7,455 research outputs found

    ASPs: snakes or ladders for mathematics?

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    Jornada de D. Luis Méndez de Haro y Guzmán a Extremadura , 1658-1659: implicaciones para la política internacional española del momento

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    En este artículo se examina la jornada de Haro en Extremadura, así como sus implicaciones para la política internacional española del momento. La larga ausencia de D. Luis, el valido de Felipe IV, de la corte hace que el monarca se apoye cada vez menos en él y que empiece a dejarse asesorar principalmente por Balbases y Medina de las Torres. Además, la estrepitosa derrota de Elvas en enero de 1659 obliga al valido a regresar a Madrid totalmente humillado y evita que se vuelva a colocar inmediatamente en la cúpula del poder. De hecho, tal es la debilidad de su posición en esta época que Haro es incapaz de impedir la ratificación del tratado negociado con Francia en París pese a estar convencido de que se trata de un documento indecoroso e inaceptable. No obstante, aprovecha sus conversaciones con Mazarino en los Pirineos para mejorar notablemente los términos de la paz y, al mismo tiempo, recuperar plenamente su papel como valido.En aquest article s'examina l'expedició d'Haro a Extremadura, així com les seves implicacions per a la política internacional espanyola del moment. La llarga absència de D. Luis, el privat de Felip IV, de la cort fa que el monarca s'hi recolzi cada vegada menys i que comenci a deixar-se assessorar principalment per Balbases i Medina de las Torres. A més, l'estrepitosa derrota d'Elvas al gener del 1659 obliga el favorit del rei a tornar a Madrid totalment humiliat i evita que es torni a col·locar immediatament a la cúpula del poder. De fet, la debilitat de la seva posició és tan gran en aquesta època que Haro és incapaç d'impedir la ratificació del tractat negociat amb França a París malgrat estar convençut que es tracta d'un document indecorós i inacceptable. No obstant això, aprofita les seves converses amb Mazzarino als Pirineus per millorar notablement els termes de la pau i, a la vegada, recuperar plenament el seu paper com a preferit del rei.This article examines the expedition undertaken by Haro - the favourite of King Philip IV - to Extremadura and its implications for Spanish foreign policy at the time. As a result of Haro's long absence from court, Philip IV came to rely increasingly less on his favourite as he sought advice especially from Balbases and Medina de las Torres. Furthermore, the resounding defeat he suffered at Elvas in January of 1659 forced Haro to return to Madrid completely humiliated, thus preventing him from immediately regaining his former position within the circles of power. In fact, such was Haro's weakness at this time that he was unable to block the ratification of the preliminary treaty negotiated with France in Paris despite his conviction that the agreement was indecorous and hence unacceptable. Nevertheless, he subsequently took advantage of his conversations with Mazarin in the Pyrenees to improve the final terms of the treaty and regain his position as favourite

    The postal service an the Peace of Pyrenees

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    Predictors of outcome in cardiac disease: The role of personality and illness cognitions

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    Background: Coronary heart disease can have a long lasting impact on affected individuals in terms of both physical and psychological adjustment and quality of life. It is, therefore, important to investigate determinants of outcome in these patients. The thesis has four main aims; (i) to investigate predictors of outcome (adherence, quality of life, functional impairment, psychological distress and benefit finding) post-myocardial infarction (MI); (ii) to determine the prevalence and stability of Type D personality in the UK; (iii) to determine if personality predicts outcome after controlling for mood, demographic and clinical factors, and (iv) to investigate potential mechanisms which may explain the link between personality and poor prognosis in cardiac patients. Method: Five studies were conducted. In Studies 1-3, participants completed measures of Type D personality, health-related behaviour, social support and neuroticism. In Study 4, participants completed an experimental stressor with cardiovascular monitoring. Study 5 was a prospective study in which 131 MI patients completed measures of personality, illness cognitions and outcome at two time points, 3-5 days post-MI, then again 3 months later. Results: The prevalence of Type D personality in the UK is 39% in the healthy population, and 34% in the cardiac population. In addition, Type D is predictive of adherence, quality of life, and functional impairment in post-MI patients after controlling for mood, demographics, and clinical factors. Five possible mechanisms (health-related behaviour, adherence, social support, cardiovascular reactivity, and illness perceptions) by which Type D may lead to adverse outcome in cardiac patients were identified. Mood predicted quality of life and functional impairment post-MI, illness perceptions predicted quality of life post-MI, and future thinking predicted quality of life, functional impairment and depression post-MI. Discussion: These findings have important therapeutic and theoretical implications for understanding the role of personality and illness cognitions in the short-term recovery of post-MI patients

    An evaluation of distributed practice using constant time delay in the acquisition of sight words with children

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    Although, distributed practice has been demonstrated to be superior to massed practice for learning, studies examining the degree of distribution needed to obtain this effect remain lacking. This study extends prior research by (1) determining if there is a difference in distributed practice schedules, when the total time to practice remains constant, (2) determining which schedule produces the superior amount of learning, and (3) determining which schedule produces superior retention of learned materials across time. Study participants were general education elementary school students referred for reading assistance. The constant time delay procedure was used to teach the participants sight words. Efficacy of the teaching schedules was evaluated across different word sets and a control set in an adapted alternating treatments design. Data were collected through the six-week intervention and at a two-week follow-up. Results indicated for these participants on this task twice per week and four times per week were similarly effective and that these schedules were more effective than practice occurring once per week. When differences emerged for follow-up data practice four times per week was superior. These results suggest that there may there are differences between distributed practice schedules for some students and outcomes, but clearly additional research is clearly needed in this area. This is an important area of investigation for school psychologists because of its implications for the design of prereferral interventions and IEPs

    Children\u27s Ability to Utilize the Mnemonic Keyword Method: An Educational Application Within Fourth-Grade Classrooms.

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    Research has shown that the mnemonic keyword method is an effective study strategy under controlled laboratory-type situations with subjects learning decontextualized facts. Very few studies have actually tested the mnemonic keyword method within the context of a normal fourth grade classroom and learning situation. The purpose of this study, then, was to demonstrate the viability of the mnemonic keyword method as a study strategy when compared to notetaking/outlining, a common study strategy recommended by fourth grade curricula. The subjects were 106 fourth graders enrolled in four classes at a rural elementary school. Data were collected over a four week period which included both instructional and transfer phases. During the first week, intact classes were instructed by the researcher in either the mnemonic keyword method or notetaking/outlining during the reading period. During the second week, the researcher continued instruction in each study strategy by demonstrating how the strategy could be applied to a unit in social studies. During the third and fourth weeks, the subjects were instructed by the classroom teachers who used researcher-provided instructional scripts for social studies and science units. During this transfer phase, subjects were not encouraged to utilize any particular method, but rather were instructed to use their best study strategy to learn the information. Each unit in weeks two through four was followed by assessment measures and study strategy questionnaires. Data were analyzed using a repeated measures MANOVA on the tests administered during the instructional phase, a MANOVA on the social studies transfer, and a MANCOVA on the science transfer. Results indicated that there were no statistically significant results on any of the testing measures. However, the overall results were promising as the subjects instructed in the mnemonic keyword method performed equally as well as those instructed in notetaking/outlining on all measures. This indicates that the mnemonic keyword strategy, while not superior to notetaking/outlining, is indeed a practical study method applicable to normal classroom use

    We Are Not These Bodies: Identity and Transcendence Among American Devotees of Krishna

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    This paper discusses the ways in which American devotees of Krishna understand their identities. Some second-generation Asian Americans have criticized American Krishna devotees of cultural appropriation, but devotees defend themselves against this claim with a philosophy of bodily transcendence. Many devotees practice transcendence through a rejection of nationalism and sectarianism. The paper also considers vegetarianism and ISKCON\u27s attitude toward animals