15,855 research outputs found

    The Impact of the 1996 SSI Childhood Disability Reforms: Evidence from Matched SIPP-SSA Data

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    The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 changed the definition of disability used to determine eligibility for disabled children under the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program and made other changes in the program. The law required the redetermination of eligibility status for children potentially affected by the new definition of disability. As a result, an estimated 100,000 children were expected to lose SSI benefits. The goal of this paper is to understand the impact of benefit loss on affected children and their families. The analysis draws on data from the 1992, 1993 and 1996 panels of the Survey of Income and Program Participation matched with Social Security Administration records on SSI program participation. The data are used to analyze the impact of the loss of SSI income as a result of the 1996 legislation on family labor supply, welfare program participation, and income and poverty. Compared with families that lost SSI benefits due to normal attrition from the program, the excess benefit loss due to the 1996 childhood disability reforms is associated with lower levels of family labor supply, higher levels of participation in AFDC/TANF and food stamps, and lower levels of family income relative to poverty. For some outcomes, these effects—measured one month after benefit loss—persist for up to 12 months.

    Preschool and School Readiness: Experiences of Children With Non-English-Speaking Parents

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    Examines gaps in school readiness among low-income children, especially those in immigrant and linguistically isolated families; the type of early care and education they receive; and the need for targeted center-based preschool programs to close gaps

    First-order nature of the ferromagnetic phase transition in (La-Ca)MnO_3 near optimal doping

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    Neutron scattering has been used to study the nature of the ferromagnetic transition in single crystals of La_0.7Ca_0.3MnO_3 and La_0.8Ca_0.2MnO_3, and polycrystalline samples of La_0.67Ca_0.33MnO_3 and La_5/8Ca_3/8MnO_3 where the naturally occurring O-16 can be replaced with the O-18 isotope. Small angle neutron scattering on the x=0.3 single crystal reveals a discontinuous change in the scattering at the Curie temperature for wave vectors below ~0.065 A^-1. Strong relaxation effects are observed for this domain scattering, for the magnetic order parameter, and for the quasielastic scattering, demonstrating that the transition is not continuous in nature. There is a large oxygen isotope effect observed for the T_C in the polycrystalline samples. For the optimally doped x=3/8 sample we observed T_C(O-16)=266.5 K and T_C(O-18)=261.5 K at 90% O-18 substitution. The temperature dependence of the spin-wave stiffness is found to be identical for the two samples despite changes in T_C. Hence, T_C is not solely determined by the magnetic subsystem, but instead the ferromagnetic phase is truncated by the formation of polarons which cause an abrupt transition to the paramagnetic, insulating state. Application of uniaxial stress in the x=0.3 single crystal sharply enhances the polaron scattering at room temperature. Measurements of the phonon density-of-states show only modest differences above and below T_C and between the two different isotopic samples.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of Light Nuclei Using Chiral Potentials

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    We present the first Green's function Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei with nuclear interactions derived from chiral effective field theory up to next-to-next-to-leading order. Up to this order, the interactions can be constructed in a local form and are therefore amenable to quantum Monte Carlo calculations. We demonstrate a systematic improvement with each order for the binding energies of A=3A=3 and A=4A=4 systems. We also carry out the first few-body tests to study perturbative expansions of chiral potentials at different orders, finding that higher-order corrections are more perturbative for softer interactions. Our results confirm the necessity of a three-body force for correct reproduction of experimental binding energies and radii, and pave the way for studying few- and many-nucleon systems using quantum Monte Carlo methods with chiral interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables. Updated references. Cosmetic changes to figures, tables, and equations; added a sentence clarifying the correspondence between our real-space cutoffs and momentum-space cutoffs. Other sentences were reworded for clarit

    The Cell Wall Teichuronic Acid Synthetase (TUAS) Is an Enzyme Complex Located in the Cytoplasmic Membrane of Micrococcus luteus

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    The cell wall teichuronic acid (TUA) of Micrococcus luteus is a long-chain polysaccharide composed of disaccharide repeating units [-4-β-D-ManNAcAp-(1→6)α-D-Glcp−1-]n, which is covalently anchored to the peptidoglycan on the inner cell wall and extended to the outer surface of the cell envelope. An enzyme complex responsible for the TUA chain biosynthesis was purified and characterized. The 440kDa enzyme complex, named teichuronic acid synthetase (TUAS), is an octomer composed of two kinds of glycosyltransferases, Glucosyltransferase, and ManNAcA-transferase, which is capable of catalyzing the transfer of disaccharide glycosyl residues containing both glucose and the N-acetylmannosaminuronic acid residues. TUAS displays hydrophobic properties and is found primarily associated with the cytoplasmic membrane. The purified TUAS contains carotinoids and lipids. TUAS activity is diminished by phospholipase digestion. We propose that TUAS serves as a multitasking polysaccharide assembling station on the bacterial membrane.National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Public Health Service Grants AI-08295); American Lung Association (RG-107-N

    The use of the Winograd matrix multiplication algorithm in digital multispectral processing

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    The Winograd procedure for matrix multiplication provides a method whereby general matrix products may be computed more efficiently than the normal method. The algorithm and the time savings that can be effected are described. A FORTRAN program is provided which performs a general matrix multiply according to this algorithm. A variation of this procedure that may be used to calculate Gaussian probability density functions is also described. It is shown how a time savings can be effected in this calculation. The extension of this method to other similar calculations should yield similar savings

    Signatures of few-body resonances in finite volume

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    We study systems of bosons and fermions in finite periodic boxes and show how the existence and properties of few-body resonances can be extracted from studying the volume dependence of the calculated energy spectra. Using a plane-wave-based discrete variable representation to conveniently implement periodic boundary conditions, we establish that avoided level crossings occur in the spectra of up to four particles and can be linked to the existence of multi-body resonances. To benchmark our method we use two-body calculations, where resonance properties can be determined with other methods, as well as a three-boson model interaction known to generate a three-boson resonance state. Finding good agreement for these cases, we then predict three-body and four-body resonances for models using a shifted Gaussian potential. Our results establish few-body finite-volume calculations as a new tool to study few-body resonances. In particular, the approach can be used to study few-neutron systems, where such states have been conjectured to exist.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, published versio

    Is a Trineutron Resonance Lower in Energy than a Tetraneutron Resonance?

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    We present quantum Monte Carlo calculations of few-neutron systems confined in external potentials based on local chiral interactions at next-to-next-to-leading order in chiral effective field theory. The energy and radial densities for these systems are calculated in different external Woods-Saxon potentials. We assume that their extrapolation to zero external-potential depth provides a quantitative estimate of three- and four-neutron resonances. The validity of this assumption is demonstrated by benchmarking with an exact diagonalization in the two-body case. We find that the extrapolated trineutron resonance, as well as the energy for shallow well depths, is lower than the tetraneutron resonance energy. This suggests that a three-neutron resonance exists below a four-neutron resonance in nature and is potentially measurable. To confirm that the relative ordering of three- and four-neutron resonances is not an artifact of the external confinement, we test that the odd-even staggering in the helium isotopic chain is reproduced within this approach. Finally, we discuss similarities between our results and ultracold Fermi gases.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, version compatible with published lette

    Unusual Coupling Between Field-induced Spin Fluctuations and Spin Density Wave in Intermetallic CeAg2Ge2

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    We report on the experimental evidences for an unusual coupling between the magnetic field- induced fluctuations of correlated Ce-ions coinciding with the discontinuous movement of the underlying spin density wave in the intermetallic rare earth compound CeAg2Ge2. The measurements performed using neutron scattering and magnetic Gruneisen ratio methods suggest that the coupling onsets at H= 2.7 T, T < 3.8 K and persists to the lowest measurement temperature T ~ 0.05 K. These measurements suggest a new mechanism behind the spin fluctuations which can affect the intrinsic properties of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Strongly correlated electrons syste

    Uncorrelated and correlated nanoscale lattice distortions in the paramagnetic phase of magnetoresistive manganites

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    Neutron scattering measurements on a magnetoresistive manganite La0.75_{0.75}(Ca0.45_{0.45}Sr0.55_{0.55})0.25_{0.25}MnO3_3 show that uncorrelated dynamic polaronic lattice distortions are present in both the orthorhombic (O) and rhombohedral (R) paramagnetic phases. The uncorrelated distortions do not exhibit any significant anomaly at the O-to-R transition. Thus, both the paramagnetic phases are inhomogeneous on the nanometer scale, as confirmed further by strong damping of the acoustic phonons and by the anomalous Debye-Waller factors in these phases. In contrast, recent x-ray measurements and our neutron data show that polaronic correlations are present only in the O phase. In optimally doped manganites, the R phase is metallic, while the O paramagnetic state is insulating (or semiconducting). These measurements therefore strongly suggest that the {\it correlated} lattice distortions are primarily responsible for the insulating character of the paramagnetic state in magnetoresistive manganites.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures embedde