortriptyline plus NRT. Male gender and a longer period from the last cigarette were correlated with lower abstinence rate. CONCLUSION: Satisfactory success rates were obtained in a teaching hospital. Factors such as age, daily cigarette consumption, number of pack-years and dependency score were not reliable markers of abstinence. The combination nortriptyline+NRT was independently associated with higher abstinence rates