109 research outputs found

    Special topic: The association between pulse ingredients and canine dilated cardiomyopathy: addressing the knowledge gaps before establishing causation.

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    In July 2018, the Food and Drug Administration warned about a possible relationship between dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs and the consumption of dog food formulated with potatoes and pulse ingredients. This issue may impede utilization of pulse ingredients in dog food or consideration of alternative proteins. Pulse ingredients have been used in the pet food industry for over 2 decades and represent a valuable source of protein to compliment animal-based ingredients. Moreover, individual ingredients used in commercial foods do not represent the final nutrient concentration of the complete diet. Thus, nutritionists formulating dog food must balance complementary ingredients to fulfill the animal's nutrient needs in the final diet. There are multiple factors that should be considered, including differences in nutrient digestibility and overall bioavailability, the fermentability and quantity of fiber, and interactions among food constituents that can increase the risk of DCM development. Taurine is a dispensable amino acid that has been linked to DCM in dogs. As such, adequate supply of taurine and/or precursors for taurine synthesis plays an important role in preventing DCM. However, requirements of amino acids in dogs are not well investigated and are presented in total dietary content basis which does not account for bioavailability or digestibility. Similarly, any nutrient (e.g., soluble and fermentable fiber) or physiological condition (e.g., size of the dog, sex, and age) that increases the requirement for taurine will also augment the possibility for DCM development. Dog food formulators should have a deep knowledge of processing methodologies and nutrient interactions beyond meeting the Association of American Feed Control Officials nutrient profiles and should not carelessly follow unsubstantiated market trends. Vegetable ingredients, including pulses, are nutritious and can be used in combination with complementary ingredients to meet the nutritional needs of the dog

    A Praziquantel Treatment Study of Immune and Transcriptome Profiles in Schistosoma haematobium-Infected Gabonese Schoolchildren.

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    BACKGROUND: Although Schistosoma haematobium infection has been reported to be associated with alterations in immune function, in particular immune hyporesponsiveness, there have been only few studies that have used the approach of removing infection by drug treatment to establish this and to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms. METHODS: Schistosoma haematobium-infected schoolchildren were studied before and after praziquantel treatment and compared with uninfected controls. Cellular responses were characterized by cytokine production and flow cytometry, and in a subset of children RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) transcriptome profiling was performed. RESULTS: Removal of S haematobium infection resulted in increased schistosome-specific cytokine responses that were negatively associated with CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T-cells and accompanied by increased frequency of effector memory T-cells. Innate responses to Toll like receptor (TLR) ligation decreased with treatment and showed positive association with CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T-cells. At the transcriptome level, schistosome infection was associated with enrichment in cell adhesion, whereas parasite removal was associated with a more quiescent profile. Further analysis indicated that alteration in cellular energy metabolism was associated with S haematobium infection and that the early growth response genes 2 and 3 (EGR 2 and EGR3), transcription factors that negatively regulate T-cell activation, may play a role in adaptive immune hyporesponsiveness. CONCLUSIONS: Using a longitudinal study design, we found contrasting effects of schistosome infection on innate and adaptive immune responses. Whereas the innate immune system appears more activated, the adaptive immunity is in a hyporesponsive state reflected in alterations in CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T-cells, cellular metabolism, and transcription factors involved in anergy

    Circulating CD14brightCD16+ 'intermediate' monocytes exhibit enhanced parasite pattern recognition in human helminth infection.

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    Circulating monocyte sub-sets have recently emerged as mediators of divergent immune functions during infectious disease but their role in helminth infection has not been investigated. In this study we evaluated whether 'classical' (CD14brightCD16-), 'intermediate' (CD14brightCD16+), and 'non-classical' (CD14dimCD16+) monocyte sub-sets from peripheral blood mononuclear cells varied in both abundance and ability to bind antigenic material amongst individuals living in a region of Northern Senegal which is co-endemic for Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium. Monocyte recognition of excretory/secretory (E/S) products released by skin-invasive cercariae, or eggs, of S. mansoni was assessed by flow cytometry and compared between S. mansoni mono-infected, S. mansoni and S. haematobium co-infected, and uninfected participants. Each of the three monocyte sub-sets in the different infection groups bound schistosome E/S material. However, 'intermediate' CD14brightCD16+ monocytes had a significantly enhanced ability to bind cercarial and egg E/S. Moreover, this elevation of ligand binding was particularly evident in co-infected participants. This is the first demonstration of modulated parasite pattern recognition in CD14brightCD16+ intermediate monocytes during helminth infection, which may have functional consequences for the ability of infected individuals to respond immunologically to infection

    Enhanced Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Responses following Toll-Like-Receptor Ligation in Schistosoma haematobium-Infected Schoolchildren from Rural Gabon

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    BACKGROUND: Schistosoma infection is thought to lead to down-regulation of the host's immune response. This has been shown for adaptive immune responses, but the effect on innate immunity, that initiates and shapes the adaptive response, has not been extensively studied. In a first study to characterize these responses, we investigated the effect of Schistosoma haematobium infection on cytokine responses of Gabonese schoolchildren to a number of Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands. METHODOLOGY: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were collected from S. haematobium-infected and uninfected schoolchildren from the rural area of Zile in Gabon. PBMCs were incubated for 24 h and 72 h with various TLR ligands, as well as schistosomal egg antigen (SEA) and adult worm antigen (AWA). Pro-inflammatory TNF-alpha and anti-inflammatory/regulatory IL-10 cytokine concentrations were determined in culture supernatants. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Infected children produced higher adaptive IL-10 responses than uninfected children against schistosomal antigens (72 h incubation). On the other hand, infected children had higher TNF-alpha responses than uninfected children and significantly higher TNF-alpha to IL-10 ratios in response to FSL-1 and Pam3, ligands of TLR2/6 and TLR2/1 respectively. A similar trend was observed for the TLR4 ligand LPS while Poly(I:C) (Mda5/TLR3 ligand) did not induce substantial cytokine responses (24 h incubation). CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study shows that Schistosoma-infected children develop a more pro-inflammatory TLR2-mediated response in the face of a more anti-inflammatory adaptive immune response. This suggests that S. haematobium infection does not suppress the host's innate immune system in the context of single TLR ligation

    Genome-wide meta-analysis of 158,000 individuals of European ancestry identifies three loci associated with chronic back pain

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    Back pain is the #1 cause of years lived with disability worldwide, yet surprisingly little is known regarding the biology underlying this symptom. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analysis of ch

    Time-to-Event Genome-Wide Association Study for Incident Cardiovascular Disease in People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) confers a two- to three-fold increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, the mechanisms underlying increased CVD risk among people with T2D are only partially understood. We hypothesized that a genetic association study among people with T2D at risk for developing incident cardiovascular complications could provide insights into molecular genetic aspects underlying CVD. METHODS: From 16 studies of the Cohorts for Heart & Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium, we conducted a multi-ancestry time-to-event genome-wide association study (GWAS) for incident CVD among people with T2D using Cox proportional hazards models. Incident CVD was defined based on a composite of coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, and cardiovascular death that occurred at least one year after the diagnosis of T2D. Cohort-level estimated effect sizes were combined using inverse variance weighted fixed effects meta-analysis. We also tested 204 known CAD variants for association with incident CVD among patients with T2D. RESULTS: A total of 49,230 participants with T2D were included in the analyses (31,118 European ancestries and 18,112 non-European ancestries) which consisted of 8,956 incident CVD cases over a range of mean follow-up duration between 3.2 and 33.7 years (event rate 18.2%). We identified three novel, distinct genetic loci for incident CVD among individuals with T2D that reached the threshold for genome-wide significance ( P<5.0×10 -8): rs147138607 (intergenic variant between CACNA1E and ZNF648) with a hazard ratio (HR) 1.23, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.15 - 1.32, P=3.6×10 -9, rs11444867 (intergenic variant near HS3ST1) with HR 1.89, 95% CI 1.52 - 2.35, P=9.9×10 -9, and rs335407 (intergenic variant between TFB1M and NOX3) HR 1.25, 95% CI 1.16 - 1.35, P=1.5×10 -8. Among 204 known CAD loci, 32 were associated with incident CVD in people with T2D with P<0.05, and 5 were significant after Bonferroni correction ( P<0.00024, 0.05/204). A polygenic score of these 204 variants was significantly associated with incident CVD with HR 1.14 (95% CI 1.12 - 1.16) per 1 standard deviation increase ( P=1.0×10 -16). CONCLUSIONS: The data point to novel and known genomic regions associated with incident CVD among individuals with T2D

    Hepatitis-C-Meldedaten nach IfSG, 2016 – 2018: Auswirkungen der Änderungen von Falldefinition und Meldepflicht

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    Im Zeitraum 2016–2018 ist die Inzidenz übermittelter Hepatitis-C-Virus-Infektionen angestiegen. Wie das Epidemiologische Bulletin 30/2019 ausführt, wurde nach einem zuvor (bis 2016) zu beobachtenden Abfall der Meldeinzidenz vermutlich v. a. bedingt durch die Einengung der Falldefinition (nach der nur noch aktive Infektionen mit Erregernachweis die labordiagnostischen Kriterien erfüllen) seit 2017 ein deutlicher Anstieg der Meldeinzidenz beobachtet (verursacht v. a. durch die IfSG-Novellierung, aber auch mglw. durch vermehrte Testung und bessere Therapiemöglichkeiten). Deutschland hat sich den Eliminationszielen viraler Hepatitis der WHO bis 2030 verschrieben. Um diese zu erreichen, besteht Verbesserungsbedarf bei der Fallfindung, Prävention und Behandlung insbesondere von besonders betroffenen Gruppen, die in der Regel marginalisiert und schwer zu erreichen sind: Drogengebrauchende, Inhaftierte, MigrantInnen aus Ländern mit hoher Prävalenz.Peer Reviewe

    Hepatitis C im Jahr 2017

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    Am 28. Juli 2018 findet der diesjährige Welt-Hepatitis-Tag unter dem Motto „Hepatitis: Findet die fehlenden Millionen!“ statt. Aus diesem Anlass widmen sich zwei Ausgaben des Epidemiologischen Bulletins der Hepatitis-Situation, zunächst ist am 19. Juli 2018 die Ausgabe 29 zu Hepatitis C erschienen, eine Woche später folgt die Ausgabe 30 zu Hepatitis B und Hepatitis D. Infektionen mit Hepatitis-C-Viren gehören zu den häufigsten Infektionskrankheiten weltweit. Sie zählen zu den bedeutendsten Usachen von Leberzirrhose und Leberzellkarzinom. Die antiviralen Behandlungsoptionenen haben sich seit 2016 weiter weiter verbessert und vereinfacht. Seit 2014 können die meisten chronischen Infektionen durch eine effektive medikamentöse Therapie geheilt und damit bei rechtzeitiger Behandlung Spätfolgen verhindert werden. Da die Infektion häufig asymptomatisch verläuft, sollten Gruppen mit hohem Risiko und erhöhter Prävalenz gescreent und regelmäßig getestet werden. Zu den besonders betroffenen Gruppen gehören Personen, die sich Drogen injizieren, HIV-Infizierte und Haftinsassen. Hepatitis C wird in erster Linie auf dem Blutweg übertragen.Peer Reviewe
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