17 research outputs found

    Psychomotor development screening of children from kindergarten units of Belém, Pará, Brazil

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    Introduction: Child development is considered a sequence of changes in behaviour and underlying processes that are infl uenced by biological and environmental factors. The screening and monitoring of neuropsychomotor development (NPMD) procedures have been shown to be effective in the early identifi cation of different diseases in childhood. Objective: relate the condition of the NPMD in children aged 36-48 months attending Early Childhood Education Units (ECEU) in Belém, Pará, Brazil to certain personal characteristics and variables of their ecological environment. Method: The following instruments were applied: Questionnaire of the biopsychosocial characteristics of the child, the Instrument for Measuring Urban Poverty Level, and fi nally, Developmental Screening Denver II Test. Result: The study revealed that of the 319 children evaluated, 77.74% had probable delays in development. The variables that were statistically significant were paternal education (0.000**), the child’s primary caregiver (0.039*) and pregnancy planning (0.007*). Regarding the instrument of measurement for the level of urban poverty, the scores ranged from 28 to 52 points, and showed a statistically significant relation with the outcome (0.003*). Conclusion: The high prevalence of probable developmental delays seen in children of the city’s ECEU showed the need to introduce early stimulation programs, encouraging the monitoring of child development through the screening, and, in addition, to alert for the issue of negative interference of socioeconomic factors related to family condition and city they reside in on child growth and development

    Structural analysis of the maltese cross unit in the Tapajós National Forest, State of Pará, Brazil

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    O presente trabalho estudou a forma estrutural do conglomerado cruz de malta, considerando três variáveis para quantificar volume de madeira. Foram usados 25 diferentes tamanhos de subparcelas, definindo-se a sua magnitude ideal através do Método da Curvatura Máxima e, a partir dela, estudando-se 17 diferentes distâncias das subparcelas ao ponto central do conglomerado. Os resultados recomendaram um tamanho igual a 0,32 ha para uma distância de 100 m. Quando utilizado um tamanho de subparcela igual a 0,25 ha, a distância delas ao ponto central não deve ser inferior a 50 m. Observou-se que o número de subparcelas necessárias para estruturar um conglomerado aumenta com a diminuição do tamanho delas, o que foi verificado quando a magnitude atingiu 0,12 ha, com os valores dos coeficientes de correlação intraconglomerado para as três variáveis estudadas variando entre 0,055 e 0,087 e, consequentemente, o número de subparcelas variando de 5,596 a 7,193, denotando ser mais eficiente uma formatação conglomerada cruzada com oito subparcelas.Palavras-chave:  Inventário Florestal; amostragem por conglomerado; tamanho de parcela; correlação intraconglomerado; estrutura amostral. AbstractStructural analysis of the maltese cross unit in the Tapajós National Forest, State of Pará, Brazil. This work studied the structural form of the Maltese cross cluster, considering three variables to quantify wood volume, using 25 different sizes of sub-sampling, to define the cluster ideal size through the Maximum Curvature Method and, from this, to study 17 different distances from the sub-sampling to the cluster central point. The results indicated a size equal to 0,32 ha for a distance of 100 m. When used a sub-sampling size of 0,25 ha, the distance between them and the central point can not be less than 50 m. It was observed that the number of sub-sampling necessary to structuralize a cluster increases when the size decreases, which was verified when the magnitude reached 0,12 ha, where the values of the intracluster correlation coefficients for the three studied variables varied between 0,055 to 0,087 and, consequently, the number of sub-sampling varied from 5,596 to 7,193, denoting to be more efficient a cluster structure in crossed shape, but showing eight sub-sampling.Keywords:              Forest Inventory; cluster sampling; sub-sampling size; intracluster correlation; sampling structure.This work studied the structural form of the Maltese cross cluster, considering three variables to quantify wood volume, using 25 different sizes of sub-sampling, to define the cluster ideal size through the Maximum Curvature Method and, from this, to study 17 different distances from the sub-sampling to the cluster central point. The results indicated a size equal to 0,32 ha for a distance of 100 m. When used a sub-sampling size of 0,25 ha, the distance between them and the central point can not be less than 50 m. It was observed that the number of sub-sampling necessary to structuralize a cluster increases when the size decreases, which was verified when the magnitude reached 0,12 ha, where the values of the intracluster correlation coefficients for the three studied variables varied between 0,055 to 0,087 and, consequently, the number of sub-sampling varied from 5,596 to 7,193, denoting to be more efficient a cluster structure in crossed shape, but showing eight sub-sampling

    Models of Self in Families of People with Spina Bifida

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    Os modelos de self revelam a visão cultural acerca das competências que as crianças devem adquirir e tendem a ser compartilhados pelas pessoas que integram o mesmo ambiente. Neste sentido, este estudo objetiva avaliar os modelos de self em famílias de pessoas com espinha bífida. Dezessete cuidadores responderam um questionário virtual contendo questões sociodemográficas e três Escalas de Self: Autônomo, Relacionado e Autônomo Relacionado. Os dados foram tratados por meio de estatística descritiva, com técnicas de análises multivariadas. Os principais resultados indicam que o modelo de self mais valorizado foi o autônomo relacional que se reflete no desejo que os filhos e filhas desenvolvam a autonomia e, também, relacionamentos interpessoais. Tal modelo, porém, distingue-se dos grupos familiares de pessoas com desenvolvimento típico que residem no mesmo ambiente cultural, o que evidencia a necessidade das famílias de pessoas com espinha bífida receberem apoio para alcançarem seus alvos desenvolvimentais.Los modelos de self revelan la visión cultural de las habilidades que los niños deben adquirir y suelen ser compartidos por personas que pertenecen a un mismo entorno. Así, este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los modelos de self en familias de personas con espina bífida. Diecisiete cuidadores contestaron un cuestionario virtual que contiene preguntas demográficas y tres Escalas de Self: Autónomo, Relacional y Autónomo-relacional. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva, con las técnicas del análisis multivariado. Los principales resultados indican que el modelo de self más valorado es el autónomo relacional, que se refleja en el deseo de que los hijos e hijas puedan desarrollar la autonomía y también las relaciones interpersonales. Este hallazgo es distinto de los grupos familiares de personas con desarrollo típico del mismo entorno cultural. Por eso, las familias de personas con espina bífida deben recibir apoyo para lograr sus objetivos de desarrollo.Models of self reveal cultural views regarding the competences that children should acquire, and these views tend to be shared by people within the same environment. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the models of self in families of people with spina bifida. Seventeen caregivers answered an online questionnaire containing socio-demographic questions and three scales of self: autonomous, related and autonomous-related. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and techniques of multivariate analysis. The main results indicate that the most valued model of self was the autonomous-related model, reflecting the desire that children develop autonomy as well as interpersonal relationships. Such a model, however, is distinct from that of family groups of people with typical development living in the same cultural environment, indicating the need for families of people with spina bifida to receive support to reach their developmental goals


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    Principal components and factor analysis were used to evaluate the applicability of the linear model IVI = a1Ar + a2Dr + a3Fr for obtaining indexes of value of importance (IVI) for tree species, where Ar is relative abundance, Dr is the relative dominance and Fr is the relative frequency, to compare with the standard univariate method that considers a1 = a2 = a3 =1. The data comprised a sample of 104.04 ha, located in Tapajós National Forest, Belterra municipality, state of Pará, covering of a set of 36 clusters of 4 ha each, Malta croos-shaped, with four subplots of 1ha each. To obtain the IVI’sby species within each cluster, each subplot was subdivided each into 5 sub-subplots of 0.2 ha each. The analysis revealed that the values obtained by multivariable differ from those obtained by the standard equation. It was also found that the values of univariate and multivariate indices vary significantly within the forest, and therefore are not recommended, as they usually are, to infer a single value for the whole forest area, because species considered of minor importance for the overall forest may be of great importance in particular subareas. The use of linear model with a1 = a2 = a3 =1i s not suitable, because of the wide variation of the coefficients among species and their spatial distribution in the forest. Este trabalho avaliou, a partir das análises de componentes principais e de fatores, a aplicabilidade do modelo linear IVI = a1Ar + a2Dr + a3Fr para obter índices de valor de importância (IVI) para espécies arbóreas, em que Ar é a abundância relativa, Dr é a dominância relativa e Fr é a frequência relativa, comparando-os com o método univariado que considera a equação tradicional que considera a1 = a2 = a3 =1. Os dados foram analisados a partir de uma amostra de 104,04 ha, localizada na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, município de Belterra, estado do Pará, abrangendo um conjunto de 36 conglomerados de 4 ha, formato cruz de malta, com quatro subparcelas de 1 ha. Para obter os IVIs por espécie dentro de cada conglomerado, as subparcelas foram subdivididas cada uma em 5 subsubparcelas de 0,2 ha. Os resultados mostraram que os valores obtidos pelos métodos multivariados são diferentes dos computados pela equação tradicional. Verificou-se, também, que os valores dos índices uni e multivariados variaram de forma significativa dentro da floresta, não sendo recomendável, como normalmente ocorre, inferir um valor único para a área total da floresta, pois espécies consideradas de menor importância para o total da floresta podem possuir grande importância em determinadas subáreas. O uso do modelo linear com a1 = a2 = a3 =1 não é adequado, pois, por espécie e de acordo com a sua distribuição na floresta, esses coeficientes apresentam grandes variações.

    Biopsychosocial characteristics of sex offenders: An analysis of legal proceedings

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    Abstract In this research, biopsychosocial characteristics of people accused of sexual aggression against children/adolescents between 2012 and 2014, in three districts of the state of Pará, were identified and analyzed. Data were collected by consulting court cases and recorded on a form prepared by the research group for biopsychosocial characterization. The statistical treatment of the data involved the non-hierarchical k-means clustering method, with cluster analysis. The results revealed three distinct groups; some with certain similarities due to the biological characteristics observed (Afro-descendant men over the age of 30 years, without reported organic diseases), as well as psychological and social characteristics (men with defined occupation and work, living in urban areas, with aggression to the black victim and in the family context) and differences (schooling, alcohol abuse and physical or psychological aggression, victim sex and family attachment to the aggressor). Further studies may refine the preliminary conclusions of these analyses


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    O presente trabalho estudou a forma estrutural do conglomerado cruz de malta, considerando três variáveis para quantificar volume de madeira. Foram usados 25 diferentes tamanhos de subparcelas, definindo-se a sua magnitude ideal através do Método da Curvatura Máxima e, a partir dela, estudando-se 17 diferentes distâncias das subparcelas ao ponto central do conglomerado. Os resultados recomendaram um tamanho igual a 0,32 ha para uma distância de 100 m. Quando utilizado um tamanho de subparcela igual a 0,25 ha, a distância delas ao ponto central não deve ser inferior a 50 m. Observou-se que o número de subparcelas necessárias para estruturar um conglomerado aumenta com a diminuição do tamanho delas, o que foi verificado quando a magnitude atingiu 0,12 ha, com os valores dos coeficientes de correlação intraconglomerado para as três variáveis estudadas variando entre 0,055 e 0,087 e, consequentemente, o número de subparcelas variando de 5,596 a 7,193, denotando ser mais eficiente uma formatação conglomerada cruzada com oito subparcelas.Palavras-chave:  Inventário Florestal; amostragem por conglomerado; tamanho de parcela; correlação intraconglomerado; estrutura amostral. AbstractStructural analysis of the maltese cross unit in the Tapajós National Forest, State of Pará, Brazil. This work studied the structural form of the Maltese cross cluster, considering three variables to quantify wood volume, using 25 different sizes of sub-sampling, to define the cluster ideal size through the Maximum Curvature Method and, from this, to study 17 different distances from the sub-sampling to the cluster central point. The results indicated a size equal to 0,32 ha for a distance of 100 m. When used a sub-sampling size of 0,25 ha, the distance between them and the central point can not be less than 50 m. It was observed that the number of sub-sampling necessary to structuralize a cluster increases when the size decreases, which was verified when the magnitude reached 0,12 ha, where the values of the intracluster correlation coefficients for the three studied variables varied between 0,055 to 0,087 and, consequently, the number of sub-sampling varied from 5,596 to 7,193, denoting to be more efficient a cluster structure in crossed shape, but showing eight sub-sampling.Keywords:              Forest Inventory; cluster sampling; sub-sampling size; intracluster correlation; sampling structure.This work studied the structural form of the Maltese cross cluster, considering three variables to quantify wood volume, using 25 different sizes of sub-sampling, to define the cluster ideal size through the Maximum Curvature Method and, from this, to study 17 different distances from the sub-sampling to the cluster central point. The results indicated a size equal to 0,32 ha for a distance of 100 m. When used a sub-sampling size of 0,25 ha, the distance between them and the central point can not be less than 50 m. It was observed that the number of sub-sampling necessary to structuralize a cluster increases when the size decreases, which was verified when the magnitude reached 0,12 ha, where the values of the intracluster correlation coefficients for the three studied variables varied between 0,055 to 0,087 and, consequently, the number of sub-sampling varied from 5,596 to 7,193, denoting to be more efficient a cluster structure in crossed shape, but showing eight sub-sampling

    Habilidades de denominación infantil y la calidad de los ambientes

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo relacionar a qualidade dos ambientes familiar, escolar e de vizinhança às habilidades de nomeação de crianças na educação infantil. Participaram desta investigação 64 crianças de 24 a 60 meses de idade e um familiar de cada uma. Foi aplicado o Teste Infantil de Nomeação, e, para mensurar a qualidade dos ambientes, adotaram-se o Índice de Pobreza da Família, o Inventário de Recursos do Ambiente Familiar, o Instrumento de Qualidade da Vizinhança e a escala ECERS-R para o ambiente escolar. Foi identificado que 45,3% das crianças obtiveram escore alto no Teste Infantil de Nomeação. Desse modo, a relação entre as variáveis apontou que a renda e a escolaridade dos familiares, assim como as atividades conjuntas entre adultos e crianças, foram os fatores mais associados ao desfecho da linguagem, o que realça a importância de monitorar as habilidades de nomeação e os fatores de qualidade dos ambientes.The objective was to relate the quality of family, school, and neighborhood environments to the naming skills of children in early childhood education. Sixtyfour (64) children from 24 to 60 months of age and one family member from each participated. The Child Naming Test, the Family Poverty Index, the Home Environment Resources Scale, and the Neighborhood Quality Instrument were applied to measure the quality of the environments, and the ECERS-R Scale was applied to measure the school environment. It was identified that 45.3% of the children obtained a high score in the Child Naming Test. Thus, the relationship between the variables pointed out that family members’ income and education and joint activities between adults and children were the factors most associated with the outcome of language, which highlights the importance of monitoring language skills and the quality factors of the environments.El objetivo fue relacionar la calidad del entorno familiar, escolar y comunitario con las habilidades de denominación de los niños en la educación infantil. Participaron 64 niños de 24 a 60 meses y un familiar de cada uno. Para evaluar el lenguaje, se aplicó la Prueba de Denominación Infantil. Para medir la calidad de los entornos, se aplicaron el Índice de Pobreza Familiar, el Inventario de Recursos del Entorno Familiar, el Instrumento de Calidad Comunitaria y la escala ECERS-R. La mayoría de los niños (45,3%) se ajustan a la puntuación más alta en la Prueba de Denominación Infantil. Así, la relación entre las variables señaló que el ingreso familiar y la educación, así como las actividades conjuntas entre adultos y niños fueron los factores más asociados al resultado del lenguaje, lo que resalta la importancia de monitorear las habilidades de denominación y los facto-res de calidad de los entornos


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    Principal components and factor analysis were used to evaluate the applicability of the linear model IVI = a 1 A r + a 2 D r + a 3 F r for obtaining indexes of value of importance ( IVI ) for tree species, where A r is relative abundance, D r is the relative dominance and F r is the relative frequency, to compare with the standard univariate method that considers a 1 = a 2 = a 3 =1 . The data comprised a sample of 104.04 ha, located in Tapajós National Forest, Belterra municipality, state of Pará, covering of a set of 36 clusters of 4 ha each, Malta croos-shaped, with four subplots of 1ha each. To obtain the IVI’s by species within each cluster, each subplot was subdivided each into 5 sub-subplots of 0.2 ha each. The analysis revealed that the values obtained by multivariable differ from those obtained by the standard equation. It was also found that the values of univariate and multivariate indices vary significantly within the forest, and therefore are not recommended, as they usually are, to infer a single value for the whole forest area, because species considered of minor importance for the overall forest may be of great importance in particular subareas. The use of linear model with a 1 = a 2 = a 3 =1 is not suitable, because of the wide variation of the coefficients among species and their spatial distribution in the forest

    Modelos de self en familias de prsonas con espina bífida

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    Models of self reveal cultural views regarding the competences that children should acquire, and these views tend to be shared by people within the same environment. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the models of self in families of people with spina bifida. Seventeen caregivers answered an online questionnaire containing socio-demographic questions and three scales of self: autonomous, related and autonomous-related. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and techniques of multivariate analysis. The main results indicate that the most valued model of self was the autonomous-related model, reflecting the desire that children develop autonomy as well as interpersonal relationships. Such a model, however, is distinct from that of family groups of people with typical development living in the same cultural environment, indicating the need for families of people with spina bifida to receive support to reach their developmental goals.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorOs modelos de self revelam a visão cultural acerca das competências que as crianças devem adquirir e tendem a ser compartilhados pelas pessoas que integram o mesmo ambiente. Neste sentido, este estudo objetiva avaliar os modelos de self em famílias de pessoas com espinha bífida. Dezessete cuidadores responderam um questionário virtual contendo questões sociodemográficas e três Escalas de Self: Autônomo, Relacionado e Autônomo Relacionado. Os dados foram tratados por meio de estatística descritiva, com técnicas de análises multivariadas. Os principais resultados indicam que o modelo de self mais valorizado foi o autônomo relacional que se reflete no desejo que os filhos e filhas desenvolvam a autonomia e, também, relacionamentos interpessoais. Tal modelo, porém, distingue-se dos grupos familiares de pessoas com desenvolvimento típico que residem no mesmo ambiente cultural, o que evidencia a necessidade das famílias de pessoas com espinha bífida receberem apoio para alcançarem seus alvos desenvolvimentais.Los modelos de self revelan la visión cultural de las habilidades que los niños deben adquirir y suelen ser compartidos por personas que pertenecen a un mismo entorno. Así, este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los modelos de self en familias de personas con espina bífida. Diecisiete cuidadores contestaron un cuestionario virtual que contiene preguntas demográficas y tres Escalas de Self: Autónomo, Relacional y Autónomo-relacional. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva, con las técnicas del análisis multivariado. Los principales resultados indican que el modelo de self más valorado es el autónomo relacional, que se refleja en el deseo de que los hijos e hijas puedan desarrollar la autonomía y también las relaciones interpersonales. Este hallazgo es distinto de los grupos familiares de personas con desarrollo típico del mismo entorno cultural. Por eso, las familias de personas con espina bífida deben recibir apoyo para lograr sus objetivos de desarrollo.FREIRE, V. R. B. P; VALENTE, M. D. R; PONTES, F. A. R; SILVA, S. S. C. Universidade Federal d Par

    Comparação de tamanhos e distâncias de subparcelas aplicadas em processo de amostragem por conglomerado Comparison of sizes and distances of subplots applied in the process of cluster sampling

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    Realizou-se um estudo com unidades amostrais conglomeradas de estrutura cruzada usando banco de dados de inventário florestal 100% de uma Unidade de produção Anual (UPA-08), localizada na fazenda Martins no alto Pacajá, Município de Portel, Estado do Pará, para estudar os efeitos da variação entre e dentro dos conglomerados usando como referência três variáveis resposta: i) VT = Volume total de madeira das 77 espécies florestais encontradas na área de estudo; ii) VO = Volume Total das 10 espécies florestais de maior ocorrência e volume na área de estudo; e iii) VC = Volume Total das 10 espécies florestais mais comercializadas pela empresa Cikel, tendo como objetivo determinar o tamanho e a distância ideal de subparcelas a partir do Método da Curvatura Máxima, uma vez definido o tamanho, sua área é fixada e então são estudadas cinco diferentes valores para determinar a distancia ideal do centro do conglomerado até as subparcelas e entre as mesmas. Os resultados permitiram inferir que o tamanho de subparcela 0,10 ha, a distância de 50 m entre as subparcelas, e a estrutura cruzada com 8 (subparcelas) são eficientes para estimar os parâmetros estudados.We conducted a study with sample units of conglomerate structure using cross-database of forest inventory 100% of Annual Production Unit (APU-08), located at the Top Pacajá Martins farm, municipality of Portel-PA to study the effects of variation between and within clusters with reference to three response variables they were: i) VT = Total volume of wood of 77 tree species found in the study area, ii) VO = Total Volume of the 10 most frequent tree species and volume in the study area and, iii) Vt = Total volume of 10 forest species Cikel more commercialized by the company we aimed to determine the ideal size and distance of plots from the Method of Maximum Curvature, once defined the size, its area was fixed and then there was tested five different values to determine the ideal distance from the center of the conglomerate to the plots and between them. Results showed that the size of 0.10 ha plot, the distance of 50 m between plots, and cross-structure with 8 subplots are efficient for estimating the parameters